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VOL. 11.
A.D. 1381— 1385*
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Preface -------- v
Corrigenda - - - - - - - vi
Calendar - - - - - - - 1
General Index ------- 641
Wt. 32813. 375. 5/20. H.T. Ltd.
( V )
The present volume forms part of a series of Calendars
of the Close Rolls from the reign of Edward I. to that
of Edward IV., the object and character of which are
explained in the Preface to the first volume for the reign of
Edward II. (a.d. 1307-1313). The text has been prepared,
with the sanction of the Ivords Commissioners of His
Majesty's Treasury, by Mr. W. H. B. Bird, M.A., and the
Index has been compiled by Mr. G. J. Morris, late an
Assistant Record Keeper.
Public Record Office,
August, 1919.
Wt. 32813.
( vi )
p. 200, litie 6. For Richard read William.
/;. 321, lim 30. For Kenentheles read Keventheles.
p. 515, line 9 from foot. For Landeneilok read Landeveilok.
p. 529, line b from foot. For Sulgeue read Sulgene.
p. 671. Brancroft. For in Finningley cos. Nottingham and York read
in Austerfield co. York.
p. 686. After Gary, William dele clerk,
p. 772. Knabbewell. Dele See Quobwell, and read in Steeple Lavington
CO. Wilts, 149.
p. 831. Z)eZe Quobwell etc.
July 4.
July 8.
atte Bower.
July 10.
July 16.
St. Albans.
Membrane 42.
To A. archbishop of York. Order to cause all the fencible men of
the clergy of that diocese or dwelling therein between the ages of
sixteen and sixty to be furnished with arms, arrayed and kept in
array, ready to march with the archbishop for defence of the realm
when danger threatens by invasions of the king's enemies which it is
said they are preparing, as it is the king's desire to resist the hurt
and peril that may thereby happen, and also ready to put down any
lieges of those parts who shall rise in unlawful assemblies or levies
contrary to the peace, and order if need be to compel them so to do ;
and writ of aid in favour of the archbishop to that end. By K.
Et erat patens.
To the keeper, farmer or receiver for the time being of the lordship
of Kaerdyf, in the king's hand by reason of the nonage of the heir
of Edward le Despenser. Order to pay brother John Trem3rr 20s.
a year granted him for life by the said Edward lord of Glomorgan and
Morgannok at his exchequer of Kaerdyf, and the arrears since the
late king's death, who confirmed that grant ; as on 24 May last the
king also confirmed the same. By K.
Et erat patens.
To Thomas West and John de Roches and their fellows, appointed
to chastise and punish certain insurgents against the peace in the
county of Suthampton and Wiltesir. Strict order under pain of
forfeiture, upon information that contrary to their duty they have
set free from prison by mainprise or bail great numbers of men although
indicted for insurrection and not replevisable, to cause all those so
indicted to be taken without delay and kept in prison in safe custody
until delivered according to their commission, proceeding with all
speed and diligence they may to punish and chastise them. By K.
[Rolls of Parliament, iii. p. 394.]
To the bailiffs of Great Jernemuth and the searcher of forfeitures,
and to the keepers of the passage in that port. Order, upon petition
of divers merchants of the Hanse of Almain, who lately laded three
ships of the citj' of Hamborgh now in that port with woollen cloths to be
taken over sea, to dearrest those ships and suffer the said merchants
Wt. 32813.— H. T. Ltd.— 375. cb 1
1381. Membrane 42 — cont.
to pass therewith and with their cloths, any command to the bailiffs
etc. previously addressed to the contrary notwithstanding, and if
there be any cause wherefore they ought not so to do, order to certify
the same in chancery, sending again this writ ; as the said petition shews
that, by colour of the king's writ forbidding them to suffer any persons
in that port to pass o\it without .special command of the king, the
bailiffs etc. have hindered their passage, and are keeping the ships
and cloths under arrest, although the merchants have there paid
customs. .sub.'?idies and diitios thereupon. By K.
July 15. To the tenants of the king's manors of Kyngesswj'nford, Kynefare
St. Albans, and Tetenhale for the time being. Order to pay to Richard Hampton
the king's esquire fee farms of 11/. lO^. (id. out of the manor of
Kyngesswj-nford and 40.s. out of the manors of Kynefare and Tetenhale,
and the arrears thereof since 15 April last, on which day in recompense
for 20 marks a year granted him by the king's father, the king granted
him for life the said fee farms, amounting to 3s. \0d. a j-ear more,
which the tenants are bound to render at the exchequer. By K.
Et erat patens.
July 22.
July 24.
To the tenants free and i\eif of the king's manor of Langele Marrej's.
Strict order, upon their allegiance and under pain of forfeiture, without
murnmring or difficulty to perform the works, customs and services
which they ought, as they used to do before the disturbance now
arisen in the realm, forbidding them on any pretence to withdraw
the same in these times of disturbance, or to claim any other liberties
or privileges than they formerly had, and commanding them to give
up to tlic king and council to be cancelled a charter made to them
concerning manumissions and pardons. By K.
Et erat patejis.
To the auditors of accounts of the king's ministers in Cornwall and
Devon for the time being. Order to suffer Richard Hampton the
king's esquire by his own hands to take 6 marks a 3'ear of the issues
and revenues of the office of havener in those counties, allowing him
the same in his account from 15 February 51 Edward III so long
as he shall hold office ; as on that date the king, being prince of Wales
duke of Cornwall and earl of Cestre, b}'^ letters patent confirmed on
15 April last, committed to him that office with authority to take
in the king's name wines of the prises to him pertaining in those parts
etc., and 6 marks a year for his fee. By K.
Et erat patens.
July 24.
To William Tydccombe, John Fraunceys, William Topeclyve,
John Edward and Richard Tangmere clerk, to whom with the prior
of Christ Church (Canterbury the king lately conmiitted the keeping
of the temjioralities of the archbishopric now void and in his hand.
Order to ])usy themselves therein without awaiting the prior's presence,
his discharge notwithstanding ; as the king has hereby discharged
him, remembering that he is guardian of the spiritualities, and may
not conveniently attend to both. By K.
Et erat patens.
* In the text Chilternelangele.
July 18.
St. Albans.
Membrane 42 — cont.
To the barons of the exchequer. Order to allow the king's clerk
John tie Ravcnser keeper of the hanaper of chancery in his account
4 marks 13s. paid for privy business of the king by his order. By K.
Aug. 7. To the guardians of the peace and justices of oyer and terminer
Reading. in Leycestershire, and to the sheriff. Order to cause proclamation
to be made at the town of Warkenaby and elsewhere on the king's
behalf forbidding any man of whatsoever estate or condition to go
armed contrary to the peace or to the statute of Norhampton concerning
the carrying of arms contrary to the peace, to lead an armed power,
to make or procure levies or unlawful assemblies of the king's lieges,
or so far as in him lies to suffer that to be done, or aught else which
may tend to contempt or prejudice of the king, breach of the peace and
of the statute, disturbance of the people, encouragement of evildoers,
hurt or waste of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England
or its possessions or injury of the brethren thereof, under pain of
losing their arms and imprisonment [at] the king's Avill ; and order
to arrest all found acting contrary to such proclamation with their
arms and armour, and imprison them until further order, causing
their arms and armour to be appraised and answer made for them to
the king, and certifying in chancery the names of those arrested, the
description and price or value of their arms and armour, and all their
own dealing in the matter ; as on behalf of the brethren of the Hospital
it is shewn the king that, although among other lands of the Templars
conferred upon them by King E[dward II] they have hitherto held
the manor and advowson of Rotheley and [advowson] of Warkenaby
chapel and other chapels pertaining to that church with the profits etc.,
and although by letters patent the king has taken them and their
possessions into his protection, William de Swopston parson of Ketelby
has raised unlawful assemblies of lieges of the county at Warkenaby,
and has stirred them up lawlessly by armed power to take, consume
and carry away tithes there to the said brethren pertaining, contrary
to the said statute.
Aug. 8. To the sheriff of Kent. Order on sight of these presents to deliver
Reading, to Robert de Assheton constable of Dovorre castle and warden of the
Cinque Ports or to his lieutenant all seamen of Mergade, one of those
ports, taken and imprisoned in the sheriff's custody, with the cause
of taking them and all indictments etc., to be kept in custody in that
castle until delivered according to law and the custom of England.
The king has commanded the constable to receive them etc. By K.
Aug. 12. To Robert Tresilyan, David Haunemere, Robert Burgeloun, Simon
Reading. de Lychefeld and John Fitz Robert of Knyghtley, justices appointed
to take an assize of novel disseisin arraigned by Richard de Peshale
against John de Ipstanes knight and others concerning tenements
in Hepton, Tene and Blithewode. Order, if all may not conveniently
be present, that four, three or two of them, of whom Robert Tresilyan
or the said David shall be one, shall proceed to take that assize. B}^ K.
To the same justices, appointed to take a like assize arraigned by
Maud daughter of Robert de Swynnerton knight against John de
Ipstanes and others concerning tenements in Blythewode. Like order.
1331^ Membrane 4L
July 5. To Thomas Orgrave the kings clerk. Order to deliver under seal
Chelmsford, to John Fairfax clerk a seal a]ipointed for the office of chancellor of
the bishojmc of Durham during the vacancy thereof, which is in his
keeping, to be by the said John delivered to Hugh de Westwyk the
king's clerk, whom the king has appointed chancellor within the liberty
of the said bishopric during the vacancy. By K.
July 6.
July 7.
atte Bower.
July 24.
Aug. 1.
July 23.
To the sheriff of Essex. Order to take of John son and heir of
John Clerc of Ewelle late escheat or in Essex and Hertfordshire security,
for which the sheriff will answer at his peril, to answer at the exchequer
at a day to be set for all that shall be found due from the escheator
to the king by reason of his office or otherwise, and to give him livery
of all lands, goods and chattels of his father taken into the kings hand,
and the issues thereof. Proviso that he shall duly sue out of the king's
hand any such lands held of the king, or of an heir within age in the
king's hand. By K.
Order to the sheriff of Xorffolk to cause a coroner to be elected
instead of Thomas Skete, who is dead.
To William Walshale escheator in Staffordshire. Order to give
Robert son and heir of .Tohn de Ferrers knight {militis) seisin of his
father's lands, and of such as Elizabeth who was his father's wife held
in dower or otherwise for life of his heritage ; as he has proved his
age before the escheator, and the king has taken his homage and
fealty. By K.
To John Carnelle escheator in Xorhamptonshire. Like order, as
the said Robert has proved his age before William Walshale.
The like to the following :
Ralph Wykes escheator in Huntingdonshire.
Nicholas Baukewelle escheator in Derbyshire.
Cornelius Wirley escheator in Warwickshire.
Hugh Bislegh escheator in Gloucestershire.
p]dmund Giffayd escheator in Berkshire.
William Style escheator in Somerset.
To the mayor and bailiffs of Bedeford for the time being. Order
of the issues or fee farm of the town to pay to Richard Pountfreyt
the king's esquire 10/. a year for life and the arrears since Easter
last ; as for good service to the king's father and to the king on 1 1 June
last the king granted him for life 10/. a year of the said fee farm, which
his said father granted of the profits and revenues of the manor of
Et erat patens.
To Ralph Wyke escheator in Cambridgeshire. Order to remove
the king's hand and meddle no further with the manor of F'ordham,
delivering to Joan late the wife of Thomas de Felton knight an\- i.ssues
thereof taken ; as the king has learned by inquisition, taken by the
escheator, that the said Thomas at his death held no lands in that
county in chief in his demesne as of fee nor in service, but held that
manor in chief by knight service jointly with the said Joan in fee
sim])le : and for 20s. paid in the hanaper the king has respited her
homage and fealty until Michaelmas next.
t> RICH AH I) 11.
1381. Membrane 41 — conl.
To William Bcrard escheator in Norffolk and Suffolk. Like order
concerning the manors of Great Hyburgh, Little Ryburgh, Ingaldes-
thorp, Dersyngham, Banham, Creyis and Wilby co. Norffolk, the
advovvsons of C^lreat Ryburgh and Ingaldesthorp, and the manor of
Barwe co. Suffolk, all held jointly in fee simple of others than the
Aug. 6.
Aug. 8.
July 19.
St. Albans.
To the mayor, bailiff's and commonalty of Leycestre. Order under
pain of forfeiture not to make or procure levies or unlawful assemblies
of the kings lieges contrary to the peace, nor so far as in them lies to
suffer it to be done, or aught else which may tend to contempt or pre-
judice of the king, breach of the peace and of the statute of Norhampton
concerning the carrying of arms, disturbance of the people, encourage-
ment of evildoers, hurt or waste of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem
in England or its possessions or grievance of the brethren thereof,
and if aught such be done or attempted, to cause it to be corrected
and reformed ; as on behalf of the said brethren it is shewn the king
that, althoiigh etc. they have hitherto peaceably held the manor and
advowson of Roytheley with Warkenaby chapel and other chapels
pertaining to that church etc., William de Swepston parson of. Ketel-
by etc. {as above, p. 3). By K.
Et erat patens.
The like to all sheriffs, mayors, bailiffs, ministers and other lieges.
To Thomas de Illeston escheator in the county of Suthampton.
Order in presence of the heirs and parceners to make a partition of
the lands of Thomas de Mynstede deceased into two equal parts, and to
give John atte Mulle and Isabel his wife, one of the daughters and
heirs of the deceased, and Philip de Claverle and Christina his wife,
the other daughter and heir, seisin of their respective purparties,
sending the partition to be enrolled in chancery ; as Isabel and
Christina have proved their age before the escheator, and the king
has taken the homage and fealty of the said John and Philip by reason
of issue upon their said wives begotten, and they have paid one mark
in the hanaper for pardon of the trespass they committed in taking
the said Isabel and Christina respectively to wife without the late
king's licence. Proviso that either parcener shall have to his pur-
party a share of the lands held in chief. By p.s. [1853.]
Aug. 3.
To the bailiffs of St. Albans. Order upon their allegiance and
under pain of forfeiture on sight of these presents to cause chains of
iron to be made, and the bodies of certain traitors and felons adjudged
to be there hanged for their misdeeds in this insurrection, and to
hang there so long as they should endure, to be brought again to the
gallows wherever found and again hanged in chains as aforesaid ; as
the king is informed that divers evildoers have taken and removed
them thence in contempt of the king and contrary to the said judg-
July 31.
To Henry Keel mayor of Co ventre. Order on sight etc. to cause
John Fuller of Crekkelade chaplain, taken by the mayor and imprisoned
for alleged treasons etc., to come before the king and council at Redyng,
with the cause of taking him in writing. By K.
Aug. 28.
Aug. 5.
July 20.
St. Albana.
Aug. 10.
Mcmbrani 41 — coiU.
To John de Xewenton escheator in Kent. Order at his peril to
cease every excuse, and to be in person before the treasurer and the
barons of the exchequer at Westminster on the morrow of Michaelmas
next at latest in order to render account of his office, levying in
the mean tinu; and bringing for delivery at the exchequer all moneys
pertaining to the king, and producing all rolls, writs and memoranda
concerning the same. By K. and C.
The like \o singular the escheators throughout England.
Membrane 40.
To the bailiffs of the town of .St. Botolph, and the searcher of
forfeitures in that port. Order, upon petition made on behalf of
Henry Muker master of a ship called the ' Holygost ' of Sounde, John
Erwyte master of another ship called the ' Holigost ' of Sounde, Walter
Slodorn of Hamleworth master of the ' Cruseberih,' John Lange of
Lubyk master of the ' Gabrielle,' Nicholas Shonewolt of Danske master
of the ' Mariknyghi,' Lawrence Nicholasson of Danske master of the
' Cristofre.' and Everard Stroke of Danske master of the ' Mariknyght,'
merchants of Almain, to cease from causing them hurt or hindrance,
to dearrest the ships and merchandise, suffering them and other
merchants from time to time, after payment of customs and duties,
freely to pass out of the port with their ships and with merchandise
whatsoever by them bought within the realm, notwithstanding the
king's writ forbidding the bailiffs to suffer any persons to pass out of
the realm without special command of the kmg except well known
merchants, and if there be any cause wherefore they ought not so to
do, order to certify it in chancer}' under their seal, sending a copj' of
this writ ; as the said petition shews that lately the said merchants
brought thither divers merchandise from over sea, that some of them
laded other merchandise in some of those [ships] to take to their own
parts, and paid cu.stoms due thereupon, but that b}' colour of the
said writ of prohibition the bailiffs and searcher are hindering their
passage, and keeping their ships and merchandise under arrest,
although they are well know merchants and of the king's friendship.
To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause John the parish chaplain
of Mepham to come to the Tower of London, delivering him to the
custod}' of the constable until further order. By K.
To Alan de liuxhull constable of the Tower of London, and to
his lieutenaiit. Order to receive John the parish chaplain of Mepham
and keep him in custody in the Tower prison etc. Bj' K.
To Kol)ert iiasset escheator in Hertfordshire. Order, if assured that
the sale of the crop of certain lands of Percival Simeon in Abbot es-
waldon and elsewhere to Thomas Morieux knight and Simon Caleware
was made in good faith, to deliver the same to them, certifying in
chancery his dealing tlierein with a copy of this writ; as the said
Percival being indictwl for taking part in this present insurrection,
and ff)r nuiiiy (nil deeds, for that ho was a fugitive the escheator by
virtues of his oflicc look the sai<l crop into the king's hand ; and now
petition is made on the ])urchasers' behalf, shewing that long before
the insurrection etc.. by indenture made between them and the said
Percival and .Joan his wife, they bought the crop of all his lands,
paying down 25 marks.
Aug. 8.
Membrane 40 — cont.
July 18.
St. Albans.
Aug. 19.
July 30.
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order, upon petition of Stephen de
Benyngton brother of the Hospital of .St. -John of Jerusalem in Kngland
and preceptor of the preceptory of Skirbek by the town of St. Botolph,
on the king's behalf to order William de Harecourt to make no attempt
by violence or tinlawful power upon the petitioner's possession of that
preceptory, telling him to sue in the king's court for any right he has
therein, if he shall think fit ; as the petition shews that at the instance
of John Dyngleye late brother of the Hospital the late prior and the
brethren thereof demised that preceptory to the said John and William
for life at a certain yearly rent, performing divers charges, so that if the
rent were not paid or charges found it should be lawful for the lessors
again to enter and dispose of the same, that after the said John's death
the charges and alms were not performed by the said William, wherefore
during the vacancy of the Hospital the representative and brethren
thereof did again enter and committed the preceptory to the said
Stephen, but that by colour of his nomination aforesaid the said
William is striving to disturb him therein, threatening by power
to thrust him out. By K.
To John de Middelton. Order to deliver to the sheriff of Kent
and his fellows appointed to chastise and punish certain rebels there
who lately rose in insurrection contrary to the peace, in order that
they may proceed to punishment and deUverance of those rebels,
all indictments made before the said John and his fellows, appointed
for the same purpose, for treasons and other misprisions for which
great numbers of lieges of Kent are indicted it is said. By K.
To the sheriff of Surrey. Order to receive Stephen HuUe of London
' draper,' whom the king is sending, being imprisoned in the prison of
the king's household for burning the manor of the Savoye of John
king of Castille and Leon duke of Lancastre for which he is indicted,
and to imprison him in Culdeford {sic) castle, so as to have him before
the king in the octaves of Michaelmas to stand to right touching
matters that shall then be laid before him. By K.
To the escheator in Essex. Order to suffer the executors of Richard
de Lyones to reap the corn growing within the manor of Lyston as his
chattels, and to dispose thereof according to his will, as shall to them
seem best for his soul. By K.
The like to the escheator in Kent concerning corn within the manor
of Delse.
July 30.
Sept. 5.
To the escheator in Cambridgeshire. Order under pain of forfeiture
on sight etc. to seize into the king's hand all great beasts, sheep, fish,
honey and other victuals meet for the expenses of the king's household
which for whatsoever cause are forfeit to the king in that county,
within or without the Isle of Ely, and to keep them for that purpose
without diminution or sale, certifying from time to time their
description, ownership, price and value. By K,
To the guardians of the peace and justices of oyer and terminer
in Kent, and to all others appointed within liberties and without to
chastise and punish the rebels there who lately rose in insurrection.
Order under pain of forfeiture, for particular causes moving the king
Aug. 30.
Membrane 40 — cont.
and council, to cease every excuse and send into chancery the tenor
of all indictments, records and ])rocesses made before them or any
of them, certifying any mainprises before them made and all things
which concern their office, and staying until further order the arraign-
ment and deliverance of all who shall now or hereafter be indicted
or accused of such insurrection, in the mean time keeping them in
prison in safe custody. By K. and C.
Et erat •patens.
The like to the guardians and justices in the following counties :
Hunt i ngd onshire.
Xorha m pt onshire.
The city and suburbs of London.
Aug. 18.
July 28.
Aug. 29.
June 22.
July 1.
Membrane 39.
To Robert Basset escheator in Hertfordshire. Order to deliver
of the king's gift to Walter atte Lee 20/. in aid of his expenses for the
time that he was travailing in that county at the king's command
to resist certain rebels. By K.
To Hugh la Zouche and his fellows, justices appointed in Cambridge-
shire to punish the evildoings of those who newly rose in armed
insurrection contrary to their allegiance. Order to arrest and imprison
all who shall be before them indicted for the same, and all such as
according to their discretion they shall be lawfully assured are guilty
thereof, where they may be kept in safest custody without escape,
mainprise or acquittal with those already arrested and not j'et delivered,
until by advice of the council the king shall take order for their
deliverance. By K.
To the sheriff of Kent for the time being. Order to pay to Nicholas
Barbor 6rf. a day and the arrears since 4 March 1 Richard II, on which
date the king confirmed letters patent of the late king granting to the
said Nicholas for good service of the issues of that county 6rf. a day
for life or until the king should take other order for his estate.
Et erat patens.
Membrane 38.
To Robert Tresilian. Order to busy himself in executing the office
of chief justice to hold pleas before the king, which office it is the
king's will that he shall hold. By K.
To the collectors in the port of Sandewich. Order, upon petition
of William Bedelewe and others, merchants of Ireland, to view divers
letters of cocket by them produced in chancery, and if thereby assured
that the goods and merchandise by them cocketed in Ireland are
those now newly ])u( in six small vessels called ' hakebotes " of Flanders
to be taken thither, and were not exposed for sale at Sandewich, order
to dearrest the .said vessels and goods and deliver them to the said
merchants, suffering (hem without a second iiayment of custom or
subsidy- to pass to Flanders in order to make their advantage thereof ;
July 2<).
July 16.
St. Albans.
July 23.
Membrane 38 — cont.
a.s they have shewn that they laded those goods in a ship of Wynchelse
called ' le J'lentclh,' Adam Osseiiioude master, to be taken thither, and
paid in Ireland the custom due thereupon, as by the said letters appears,
that they put the same in the six small vessels, for that the said ship
on the voyage was by a storm and contrary winds driven to 8andewich
and there lost, and that by colour thereof the collectors have arrested
and are detaining vessels and goods.
To all sheriffs, mayors, constables, bailiffs, ministers etc. to whom
etc. Writ de intendendo in favour of the president of the Hospital
of St. John of Jerusalem in H^ngland for the time being appointed or
his deputy, and order, as they would avoid the king's wrath, upon
the suit, certificate or information of the president to arrest and
deliver to him all brethren of the Hospital whom they shall find
wandering to and fro about the country, to be chastised according
to the discipline and rule of their order ; as the king has learned
that certain of the brethren, despising their profession and casting
off their habit, some also persisting in their habit but abandoning
themselves by reason of this vacancy and for lack of a pastor to
insolence and folly, are wandering from country to country in
rebellion against the said president, squandering the goods of the
Hospital, and doing daily many things to the scandal of their
order and the peril of their souls. By K.
Et erat patens.
To William Walshale escheator in Salop. Order to give Thomas son
of Philip Tope, which Philip was brother of Roger Tope father of
William Tope deceased tenant by knight service of Edmund de Mortuo
Mari earl of March son and heir of Roger the late earl and late a minor
in the late king's wardship, the said Thomas being cousin and heir
of the said William, livery of his said cousin's lands ; as he has proved
his age before the escheator, and on proof of the said Edmund's age
the late king took his homage and fealty and commanded livery to
be given him of his father's lands.
To William de Skipwith the younger, escheator in Lincolnshire.
Order to remove the king's hand and meddle no further with the
manor of Kirketon in Lyndesey, the knights' fees, advowsons, wards,
marriages etc. thereto belonging excepted, saving to Joan princess of
Wales the king's mother her dower, and delivering up any issues thereof
taken since the death of Thomas de Felton ; as the king has learned
by inquisition, taken by the escheator, that by the late king's licence
Edward prince of Wales his father granted that manor, which is held
in chief by homage and fealty for all services, to the said Thomas
and Joan his wife (yet living) for their lives, reserving the knights'
fees etc. ; and the king has taken the homage of Joan late the wife
of Thomas.
To the same. Order to remove the king's hand and meddle no
further with the manor of Aslakby, delivering any issues thereof
taken since the death of Thomas de Felton knight to Joan late his
wife and Sibyl their daughter ; as the king has learned by inquisition,
taken by the escheator, that by gift of Hugh Fastolf and William de
Rudham clerk, made with the late king's licence, the said Thomas at
his death held the same jointly with the said Joan and Sibyl, and
July 12.
St. Albans.
1381. Membrane 38— co7i/.
that it is held in chief except certain parcels therein which are held
of others than the king ; and he has taken the fealty of Joan and Sibjl.
To the bailiffs of Scardeburgh. Order to put Alice de Wakefeld,
sister of Henry bishop of Worcester, in full pos.session of certain lands
and rents in that town as before the insurrection, maintaining and
defending her therein, and on the kings behalf telling any who claim
right or title to the same to sue according to law after she has obtained
possession, if they shall think fit : as by her complaint the king has
learned that great number of evildoers caused and procured her to be
thrust out of the same, whereof she was in peaceable possession until
disseised by unlawful violence and insurrection of the people of the
town contrary to their allegiance, the premises being yet unlawfully
occupied by those who so disseised her. By K.
Membrane 35.*
Sept. 12. To the mayor and bailiffs of Sandewich. Order on sight etc. to
Westminster, call before them Thomas atte Welle and others of the town, in whose
hands is a quantity of plaster taken from a ship called the ' Scoueweder '
of Lescluse in Flanders. Henry son of Andrew master, and any others
whom the\- shall see fit, in presence of Hugh Sprot and John Warner
proctors of the owners or one of them to hear their arguments touching
restitution thereof, and to do speedy justice according to the alliance
between the king and them of Flanders, that for lack of remedy and
justice they of Flanders have no cause to arrest merchandise of the
king's subjects in their jiower or to bring trouble upon them ; as on
behalf of John Beek and Arnald de la Mare burgesses of Lescluse
complaint is made that certain of the king's subjects in barges at sea
took the said ship on the voyage to Flanders between Calais and Dovorre,
and brought it so laded to Sandewich, although the complainants
shewed letters under seal of the count of Flanders and the com-
monalty of Lescluse witnessing that the plaster was theirs, which
is wrongfully- detained under arrest in the hands of the said
Thomas and others contrary to the alliance aforesaid ; but by other
letters under seal the count and commonalty have witnessed that the
same was and is the property of the complainants.
Aug. 6. To the abbess of Shaftesbury for the time being. Order of the fee
Reading, farm which she is bound to render for the town of Shaftesbury by
the hands of the sheriff of Wiltcsir to pay to John Roos the king's
Serjeant one of the j-eomen of his chamber 12/. a j-ear for life, which
John Bray physician in his life time had by the late king's grant ;
a,s for good service the king has granted John Roos that sum for life
or until he shall take other order for his estate.
Et erat patens.
Mandate to the said sheriff to discharge the abbess thereof during
the life of John Roos.
Et erat ]xt(e7i.s.
Oct. 8. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order not to distrain
Uerkhamp- or trouble Richard de Burlc knight for his homage and fealty for
gtoad. lands in England by him held in chief, releasing any distress made ;
as the king ha,s taken his homage and fealty. By K.
* The face of membranes 37 and 30 is blank.
1381. Membrane 35— ro?(,<.
Oct. 15. To VVilliaiu Stile escheator in .Somerset. Order to meddle no further
Westminster, with the purparties of the lands of l]mma CofTyn and Isabel (.'offyn
assigned and delivered to Thomas Riitherdene, Elizabeth Heghne,
Matthew White and -loan his wife and to Kiehard Hurdene respectively,
delivering to them any issues thereof taken since 4 .June 51 Kdward III,
and certifying in chancery any cause wherefore they ought not so to
do ; as upon the finding of an inquisition, taken by Robert James
the late king's escheator. that at their death Emma and Jsabel CofTyn
held no lands in that county in chief, but held a moiety of the manor
of Thorne Coffyn and the advowson by knight service of the heir of
Edmund de Clyvedon knight, a minor in the late king's wardship,
who held the same by knight service of the heir of Edward le
Despenser likewise a minor in that king's wardship, that the
said Thomas being son of Alice one of the sisters of Richard Coffyn
their father, the said Elizabeth being daughter of Thomasia one of
the daughters of Maud another sister, John Culleye being son of
Elizabeth Culleye another daughter of the said Maud, Agnes Verlegh,
Christina Verlegh and Juliana Verlegh being daughters of Alice Verlegh
one of the daughters of Emma Verlegh the third sister, Joan wife of
Matthew White another daughter of Emma Verlegh, and Richard son
of Christina Burdene the fourth sister are their cousins and next heirs,
the said Thomas, Elizabeth Heghne, Joan and Richard Burdene
being of full age, and the said John, Agnes, Christina Verlegh and
Juhana within age, on 4 June aforesaid the late king commanded the
then escheator to take the fealty of the said Thomas, Elizabeth,
Matthew and Richard, to take security for their relief and the said Joan's,
in presence of the heirs and parceners to make a partition of the premises
into four equal parts, and to give them livery of their respective pur-
parties, keeping the residue in the king's hand until further order ; and
now the said Thomas, Elizabeth, Matthew, Joan and Richard Burdene
have petitioned the king for remedy, shewing that partition was
made and livery given as aforesaid, but that the now escheator is
nevertheless meddling with their purparties, and taking the issues
and profits to the king's use.
Oct. 15. To the sheriff of Norffolk for the time being. Order to pay to
Westminster. John Cray for life from 16 February last so much of 20/. a year allowed
to the sheriff for keeping the gaol of Norwich castle as pertains to him
as keeper thereof, according to the king's letters patent of that date,
committing to him during pleasure the keeping of the said castle and
gaol with the fees thereto pertaining, and other letters of 4 September
last committing the same to him for life with such fees and profits as
other keepers used to take ; as the treasurer and the barons of the
exchequer have certified in chancery that the allowance aforesaid is
found in the rolls and memoranda of the exchequer.
Et erat patens.
Oct. 14. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Writ of
Westminster, supersedeas, by mainprise of Hugh Fastolf citizen and fishmonger
of London and William Cressewyke citizen of London to save the king
harmless, in favour of John de Haddele citizen and merchant of
London, upon his petition, and of William Neuport in respect of
their demand for 251. or an account ; as in 50 Edward III in time
of truce between the late king and Charles his adversary of France
2;^gl. Membrane 35 — conl.
certain goods of merchants of London laded in ships of Flanders
were by the king's enemies of France taken at sea and carried
away contrary to the truce, and at suit of the owners the king
after commanded certain goods of those enemies found in the
hands of divers men of the said city to be arrested a»id by mainprise
to be found before the then mayor, namely for saving the king harmless,
to be delivered to the said merchants as a rei)risal in ])art of their loss ;
and now the said John's petition shews that goods of his to a great sum
were among those taken a« aforesaid, that in part thereof 25/. of the
enemies" goods arrested in the city remain in his hands, and that he fears
he shall be therewith charged at the exche({uer, for that the treasurer
and the barons are distraining John VVarde then mayor and the said
John and William then sheriffs of London to account for the enemies'
goods so arrested.
Membrane 34.
Sept. 0. To the president and all ])receptors and brethren of the Hospital
Sheen. of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Prohibition upon their allegiance
and at their peril against departing out of the realm without special
Ucence of the king, taking or sending any money or any jewels or goods
of the Hospital to foreign parts \\ ithout such licence, w hich at present
the king refuses to grant, or attempting aught which maj* tend to
contravene this command.
Et erat patens.
Sept. 11. To the searcher in the port of London. Order to dearrest and
Westminster, deliver to Alice wife of William del Strother or to her servants a silver
cup with gilt cover by him arrested on pretence that she had put it
in a ship to be taken without licence to foreign parts ; as Richard de
Clifford the king's clerk has witnessed to the king and council that she
never puq)osed so to do, but delivered the same to a servant to take
to her lodging.
Sept. 6. To Ralph W}'kes escheator in Huntingdonshire. Order, upon
Sheen. complaint of the burgesses of Huntyngdon, by mainprise of William
Wightman to suffer them to take seisin of all chattels found in the
town of felons concerned in the late insurrection, certifying the same
in chancery, and the price thereof, before the next parliament ; as
among other liberties etc. granted to the said burgesses by charters
of former kings, confirmed by the king, it is granted that they shall
have the chattels of all felons, fugitives and outlaws, as well tenants
dwelling within the town and liberty as strangers and others there
found, so that they may take seisin thereof in aid of their farm without
let of the king or his ministers whatsoever, and without rendering
account to them ; and now their complaint shews that the escheator
puri)oscs to seize the chattels of divers insurgents there found, which
j)ertain to the burgesses, pretending that in such a case they ought to
pertain to the king.
Aug. 30. To the guardians of the peace and justices of oyer and terminer in
Leeds. Devon. Order to send into chancery under seal the tenor of all
indictments, records or processes made before them or any of them
by virtue of their commission, certifying also any niainprises before
1381. Membrane 34 — cont.
them had, and all things which concern their office, the manner and
form thereof. By K.
Et erat patens.
The like to the guardians and justices in the following counties :
Sept. 22. To the good men and commonalty of the town of Cantebrigge.
Westminster. Order, as they will save them harmless, to cease every excuse, and
of the burgesses to cause a fit person for whom they will answer to be
elected to the office of mayor for the coming year according to the
king's charter, instead of John Marchall of Cantebrigge ' smyth,'
his election notwithstanding, and notwithstanding letters of exemption
from office to any person previously addressed ; as it has come to the
king's ears that the said John is not sufficiently qualified, as appears
by noteworthy evidences laid before the council, wherefore the king
has removed him ; and in this perilous time it is needful that a fit
person be elected as well for the repose of the people of the town as
for keeping the king's peace there. By C.
Oct. 9.
To John Bygod escheator in Yorkshire. Order in presence of John
de Neville knight and Elizabeth his wife, daughter and heir of William
de Latymer knight, to assign dower to Elizabeth who was wife of the
said William, of whom the king has commanded an oath to be taken
by the prior of Gysburne that she shall not marry without the king's
licence, sending the assignment to be enrolled in chancery. By K.
The like to the following :
Nicholas de Reymes escheator in Cumberland.
John Carnelle escheator in Norhamptonshire.
Thomas Peyvre escheator in Bedfordshire and Bukingham-
William de Walleworth mayor of the city of London and escheator
Oct. 12. To the steward of the king's lands in Devon, or the keeper of his
Westminster, chace of Dertemore for the time being. Order of the issues and profits
of the herbage of Dertemore to pay to John de Sully 201. a year and
the arrears since 22 March 1 Richard II, according to letters patent
of the king's father, confirmed by the king while prince and likewise
on the date aforesaid, granting him the same for life.
Et erat patens.
Oct. 12. To the reeve or the king's receiver of the manor of Bradenynch
Westminster, co. Devon for the time being. Order of the issues of the manor to pay
to John de Sully knight 40^. a year and the arrears since 22 March
1 Richard II, according to letters patent etc. {as the last), granting him
that yearly fee for life,
Et erat patens.
1381. 31 embra 7ie 34 — coni.
Oct. 24. To Simon de Burgh, to whom the king lately committed the
Westminster, wardship of all lands of Geoffrey Cobbe in Wj'mpole, Orwelle, Crawe-
doun, Papworth, Harleton, Wrastlyngworth and Amyngton, forfeit
it is said by reason of his treason and felony. Order not to meddle
therewith ; as the king has pardoned the said Geoffrey the suit of
his ])eace for treasons, felonies and trespasses whatsoever in the
insurrection lateh* made in divers parts of the realm, and it is the king's
will to restore him his lands, for that upon view and examination by
them of the council learned in the law of a certificate of the escheator
in Cambridgeshire making mention of that treason etc., it seemed
to them that the cause therein expressed was not sufficient for
Membrane 33.
Sept. 14. To the bailiffs of the liberty of Westminster of the abbot of West-
Westminster, minster. Order to receive from Thomas Sayville serjeant at arms
John Glasene and John Webbe both of Manj-tre of the hundred of
Tendryng, and to keep them in safe custody in the abbot's prison
until the octaves of Michaelmas next, when they shall come before
the king. By C.
Sept. 16. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to arrest Robert Sibthorp parson of
Westminster. Maydenston and John parson of Oqiyngton, so as to have them before
the council on the morrow of Michaelmas next, in order to answer
for their contempt in not coming before the council at a set day, as
the king lately commanded them to do, and for matters contained
in his command aforesaid. By C.
Sept. 20. To John de Ravenser the king's clerk keeper of the hanaper of
Westminster, chancery. Order to discharge Richard earl of Arundell of 100/. whereby
he lately made fine in chancery for licence to give to certain persons
the castle, manors and lands of Chirk and Chirkeslond which are held
in chief, and for licence in mortmain to give to the master and chaplains
of the college of Holy Trinity Arundell 1 acre 3 roods 6 perches of
land and the advowson of CJorvng church co. Sussex, which sum the
king has pardoned him by reason of costs by him incurred in the king's
service. By p.s. [1912.]
Sept. 24. To the mayor of the city of London. Order, u]3on petition of certain
Westminster, merchants of that cit}^ to take information how goods of English
merchants in Flanders are dealt with, and to dearrest or keep under
arrest accordingly goods of Flemings whatsoever arrested in the said
city and the suburbs : as their petition shews that divers goods of
theirs were lately ke])t under arrest at Lescluse in Flanders at suit of
certain Flemish merchants, who complained of divers losses inflicted
n])on them at sea by certain Fiiiglish subjects, that the king wrote
to the count of Flanders for delivery of the same, but the count and
commons of Flanders woidd [not] deliver them until the merchants
of T.rondon found a main))riso under a ])ain of 800/. of Flanders groats,
and that divers goods of Flemish merchants to the value of 700/. are
now under arrest in London, praying that the same be kept under
arre.st until the owners shall find a mainprise for discharge of the
said mainprise of London merchants. By pet. of C.
1381. Membrane 33 — cont.
Oct. 7. To Robert Tresilian the chief justice. Order not to proceed without
Berkhamp- advising the king to rendering of judgment u})on a certain inquisition
stead. upon a writ of nisi prius which is before the king in a cause between
the late king and the abbot of St. Mary York and prior of Wetherhale
his fellow concerning certain soil and agistments etc. ; as the king has
learned that the said cause has so far proceeded that the said inquisition
was taken by men })rocured and suborned on behalf of the abbot and
prior, and he is informed of a surety that it would tend to his prejudice
to proceed as aforesaid. By C.
Oct. 12. To the king's havener or his representative in Cornwall and Devon
Westminster, for the time being. Order of the king's prise of Spanish wines in his
keeping to pay to John de Sully knight two tuns of wine a year and
the arrears since 22 March 1 Richard II, according to a grant to him
made for life by the king's father, confirmed by the king while prince
and on the date aforesaid.
Et erat patens.
Oct. 12. To the mayor and bailiffs of the town (sic) of Excestre for the time
Westminster, being. Order to pay to John de Sully knight the 201. a year which
they are bound to pay the king for the fee farm of the town,
and the arrears thereof since 22 March 1 Richard II, on which day
the king confirmed a grant thereof for life, made by his father to the
said John and also confirmed by him while prince, in addition to
the 40/. for life of the issues of the manor of Bradenynch.
Et erat patens.
Oct. 6. To the sheriff of Norffolk. Order to certify Thomas de Morle knight
Berkhamp- of a mainprise under a pain of 400/. made in chancery on behalf of
stead. Thomas son of Philip Gerveys by Ralph Lovell knight, William
Plumstede, Thomas Alman of Eston clerk and William Robyns of
Swafham of Norffolk, directing him under pain of losing 400/. upon his
mainprise hereinafter mentioned to set free Thomas son of Philip
from prison and suffer him to be at large, and giving him notice to
be before the justices at Westminster on the morrow of All Souls ; as
many times the king ordered the sheriff to replevy Thomas son of
Philip, whom the said Thomas de Morle, William de Swathyng and
Oliver de Mendham have taken and hold captive it is said, unless
taken by special command of the king or the chief justice, for
manslaughter, the forest or other matter for which he is not replevisable.
or else to signify the cause wherefore he would not or might not execute
the king's command ; and the sheriff has signified that Thomas son
of Philip was taken as aforesaid and brought out of the county to
places unknown, wherefore the sheriff after receipt of that writ might
neither have view of his body nor execute the writ, by virtue of which
return the king ordered him to take the said Thomas de Morle, William
and Oliver and keep them in prison in safe custody until he might
replevy Thomas son of Philip, giving notice to the justices at West-
minster in the octaves of Michaelmas how he should execute that
order ; and Thomas de Morle, appearing after in chancery, claimed
Thomas son of Philip as his neif , avowing that his imprisonment was
lawful for that cause and because of his rebellion, and nevertheless
mainperned in chancery under a pain of 400/. promising that, if
sufficient persons should mainpern in a sum to be limited by the court;
Memhram 33 — coni.
and paid to Thomas de Morle in case they should make default in their
main])rise, that the prisoner should stand to right in the king's court
and. if adjudged neif as aforesaid or upon failure to prosecute a process
to be begun for his replevin, should render himself to be justiced by
Thomas de Morle, then upon being assured of such mainprise on the
prisoner's behalf by certificate of the sheriff, he would set the prisoner
free until it might be debated in the king's court whether he was of
free condition or neif of Thomas de Morle, and the king ordered the
sheriflf thereupon to stay the execution of his writ for taking the said
Thomas de Morle. William and Oliver, setting free any of them if taken ;
and now the said Ralph and the others have mainperned that the
prisoner when set free shall stand to right and with such speed as
he lawfully may shall sue in the king's court by due process until it
be determined whether he be neif of Thomas de Morle or no, and if
adjudged his neif shall render himself as aforesaid.
Oct. 15. To WilUam de Neville justice of the forest beyond Trent, or to his
Westminster, representative in the forest of Galtres. Order to deliver to bail Thomas
Brodecroft. imprisoned in York prison for a trespass of vert and venLson
in that forest, if replevisable according to the assize of the forest.
Membrane 32.
Aug. 30. To Peter de la Mare. Order to levy the residue of the fruits of the
Leeds. chancellorship of Hereford, whereof the king is informed that the
said Peter has taken a part for this year and has it in his keeping,
and at his peril to be in person before the treasurer and the barons of
the exchequer at Westminster on the morrow of Michaelmas next to
account for the whole of them ; as the proctors of the cardinal of
Perugia, who is chancellor of Hereford, have granted to the king all
the fruits for this year.
Oct. 10. To the sheriffs of London. Order to deliver to Alan de Buxhull
Westminster, constable of the Tower of London or to his lieutenant, to be kept in
safe custody in the Tower prison until further order for their deliverance,
Robert Munselowe. Richard Bendere. Richard Hedene. John Crothole,
and Robert Crothole his brother, Ralph Rok, Robert Elmstede,
John Munde, John Stertoiid, John Broun ' Iryssh,' Thomas Bryth,
John Cotes and Roger Londoneissh imprisoned in Neugate gaol in
the sheriffs' custody. By C.
To Alan de Buxhull constable of the Tower of London, or to his
lieutenant. Order to receive of the sheriffs Robert de Munselowe and
the others above named, and to keep them etc. {as above). By C.
Oct. 1;"). To the sheriff of Xorham])toii. Order to give Hugh earl of Stafford
Westminster, seisin of a messuage and one virgate of land in l)raghton held by
Henry Isoude outlawed for felony ; as the king has learned by inquisi-
tion, taken by the sheriff, that the premises have been in his hand
a year and a day, that the said Henry held them of the earl, and
that answer is made for the year and a day and the waste thereof
by Robert Botevileyn late sheriff.
Oct. 15. To William de Skipwith the younger, escheator in Lincolnshire.
Weatminster. Order to give William son of Peter de Bleseby seisin of the lands of
1381. Membrane 32 — cont.
William do JJlescby deceased, the said Peter heiii^ brother of the
said deceased who was father of Joan mother of William do Touthor]^)
cousin and heir of his said f^raiulfuther, and William son of Peter
being cousin and heir of William do Touthorp, who died a minor in
the king's wardshi}) ; as he has proved his age before the escheator,
and the king has taken his homage and fealty. By p.s. [1922.]
Oct. 26. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Order, upon
Westminster, petition of the collectors in the archdeaconry of Essex of the subsidy
last granted to the king by the clergy of the province of Canterbury,
to discharge them of all sums falling upon cha})lains and clerks who
fled out of the archdeaconry by reason of the late insurrection or are
dead which by inquisition of otherwise it may be shewn that they
might not levy ; as that petition shews that great number of clerks
thereto assessed, fearing impeachment for the insurrection and being
perhaps guilty, have withdrawn thence and fled to places unknown,
and that others are dead before aught was levied of them.
Oct. 14. To John king of Castille and Leon duke of Lancastre, or to his
Westminster, representative in the duchy. Order on sight etc. to cause proclama-
tion to be made forbidding any man under pain of forfeiture thereof
to take any sort of corn out of the realm to foreign parts without
special licence of the king. By C.
Vacated, because on the dorse of this roll.
Nov. 1. To the constable, farmer or keeper of the castle and ' berthon '
Westminster, of Marlebergh for the time being. Order of the issues thereof to pay
to William White, late one of Queen Philippa's palfreymen, 2d. a day
for life and the arrears since 6 May 1 Richard II, according to letters
I patent of the late king, confirmed on the aforesaid date by the great
council, and on 3 August 3 Richard II by the king, who has retained
the said William with him.
Et erat patens.
Nov. 2. To all presidents or visitors of the Cistercian order in England,
Westminster, all abbots and others of the order holding any office for the time being.
Strict order, under a pain of 1,000^. to be levied of the lands and
possessions of all other abbeys of the order, to attempt nought within
the realm or without which may tend to the prejudice of the abbey of
Rewley by Oxford of that order, or to impair the king's letters patent
granting lands, possessions and liberties of the king's gift to the abbot
and convent thereof, or to trouble the abbot and convent touching the
possession of any buildings within the bounds of the abbey, though
before the said letters patent the same were built by consent of the
abbots thereof at the joint expense of certain abbeys of the order in
England for the abode of monks of the order studying in the university
of Oxford, which buildings among other things forfeit as hereinafter-
mentioned the king has given to the abbot and convent ; as that
abbey was founded by Edmund earl of Cornwall, and by him and others
was after the statute of mortmain endowed with divers lands, posses-
sions and liberties without licence of the king, and was therefore
liable to be seized as forfeit into the king's hand ; and in consideration
that the earl was his ancestor, and that the patronage of the abbey
ought by inheritance to pertain to him, the king lately pardoned the
Wt. 32813. CB 2
1381. Membrane 32 — cont.
now abbot and convent that trespass and forfeiture, granting by letters
patent that they should have the abbey, possessions etc., as aforesaid
the said statute notwithstanding. B3' C.
Et erat patens.
Oct. 28. To the justices of the Bench. Order, upon the plaintiff's petition,
Westminster, to proceed with such speed as they lawfully may in a cause between
John Djnham knight and William prior of Bodmyn and John
Whalesbreu for the wardship of the land and heir of Thomas Seint
Aubyn, notwithstanding the defendants' allegation that Edward
prince of Wales and duke of Cornwall was thereof seised in right of
his duchy and granted the wardship to the said prior, so that they
proceed not to rendering of judgment without advising the king ;
as the defendants have made that allegation, pleading that the prince's
right has devolved upon the king, wherefore no further proceeding
ought to be had without advising the king, and cra\nng the king's
aid, and the justices have thereupon deferred to proceed, as the king
has learned.
Nov. 24. To the sheriff of Cantebrigge for the time being. Order to pay to
Westminster. Edmund de Langele earl of Cantebrigge or his attorney' 20/. a year
and the arrears since the late king's death ; as in consideration of
his exceeding vigour and praiseworth}^ behaviour the late king gave
the said Edmund his son and his heirs the name and honour of earl to
him and his heirs for ever, set him over the county of Cantebrigge, and
invested him by girding on the sword, desiring to honour his person
according to the nobility of his birth and to his deserts, and to find
support for the royal sceptre in his power and prudence ; and the
better to maintain that estate gave him by charter 20/. a year for
the third penny of the county.
Et erat jmlens.
Membrane 31.
Oct, 17. To Thomas de lUeston escheator in Wiltesir. Order to remove
Westminster, the king's hand and meddle no further with the manor of Compton
Chamberlej'n, delivering to Katherine late the wife of Hugh Tirell
any issues thereof taken ; as the king has learned by inquisition,
taken by the escheator, that the said Hugh at his death held the same
jointly with her to them and the heirs of their bodies of others than
the king.
Oct. 19. To William Bcrard escheator in Norffolk. Order to take of Joan
Westminster, who was wife of Thomas de Fclton an oath that she shall not marry
without the king's licence, and in presence of Roger Lestraunge, to
whom has come the manor and advbwson of Lucham by form of the
gift for that lier husband died without issue male, to assign her dower
thereof, sending the assignment to be enrolled in chancery.
Oct. 25. To the keeper or farmer of the manor of EH ham for the time being.
Westminster. Order of the farm thereof to pay to Jialdwin do Ik^rcford the king's
knight 20/. a year and the arrears since 10 Jul}^ last, on which date
the king granted him 100 marks a year for life, 20/. thereof of the
said farm.
Et erat patens.
1381. Membrane 31 — cont.
To the bailifTs of the town of Oxford for the time being. Like
order, mutatis mutandis, in respect of 35/. a year of the fee farm of
that town.
To the sheriff of Oxford for the time being. Like order, mutatis
mutandis, in respect of 17 marks Qs. M. a year of the issues of that
Oct. 22. To Edmund Giffard cscheator in Oxordshire. Order to give Amice
Westminster, late the wife of John de Beverle livery of the manor of Bokenhull and
the issues thereof since her husband's death ; as it is found by
inquisition, taken by John Salvayn late escheator, that at his death
her husband held the same jointly with her by grant of the late king
to them and the said John's heirs.
July 18. To the bailiffs of Lenne, the collectors of customs in that port,
St. Albans, and all sheriffs, mayors, bailiffs, merchants, ministers etc. to whom etc.
Writ of aid in favour of Philip Wyth of Lenne Episcopi, to whom
for a term of three years the king has by a mainprise committed for
a set farm the collection of all customs upon goods, except wool, hides
and woolfells, in the said port and along the coast to Maidenhouse on
the one hand and Blakeneye on the other and at those places, and in
favour of his deputies.
Et erat patens.
Nov. 6. To the sheriff of Huntingdon for the time being. Order to pay to
Westminster. Roger Janyn 2c?. a day and the arrears since 23 March 1 Richard II,
on which date the king confirmed letters patent of the late king granting
the said Roger for good service 2d. a day for life or until the king
should take other order for his estate.
Et erat patens.
Nov. 4. To the mayor and bailiffs of Notyngham for the time being. Order
Westminster, to stay their demand upon the prior and brethren of Mount Carmel
Notyngham for 5s. Qd. a year for certain pieces of ground in the town
which they acquired for enlargement of their manse, discharging them
thereof ; as for 5s. 6d. of rent to him given by John son of Ralph
Brodye of Notyngham, to be taken by the hands of the bailiffs of a
messuage in ' Mothallegate ' street of him held by the said John,
the late king by letters patent, confirmed by the king, released to the
prior and brethren and to their successors the rent first mentioned.
Proviso that answer be made to the king for the rent of the messuage
in 'Mothallegate.'
Et erat patens.
Nov. 6. To the collectors and receivers of certain moneys levied of tenants
Westminster, of the archbishopric of Canterbury, lately void by death of archbishop
Simon, for giving the king a palfrey as used to be done at every vacancy
thereof. Order to discharge the brethren and sisters of the hospitals
of Northgate and Herbaldoun by Canterbury, who are tenants of the
archbishopric it is said, of contributing thereto with other tenants
for their lands in the hundreds of Wyngham, Westgate and Whitstaple,
restoring any levy upon them made ; as the late king by letters patent,
confirmed by the king, granted that they and their successors should
1331. Membrane 31 — co7ii.
be quit of tallages, aids and contributions whatsoever in respect of
those lands.
Nov. 24. Order to the sheriff of Lincoln to cause a coroner to be elected instead
Westminster, of William Lcvcrik, who is in.sufficiently quahfied.
Dec. 13. To Robert de Swynfen escheator in 8aIop and the march of Wales
Westminster, adjacent. Order to give Fulk son of Robert Corbet of Morton knight
and of Elizabeth his wife livery of the manor of Shaubury and the issues
thereof since his mother's death, and to remove the king's hand and
meddle no further with the manors of Morton Corbet, Harpecote,
Routon, Ambaston. Watelesburgh, Hey, Bredeshulle and Hemme
and the township of Hynynton, delivering to him any issues thereof
taken ; as the king has learned by inquisition, taken bj- the escheator,
that at her death the said Elizabeth held the manor of Shaubury
jointly with her husband (likewi.se deceased) for their lives by gift
of Thomas Gery vicar of Morton and Thomas de Lee of Southbache
by fine levied in the late king's court with his licence, and the other
manors and township b\' gift of Hugh le Yonge clerk and others to
them with remainder to the said Fulk and the heirs male of his body,
and tliat the manor of Shaubury is held in chief bj' knight service, the
other premises of others than the king ; and the king has taken the
homage and fealty of the said Fulk. By p.s. [2006.]
To the same. Order to take the fealty of Roger son of Robert
Corbet of Morton and Elizabeth his wife, and to remove the king's
hand and meddle no further with the townships of La\\elegh, Blecheley
and Upton Waters, eight messuages, 20 acres of land and 6 acres of
meadow in Shrewsbury, delivering to the said Roger any issues thereof
taken ; as the king has learned by inquisition, taken by the escheator,
that the said Elizabeth wife of Robert at her death held the premises
jointly with her husband (likewise deceased) by gift of John Poytyu
chaplain and others to them for their lives with remainder as regards
the township of Lawelegh to the said Roger and the heirs male of
his body, as regards other the premises to him and the heirs of his
body, and that the premises in Shrew.sburv are held of the king in
free burgage, the said townships of others than the king.
Dec. 2. To the steward of Wallyngford castle or his representative. Order
Westminster, not to di.strain William liarre knight for his homage, releasing any
such di.strcss made ; as he has done his homage for tlie manor of
Stantonbarre co. liukingham held of the king.
By K. ujion information of Aubrey de Veer the
Membrane 30.
Oct. 19. To the sheriff of Canteljrigge and Huntingdon for the time being.
Westminster. Order to ])ay to l.lizaheth de \'eer who was wife of Andrew Luterell
knight 100/. a year initil provision be made her by the king of 200/. a
year of land or rent for life, and the arrears since Faster last, according
to the kings late lellers i)alent granting her 200/. a year for life, 100/.
of the issues of those counties, and 100/. of the issues of Bedfordshire
and Bukinghamshire.
El erat jKiiais.
1381. Mcmhrane 20—cont.
Tho like to the sherilY of Bedford and Bukingham for the iiino
Oct. 1. To Aubrey de Veer steward of Walyngford or Jiis representative.
Westniinster. Order not to distrain William de Bekenesfeld for his homage, releasing
Jiny such distress made ; as he has done homage for his lands in Beklo
CO. Bukingham. By p.s. [1919.]
Oct. 13. To Alan de BuxhuU constable of the Tower of London, and to his
Westminster, lieutenant. Order to deliver to -John Morewelle serjeant at arms
Thomas Farndon imprisoned in the Tower prison for manslaughter
of brother Robert Hales late prior of the Hospital of St. John of
Jerusalem in England the treasurer, to be brought to la Vyse castle
and there kept in custody until the king shall take order for his
deliverance. By K. and C.
Oct. 13. To Nicholas de Sharnesfeld constable of la Vyse castle, and to his
Westminster, lieutenant. Order to receive Thomas Farndon, whom John Morewelle
shall deliver to him, and to keep him etc. {as above). By K. and C.
Oct. 13. To Alan de BuxhuU constable of the Tower of London, and to his
Westminster, lieutenant. Order to receive Thomas Hardynges of Lynton co. Kent,
whom the king is sending to him, and to keep him in safe custody in
the Tower prison until further order. By K. and C.
Oct. 15. To William Berard escheator in Norffolk. Order to give Roger
Westminster. Lestraunge livery of the manor and advowson of Lucham, saving
her dower to Joan who was wife of Thomas de Felton knight ; as the
king has learned by inquisition, taken by the escheator, that at his
death the said Thomas held the same in chief in fee tail to him and the
heirs male of his body, by gift of John Lestraunge to Hamon de Felton
his grandfather and to the heirs male of his body, that the said Thomas
died without issue male, wherefore the premises ought by the form
of the gift to revert to the said Roger, being son of Roger son of John
son of John son of the said John Lestraunge, and that they are held
of others than the king.
Oct. 18. To the sheriff of Essex. Order, upon petition of John Lependen of
Westminster. Great Dunmowe, if assured that he was unlawfully disseised of three
cottages there by John Horro and Alice his wife by aid of certain his
enemies who rose in the late insurrection, to give him again seisin
thereof, putting out the said John Horro and Alice, and telling them
to sue according to law if they think fit ; as the king decrees that
things so done in time of that disturbance are of none effect.
For half a mark paid in the hanaper.
Oct. 17. To the mayor and bailiffs of the city of Lincoln, and to Hugh
Westminster. Garewelle of Lincoln. Order to dearrest and deliver to Francis Burre
merchant of Milan 24 sarplers of wool of his and any other goods
of merchants of Florence by them arrested for the cause hereinafter
mentioned, not troubling Nicholas Luke or other merchants of Florence
contrary to their acquittance, or else to be in person in chancery
within eight days after receipt hereof in order to shew cause wherefore
they have not obeyed this writ ; as the matter of a dispute between
J^3j^J^. Membrane 30 — cont.
the said Hugh and other merchants of Lincohi and certain merchants
of Lunilianly concerning a deniaiul for certain great sums made by
the merchants of Lijicohi was lately moved before the council,
and on 27 June 4 Richard II the said Hugh, John Hodeleston,
Xichola-s C'amervngham. John Bate, John Driffeld and Robert
Hayford, for themselves and their fellows, acknowledged that
neither Peter Marke, Nicholas Luke, Bernard Antoyn, Bernard
George, John Crede, Francis Johan and Nicholas Russell of the
fellowshijis of the Albertini and of Stros, nor any other Florentines
were of the fellowship of Thomas Blaunchard, Dinus Blaunchard,
Nicholas Johan or Andrew Blainichard fugitives, wherefore the said
Hugh etc. released and acquitted those and all other merchants of
Florence of all actions, the said fugitives excepted ; and now by
complaint of the said Francis it has come to the king's ears that by
reason of the demand aforesaid the mayor and bailiffs at suit of the
said Hugh have contrary to that acquittance arrested the said wool,
pretending that it is of Nicholas Luke, which it is not.
Oct. 25. To the king's searchers in the port of Pl\-mmuth. Order, upon
Westminster, petition of Stephen Hales of Suthwerk, to dearrest and deliver to him
or his attorney' two long cloths, one black the other tawny ; as his
petition shews that he lateh' laded those cloths in a ship of Clyve,
Richard Hore of Clyve master, to take to foreign parts, and paid the
customs thereupon to the customers in the port of London, taking
letters of cocket, and that when the ship came to Plymmiith the
customers arrested the cloth for that those letters were not produced,
the petitioner having given them to the custody of a certain seaman
of the ship who was then absent ; and John Sibille one of the said
customers, being examined before the council at Westminster, has
averred that the cloths were duly customed. By pet. of C.
Nov. 10. To the sheriff of Oxford, and the mayor of the town. Order to take
Westminster, brother William Pikworth of the order of friars preachers, and at the
cost of the order to bring him without delay to Gloucestre and deliver
him to the prior there to be chastised according to the rule of the
order ; as the king is informed that the said William despising his
profession is without licence of his superiors and contrary to their
jnonitions dwelling irregularly outside the houses of the order, running
to and fro among secular i3ersons in disobedience to the said superiors,
to the peril of his soul and the scandal of the order. By K.
Et erat pateiis.
Nov. 12. To Reynold de Hilton clerk. Prohibition upon his allegiance and
Westminster, under ])ain of forfeiture against departing without the kings special
licence to foreign j)arts, doing, attempting or procuring aught there
or elsewhere in contempt of the king, in breach of the laws etc. of the
realm, or tending to imjiair the same, or sending any man thither,
or any gold or silver in the lump or coined, jewels, writings or aught
else ; as the king has learned that it is his puq^ose secretly to depart
thither ])y colour of a citation to him sent thence to answer touching
matters which ought to be determined by the king's court, although it
was by common coimsel of the realm established, and proclamation
was many times made on behalf of the king and of the late king for-
bidding any man secretly or openly so to do. By K.
Et cral j^cTis.
1381. Membrane 30— cont.
To W. bishoi) of St. Asaph. Like prohibition, mutatis mutandis,
and especially in consideration of the grievous hurt that might ha])])en
ill these troublous times if he should fall into the hands of the king's
enemies and be jjut to ransom, w liich the king may not endure savijig
his coronation oath. By K.
Et erat patens.
Nov. 29. To Thomas Tyle the king's chief butler, or to his representative
Westminster, in the port of Bristol. Order of the king's wines there in his keep-
ing to deliver one tun of wine of the king's gift to John de Belio
Campo esquire. By K.
Membeane 29.
Oct. 20. To the sheriff of Leycester. Order to give James Belers knight
Westminster, seisui of a messuage and 12 acres of land in Retherbj- held by John
Hunte of Retherby outlawed for felony ; as the king has learned by
inquisition, taken by the sheriff, that the premises have been in his
hand a year and a day, that the said John holds them of the said James,
and that Thomas Hore late escheator had the year and a day and the
waste thereof, and ought to answer to the king for the same.
Oct. 22. To the sheriff of Essex. Order on sight etc. as best and most speedily
Westminster, he vaeLj to carrj' at the kings cost to the kings lodging, wherever
it shall be, and deliver to the treasurer of the household a fish called
a ' whaLle,' now newly cast up, as the king is informed, upon the soil
of the alien priory of ^Mersey which is in the king's hand b\^ reason of
the war with France ; as in law the fish ought to belong to the king
or the prior.- By C.
Xov. 18. To Robert de Assheton constable of Dovorre castle, warden of the
Westminster. Cinque Ports and one of the guardians of the peace in Kent, or to his
heutenant in the said castle and ports. Order to remove every force
or any lay power maintaining itself in the parish church of Buklond
by Dovorre or the apse {volta) of the old church of St. Martin Dovorre,
and to defend the prior and convent of the new work of St. Martin,
of the foundation of former kings and the patronage of the archbishop
of Canterbury b}- theu' collation, in possession of Buklond church
and the oblations of indulgence at the altar of St. Mars- under the
said apse, doing them no wrong or violence and suffering none to be
done b}- others of the said ports and county, and so far as in him hes
reforming am' heretofore done, putting down any turbulent men of the
town who would contravene this command, .strictly commanding the
mayor, bailiffs and commonalty thereof under the pain in the statutes and
ordinances of the late king, confirmed by the king in divers parliaments,
and under pain of forfeiture, to suffer the prior and convent by them-
selves, their servants or deputies peaceably to hold Buklond church
to them long ago duly appropriated, and to levy the fruits, rents and
proventions thereof, and the oblations aforesaid, and dispose of the
same at will, doing or attempting nought which may tend to contempt
of the king, to be derogatory to the said statutes or to disturb their
enjoyment of such fruits etc., and that the mayor and baihffs at their
peril shall likewise put down such turbulent men under the pain afore-
said ; as the prior and convent have held the said church and oblations
time out of mind, until by colour of provisions obtained contrary to the
2381. Membnine 29 — cotU.
said statutes from the cardinal last in England of Buklond church
by John Croucheman chaplain and of the said oblations by William
Pans clerk they arc now newly disturbed in their possession thereof
by the said John and William and their accomplices ; and for the
conunon advantage of the realm it is the king's will that those statutes
anil ordinances be observed, wherefore by letters patent he has taken
the prior and convent under his protection, likewise the said church
and oblations.
Et erat patens.
To the maj^or and bailiffs of Dovorre for the time being, and the
commonalty of the town. Order to suffer the said prior and convent
peaceably to hold Buklond church and the fruits thereof, and to levy
the oblations aforesaid ; and to the mayor and bailiffs at their peril
to put down etc. {as in the last).
Nov. 28. To the receiver of issues and profits of the lordship of Cornwall for
Westminster, the time being. Order to pay to Lewis de Clyfford 35 marks a year
for life or until the king has made him other assignment thereof,
and the arrears since Easter last, according to the king's letters patent
of 8 July last.
Et erat patens.
Nov. 26. To the sheriffs of London and Middlesex for the time being. Order
Westminster, to paj' to the prior and convent of Holy Trinity London lOOs. a year
and the arrears since 11 March 1 Richard II, on which date the king
confirmed letters patent of the late king, granting to them and their
successors 100s. a year of the farm or issues of that city and comity
in recompense for certain fruits, oblations, tithes and ob vent ions by
them given at his request to the abbot and convent of St. Mary
Et erat patens.
Nov. 8. To the collectors of customs in the port of London, and the keepers
Westminster, of the jDassage there. Order to suffer Robert Parys citizen and mer-
chant of London by himself, his servants or deputies, first paying
the customs and subsidies thereupon, to lade there and send over
to Flanders six oxen to a certain host there for sustenance of certain
servants of his dwelling with the said host, any command to the
contrar\' notwithstanding.
Nov. 10. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Order to account
Westminster, with the executors of Richard Rotier, the late king's constable of
Bordeaux and afterwards the king's constable, allowing him such
wages and rewards as were allowed to John de Loudham or Master
Robert de Wykford late constables, or granted to Master William
Loryng late constable.
Nov. 16. To Thomas Tyle the king's butler, or to his representative in the
Westminster, port of London. Order, u])on ])etition of John Forster of London
' carter,' not to trouble him because of the waste of a tun of wine,
the carriage whereof from the Tower of London to the manor of
Kenyngton he undertook at his own risk ; as his petition shews that
the same was broken by accident, and not bj' his negligence or default
1381. Menifjrane 29— cont.
in carriage, and in consideration of his poverty the king has pardoned
him the trovspass etc. By K.
Nov. 12. To (iilbert Culvven escheator in Northuml)erJand. Order in presence
Westminster, of John de Holand the king's brother, to whom he has committed the
wardshij) of the lauds of Kces ap Criffitz knight, to assign dower, if
not yet assigned, to Margaret who was wife of the said Jiecs, deliver-
ing to her the issues thereof taken since 19 November last, on which
day the king gave like order to Nicholas Reymes late escheator,
having commanded his clerk Richard de Ravenser archdeacon of
Lincoln to take of her an oath etc. ; as the said escheator was
removed from office before that was done.
Nov. 28. To the escheator in Notynghamshire. Order in presence of John
Westminster, de Holand {as above) to assign to Margaret wife of Rees ap Griffith
knight dower of 10/. of rent in Shelford, Godlyng, Stoke and Birton.
By K.
Dec. 16. To John de Newenton escheator in Middlesex. Order to take of
Westminster. Joan who was wife of John Keuermound an oath etc., and in presence
of Adam Rameseye the king's esquire, to whom he has committed
two thirds thereof until the heir's lawful age, to assign her dower of
the office of usher of the exchequer, and of the offices of ushers [and]
criers in the Common Bench, marshals, ushers, criers and barriers
in singular the eyres of justices in eyre within the realm, with 5d.
a day when the exchequer is open to be taken at the receipt of
the exchequer in the first mentioned office.
Membrane 28.
Nov. 14. To the collector of the issues of the stampage of tin in Cornwall,
Westminster, or the warden of the stampage for the time being. Order so long as
he shall be in office to pay to William de Monte Acuto now earl of
Salisbury 200 marks a year so long as provision shall not be made
him of 200 marks a year of land and rent in hen thereof, and the arrears
for Easter and Michaelmas terms last ; as by letters patent of 1 8 March
1 1 Edward III the late king granted to William de Monte Acuto, whom
he then made earl of Salisbury, and to the heirs male of his body,
to maintain the estate of earl and support the charges thereof, 1,000
marks a year of the issues of the stampage, namely 800 marks until
the castle and manor of Troubrigge and the manors of Aldeburne,
Ambresbury and Wynterbourne co. Wiltesir, Caneford co. Dorset,
and Hengstregge and Cherleton co. Somerset, then held for life by
John de Warenna then earl of Surrey and Joan his wife, the reversion
whereof that king granted to the said William and his heirs male
aforesaid, should come to his hands or the hands of such heirs, when
payment thereof should cease, and 200 marks until provision should
be made as aforesaid ; and payment of 800 marks ceased by possession
of the said castle and manors being obtained by the now earl, being
son and heir of the first earl, and no provision has yet been made of
200 marks of land and rent as aforesaid. By C.
Et erat patens.
Nov. 5. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a verderer in the forest of
Westminster. Pykcrynglyth to be elected instead of William Hastynges, who is dead.
1381. Membrane 28 — cotU.
Nov. 20. To Robert, de Ncuton late lieutenant of Alan de Buxhull late
Westminster, const ahle of the Tower of London. Order to set free Thomas son of
ThoniJis de Gyssynge knight imprisoned in the Tower ; as by advice
of the council with the king's assent it is agreed that he shall go at
Nov. 24. To the cscheator in Wiltesir. Order to assign and deliver to Joan
Westminster, the king's mother dower of the manor of Mere ; as lately upon the
finding of an inquisition, taken by Thomas de Illeston late escheator,
that Edward prince of Wales after his espousal A\as thereof seised,
and that he espoused the said Joan in 35 Edward III and was thereof
seised until 1 February' 40 Edward III, when he granted the same,
except the castle and park at the Comwjxh, to Nicholas Bonde knight
for life and one year longer, who died on the feast of St. Nicholas last,
and upon his said mother "s petition, the king lately ordered the sheriff
to give notice to the executors of the said Nicholas, and to Lewis de
Clifford knight to whom lately he granted two thirds of the manor,
to be in chancery in the octaves of Martinmas last to shew cause
wherefore such dower ought not to be assigned her ; at which day the
said Lewis appeared, and John Broun one of the executors bj' William
de Stourton his attorney, and could say nought to the purpose, where-
fore it was determined that dower be assigned and delivered as
Nov. 24. To William Walshale escheator in Salop and Staffordshire. Order
Westminster, to remove the kings hand and meddle no further with the manor and
advowson of Wemme, the manors of Hj^nstoke and Lopynton co.
Salop and Tyrley co. Stafford, delivering to John Say and Elizabeth
his wife any issues thereof taken ; as the king has learned bj' divers
inquisitions, taken bj' the escheator, that at his death Robert Ferrers
of VV^emme knight held the premises for life by knight service by
gift of William de Bello Campo and Lewis de Clifford knights by fine
levied in the king's court with his licence, with remainder for life
to the said Elizabeth who was wife of the said Robert ; and the king
has taken the said John's fealty.
To Cornelius de Wirley, escheator in Warwickshire and Leicestershire.
Like order concerning the manors of Overesley and Merston Botiller
CO. Warrewyk and the manor and advowson of Norburgh co. Leycester ;
as the king has learned by divers inquisitions, taken by the escheator,
that at his death the said Robert held no lands in those counties in
chief in demesne nor in service, but held the premises for life (as in
tlie last), and that they are held of others than the king.
Nov. 24. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Order to remove
Westminster, the king's hand from 7 acres of land in Coston late of William son of
Robert do Langham, if yet in his hand, and to give Robert de Langham
livery thereof, discharging him and the sheriffs of Leycester of the
issues : as it is found by certificate of the late king's treasurer and
the barons of his exchequer, and by inquisition taken before Thomas
Ralegh late escheator in Leycestershire, that the cause of taking that
land into the late kitigs hand was that on Monday before St. Martin
the Jiishoj) 10 Kdward III the said William was outlawed at suit of
Richard de Wylughby the elder knight for an account, that William
is dead, and that the said Robert is his cousin aud heir.
1381. Mcmbmne 2H—cont.
Dec. 4. To Roger de la ("hanibre eschcator in Norhamptonshirc. Order to
Westminster, remove the king's hand and meddle no further with two thirds
of the manor of (!!reat Dodyiigton, six messuages, two virgates of land
and a quarter and 2.'.'. of rent in (!olyntre, delivering u]) any issues
thereof taken ; as the king has learned by inquisition, taken by .John
Carnelle late escheator, that Margaret who was wife of John Sulno
knight at her death held no lands in that county in chief in demesne
nor in service, but held the premises of others than the king.
Dec. 16. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Order, upon
Westminster, petition of the collectors and controllers in Kent of the subsidy last
granted to the king by laymen, shewing that the rolls of names of
those dwelling in Kent, the indentures and other evidences concerning
the collection were burned by the commons of the county in their
late insurrection, and that the collectors have not wherewithal to
account but by the sum total of persons of every town, wherefore
the treasurer and the barons have deferred to receive their account
unless they shewed severally those persons' names, if by oath of the
collectors and controllers assured that these things are true, to account
with the collectors iipon oath by the sum total of persons of the towns
or hundreds, and by control of the controllers, making no special
mention of the names. By C.
[Rolls of Parliament, iii. p. 393.]
Nov. 16. Order to the sheriff of Salop to cause a coroner to be elected instead
Westminster, of William de Lee, who is insufficiently qualified.
Dec. 2. Like order, mutatis mutandis, to the sheriff of Norffolk for election
Westminster, of a coroner instead of Robert Toly.
Dec. 3. Like order, mutatis mutandis, to the sheriff of York for election of a
Westminster, coroner instead of John del More of Middelton.
Nov. 18. Like order, mutatis mutandis, to the sheriff of Cumberland for election
Westminster, of a coroner instead of Richard de Louthre, who is dead.
Dec. 8. Like order to the sheriff of Derby for election of a coroner instead
Westminster, of Henry de SheLford.
Dec. 16. Like order to the sheriff of Salop for election of a coroner instead
Westminster, of Thomas Boterell.
Nov. 10. Like order to the sheriff of Berkshire for election of a coroner instead
Westminster, of Richard Abyndon, lately elected for the king's seven hundreds of
Cokham and Bray ; as the king has learned that he has no lands in
the county whereon he may dwell according to his estate.
Nov. 5. Like order to the sheriff of Cornwall for election of a coroner instead
Westminster, of Simon Tregawore, who is sick and aged.
Nov. 21. Like order, mutatis mutandis, to the sheriff of York for election of a
Westminster, coroner instead of Thomas de Lokton, who is sick and aged as the king
has learned by credible witness, wherefore he has removed him.
1381. Membrane 27.
Oct. 15>. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Order this time to
Westiniustcr. discharge the dean and canons of the chapel of St. Stephen within VVest-
^ minster palace of all sums of monej' current in demand against them at
the exchequer for tenths, quotas or any other subsidies heretofore granted
to the king ; as the late king by charter granted that they and their
successors should be quit of all kings" aids, contributions and tallages
demanded by reason of their lands or goods, and that when.soever
the clergy of the realm, or of the province of Canterbury or York
by themselves, should grant a tenth or other quota upon their spirituali-
ties and ecclesiastical goods, or the commons of the realm or the citizens
and burgesses of cities and boroughs should grant a tenth, fifteenth
or other quota or tax upon their temporalities or moveable goods,
their lands or rents, the churches and benefices appropriated to the
said dean and canons, their lands, goods etc. whatsoever should not
be taxed, assessed or tallied, nor should the}- be distrained or troubled ;
and by charter of 1 June 1 Richard II the king confirmed the said
charter with the clause licet. By K., and by bill endorsed by C.
Nov. 17. To William de Skipwith the j'ounger, escheator in Lincolnsliire.
Westminster. Order in presence of the heirs and parceners to make a partition of a
third part of the manor of Billesby held in dower by Katherine who
was wife of Peter Bavent of Billesby, and to give Marmaduke de
Lumlee and Eleanor his wife and William Chaumberlein of Edlyngton
and Cicely his wife seisin of the respective purparties, sending the
partition to be enrolled in chancery ; as upon the finding of an
inquisition, taken by Walter de Kelby then escheator, that at his
death the said Peter held that manor in chief by knight service, and
that Eleanor and Cicely his daughters are his next heirs, and were
then of full age, on 10 February 44 Edward III for a fine by them paid
the late king respited their homage and fealty to a date now past,
and commanded livery to be given them of their respective purparties ;
and now it is found by inquisition, taken by William de Kelke late
escheator, that the said Katherine at her death held the third part
thereof in dower ; and the king has taken tlie homage and fealty of
the said Marmaduke and William Chaumberlein by reason of issue
upon their said wives begotten. By p.s. [1974.]
Nov. 16. To William Berard escheator in Suffolk. Order to remove the
Westminster, king's hand and meddle no further A\ith the manor of Fakenham
Aspes, delivering to Robert de Kedyngton and John Peeke of Cavendissh
any_ issues thereof taken ; as the king has learned by inquisition,
taken by the escheator, that by fine levied in the late king's court
with his licence John de Cavendissh knight at his death held the same
jointly with (hem, to them and the heirs and assigns of the deceased;
and the king has taken their fealty.
Oct. 24. To Thomas earl of Bukingham, Walter fitz Wauter, Hugh la Zouche,
Westminster. William de Skypwyth, Henry Asty and John Holt, lately appointed
justices, of whom the said William or Henry should be one, to make
in(|uisition in (Cambridgeshire concerning trespasses, excesses etc.
w hatsoever against the king and people and other the circumstances,
and to hear and determine the same at suit of the king or of other
C()m))lainan1s. Order not to ])roceed by virtue of their commission
save only in regard to excesses etc. against the chancellor of Cantcbrigge
Nov. 4.
Membrane 27 — cont.
university or any scholars thereof committed in this deviUsh
To John Norhampton mayor of the city of London and (^schcator
therein. Order to suiVer the dean and chapter of !St. Paul London
to have the keeping and disposal of the bishopric of London, now
void by translation of William the last bishop to be arch))ishop of
C'anterbury, of all temporalities thereof and all property thereto
belonging, delivering to them any issues thereof taken, saving to the
king the knights' fees and advowsons of churches to the same bek)nging,
the escheats falling in during this vacancy, and the keeyjing of any lands
acqinred since 19 December 1 1 Edward III and annexed to the bishopric ;
as on that date the late king by letters patent, confirmed by the king,
granted to the dean and chapter and to their successors that at every
vacancy of the bishopric they should have the keeping thereof as
fidly as the bishops had when the see was filled or as the king might
or ought to have had if it were kept in his hand, saving fees, advowsons
and escheats as aforesaid, so that at the end of a vacancy, namely
after the fealty of the bishop elect and confirmed or appointed, livery
of such escheats should be given him, rendering to the king for every
vacancy if it should endure one whole year 1,000/. at which sum the
bishopric is taxed, and for a greater or less time in proportion.
Sent to the exchequer among the estreats.
The like to the following :
Nicholas fitz Richard escheator in Essex and Hertfordshire.
Robert de Loxle escheator in- Surrey and Sussex.
William Berard escheator in Norffolk and Suffolk.
John Newenton escheator in Middlesex.
Here, on Wednesday after St. Andrew this year, the great seal
was delivered to Richard Lescrope knight the chancellor, as appears
in a memorandum on the dorse of this roll.
Nov. 30. To John Rede escheator in Norffolk and SufPoLk. Order to remove
Westminster, the king's hand and meddle no further with the manors of Olton co.
Suffolk and Gresham co. Norffolk, delivering to Margery late the
wife of William Molyns knight any issues thereof taken ; as the king
has learned by inquisition, taken by William Berard late escheator,
that the deceased held the said manors of her heritage, the manor of
Olton of the king in free socage as of the hundred of Luddynglond by
service of 10^. a year, and the manor of Gresham of others than the
king ; and the king has taken her fealty.
Nov. 30. To the justices of the Bench. Order, if assured that the dean
Westminster, and chapter of St. Chad Lychefeld before the late king's justices
recovered against the prior of Neuport Paynell a yearly rent of 20
marks, to proceed with such speed as they lawfully may in a plea
now pending before them between the dean and chapter and the now
prior concerning 100 marks arrears of the said rent, doing justice to
the parties, notwithstanding the defendant's allegation that the
priory is dative, that he is removable at the will of the abbot of
Mermoustre in Tours his abbot and superior, and that the priory is
seized into the king's hand by reason of the war with France and
to him committed at a set yearly rent payable to the king, wherefore
Membrane 27 — corU.
he may not answer without advising the king, craving the king's aid,
so that the justices proceed not to rendering of judgment without
advising the king ; as the king has learned that the dean and chapter
impleaded the then prior in the late king's court for 40 marks arrears,
and recovere<l tlie said rent, and that by reason of the said allegation
the justices have deferred to proceed further in the said plea.
1382. Membrane 2G.
Jan. 26. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Order, upon
Westminster, petition ])resented in parliament by Joan who was wife of Thomas
de Felton knight, to examine charters and writings in her hands and,
if assured thereby, or by inquisition or other lawful means, that on
2 August 48 Edward III and after her husband had no estate in the
manors of Fordham, Wilby, Banham, Greys in Banham and Barewe,
and in the moiety of a messuage and of 100 acres of land in Wilbj'
save jointly with her, and that the premises are after his death seized
into the king's hand by command of the exchequer by colour of divers
sums by him received as a prest at the receipt of the late king's ex-
chequer for which no account has yet been rendered by him or any
other in his name, order to remove the king's hand therefrom and
from the issues thereof, suffering the said Joan to hold the premises
according to the feoffments thereof made to her husband and to her,
as her petition shews. [See Ancient Petitions, 4215, 5517.]
1381. Membrane 25.
Nov. 4. Order to the sheriff of Salop to cause a coroner to be elected instead
Westminster, of Thomas Boterell, who is dead.
Dec. 12. Like order, mutatis mutattdis, to the sheriff of Suffolk for election of
Westminster, a coroner instead of Thomas Rose, who is insuflficientlj' qualified.
Like order to the sheriff of Suffolk for election of a coroner instead
of Henry Jernemuth.
Oct. 22. Order to the sheriff of York to cause a verderer in the forest of
Westminster. Spaunton to be elected instead of John Stevenson of Appulton, who
is dead.
Dec. 30. To the collectors of customs and subsidies in the port of London
Westminster, and the controller there. Order to suffer the mayor and commonalty
of the city or their deputies to take the m hole of the subsidy in that
port upon wool, hides and woolfells from Easter next until contented
of the arrears of 2,000/. by them delivered as a prest to the king at his
request, and at that feast to deliver to them one part of the cocket
seal, without both foils whereof the king forbids that any wool, fells
or hides shall pass ; as on (> September 4 Richard 11 by advice of the
council the king gave the mayor etc. his bond for repayment of the
said sum at Christmas then next, covenanting for deduction of any
sum to him granted by the city at the parliament then following,
and that the collectors there for the time being should between that
date and Christmas pay to them or their attorneys the whole of the
said sul)sidy immediately after 7,000/. should thereof be levied, and that
one |)art of the .said seal should remain in their hands until fully ]iaid,
and for further security the king cau.sed certain jewels to be deUvered
to them in pledge in certain coflfcrs and boxes under seal of certain
1381. Membrane 25 — cont.
lords ; and now the m<ayor etc. have of their own accord agreed with
the council that, although of the said .sum 1, ()()()/. or thereabout is in
arrear, they shall respite the arrears until Kaster, and shall incon-
tinently deliver u]) the said jewels as they received the same, so that
after Easter they shall have the whole of the subsidy as aforesaid
until fully contented. By C.
Et erat patens.
Jan. 2. To John de Seynesbury bailiff or lieutenant in the port of Kirkele.
Windsor. Order of the herrings in a ship called the ' Seint Marie ' of Lesclus in
Flanders by him lately arrested, for delivery whereof the king and
council have yet taken no order, to dehver two lasts to Baldwin de
Seint Homer the master for his sustenance and sustenance of the
seamen, putting the ship and gear in safe keeping and the residue
of the merchandise therein until further order, as he will answer it.
Jan. 13. To the sheriff of York for the time being. Order to pay to William
Westminster, de Wyndesore 100^ a year and the arrears since 5 November 5 Richard
II, on which date the king confirmed letters patent of the late king,
granting to the said William for good service 1001. a year of the issues
of that county for life or until the king should make him provision
for life of lOOZ. a j^ear of land or rent.
Et erat patens.
Jan. 28. To Simon de Quyxley mayor of York, Richard Stanton, John
Westminster. Thorneton and John Emlay chamberlains of the Gildehall of that
city. Strict order under a pain of 1,000 marks to be in person in
chancery on Monday before St. Peter's Chair next, bringing with them
and delivering to the court the sums hereinafter mentioned, to shew
cause wherefore the same being levied by force and duress ought not
to be repaid ; as by complaint of William Tykhill of York, Richard
del See, John de Eston, William Belle and Roger de Burton of York,
by their petition presented to the king and council, it is shewn that
at the time of the late devilish insurrection of certain rebels in Kent
and Essex they were by the said mayor and others taken by force
of arms and imprisoned in the city prison until to save his hfe and
have his deliverance every one of them paid great sums of money to
the Gildehall chamber. By K. and C.
Et erat patens.
To Simon de Quyxlay mayor of York and William Ageland, William
Pounfreyt and William Goldyng late bailiffs. Like order, and order
to bring and deliver also divers bonds and statutes merchant with
condition for not impeaching or troubling the mayor and bailiffs or
any other of the city, which by threats of beheading them and by fear
of death the said mayor and bailiffs compelled the complainants to
make and deliver, to shew cause wherefore the same should not be
Et erat patens.
To William de Selby, Robert Ampelford, John Cotyngham and
John Benetson. Like order to bring and deliver bonds and statutes
merchant which {as above) the complainants were compelled to make
and deliver to them.
Et erat patens.
1382. Membrane 25 — conL
Memorandum of a mainprise under a pain of 1,000 marks made
in chancery on 2i) January- this year by Robert Acclum, Henry Roston,
John de Gisburne. Adam Wellom and John Leuenton for William
Tiklnille. Ricliard del See. John Eston, William Belle and Roger de
Burton, that they shall be ready in chancery on Monday aforesaid
to sue against Simon de Quixley mayor of York, John Stanton. John
Thorneton and John Emlay chamberlains of the Gildehall, William
Ageland, William Poumfreit and William Goldyng late bailififs, William
de Selby, Robert Ampelford, John Cotjngham and John Benetson
touching the matter specified above.
Jan. 26. To the dean of Coventre, John Russhale and William Hopkynson
Westminster, clerks of the diocese of Coventre and Lichefeld. Commission and
order to inhilnt Thomas de Kirkeby, pretending to be official or
commissary of the dean of the kings free chapel of Wolvernehampton,
and all others from any attempt to prejudice Richard Nicholes of
Wednesfeld the appellant in the prosecution of his appeal while pending
before the king, his chancellor or commissaries, and order to cite
Parnell wife of the said Richard to appear before the king etc. on
Friday after St. Scolastica next in the church of Hol}^ Trinit}^ Coventre,
certifying the king etc. at the day and place aforesaid of their action
in the matter ; as on behalf of the appellant the king is informed
that in his absence without contumacy, though he was not la'wfulh'
cited, admonished, confessed or convicted, Avithout cognisance of his
cause or order of law in such case required or reasonable or lawful
cause whatsoever, contrary to the statutes of the general council the
said Thomas has excommunicated the said Richard, and at the said
Parnell's instance and procurement has unla\\-fully proclaimed him
excommunicate, when in law he was not, from all which grievances
he has appealed to the king or the chancellor.
1381. Membrane 24.
Nov. 24. To William Stile escheator in Dorset. Order to remove the king's
Westminster, hand and meddle no further with the manors of Gomelle and Bade-
combe, delivering up any issues thereof taken ; as lately it was found by
inquisition, taken by the escheator, that John Wake knight was some-
time seised of those manors and the advowson of Badecombe church,
that bjr fine levied in the late king's court in 11 Edward III between the
said John and Joan his wife plaintiffs and Bartholomew Tyrell, Robert
his brother, John Wyseiiuin chai)lain and Walter de Surreye deforciants
he acknowledged the said Robert's right, and the deforciants thereby
granted the premises to the plaintiffs for life, with remainder to Hugh
Tirell and Margaret his wife and to the iieirs of their bodies, remainder
to the right heirs of John Wake, that Hugh and Margaret had issue
John Tirell and Hugh his l)r()ther. that the said Joan, Hugh the father
and Margaret died in the life time of John Wake, who died seised of
the premises by form of the said fine, that after his death John Tirell
entered the juemises as son and heir of Hugh and Margaret, and
died without issue, and after his deatli Hugh his brother entered
as heir of entail and died without issue, that the jury knew
not whether he made a demise of the premises or no, and that the
same arc held of others than the king : and after by another inquisition it
is found that the said Hugh luother of John was seised of the said manors
and long before his death, on Sunday before Michaelmas 48 Edward III,
1381. Membrane 24 — cont.
demised the manor of Batecombe for life to Alexander Russhton
clerk (yet living) at a yearly rent of 25 marks, that after by fine levied
in the king's court in 1 Richard II he granted the reversion of that
manor, the advowson excepted, to John Fitelton and Joan his wife
for their lives by service of one rose yearly, and the said Alexander
attorned tenant to them, that on Mt)nday after the Annunciation
47 Edward III he likewise demised the inanor of (iiorwelle to the said
Alexander for life at a yearly rent of 40 marks, that by fine likewise
levied in 1 Richard II he granted the reversion thereof to William
Ryver for life by like service, and the said Alexander attorned as
aforesaid, that the said Alexander has continued his estate in the
premises, that since levy of the said fines John Fitelton and Joan and
the said William respectively have taken those rents in the life time
of the said Hugh brother of John, that at his death he was not seised
of those manors, and that they are held of others than the king.
Dec. 20. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Order, upon
Westminster, petition of Joan who was wife of Thomas de Felton knight presented
to the king in parliament, to examine charters and writings which she
has and, if assured thereby, or by inquisition or other lawful means,
that before 2 August 48 Edward III her husband and she were jointly
enfeoffed of the manors of Fordham, Wilby, Banham, Greys in Banham
and Barewe and of a moiety of a messuage and 100 acres of land in
Wilby, and that her husband then or after had no estate therein save
as aforesaid, to remove the king's hand from the premises and the
issues thereof, suffering the petitioner to hold the same according
to the feoffments ; as her petition shews that on the date aforesaid
her husband received certain sums as a prest at the receipt of the late
king's exchequer, and that the premises, wherein he had no other
estate as she is ready to prove, are by command of the exchequer
seized into the king's hand after his death for that he nor any other
in his name has yet accounted at the exchequer, and she is unduly
thrust out. [See Ancient Petitions, 4215, 5517.]
To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Order, upon her
petition aforesaid, to account with the said Joan or her attorneys and,
when the king is contented of what shall be found due to him, if as-
sured b}^ view of charters and writings which she has that she was
jointly enfeoffed with her husband of the manors of Great Riburgh,
Little Riburgh, Gilhamhalle in Dersyngham, Aslagby and Ingaldes-
thorp and of a messuage and 3 acres of land in Ingaldesthorp, to
remove the king's hand and suffer her to hold the same according
to the feoffments ; as her petition shews that the premises, whereof
they were enfeoffed after the date above mentioned, are now seized
(as in the last), and that she is ready by her attorneys to account at
the exchequer and further to deal as the nature of the account requires.
Jan. 28. To the sheriff of Suthampton for the time being. Order to pay to
Westminster. Stephen Doget Sd. a day so long as he shall be keeper of Fremantel
park and the arrears since 3 December 2 Richard II, on which date
the king granted him the keeping thereof during pleasure taking
Sd. a day for wages by the sheriff's hands, as did Simon Bacoun de-
ceased, late keeper, by grant of the late king.
Et erat patens.
Wt. 32813. CB 3
1382. Membrane 24 — co7it.
Jan. 8. To William dc Elmhain admiral of the fleet to the northward.
Westminster. Order. n])on petition of the prior of Wvmondham, to send before the
king and council in the qiiinzaine of St. Hilary next all records and
processes before him had and begun touching a ship called ' la James '
of Barton, telling pursuer.>< and defendants to be before the king and
council on that day ; as the king lately sent the admiral a petition of
William de Fysshelake of Barton master thereof, shewing that the
shi]) being laded with corn and other victuals for the city of London
was so driven at sea by the king's enemies that for fear of them he
and other the seamen and servants therein abandoned the ship in a
boat and escaped to land at Hapesburgh co. Xorffolk, that those
enemies jilundered it of anchors, gear, and other goods and victuals,
and that it was after cast ashore at Hapesburgh within the prior's
lordship, and by writ inclosing the same the king commanded the
admiral to take information and make inquisition concerning the
truth, summoning before him those whom he should see fit, and to do
the said master speedy justice ; and now the prior's petition shews that
the ship and the goods therein ought to pertain to him as wreck.
1381. Membrane 23.
Nov. 30. To Edmund Giffard escheator in Berkshire. Order to remove the
Westminster, king's hand and meddle no further with the moiety of a tenement
and one carucate of arable land in Eton Hastynges, delivering to
Walter brother of John Thurstayn an}- issues taken of that moiety ;
as the king has learned by inquisition, taken by Gilbert Wace late
escheator, that John Thurstayn of Eton was a clerk convicted at
Salesbury in 49 Edward 111 of divers felonies, that he is alive in the
bishop of Salisbury's prison, that if he were capable and stood in the
law the moiety of a tenement and of one carucate of land in Eton
ought to descend to him from the Annunciation day 1 Richard II
by virtue of a feoffment and by death of Isabel his mother, and that
the same is held of others than the king : and by another inquisition,
after taken by the late escheator, it is found that Isabel Thurstayn
of Eton Hastynges had a tenement and one carucate of arable land
there for life with remainder by virtue of a feoffment to John Thurstayn
her son and Walter his brother and to the heirs of their bodies, that
she died on Thursday the feast aforesaid, and that the said Walter
occupied all the ]iremises, taking the issues and profits, for that the said
John came not to claim his right. Proviso that all lands seized into
the king's hand by virtue of the first inquisition be retained until
further order.
Dec. 24. To Ralph de Braillesford escheator in Xotjnghamshii'e and Derby-
Westminster, shire. Order in presence of the next friends of the heir of William
Deyncourt, a minor in the king's wardshij), to assign dower to Alice
who was the said William's wife, of whom the king has commanded
an oath to be taken etc. by Henry Lescrope.
The like to the following :
William de Ski])A\ylli the younger escheator in Lincolnshire.
Rf)ger de la Chaumbre escheator in Norham))tonshire.
Thomas Peyvre escheator in Bukinghamshire.
Dec. 10. To the collectors of customs in the port of London. Order from
WeBtminatcr. Christmas eve next to the feast of the Circumcision following to suffer
1381. Membrane 23 — cont.
no wool, hides, woolfells or other mcrchamlise concerning the staple
to bo there laded in ships or taken to for(Mii;n parts, l)ut to suffer that
to be done, the customs and subsidies due thereu})on being first jjaid,
from the Circumcision to the Purification next and no longer without
other command. By C.
The like to the collectors in the town of St. Botolph and in eleven
other ports.
Jan. 8. To Edmund de Mortuo Mari earl of March the king's lieutenant
Westminster, in Ireland, or to his representative there. Order, upon complaint of
Robert the king's cousin of Scotland, on sight etc. to make inquisition
touching the manner and cause of arresting wines of his, and to do
his attorney speedy justice touching restitution thereof, if existing,
or else of their price or value, that for default of remedy breach of the
great truce made between the late king and David de Bruys of Scotland
and confirmed by the king be not imputed to the king's party, and
that his said cousin have no matter for a second complaint ; as his
complaint shew that those wines were there arrested by certain the
king's liege subjects in the parts of the earl of Ulster, and are un-
lawfully kept under arrest contrary to the truce, whereat the king
is moved to anger.
Jan. 14. To the treasurer and the chamberlains. Order to pay and allow to
Westminster. William de Dyghton the king's clerk so much a day as used to be
allowed to the keepers of the king's privy seal and the late king's
from 13 December last, when by the king's command he took upon
him the keeping thereof, so long as he shall stand in office, until order
be taken for his continual abode in the king's household. By C.
Membrane 21.*
Feb. 10. To Thomas de Holand earl of Kent the king's brother, or to his
Westminster, bailiffs or ministers of the town of Lowystoft and in the port of
Kirkelerode. Order, upon complaint of Conrad Fynk and John van
Meudon merchants of the Hanse of Almain, to make them or their
attorneys restitution of nine lasts, Ih barrels and one ' ferendell ' of
herring and 220 ells of linen cloth marked with their marks, if existing,
or else of the price or true value thereof ; as their complaint shews
that at Scone they laded the same in a ship of Lescluse, Baldwin van
Seint Thomers dwelling at Lescluse master, to be taken to Flanders,
that on the voyage the ship touched with other ships at the said port,
and that the earl's ministers arrested and are unlawfully detaining
the herrings and cloth, pretending that they are of the king's enemies
of France ; and the complainants have proved in chancery that they
are not, and have undertaken to sell them within the realm. By C.
Feb. 12. To Robert Tresilyan the chief justice. Order by writ of nisi prius
Westminster, to command an inquisition which remains to be taken between the
king and Master Robert Braybrok now bishop of London and others
concerning the manors of Caundelle, Hulle and Stoke Wake to be taken
before the chief justice or one of the justices.
* The face of membrane 22 is blank.
1382. Membrane 21 — cont.
Feb. 12. To Thomas de Holand earl of Kent keeper of the forest this side
Westminster. Trentham, or to his representative in the forest of Rokyngham.
Order to deHver to bail Robert Grene parson of Ahvalton, taken and
imprisoned in Rokyngham prison for an alleged trespass of vert in Ro-
kyngham forest, if replevisable according to the assize of the forest.
Membrane 20.
Feb. 18. To Thomas Moreton escheator in the Isle of Wight. Order to deliver
\Vostinin.ster. to Agnes who was wife of Theobald de Gorges knight and is his executrix
corn in the manor of Knj'hton to the value of 100s. ; as lately the king
ordered the escheator to certifj'^ in chancery the cause wherefore he
arrested and detained goods and chattels of the deceased in the island,
and he returned that he arrested and detained none, but that the
said corn is in his keeping and pertains to the king for that it was
growing upon the king's said land from the feast of AUhallows
4 Richard II until the Nativity of St. Mary last, and for divers other
causes to be before the council declared ; and now the said executrix
has petitioned for livery thereof by a mainprise until it be adjudged
whether it ought to pertain to the king or to her, and Nicholas S])enser
of the Isle of Wight and Thomas Wyke of Somerset have main])erned
in chancery under a pain of 10/. to answer for the same or the value
Jan. 26. To Henry de Arderne knight. Order under a pain of 200/. to have
Westminster. Margaret daughter of Giles son of Giles de Arderne knight, being one
of the heirs of her grandfather, before the council at Westminster in
the octaves of the Purification next, and to be there in person to answer
for his contempt ; as the king lately commanded him to deliver the
said Margaret, whose marriage pertains to the king, to Nicholas Prage
Serjeant at arms to be brought to the king's presence, but the said
Henry has taken no heed to do aught by virtue of that command.
Jan. 30. To George de Castell' escheator in Warwickshire. Order to give
Westminster. Robert son and heir of John de Ferrers knight seisin of his father's
lands, and of the lands of his heritage held for life by Elizabeth who
was his father's wife as jointly enfeoffed with her husband, if he has
not yet livery thereof, and the issues since 23 July last ; as on that
day his age was proved, and the king took his homage and fealty,
and commanded Cornelius Wirlcy late escheator to give him seisin
of his father's lands and of lands of his heritage held by the said
Elizabeth in dower or otherwise for life ; but the late escheator was
removed from office before that was done.
Order to the sheriff of Norhampton to cause a coroner to be elected
instead of Nicholas Warde, who is insufficiently qualified.
P'eb. 3. Like order to the sheriff of Gloucester for election of a coroner
Westminster, instead of John Weston of Inst.
Feb. 10. Like order to the sheriff of Roteland for election of a coroner instead
Westminster, of John Knot of Gretham.
Feb. 12. Like order to the sheriff of Wiltcsir for election of a coroner instead
Westminster, of John Colo,
1382. Membrane 20 — cont.
Jan. 18. Order to the sheriff of York to cause a vcnlercr in the forest of
Westiiiinstor. (Jaltrys to bo elected instead of Robert Bowelot, who is dwelling
without the forest.
Like order to the sheriff of York for (flection of a verderer there
instead of Thomas Louell, who is insufficiently qualified.
Like order to the sheriff of York for election of a verderer there
instead of John de Sadyngton, whom the king has removed because
he is engaged upon divers business of the king in the king's court.
March 8. To the warden of the Flete prison. Order to set free Bertram
Westminster. Monboucher knight late sheriff of Northumberland, imprisoned there
for certain suras due to the king ; as Henry de Percy earl of
Northumberland has mainperned before the treasurer to return him
to the said prison in the quinzaine of Midsummer next to answer at
the exchequer for his debts. By bill of the treasurer.
Not to be sent in the estreats, because at the quinzaine aforesaid the
said Bertram fully contented the king, as was witnessed by Hugh de Segrave
knight the treasurer 16 July 6 Richard II.
Membrane 19.
Jan. 10. To the sheriff of Cantebrigge for the time being. Order to pay
Westminster, for life to John Darcy keeper of the king's warren of Cantebrigge the
accustomed wages and fees ; as for good service the king has granted
him the keeping thereof for life, granting him also the herbage of
Cantebrigge castle without rendering aught to the king.
Et erat patens.
Feb. 4. To Thomas de Holand earl of Kent, or his bailiffs or ministers of
Westminster, the town of Lowystoft and in the port of Kirkelerode. Order^ upon
complaint of Conrad Fynk and John van Meudon merchants of the
Hanse of Almain, if they [shall] prove that nine lasts, 7J barrels and
one ' farendell ' of herring and 220 ells of linen web arrested in
that port in a ship of Lescluse, Baldwin van Seint Thomers dwelling
at Lescluse master, which with other ships touched there, are theirs
and marked with their marks, to make them or their attorneys
restitution of the same if they exist, or else of the price or true value
thereof, provided they shall find security to sell the same within
the realm when delivered to them ; as their complaint shews that
they laded the herring and cloth in the said ship at Scone to be
taken to Flanders, and that the earl's ministers have arrested and are
unlawfully detaining the same, pretending that they are goods of the
king's enemies of France. By C,
Feb. 13. To the steward, farmer or receiver of the lordship of Walyngford,
Westminster, or other the king's minister who for the time being shall levy and
receive the revenues and profits thereof. Order to pay to John Clement
665. ^d. a year for life and the arrears since the death of E. prince of
Wales, who by letters patent, confirmed by the king while prince,
granted that yearly sum for life to the said John his servant to be
taken as aforesaid ; as the king has now confirmed his grant.
Ei erat patens.
13^;2. Membrane 11) — cont.
Feb. 12. To Thoiua« de Manby alderman. Simon Cartwryght and William
WeBtiniusicr. Ithoiin ehamberlain.s of Beverley. Order, as at other times ordered,
to cease every e.xcuse, and to cause Richard de Middelton late alder-
man. Thomas White " tyler " and Henry de Neuwark late chamberlains,
and Richard de Bostan clerk in whose keeping are the bonds hereinafter
mentioned it is said, to be in chancery on 3 March next with those
bonds, or themselves to be there in person, to answer for their contempt
and for the ])rejudicc caused to certain lieges, under a pain of 2,000
marks which the king shall levy of their lands and chattels if they shall
not execute this command or will not obey it in aught ; as complaint
being made in parliament that great number of evildoers and breakers
of the peace being of the commonalty of Beverley there rose in unlawful
assemblies contrary to the peace, and repaired with armed po^er to
tlie dwelling houses of the said lieges, threatening to slay them and
to pull down or burn their houses, and that by such violence and
threats they compelled Adam C'oppendale, Thomas de Beverle^', John
Gerveys, William Dudhill and other true men of the town for fear of
their lives to make and deliver to the said late alderman and
chamberlains divers bonds in great sums, with assent and counsel of
the lords and great men in that parliament the king latelj^ gave strict
order to the alderman and chamberlains to send those bonds before
the king in chancery in the quinzaine of St. Hilary last, to command
the late alderman and chamberlains under pain of forfeiture of the
sum therein contained to be there in person to shew cause wherefore
those bonds being obtained by duress contrarj' to law ought not to
be cancelled, and order to cause them so to come, that the king might
hear their arguments, examine the said bonds, and further deal as
should be lawful and reasonable ; at Avhich day the alderman and
chamberlains signified to the king that for particular causes in their
certificate contained they might not execute the said writ, and that
certificate the king reckons untrue and insufficient. By C.
Et erat patens.
[Rolls of Parliament, iii. p. 393.]
Feb. 3. To the bailiffs and commonalty of Great Jernemuth. Strict order,
Westminster, under a pain of 1,000/. and of forfeiture of their liberties, to be before
the king at Westminster in this parliament on Monday February 10,
the bailiffs in person and the commonalty b}^ four or five of the burgesses
supported with their authority and power, bringing with them the
king's late charter which contains the grant to them of new hberties
and joins a place called Kirkclerode to the port of their town, in order
to shew cause wherefore the same ought not to be revoked in regard
to those new liberties and the union with Kirkelerode ; as by loud
complaint of the people as well in this as in former parliaments the
king is aware how great hurt and prejudice thereby happens daily to
him and the people, and that worse is to be feared if a speedy remedy
be not applied. By K. and C. in pari.
[Ibid., p. 392.]
Jan. 24. To the sheriff of rornwall. Order to give Thomas Speda the younger
WestmjnsttT. seisin of a messuage and 2 acres of land in Re.streysek by Penhal held
by Walter Mcyngot of Restrcysek outlawed for felony ; as the king
has learned by inquisition, taken by the sheriff, that the jiremises
have been in his hand a year and a day, that the said Walter held them
of Thoma.s Si)cda and Joan his wile both deceased, in right of the
r) incUARI) II.
1382. Membrane 19 — cont.
said Joan mother of Thomas the younger whose heir he is, and that
Ilicliard Kendale had the year and a day and the waste thereof.
Jan. 30. To the treasurer and the barons of the c.xehequer. Order to discharge
Westniinstcr. John Sewale of Coggeshale the last sheriff of l<]ssex and Hertford in
his account at the exchequer for last year of 100 marks ; as by assent
of the council in the parliament holdcn at Gloucester in 2 Richard II
the king ])ardoned the sheriff of those counties 100 marks for the year
then last, and every sheriff likewise for the three years next following.
[Bolls of Parliament, in. p. 392.]
March 1. To the collectors of customs and subsidies in the port of London.
Westminster. Order to suffer all merchants, native and alien, until further order to
weigh their wool in that port and, first paying the customs and subsidies
thereupon, there to lade wool, hides, woolfells and other merchandise
of the staple and take them to the staple of Calais, any previous com-
mand to the contrary notwithstanding ; as the lords, great men and
commons in the last parliament granted to the king for a set time
as great a subsidy upon wool, hides and woolfells as heretofore he
used to take.
The like to the collectors in the following ports :
Kyngeston upon Hull. The city of Cicestre.
The town of St. Botolph. Suthampton.
Lenne. The city of Exeter.
Great Jernemuth. Melcombe.
Sandewich. Bristol.
Gippewich. Newcastle upon Tyne.
Feb. 21. To John Gawayn escheator in the county of Suthampton. Order
Westminster, to give Robert Inkepenne, brother and heir of John son and heir of
John Inkepenne, seisin of his father's lands ; as John the son died
within age in the king's wardship, and the said Robert has proved his
age before the escheator, and the king has taken his homage and
fealty. By p.s. [2089.]
Membrane is.
Feb. 8. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer and to the
Westminster, chamberlains. Order to account with William de Burstall the king's
clerk, to whom on 22 July 45 Edward III the late king committed the
keeping of the House of Converts London for life with all things thereto
belonging, and wages and fees for himseK, one chaplain and one clerk
serving the house, and for John de Sancta Maria, Lawrence de Sancto
Martino, John de Kyngeston and Thomas de Acres converts thereof now
living, namely from the date of his last account, making him such
allowances as used to be made ; and order to the treasurer and the
chamberlains to pay him what shall thereby be found due ; as King
Edward I granted to his converts of London for life 2021. 4rf. a year
at the exchequer towards their sustenance and sustenance of a keeper
of the house, two chaplains and one clerk of their houses and other
property, so that after the death of every one of them so much should
be deducted therefrom as he used to take for his yearly portion.
Membrane 17.
Feb. 28. To William de Neville constable of Notyngbam castle, or to his
Westminster, lieutenant there. Order, for particular causes laid before the king
1382. Membrane 17 — cont.
and council, to set free Thomas Rekedoun, whom the king caused to
come before him in the parliament hoklen at Xorhampton to give
information touching letters, by him accidentally found it is said
and laid before the king in that paniament, which concern Ralph de
Ferrers knight, by reason whereof and for things therein contained
the said Ralph was arrested at the king's command, and a cause was
had against him in the said parliament ; as at the king's command
he is imprisoned in the castle gaol.
By K. upon information of Michael de la Pole.
March 12. To Robert de Assheton constable of Dovorre castle and warden of
Westminster, the Cinque Ports. Order to survey the defects of the castle and by
view and testimony of the master of Domus Dei Dovorre and the
prior of St. Martin there or one of them to cause the same from time
to time to be repaired as need be ; as there are great number of defects,
as well in the houses, walls, towers, church, belfry and other buildings
and glazed windows therein as in vestments, ornaments and fittings
of the church, arms, armour, .bows, arrows, cross bows, quarrels
artillery etc. for furnishing the same. Bj' C.
Mandate to the said master and prior to survey and control from
time to time the constable's costs and works aforesaid, and to witness
the same upon his account at the exchequer.
March 19. To Thomas de Bradefeld escheator in Cambridgeshire. Order to
Westminster, remove the king's hand and meddle no further with the manor and
advowson of Bokesworth, delivering to Eleanor late the wife of John
Knyvet knight any issues thereof taken ; as it is found by inquisition,
taken by Ralph Wj'ke late escheator, that at his death the said John
held the premises as jointly enfeoffed with her by gift of William de
Huntyngfeld made with the late king's licence to them and the heirs
of their bodies, and that the same are held in chief by service of the
third part of one knight's fee ; and the king has respited her homage
and fealty until the quinzaine of Easter next. By p.s. [2133.]
Jan. 29. To Robert Paslewe escheator in Yorkshire. Order in presence of
Westminster. John de Neville knight and Elizabeth his wife, daughter and heir of
William de Latymer knight, to assign and deliver to Elizabeth wife
of the said William dower of his lands, and the issues thereof taken
since 9 October last, on which day the king ordered John Bj-god late
escheator to assign her dower, having commanded the prior of Gisbourne
to take of her an oath etc., but the late escheator was removed from
office before that was done.
Feb. 15. To Robert Tresilian and his fellows, justices appointed to hold pleas
Westminster, before the king. Order to proceed in a cause between the jving and
Roger de Clifford knight called lord de Clifford concerning the manor
of Auescote, saving the king's right, notwithstanding the king's
command not to proceed to rendering of justice without advising him,
and the late king's letters patent committing the wardship thereof
to Robert de Corby without rendering or paying aught to him ; as
upon the finding of an inquisition, taken before John Carnelle the
late king's escheator in Norhamptonshire, that Eleanor who was wife
of Richard Maundevillc died seised of the whole manor which her
5 RlCllAKI) 11.
1382. Membrane 16 — cont.
husband hold in the town of Aiicscoto, that it is hold of tho heir of
Walter de VVod(>luille, then a minor in the late king's wardHlii[), by
the service of one pair of spurs a year and coming twice to the heir's great
court for all save foreign service, that Thomas Maundeville son of the
said Richard was her next heir and within age, and that lord deCJliflord
occupied the same after her death taking the issues and profits, the
late king seized the manor out of his ])ossession ; and the said Roger
appearing after in chancery alleged that at her death the said Eleanor
held that manor of him, that she and all tenants thereof time out of
mind held it by knight service of him and his ancestors, and that the
said Thomas son of Richard is her son and heir, traversing the finding
that it is held of the said Walter's heir as parcel of the fee of Wodehille
or otherwise ; and although by process first before the late king,
continued after before the king, it was pleaded to an inquisition of the
country whereupon the late king and the said Roger put themselves,
further proceeding was deferred for that the late king committed
the wardship as aforesaid, wherefore petition was made to the king
for order to proceed therein, and the king ordered John Cavendissh
and his fellows then justices to proceed notwithstanding that
commission so that they should not proceed to rendering of judgment
without advising him ; and now the said Roger has petitioned the
king for order to proceed to judgment, shewing that by reason of
the last order the justices have deferred so to do, although by verdict
of an inquisition, taken by virtue of a writ of rdsi prius. it is found
that the said Eleanor held the manor of the said Roger and not of the
said Walter's heir.
Feb. 16. To the bailiffs of Thomas de Holand earl of Kent of the hundred
Westminster, of Lothyngland. Order, upon petition of certain merchants of England,
to suffer them or their attorneys to lade again in the same or other
ships and without a second payment to take over to the staple of
Calais all such wool and woolfells as by letters of cocket which the
merchants have the bailiffs may be assured that they laded in two
ships at Kyngeston upon HuU, one called ' la Cuthbert ' the other ' la
Gabriel,' there paying the custom and subsidy due upon the same ;
as their petition shews that on the voyage the said ships were by a
sudden storm driven ashore within that hundred, and the wool and
fells so damaged by water that they were disembarked as need was
in order to dry them.
To the bailiffs of John king of CastiUe and Leon duke of Lancaster
of Northrippynghille. Like order in regard to wool salved by travail
of the seamen in a ship called ' la Michel ' of York which was driven
ashore within that hundred and wrecked, if assured that the said
seamen or any of them escaped to land so that the wool ought not to
be called wreck.
Feb. 26. To Robert de Loxle escheator in Surrey. Order to give John de
Westminster. Haderesham, son and heir of W^illiam de Haderesham, seisin of his
father's lands ; as he has proved his age before the escheator, and
the king has taken his homage and fealty. By p.s. [2098.]
To Edmund Gyffard escheator in Berkshire. Like order, as the
said John has proved his age before Robert de Loxle.
13^2. Meinbrane 16 — wni.
Feb. 20. To Thomas Bradfeld escheator in Cambridgeshire. Order to suffer
Westminster. Richard earl of Arundoll to have and take the goods and chattels
\vliat.socver of men within the Lsle of Ely and other the lordships of
Thomas bishop of Ely now or hereafter condemned for the late
insurrection, and the issues of their lands, according to the king's
commission, so that he answer to the king or the bishop according to
what shall in this parliament be determined ; as upon the bishops
petition, shewing that among other liberties and privileges granted
to his predecessors by charters of former kings, confirmed by the king,
it is granted that thej- and their successors shall have the year, waste
and chattels of felons, fugitives and condemned persons, and other
forfeitures whatsoever which might pertain to the king within the said
isle and lordships, as well of men and tenants of others of alien fee
as of their men and tenants of their own fee, no justices in eyre of the
king or other justices, sheriffs, coroners or ministers whatsoever and
no townships meddling therewith, and shewing that divers tenants
of the bishopric rising in insurrection with other evildoers contrary'
to their allegiance are convicted of divers treasons and adjudged to
die, wherefore their lands and goods were by Ralph de Wykes late es-
cheator taken into the king's hand contrary to those charters, on 7 August
last the king committed the keeping of the lands, goods etc. aforesaid
to the earl, and the issues thereof from the time they were taken into
the kings hand, until it should be adjudged whether they ought to
pertain to the king or the bishop, for that the earl mainperned before
the king and council to answer as aforesaid for the issues of the said
lands and the value of the said goods and chattels. By C.
The like, mutatis mutandis, to Nicholas fitz Richard escheator in
March 24. To the collectors of the petty custom in the port of London, the
Westminster, searcher and the keepers of the passage there, in the river Thames
and the port of Dovorre and Sandewich and other the king's ministers
and lieges by land and water. Passport over sea for Anthony
Speletinus of Venice, being of the household of the cardinal of Ravenna,
with one servant and one horse, taking tw o great bales of the cardinal's
cloths, property and harness put in those bales in the collectors' presence
and lOOcS. for expenses, by the king's favour paying no custom or
subsidy on the said bales. By K.
Et erat patens.
March 20. To the mayor and bailiffs of Thcfford, John Bcrte, Thomas Walters
Westminster, and Richard Paltoke. Order, upon petition of John Cranewys one of
the clerks of chancer}', to deliver to him 40«. j'et in their keeping ;
as his petition shews that at the time of the insurrection he was
threatened in life and limb and that his houses should be burned,
that to save his life and houses certain of his friends made a fine of
40s. with the said (sic) John Buntynges, and paid it of the petitioner's
money, that John Buntynges was taken, brought to Thcfford. and there
l)eheaded, and that the money was then found upon him, which the
mayor etc. seized as forfeit to the king, and he acknowledged
the same before his death to be the sum received of the said John
Cranewys. By K. and C.
Vacated, because otherwise below.
2^332. Membrane 15.
March 13 To Thomas Whyto ' tylpi'e ' hile one of the (thainl)orlaiiis of Beverle.
Westminster. Order, iiiicler a ])aiii of 2,000/. to he levied of liis hiiids and chattels
in case of his contempt, to repair in person to the common chest of
the town, in i)resenee of Thomas de MaMl)y \w\\ alderman of Beverle,
William Ithoun now chamberlain and Ricliard de Middelton late
alderman to take out all the bonds hereinafter mentioned, and to be
with the same in chanccrN^ in person in the octaves of Easter next
to answer touching these and other matters to be laid against him ;
as learning that by violence and threats for fear of their lives Adam
Coppendale, Thomas de Beverley, John (Jerveys, William Dudhille
and other true men of the town were compelled to make and deliver
divers bonds in great sums to the said Thomas Whyte and Richard
and to Henry Newerke late one of the chamberlains, the king by
writ lately ordered the now alderman, Simon Cartwryght and William
Ithoun now chamberlains to cause the said Thomas Whyte, Richard
and Henry, and Richard de Bostun clerk in whose custody the bonds
were said to be, to come therewith before the king in chancery at a
day now past to shew cause wherefore the same, being made by duress,
ought not to be cancelled ; and the king is informed of a surety that
the bonds are kept in the said chest under four keys, whereof two are
in the custody of the said Thomas de Manby and William Ithoun,
a third of Thomas Whyte, and the fourth of the said Richard. By C.
Et erat patens.
To Richard de Middelton late alderman of Beverle. Like order,
mutatis mutandis. By C.
Et erat patens.
To Richard de Bostan clerk. Order to open the doors of a house
wherein the said chest is kept, to be present in person with Thomas
de Manby, William Ithoun, Richard de Middelton and Thomas Whyte
when the bonds are taken out, and to be in person in chancery etc.
{as above) ; as the king is informed of a surety etc., and that the said
clerk has in his custody two keys of the said house. By C.
Et erat patens.
To Henry Newarke late one of the chamberlains of Beverle. Order
under a pain {as above) to be in person in chancery etc. {as above) ;
as the king has ordered Thomas Manby, Wilham Ithoun, Richard de
Middelton and Thomas White to repair to the common chest etc.,
and to be in chancery etc. By C.
Et erat patens.
March 15. To John Gawayn of Northyngton escheator in the county of
Westminster. Suthampton. Writ of supersedeas, upon petition made on behalf
of Roger Snell of the soke of Winchester ' draper,' and order by
indenture making mention of the price and description of such goods,
to dearrest and deliver to him or his attorney all his lands, goods and
chattels, certifying his action in chancery on Monday before the
Annunciation next, and nevertheless to leave all else and ceasing
every excuse to be in person that day in chancery under pain of
forfeiture, in order to inform the king and council, and to answer
touching matters which shall then be laid before him ; as that petition
shews that the escheator has seized those lands and goods as pertaining
to the king, pretending that the said Roger was sometime a neif of
1332. Membrane 15 — cent.
the abbot of Hide by Winchester, which abbey is of the foundation of
former kings and of the king's patronage, and that the abbot
manumitted him and all that goes with him without licence of the
king or of his forefathers ; and John Vyne, Geoffrey Walderne,
Wiiliam Evot, Robert Rysby, Richard Spenser and John Maudeley
citizens of London and John Tremayn of Cornwall, appearing in person
in chancery, have mainperned body for body to have him in chancery
on the aforesaid day and thenceforward from day to daj'^ to stand to
right etc.. and to answer for the issues of his lands and for his goods
or the price or value thereof, if adjudged to the king.
March 12. To Robert de Assheton constable of Dovorre castle and warden of
Westminster, the Cinque Ports. Order, by reason of the friendship between the
king and the realm of Portugal, to put in the custody of some sufficient
and trusty person who may answer for the same until Christmas next
all the money arising from the sale of wines laded in a ship called
' la Seint Spirit ' of Lusshebon in Portugal, so that in the mean time
certain merchants of Portugal may, if they think fit, bring to England
and shew to the king and council sufficient evidence that they and no
others are bona fide owners of the same, certifying under seal what he
shall think fit to do hereupon ; as the said ship was taken at sea by the
king's lieges of those ports and brought to Sandewych, and at the suit
of the master and the said merchants the king commanded the warden
to deliver to the master his ship and gear and the merchants and
seamen thereof, suffering the master and merchants to sell the wine
at pleasure provided that all the money should be put in safe keeping
until they might prove that the ship and wine belonged only to subjects
of Portugal, but for particular causes whereby they were lawfully
hindered, as they aver, they have not yet brought such proof to
March 18. To Roger de le Hay parson of Corley, Roger Baret chaplain and
Westminster. William Warde clerk of the diocese of Lichefeld. Commission to
inhibit Adain Pekston chaplain, pretending to be the official of the
dean of the kings free chapel of Bruggenorth, and all such others
as the law requires, from making or causing to be made any attempt
to the prejudice of the appellant while a matrimonial cause between
Maud atte Croise of Momerfeld and William de Kyneresloy of
Bruggenorth in the same diocese is pending before the king, his
chancellor or commissaries, in order to prevent the said William
prosecuting his appeal, and to cite the said Maud to appear in the
church of Lichefeld on Monday after St. Mark next in order to proceed
in that cause, certifying at that day and place their action in the
matter ; as on behalf of the appellant it is averred that in the said
cause, favouring the said Maud's party, the said Adam unlawfully
gave sentence for her, adjudging the said William to be her lawful
husband and her to be his wife, and that appeal was made on the
said William's party to the king, his chancellor or commissaries.
Et erat paiena.
Feb. 8. Order to the sheriff of Loycestcr to cause a coroner to be elected
Westminster, instead of Thomas de Asshoby of Queneby, who is insufficiently
Feb. 24.
Feb. 21.
Feb. 18.
March 12.
Membrane 15 — cont.
Order to the sheriff of Cumberland for election of a coroner instead
of John de Parcidyshowe, who dwells not in that county.
Order to the sheriff of Berkshire for election of a coroner instead
of Thomas Frankleyn of Chelreie, who is insufficiently qualified.
Order to the sheriff' of Notyngham for election of a coroner instead
of John de Gayteford, who is appointed one of the justices of the
peace in that county.
To John Rede escheator in Norffolk and Suffolk. Order to certify
in chancery before the quinzaine of Easter next all forfeitures and
escheats of lands, goods and chattels pertaining to the king by reason
of the insurrection of divers his subjects contrary to their allegiance,
the description and yearly value of such lands, the price or value of
such goods, and the cause, manner and time of their falling in.
The like to the following :
Nicholas fitz Richard escheator in Essex and Hertfordshire.
John Newenton escheator in Kent and Middlesex.
Robert Loxle escheator in Surrey and Sussex.
Thomas de Bradefeld escheator in Cambridgeshire and Huntingdon-
Robert Goldyngton late escheator in Essex and Hertfordshire.
To the sheriff of Bedeford. Order by survey of Thomas Jordan
mayor of Bedeford to repair the defects in Bedeford gaol up to the
sum of 10/. By bill of the treasurer.
Membrane 14.
To the farmers of the king's mills upon the river Dee co. Cestre,
or the receivers of the farms or profits thereof for the time being. Order
to pay to John Leche the king's surgeon lOZ. a year and the arrears
since 17 January last, according to the king's letters patent of that
date, granting him thereof for good service 10/. a year for life or until
the king should take other order for his estate.
Et erat patens.
March 18. To all true men and burgesses of BeverleJ^ Strict order upon their
Westminster, allegiance, as they love the king's honour and would avoid his wrath
and the forfeiture of all their liberties, to assemble peaceably at their
Gildehall on the feast of St. Mark next as the manner is and, the things
hereinafter contained being in their presence read and pondered,
ceasing all matters of strife and discord, to set in order such rule and
governance in that town for this year and from year to year that the
town and people thereof may be best and most quietly ruled and
the peace be kept, working together to that purpose as heretofore
used to be done, and by suitable means restraining all rebels, gainsayers
or movers of strife and those who favour them if any there be ; as
for lack of good ruling, outbreaks of violence often occur among the
dwellers and commons of cities and towns, evils and scandals arise
and various perils to the hindrance of peaceable conversation, and
it is notorious that so it has been in these days in Beverley, for by the
ancient custom there maintained unbroken for fifty years the town
used to be governed by twelve good men thereof yearly elected by the
burgesses at the Gildehall on the feast aforesaid, but suddenly changing
March 18.
March 13.
March 13.
Membrane 14 — cont.
that custom the men and burgesses have within this 3'ear newly ap-
pointed instead of tliose twelve men an alderman and two chamberlains
for governance thereof and, although the rule of the twelve men is
far better, are purposing to continue that ordinance, twice at the
most ])reviously seen within fifty years and more and then quashed
by the burgesses for the better governance of the town, which if it
be continued would tend to lay waste the town and disperse the
burgesses ; and of his special devotion to the glorious confessor St.
John, whose bod}' is translated in the monastery thereof, it is the king's
will to look to the good governance of the town and the amendment
of such defects.
Et erat patens.
March 28. To the sheriffs of London for the time being. Order to pay to
Westminster. John de Gateneys 10 marks a year and the arrears since 6 March
1 Richard II, on which day the king confirmed the late king's letters
jiatent, granting to the said John, for good service to Isabel the queen
mother and to himself, 10 marks a year b}' the sheriffs' hands for life
or until the king should take other order for his estate.
Et erat patens.
March 20. To Robert Swynfen escheator in Salop. Order to take of Joan
Westminster, who was wife of John de Lodelowe knight an oath etc., and in presence
of Richard de Lodelowe his son and heir to assign her dower of her
husband's lands.
March 13. To John Rede escheator in Norffolk. Order, although thej' sued
Westminster, not liver}' thereof among other the advowsons formerly assigned to
them, to give Thomas de Morle knight, son and heir of William de
Morle knight, and Cicely who was the said William's wife livery of
their respective purjiarties of the advowson of Folshain church, and
the said Cicely of a mediety of Hadescothorp church ; as with assent
of William de Snettesham and James de Billyngford clerk attorneys of
the said Thomas and John de Cokefeld attorney of Cicely the king
assigned to them the advowson of Folsham church extended at 20
marks a year, so that Thomas should have the presentation at the first
two turns and Cicely for her dower at the third, assigning to her likewise
the advowson of a mediety of Hadescothorp church extended at 40s.
a year. By p.s. [2123.]
To the keeper, reeve, bailiff or farmer for the time being of the
manor of Wolfrelowe co. Hereford, which was held for life by Phili])i)a
countess of March the elder of the heritage of Edmund late earl of
March, and is in tlic kings hand by reason of her death and of the
nonage of the earl's heir. Order so long as the manor shall be in the
king's hand to ]iay to Alice Benet for life lOO.s. a year ; as for good
service the countess granted to the said Alice her damsel an annuity
of 100s. thereof during the life of the countess, and for her long service
to his mother the earl granted her the same annuity for life after the
death of the countess, which grant for a fine with him made by the
said Ahce the king has confirmed.
Et erat jxttens.
March 28. To the bailiffs, reeve or farmer of the manor of Quassyngburgh
Westminster, by Lincoln for the time being. Order from Michaelmas last to pay to
March 5.
1382. Membrane 14 — cont.
John Fitz Nichol 80 marks a year for life as it used to be paid before
the manor was taken into tlie kings hand, according to the grant of
Jolui duke of Brittany count of Montfort and earl of Richemond,
confirmed by the king, to the said Jolni his esquire for good service.
Et erat patens.
Dec. 12. To the collectors of customs in the port of Bristol. Order, upon
Westminster, petition of John Toky called Banbury of Lymeryk in Ireland, to view
letters of cocket which he has and, if assured that 65 lasts of hides by
them arrested are the same therein contained, to dearrest and deliver
them to him ; as his petition shew s that in the port of Lymeryk he
freighted the same in a ship of Clays Blanke of Scluys to be taken
to Flanders, and that although he there paid custom, subsidy and
duties thereupon, the collectors have arrested and are detaining ship
and hides for a second payment of custom and subsidy, the king's
adversaries of France at sea having driven the said ship to Bristol.
Feb. 21. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Order, if by
Westminster, inquisition or otherwise assured that by reason of destruction and
waste caused by frequent inroads of the Scots in those parts, as he has
shewn the king, Bertram Monboucher late sheriff of Northumberland
did not and might not levy rents, farms and profits to the county
pertaining of old time, not to charge him to answer for the same in
his account, as they are purposing to do.
March 10. To the collectors of customs and subsidies in the port of Newcastle
Westminster, upon Tyne. Order, if the merchants and burgesses of Newcastle upon
Tyne dwelling in the town have not yet exported a thousand sacks of
wool of the growth of England, always reckoning one last of hides
as two sacks and 240 woolfells by the short hundred as one sack, to
suffer them in that port to lade in ships the residue up to that number
of sacks and, first paying there the customs and subsidies due in
England and the duties usually paid at Calais, namely 19<i. a sack,
to take them over at will to Flanders or other foreign parts of the
king's friendship, any proclamations, ordinances or commands to the
contrary notwithstanding ; as in aid and relief of the town and of
their estate the king lately granted licence to the said merchants and
burgesses to buy and purvey wool, hides or woolfells up to a thousand
sacks, reckoning as aforesaid, bring them to the town, lade them in
ships and export the same, so that none other but merchants and
burgesses there dwelling should take advantage of that licence, and
they should export no more.
March 30. To the receiver of the castle and land of Montgomery, the hundred
Westminster, of Chirbury and the castle and cantred of Buelt in Suthwales for the
time being. Order of the issues of the said castles etc., in the king's
hand by the death of Edmund earl of March and by reason of his heir's
nonage, during such nonage to pay to John Devereux the king's knight
200 marks a year for life or until the king shall make him provision
for life to that yearly value in England or the principality of Wales,
notwithstanding that the same are in the king's wardship for the
cause aforesaid, according to an inspeximus and confirmation of
Mcnihrane 13 — coiit.
letters patent of the king while jirince of Wales duke of Cornewaj'Ie
and earl of Cestre {French text follows), dated Berkhamstede castle
20 May 51 Edward III and confirmed 15 October 1 Richard II, reciting
a grant made by the king's father to the said John, for good service
as well in the expedition to Spain as in the wars in Aquitaine, for
which the prince retained the said John with him, of 200 marks a year
for life to be taken of any of the prince's lordships in England, and
a charge made by the prince on his death bed that assignment of the
annuity should be made upon one of his lordships, for that it was not
certain where the said Jolui should take it, and in consideration that
the said John should abide with the king for life appointing that
he should thenceforward take the same of the fee farms which the
said Edminid son and heir of Roger earl of March was [then] bound
to pay for Montgomery and Buelt until etc. {as above).
April 2. To the collectors of customs and subsidies in the port of Sandewich.
Westminster. Order, upon petition of .John Philippot, Edmund Olyver, Henry
fitz John, Lawrence Wyght, John Curteys, John Hawe, Robert
Dodj^ngton, John Botoner and James Benyngton merchants, to
view letters of cocket which they have and, if assured that the wool
hereinafter mentioned was cocketed in the port of London, to suffer
them or their attorneys to lade it again in any shij) they please, and
without a second payment to take it to the staple of Calais ; as their
petition shews that in the port of London John Philippot laded in a
ship of John Page 6 sacks 1 J stone of wool in two sarplers to be taken
to Calais, Edmund Olyver 8 sacks 24 stone in four sarplers, Henry
fitz John 6 sacks 19 stone in three sarplers, Lawrence Wyght 3 sacks
2 stone in two sarplers, John Curteys 4 sacks 17 stone in two sarjilers,
John Hawe 13 sacks 14 stone in six sarplers, Robert Dodyngton 6i
sacks in three sarplers, John Botoner 4 sacks 17 stone in two sarplers,
and James Benyngton 6 sacks 9 stone in three sarplers, that on the
voj'age that ship was taken by the enemy, and was after rescued
by certain lieges and brought to Sandewich, and that the collectors
are demanding a second payment as if the wool were not previouslj'^
cocketed, and are hindering the export thereof, although the merchants
paid customs and subsidies in the port of London, as by the said
letters may appear.
March 26. To George del Castell' escheator in Leycestershire. Order to give
Westminster. Robert de Swylyngton knight and Margaret his wife liverj'^ of the manor
of Kirkeby u]ion Wrethek, 2 acres of land upon the ' Ladywong ' and
1 acre 2. J roods of meadow in ' Paddokescroft ' excepted, the manor
of Somerdby and six virgates of land and 135. 4d. of rent in Somerdby,
saving their relief if due ; as the king has learned by inquisition,
taken by the escheator, that the premises were taken into his hand
by death of Roger Belers knight and by reason of the nonage of
Thomasia one of his daughters and heirs, who lately died within age
in the king's wardship, tliat by gift of the warden of the chapel of
St. Peter Kirkeby to Roger Belers knight his father and Alice his
father's wife and to the heirs of their bodies by fine levied in the court
of King Kdward II the said Roger at his death held the manor of
Kirkeby in fee tail, that he held the manor of Somerdljy and the lands
etc. thert! likewise in fee tail by charter of Simon de Shepeye late
parson of Waltham to his said father, that the same are held of others
than the king, that with other lands of Roger the son held in chief
1382. Membrane 13 — cont
tl\e premises were kept in the king's hand for the purparty of Thomasia,
that by Margaret his lirst wife Roger the son begat the said Margaret
wife of Robert, and by Kathcrine his second wife the said Thomasia
who died witht)ut issue, wherefore by form of the gifts the premises
ought to descend in tail to Margaret wife of Robert, being of full age.
March 26. To Thomas de Bradfeld escheator in Cambridgeshire. Order to
Westminster, remove the king's hand and meddle no further with a messuage,
150 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, 10 acres of marsh and 10s. of
rent in Fendrayton, delivering to Eleanor late the wife of John Knyvet
knight an}^ issues thereof taken ; as upon the finding of an inquisition,
taken bj' Ralph Wyke late escheator, that at his death the said John,
being the king's tenant in chief, held the premises as jointly enfeof?ed
with her of others than the king, and that John his son is his next
heir and of full age, at the petition of the said Eleanor, for that she
shewed not in chancery charters or writings witnessing that feoffment
as the manner is, and that in case she were not so enifeoffed the king
should have the issues of the deceased's lands until John the son
should obtain livery, willing to cause no prejudice to himself or to
John the son, the king ordered the sheriff to give him notice to be
in chancery on 20 March last to shew cause etc. ; and at that day
he came not, wherefore it was determined that the king's hand
should be removed.
March 24. To Roger de la Chaumbre escheator in Norhamptonshire. {Like
Westminster, order concerning) the manor of Wynwyk ; as the king has learned
by inquisition, taken by John Carnelle late escheator, that at his
death John Knyvet knight held the said manor jointly with Eleanor
his wife by gift of Richard de Treton parson of Oundele and William
vicar of Southwyk to them and the heirs of their bodies, that 82 acres
of land parcel of that manor are in Himtingdonsliire and in the said
town, and that the manor is held of others than the king.
April 1. To John Rede escheator in Norffolk and Suffolk. Order to give
Westminster. Margaret Mareschall countess of Norffolk, aunt and heir of Joan
who was wife of William de Ufford late earl of Suffolk, seisin of the
knights' fees and advowsons of her heritage held by the earl at his
death by the courtesy of England : as the king has taken the homage
and fealty of the said Margaret, being one of the daughters and heirs
of Thomas de Brotherton earl of Norffolk and marshal of England,
for the land etc. so held by the earl of Suffolk after the death of the
said Joan, being daughter of Alice late wife of Edward de Monte Acuto
the other daughter and heir of the earl of Norffolk, and has commanded
livery thereof to be given her.
The like to the following :
Nicholas fitz Richard escheator in Essex and Hertfordshire.
John de Newenton knight escheator in Kent.
Thomas Peyvre escheator in Bedfordshire.
March 30. To the sheriff of Norffolk. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. Reynold Pye, William Norwyche, William Campioun and John Houton,
all of London, in favour of Hugh Spitlyng of Great Jernemuth at suit
of William de Kerdeston knight for debt.
Vacated, because otherwise on the dorse of this roll.
Wt. 32813. CR 4
1382. Membrane 12.
April 2. To the bailiffs of Gippewich. Order at their peril to be in chancery
Westminster, in person three weeks after Easter to answer Robert Wetynges clerk,
bv them imprisoned in the town prison, and concerning other matters
which shall then be laid before them ; as the king lately ordered them
to have him in chancer}- at Westminster on Tuesday last, by virtue
wliereof they sent him there at that day with a certificate containing
the cause of his arrest, which being read, and the prisoner examined
concerning the matters therein contained, it seems to the king and
others of the council that they might not conveniently proceed to
deliver him in the bailiffs' absence without full information.
April I.
Dec. L
March 29.
To John de Raveivser the king's clerk, keeper of the hanaper of
chancery. Order to deliver quit of the fee for the king's seal to John
de la Grave citizen of Bordeaux, who is suing for confirmation of the
privileges and liberties granted to the mayor, jurats and commonalty
of that city by charters of former kings, a charter whereby on 26 March
last the king has confirmed all liberties, customs etc. by them enjoyed
time out of mind by virtue of such chartei-s and by ancient custom ;
as after viewing those charters or the enrolment thereof, by advice
of the council the king has granted the confirmation thereof without
fine or fee, as did his forefathers. By K. and C.
To W. [archbishop] of Canterbury elect and confirmed. Nomination
of Thomas Wynchecombe clerk of the king's chapel to receive the
peasion wherein the archbishop by reason of his new creation is bound
to one of the king's clerks, mitil provided with a benefice. By p.s.
Vacated, because otherwise upon the dorse of the roll for this year.
William Ligeard is sent to the abbot and convent of Thorneye, to
take such maintenance of that house as William Hardyng decea.sed
had at the late king's command. Hy p.s. [2155.]
Vacated (as the last).
Marcl) 27. Hugh Lyngoyn* is sent to the prior and convent of Dunstaplc,
Westminster, to take such maintenance of that house as William Hardyng decea.sed
had at the late king's command. By p.s. [2146.]
Vacated (as before).
March 20. To the mayor and bailiffs of Thefford, and to John Berte, Thomas
Westminster. Walters and Richard Paltokc. Order. u])on petition of John Cranewj's
one of the clerks of chancery, if his statements be true, to deliver to him
40s. in their keeping : as his petition shews that at the time of the late
insurrection he was threatened in life and limb by John Buntyng
one of the chiefs of the insurgents, and that his houses should bo burned,
shewing that to save his life and houses certain of his friends made a
fine of 40s. with the said John Buntyng, and paid it of the ])etitioner'a
money, that John Buntyng was after taken, brought to Thefford,
and there beheaded, and that the money was then found ujion him,
which the mayor etc. seized as forfeit to the king, and he acknowledged
before his death to be that received of the petitioner. By C,
April 18. To the collectors of customs in the port of St. Botolph. Order,
Westminster, upon petition of certain merchants of the Hanse of Almain, if assured
• In tlie warrant described as tlie king's esquire.
1382. Membrane 12 — cont.
that at the time of the loss of a ship called ' la Chn'stofre ' of Strolessoundc,
Lubert l^'lynt master, any man eHcai)ed to land, and if there be no other
cause for arrest of tlie goods and merchandise therein, to suffer the
petitioners or their attorneys to lade in another ship and without
a second payment to take to Norway the goods whereupon they have
previously paid customs and subsidies ; as their petition shews that
they laded the said ship with divers merchandise and paid the said
collectors customs etc., that the ship being within ' Frisdenorde '
road was lost in a storm, and the goods cast ashore in Lincolnshire
and salved, and that three men of the ship escaped to land, wherefore
the same may not be called wreck.
May 20. To Nicholas fitz Richard escheator in Essex. Order to take the
Westminster, fealty of Joan late the wife of William Cosyn, and to remove the
king's hand and meddle no further with the manor and advowson of
Great Sutton, delivering to her any issues thereof taken ; as the king
has learned by inquisition, taken by the escheator, that by gift of
Nicholas Raunche the said William at his death held the same as
jointly enfeoffed with her in chief as of the honour of Reilegh.
May 18. To Thomas Bradefeld escheator in Cambridgeshire. Order to take
Westminster, the fealty of Robert son and heir of Edmund Mordant, tenant by
knight service of the heir of John de Moubray a minor in the king's
wardship, and to give him seisin of his father's lands ; as he proved
his age before Thomas atte Lude late escheator in Bedfordshire.
Membrane ii.
Feb. 10. To all sheriffs, mayors, bailiffs, ministers, purveyors and takers of
Westminster, victuals for the households of the queen and the king's children, and
others to whom etc. Order to suffer the dean and canons of the king's
free chapel within Westminster palace, their men and tenants, to enjoy
the liberties and quittances granted them by the late king's charter,
confirmed by charter of 1 June 1 Richard II, maintaining and defending
them therein ; as it was thereby granted that they and their successors,
their men and tenants and the dwellers in their lands, fees etc., shall
be quit of toll, pavage, pontage, quayage, murage, passage, payage,
lestage, stallage, tallage, carriage, peisage, barbicanage, terrage, of
scot and geld, hidage, scutage, works of castles, parks and bridges,
enclosures, building and repair of the king's houses, suits of counties,
hundreds and wapentakes, view of frankpledge, murder and common
mercy, that their goods and chattels shall not be taken or spent by
purveyors etc. for the king's household, the households of the queen
and of his sons, of princes, lords or others, the said chapel, the dean
and canons, their men and tenants, lands and goods being taken
into the king's protection, with covenant that nought should be taken
against their will of their corn, hay, horses, wains, carriages, victuals
and goods, and that if aught should be so taken within their lands and
fees the purveyors etc. shall be bound to make restitution, and shall
incur a further pain of triple the value thereof.
Et erat patens.
April 18. To the alderman, chamberlains, burgesses, good men and all the
Westminster, commonalty of Beverley, and to the officers of the town whatsoever.
Strict order under pain of forfeiture to lay no imposts or taxes upon
1382. Membrane 11 — conl.
the people of the town nor extort money from them until the cause
thereof shall be laid before the council, and the council shall decide
that the same is reasonable, staying altogether the levy of any newly
so laid and making restitution of aught thereof levied ; as by complaint
of certain lieges of the town it has come to the king's ears that certain
men. taking upon them unlawful power and striving to burden the
people with expense, are purjiosing against their will to levy and
extort from them divers sums, which would tend to their niin.
April IG. To Richard de Middelton late alderman of Beverle. Order under
Wcstininstor. a pain of 2,000^ to be in person in chancery on Mondaj- after St. John
ante Portam Latinam next to answer touching matters which shall
lie laid against him ; as learning that Adam Coppendale, Thomas
Beverle}-, John Cerveys, William Dudhill and other good men of
Beverle were compelled bj' violence and threats for fear of their lives
to make divers bonds in great sums to him and to Thomas White
' tylere ' and Henr}' Xeuwerk late chamberlains of the town, by divers
writs the king lately [ordered] the said Richard and others to be
therewith in chancery in the octaves of Easter last to shew cause
wherefore the same being made by duress ought not to be cancelled ;
and the king will not finally discharge him of coming thither, although
at that day it was witnessed before the king that he might not appear
by reason of infirmity. By C.
April 16. To A. archbishop of York, or to the bailiff of his liberty of Beverle.
Westminster. Order to arrest Thomas Whyte ' tylere ' and Henry Xeuwerk late
chamberlains of Beverle and Richard Bostan clerk, so as to have them
in chancery on Monday after St. John ante Portam Latinam next to
answer etc. ; as learning etc. {as in the last) the king lately- ordered
Richard de Middelton late alderman, the said Thomas and Henry,
and the said clerk who had the keeping of the bonds {above mentioned)
it was said, to be therewith in chancery etc. ; and now the king is
informed of a surety that, upon information that those writs were
addressed to them, and were sent bj'^ a king's messenger to Beverle,
in contempt of the king the said Thomas, Henry and Richard Bostan
of maUce absented themselves from the town, taking no heed to receive
the same ; and it is the king's will not to leave their contempt without
punishment. By C.
The like to the following :
The provost of the church of St. John of Beverley at Beverley,
or the bailiff of his liberty there.
The bailiff of the liberty of the chapter of that church.
The baihff of the liberty of St. Peter Beverley.
The sheriflF of York, for execution witliin his bailiwick.
April 17. To the chancellor and scholars of the university of Oxford for the
Westminster, time being. Order of the assize of bread and ale in the town to pay
to f^diniiiid Tettesworth 100.5. a year and the arrears since 10 May
1 Richard II, on which date the king confirmed letters patent of the
late king, granting to the said Kdmund his serjeant for good service
lOO.s. a year so to be taken for life from 25 November 42 Edward III,
in the same manner as Richard Englissh now deceased had if by the
late king's grant.
Et erat jMitcns.
1382. Membrane 11 — cont.
April 20. To Richard Middelton late alderman of Bcvcrlc, Henry Newark
Westminster, and Thomas White late chamberlains, Richard Bostan, Richard
Caldewdle, John Broune, Roger SpoiTord ' hosiare,' Thomas Priston
skinner, Geoffrey Bridoun ' cordewaner,' John Lekyngfeld ' bakerc,'
Thomas Chaundeler, John Williamson ' bocher ' and John White
' tilcre.' Order to leave all else and ceasing every excuse to be in person
in chancery on Monday after St. John ante Porlam Latinam to answer
etc. ; as the king is informed that by violence, duress and threats
for fear of their lives John Rigton ' bocher,' William Rouleston
and many other his liege subjects of the town were compelled to pay
them great sums of money, and petition is made to the king for
April 20. To the keeper of the king's forest this side Trent or his representative
Westminster, in Savernake forest, and to all officers and ministers of that forest for
the time being. Writ of aid in favour of John de Roches the king's
knight, to whom by letters patent of 28 March last the king has granted
for life the keeping of Marlebergh castle with the oversight of that
forest and the warren of Marlebergh, taking ' housbote ' and ' haybote '
in the forest for his abode in the said castle and nought else of the
king for keeping the same ; and order to suffer him to take such ' hous-
bote ' and ' haybote,' and to exercise such oversight by himself or in
his absence by deputy.
Et erat patens.
Membrane lo.
April 18. To the collectors of customs and subsidies in the port of Suthampton.
Westminster. Order, upon petition of Lawrence John Fogate knight an envoy sent
to England by the king of Portugal, to receive the customs and subsidies
due upon certain merchandise there unladed from the said king's ship
wherein he came to England and exposed for sale, and to suffer the
master, merchants and seamen thereof without such payment to take
over the ship to Flanders with the residue of the merchandise therein ;
as his petition shews that the said ship being laded with wines etc.
to be taken to Flanders touched at that port for fear of the Normans
the king's enemies warring at sea, and that the collectors are hindering
the same from sailing for that they would have the wines etc. unladed
there ; and some were unladed and exposed for sale as the king has
April 20. To Richard de Middelton late alderman of Beverley, Henry Newark
Westminster, and Thomas White late chamberlains, Richard Bostan, Richard
Caldewellc, John Broune, Roger Spofford ' hosiare,' Thomas Preston
skinner, Geoffrey Bridoun ' cordewaner,' John Lekyngfeld ' barkere,'
Thomas Chaundeler, John Williamson ' bocher,' William Bery
' skynnere,' Richard Langstra ' bocher,' Richard de Wodemanse
'bocher' and John Whyte 'tylere.' Order to be in chancery {as
above), upon {the like) information that John Rigton ' bocher,'
Walter Walthewe and many others were compelled to pay them
great sums.
Et erat patens.
May 1. To John Rede escheator in Norffolk and Suffolk. Order to deliver
Westminster, in dower to Isabel who was wife of William de Ufford earl of Suffolk,
of whom the king has commanded the abbot of Leyston to take an
3^ 3 ^2. Meinbrane 10 — coiU.
oath etc , the manor of Cost«seye co. Norffolk except 10/. of yearly rent
thereof to be paid to the king, the whole manor being extended at
131/. 86\ 5rf. a year, the manors of Haghle co. Suffolk extended at
97/. 105. \\d., and Thornedon co. Suffolk at 35/. 135. l^d., which the
king has assigned to her of the castles, manors, lands etc. which the
earl at his death held to him and the heirs male of liis body by gift
of the late king to Robert his father late earl of Suffolk, and which
by the form of the gift are come to the king's hands for that the said
William died without issue male, with the assent of Richard de
Abburbury and John Bacon clerk attorneys of Queen Anne to whom
the king has committed the keeping thereof, and assent of Thomas
More and William de Horbury clerks attorneys of the said Isabel,
delivering her also of the king's gift the issues taken of the premises
except the aforesaid rent. By p.s. [2190.]
Maj' 3. To Edmund Gj'ffard escheator in Berkshire. Order to remove the
Westminster, king's hand and meddle no further with a tenement and one carucate
of land in Eton Hastynges, delivering up anj' issues thereof taken ;
as the king has learned by inquisition, taken bj' the escheator, that
Henry Forster parson of Eton Hastynges, Robert atte Mulle clerk
and William Calmond were seised of the premises and gave them to
Isabel sometime wife of Walter Thurstayn for life with remainder to
John and Walter their sons and to the heirs of their bodies, remainder
to the right heirs of Walter the father, that she died on the feast of
the Annunciation 1 Richard II, that after her death Walter the son
occupied the same taking the profits, for that the said John, being
convicted of divers felonies, came not to claim his right, that John
died 6 August 2 Richard II without issue, that Walter the son is his
next heir and of full age, and that the premises are held of others
than the king.
May 20. To Robert de Loxle escheator in Surrey. Order to take of Margery
^Vestminste^. who was wife of John Leg' an oath etc., and in presence of William
de Weston, who has taken to wife Joan daughter and heir of the said
John, to assign her dower.
June 11. To John de Newenton escheator in Kent. Order to give Richard
Westminster, son of Roger Charles brother of Richard Charles, being cousin and
heir of Richard Charles, seisin of his said uncle's lands : as he has
proved his age before Robert Passelewe escheator in Yorkshire, and
the king has taken his homage and fealty. By p.s. [2259.]
The like writ addressed to Robert de Loxle escheator in Sussex.
By p.s. (the same writ).
Me'tnorandum of a protest made by Richard Charles, cousin and heir
of Richard Charles in the office contained, namely son of Roger Charles
brother of the said Richard, coming of full age touching livery of [his
uncle's] lands, upon a presentment that the manor of Palstre is held
of the king in chief, and likewise the manors of Nassendeii and Little
Delse, and saying that the manor of Palstre is held by knight service
of Ledcs castle as of the honour of Crevker and jiot in chief ais of the
crown, the manor of Xassenden likewise of the honour of Pevcrel and
Hakenet, and the manor of Little Delse of Richard Say as of his manor
of Patrikesbourne.
1382. Membrane y.
May 1. To tho kce})cr or farmer of the king's manor of Ledes for the time
Westminster, being. Order to pay to John Dcvereu.x the king's knight, ho long as
he shall have the keeping of Ledcs castle co. Kent, 100.9. a year and tho
arrears since 16 September 4 Richard II, on which day the king granted
him so long as he should hold that office, \vhic;h \)y letters patent of
30 March 1 Richard II the king committed to him for life, lOOs. a
year for his fee, as John de Beverle deceased late keeper had by
grant of the late king.
May 4. To the collectors of the great and potty custom in the port of Bristol,
Westminster, the searcher and the keepers of the passage there. Order, of the
king's reverence for the pope, to suffer the attorneys or proctors of
Cosmatus Gentilis the pope's collector in England to pack in bales or
chests, lade in a certain ship there and without payment of custom
or subsidy to take over sea six pieces of tapestry of green powdered
Avith roses for a present to the pope, a great curtain of serge of the
same colour, two bankers of blue tapestry work, five pairs of linen
sheets and two blankets for a bed, bed curtains of bluet containing
six pieces, one great coverlet {cultricem) for a bed and six cushions
for a chamber, five pieces of bed curtains of red, two great long pieces
for chamber ornaments of red, two little pieces for the same of red,
one banker of blue, two great red pieces of serge for ornaments of
the hall worked with the arms of the pope, the king and the church,
two great bankers and one little piece of serge of red for the hall,
one piece of tapestry cloth paly (palatam) of red and black, five mantles
of Irish cloth, one of them lined with green cloth, another of mixed
colour lined with green cloth, a garment {indumentum) of russet lined
with Irish cloth, one woollen cloth of green for accounts, three covered
beds with testers, one rayed cloth for a yeoman of bluet, one piece
of cloth of bluet containing five ells (alas), another piece of mixed
colour containing seven, another of mixed containing nine, one piece
of blanket containing six, one mantle of mixed colour lined with vair
(bayro), with supertunic and hood lined and the whole suit, one mantle
of bluet lined with grey work, a supertunic of the same suit and the
whole suit, another garment lined with ' calabre,' a tunic lined with
blanket and a hood lined, another garment without sleeves lined with
vair and a tunic lined with lamb's fell, a furring of vair for a supertunic,
a hat and a pair of gloves lined with grey work, a pair of gloves of
' bevyr,' a tunic of mixed [colour] lined with blanket, and two round
mantles, one mixed the other black, a garment of Northfolch cloth
lined with black cloth, a tunic of the same lined with green cloth,
and a coat (gipponum) of another pattern, four strait tunics of blanket,
one whole gown lined with sendal and all the suit of bluet, a garment
of sanguine lined with sendal, a hood of ' vyolet ' lined with scarlet,
a piece of bluet containing ten ells, with towels and other linen, a
tabard with supertunic and hood of one suit lined with blue sendal,
a hood of sanguine lined with black cloth, a hood of scarlet doubled
and a hood of sanguine single, also 301. and the collector's books,
any command to the contrary to them previously addressed not-
withstanding. By C.
To the collectors of the great and petty custom in the port of
Suthampton, the searcher and the keepers of the passage. Like order
2382. Membrane 9 — cont.
in regaixl to three images in alabauster of great size of St. Mary, St.
Peter and St. Paul, a small image of the Trinity in a cask {tonello)
with anti(jue curtains and other small furniture of no great value
to keep the images from hurt, certain vessels of ' peutre ' namely
six great chargers, 24 ])latters (parapsides), 24 dishes, 24 saucers of
large size, thirteen candlesticks of latten, two vessels of the same
metal one for observing water the other for lye, three bowls, three
basins (lavacris) of the same metal, a pen case {calamare) of tin, twelve
pairs of woollen gloves, five pairs of boots, and two great pairs of
knives called ' trencheours ' in a barrel. By C.
April 27. To William Ermyn the kings clerk treasurer of Calais. Order to
Westminster, view letters of cocket in possession of Robert Olyver, John Aukland,
John Whithevede, John Chestre, Robert Hibbourne, John Horton,
Henry del Grene, William Johanson, Stephen de Muston and Robert
de Raigneton merchants of Newcastle upon Tyne, and if thereby
assured that the wool, hides and woolfells found at Calais in a ship
of Newehavene, Hugh Haynson master, were all customed in that
port, and that the said merchants knowingly put no inicustomed
merchandise therewith in the ship, nor had knowledge of fraud against
the king committed by others, to suffer such of them as shall be found
innocent therein to lade their wool etc. again in other ships and take
them to any parts they will of the king's friendship, according to his
licence granted to the burgesses of Newcastle upon Tyne ; as their
complaint shews that Robert Olyver lately laded in the said ship
three sacks thirteen stone of wool in two sarplers, John Aukland
260 woolfells in one fardel, John Wliithevede 200 woolfells in one
fardel, John Chestre 300 woolfells in one fardel, Robert Hibbourne
200 woolfells in one fardel and 25 dakers of hides, John Horton 240
woolfells in one fardel and twelve hides, Henry del Grene 500 woolfells
and 15 dakers of hides, William Johanson one last of hides and seven
hides, Stephen de Muston thirteen dakers and Robert de Raigneton
five dakers of hides, all to be taken to Flanders, that the ship was driven
by a storm to the coast of France near Calais, and that by reason of
other uncustomed goods therein found the treasurer has arrested
and is inilawfully detaining the same, although in the port of Newcastle
they paid customs, subsidies and other duties thereupon due both
in England and at Calais, as by the said letters may appear. Proviso
that all goods and merchandise of those who know inglj' put uncustomed
goods in the said ship be kej^t as forfeit to the king, and answer be
made to him for the same.
May 6. To William Pakelesham steward of the king's honour of Reylegh.
Westminster. Order not to distrain the abbot of Coggeshale to do homage for the
manor of Tillyngham co. Essex, releasing any such distress made ;
as the king has taken his homage. By letter of the signet.
May 6. To the sheriff of Lincoln for the time being. Order to suffer the
Westminster, dean and chajjter of St. Mar}^ Lincoln to have and enjoy stalls and
selds for sale of merchandise whatsoever within their close called
the ' Clos.' hindering no merchants or others who will come there,
nor troubling them in aught ; as among other liberties claimed by
the dean and chapter in the late king's court in 49 Edward III, upon
1382. Membrane 9 — cont.
presentment at Lincoln of certain usurpations against them, it was
found by inquisition of the country, whereupon they and Thomas
de Horncastre then mayor of Lincoln, Richard Farnburne and John
de Bultham then bailiffs and Thomas de Shardelowe suing for the
king put themselves, that the dean and chapter and all their
predecessors from the time of William the Conqueror time out of
mind have had such stalls etc. everywhere within the ' Clos ' taking
more or less as might be agreed between the merchants and the clerk
of the fabric of their church for the time being, wherefore it was
determined that they should go without a day, as appears by an
exemplification of the record and process produced in chancery.
Et erat patens.
April 28. To William de Skipwyth the younger, escheator in Lincolnshire.
Westminster. Order to give Michael de la Pole knight seisin of a third part of the
manor of Appelby, meddling no further with 20^. of rent in Estwode,
and delivering up any issues thereof taken ; as the king has learned
by inquisition, taken by the escheator, that Katherine who was wife
of William de la Pole at her death held the said rent in her demesne
as of fee, that the said Michael is her son and next heir and of full
age, that she held in dower the said third part and a third part of the
manor of Frisseby bj^ Spridlyngton of his heritage, that the third part
of Appelby is held in chief by knight service, the third part of
Frisseby and the said rent of others than the king ; and on 16 Septem-
ber 40 Edward III the late king took the homage and fealty of the
said Michael, and commanded livery to be given him of his father's lands.
April 30. To the prior of Wymondham. Order to deliver to William Fisshelake
Westminster, of Barton master thereof a ship called ' la James ' of Barton and the
goods and chattels therein, and his damages, costs and expenses,
the prior and his servants being contented for any costs incurred in
salving the same ; as upon the master's petition, shewing that the
ship laded with corn and other victuals was on the voyage to London
so hard driven by the king's enemies of France that he and other
the seamen and servants therein abandoned the ship and fled ashore
in a boat at Hapesburgh co. NorfTolk, and that the ship was plundered
by the said enemies of anchors and gear and of other goods and victuals
therein, and was cast ashore at Hapesburgh within the prior's lordship,
the king lately sent that petition to William de Elmham admiral of
his fleet to the northward, commanding him to take information etc.
and do the master speedy justice ; and after upon the prior's petition
that for speedy execution of justice the records and processes begun
before the admiral should come before the king and council, shewing
that the ship and the goods therein ought as wreck to pertain to the
prior, the king commanded the admiral to send them at the quinzaine
of Easter last and all things concerning the same, telling pursuers
and defendants to be there at that day, and the admiral did so ; and
at that day appeared in chancery the prior by James de Byllyngford
and Henry Maupas his attorneys, and the master in person, and the
said processes being viewed and arguments heard on either side, it
seems good to the justices, the king's Serjeants and others of the council
learned in the law that the ship etc. ought not to be called wreck,
wherefore it is determined that the same be given up to the master
with damages and costs in his suit, so that he content the prior etc.
as aforesaid.
1382. Membrane 8.
April 2G. To Thomas do Bradefeld escheator in Cambridgeshire and
Westminster. Huntingdonshire. Order to remove the king's hand and meddle no
further with eight tofts, 80 acres of land, 5 acres of meadow, 2 acres
of wood and 3s. of rent in Ellesworth and Grave, 4l5. 5d. of rent in
Pappeworth Anneys co. Cantebrigge, and 82 acres of land, a several
pasture, 9/. 3s. 4f/. of rent and a rent of three capons in Wynewyk
CO. Huntingdon, delivering to Eleanor late the wife of John Knyvet
knight Siny issues thereof taken ; as the king has learned by inquisition,
taken by Ralph de Wykes late escheator, that at his death the said
John held the premises as jointly enfeoffed with her, those in Cambridge-
shire by gift of John atte Grave and others by divers fines levied in
the late king's court, and those in Huntingdonshire by charter of
Richard de Trcton parson of Oundlc and William vicar of Suthwyk,
and that all are held of others than the king.
May 8. To all sheriffs, escheators, mayors, bailiffs, ministers etc. to whom
Westminster, etc. Order so far as in them lies to suffer the abbot and monks of
St. Edward now called Lettele and their men to use and enjoy the liberties
and quittances following, granted by charters of former kings, confirmed
by the king's letters patent, namely to be quit of toll in everj- market
and fair and in all passage of bridges, ways and the sea throughout the
realm, to have their markets and markets of their men in Litteleg', Hune,
Welcwe, Totintun, Gumesludve, Nordeleg', Deverelkyngeston, Waddon,
Ayshleg' and Latton likewise quit of toll, and that their ships shall
have free passage by sea without any custom or demand, forbidding
any man under a pain of 20Z. to make forfeit in aught upon them
and their men contrary to the said charters.
Et erat patens.
April 30. To Robert de Assheton constable of Dovorre castle and warden of
Westminster, the Cinque Ports, or to his lieutenant. Order, upon the certificate
and at the request of Fernandus king of Portugal and Algarve, to
make restitution to merchants of Portugal or to their attorney of all
their goods taken out of a ship called ' la Seint Spirit ' of Lucebon in
Portugal laded with wines, which was taken at sea by the king's lieges
at those ports and brought to Sandewich, or the price or true value
thereof ; as at suit of the maister and other merchants of Portugal
the king lately commanded that the ship and gear and the merchants
and seamen thereof should be delivered to the master, and that the
master and merchants should be suffered to sell the wine, so that all
money thereof arising should be put in safe keeping until they might
prove that ship and wine pertain only to subjects of Portugal, and
likewise commanded that the same should be put in keeping of some
trusty person who might answer for the same until Christmas next,
in order that they might bring and shew to the king and council a
sufficient certificate to that effect.
May 7. To the sheriff of York for the time being. Order to suffer the abbot
Westminster, and convent of Selb}' to use and enjoy the following liberties and
quittances granted by charters of former kings, namely to have their
court with sac and soc, ' thol,' ' thcam ' and ' infangthef ' and all the
best customs which the church of St. Peter York has, that view of
frankpledge shall be held in their court without that that any scrjeant
of the king shall hold the same or meddle therein, and that mercies
2382. Membrane 8 — cont.
thereof arising shall be theirs ; as the king has confirmed the same
by charter with the clause licet.
El crat fatens.
May 5. To the receiver of the lordship of C'lare for the time being. Order
Westminster, to ])ay to John Pitman 4r/. a day for life so long as the lordship shall
be in the king's hand, and the arrears since 20 April last, according
to letters patent of that date granting him Ad. a day of the issues of
that lordship, which is in the king's hand by the death of Edmund
de Mortuo Mari earl of March and by reason of his heir's nonage,
in full of iSd. a day for life granted him by Lionel late duke of (Clarence
and lOOs. a year granted him by the late king, with covenant that if
the said earl's heir should die in the said John's life time, he shall
have 100s. a year for life at the exchequer. [See p.s. 2188.]
Et erat patens.
May 2. To John Rede escheator in Norffolk. Order to take again into the
Westminster, king's hand, and to give William Thweyt livery of a messuage, 40 acres
of land, 6 acres of meadow, 20 acres of pasture and 9 acres of wood
in Hethill ; as lately it was found by inquisition, taken by the escheator,
that on the day he was outlawed for felony the premises were held
by Henry Smelt for life by the courtesy of England after the death of
Christiana his wife, and are held of the prior of Allesbourne as of his
manor of Estcarleton by knight service and by a yearly rent of 14.s. 3d.,
that the said Henry died 21 January 4 Richard II, and that the said
William, being brother of John Thweyt father of Christiana, is her
cousin and next heir and of full age ; and at his petition the king
ordered the sheriff to give notice to William de Elmham knight, to
whom he committed the keeping of the premises, to be in chancery
in the quinzaine of Easter last to shew cause wherefore they should
not be taken again into the king's hand and livery given to the said
William, at which day he appearing in person, the justices and the
king's Serjeants could say nought to the purpose, wherefore it was
determined that they should so be given.
May 5. To William Sallowe escheator in Notynghamshire and Derbyshire.
Westminster. Order in presence of the next friends of William Deyncourt's heir
to assign dower, if not yet assigned, to Alice who was wife of the said
William, with the issues thereof since 24 December last, on which
date the king ordered Ralph de Braillesford late escheator to assign
her dower, having commanded Henry Lescrope to take of her an
oath etc. ; as the late escheator was removed from oflfice before this
was done.
Feb. 24. To the keepers, farmers bailiffs or receivers for the time being of the
Westminster, manors and lordships of Clyfford and Glassebury in the march of
Wales to Herefordshire adjacent, which are in the king's hand by
reason of the nonage of the heir of Edmund de Mortuo Mari earl of
March. Order to pay to John de Bromwych (knight in margin)
100 marks a year for [life] so long as the premises shall be in the king's
hand, according to a grant for life to him made by the said earl for
good service.
Et erat patens.
Membrane 8 — cont.
May 10. To William de Skipwyth escheator in Lincolnshire. Order, as at
Westminster, another time ordered, in presence of William de Harpeley the king's
esquire, to whom he has granted for life the manor of Hallewelle
her dower excepted, to assign and deliver dower thereof to Mary who
was wife of Roger de Belers knight, who held the same of the king as
of the honour of Albemarle to him and the heirs male of his body by
gift of King Edward II to Roger Belers knight his father and to the
heirs male of his body, and it has come to the king's hands for that
Roger the son is dead without issue male, delivering to her the issues
thereof taken since 1 1 Februarj- 4 Richard II, at which date bj' another
writ the king ordered the escheator to assign her dower, hav^ing taken
of her an oath etc.
May 19. To Robert de Loxle escheator in Surrey. Order to give James
Westminster. Berners knight, son and heir of John Berners knight, seisin of his father's
lands ; as he has proved his age before the escheator, and the king has
taken his homage and fealty. By p.s. [2227.*]
To Nicholas fitz Richard escheator in Essex. Like order, as the
said .Tames has proved his age before Robert de Loxle.
The like to the following :
John de Newenton escheator in Middlesex.
John Rede escheator in Suffolk.
Membrane i.
April 26. To William de Sallowe escheator in Notynghamshire. Order to give
Westminster. William son and heir of Joan who was wife of Thomas Bulneys seisin
of his mother's lands ; as he has proved his age before the escheator,
and the king has taken his homage and fealty. By p.s. [2180.]
IVIay 12. To archbishops etc. and all ecclesiastical persons holding any dignity
Westminster, or office, notaries public etc. to whom etc. Prohibition against holding
a plea between the king and the abbot of St. Peter Gloucestre and
Roger Syde clerk concerning presentation to the vicarage of St. Peter
Hereford, now void and in the king's gift it is said, or prosecuting such
plea in the court christian, until debate be had in the king's court
whether the presentation belongs to the king or to the said abbot
and Roger, or attempting aught to the prejudice of the crown and the
king's dignity, and order to revoke any attempt so made ; as a plea there-
upon is pending before the king, and a plea between the said Roger and
certain churchmen is likewi.se pending in the court christian as the
king has learned, and if the king should suffer it to jiroceed in that
court, it would tend to the prejudice of the crown.
To Nicholas fitz Richard escheator in Essex. Order to remove the
king's hand and meddle no further with a yearly rent of 6/. ISs. 4rf. of
the manor called Lachelcghalle, delivering to W'illiam Hornby any issues
thereof taken ; as the king has learned by inquisition, taken by the
escheator, that at his death Edmund de Mortuo Mari earl of March
held that manor in his demesne as of fee of others than the king, and
* See also p.s. 2210.
1382. Membrane 7 — cont.
on 9 March 40 Edward III granted that rent to the said William
for life, who thenceforth was and in seised of the same.
Memorandum that the said William, ajjpearing in person in chancery,
granted that he slioidd be bound to render to the king all sums thereof
received during the heir's nonage, if hereafter it shall be found that
the earl held that manor in fee tail.
Mandate to the receiver, keeper, bailiff or farmer of the manor
for the time being to pay the said William that rent so long as the
same shall be in the king's hand, and the arrears since the earl's death.
Et erat patens.
May 7. To Nicholas Fitz Richard escheator in Essex and Hertfordshire.
Westminster. Order to deliver any issues and profits by him taken of the lordships
and lands of Edmimd de Mortuo Mari earl of March and Ulster to
Henry Elnglyssh, whoiti the king has appointed steward of the lordship
of Clare and other the earl's lordships and lands in those counties,
Cambridgeshire, Norffolk, Suffolk, Huntingdonshire and Middlesex in
the king's hand by reason of the nonage of Roger his son and heir,
or to the king's receiver, henceforth meddling not therein. By C.
May 28. To John Devereux captain and William Ermyn the king's clerk
Westminster, treasurer of Calais, or to their representatives. Order in presence
of Thomas Camoys or his attorney to assign to Elizabeth who was
wife of William de Latymer knight, of whom the king lately commanded
an oath to be taken etc., dower of the tenements, houses, cottages
and void pieces of ground in Calais sometime of John Dayre, which
Queen Philippa held during her life by the late king's gift, and by
letters patent of 28 June 49 Edward III the late king gave to the said
William and to the heirs male of his body with remainder to the said
Thomas and to the heirs male of his body ; as upon the finding of an
inquisition, taken by the captain and treasurer, that the said William
died without issue male, wherefore the premises ought by the form of
the gift to remain to the said Thomas, and that they are held in chief
by the service of maintaining two watches for safe guard of the town
of Calais, on 5 August last the king took his fealty, and commanded
livery thereof to be given him ; and after upon the petition of the
said Elizabeth the king ordered the captain and treasurer to give the
said Thomas notice to be in chancery on the morrow of Ascension day
last to shew cause wherefore the king ought not to assign her dower,
at which day he came in person and being examined could say nought
to the contrary.
May 24. To John Norhampton mayor of the city of London and escheator
Westminster, therein. Order to remove the king's hand and meddle no further
with a tenement, a garden and thirteen shops with solars therevipon
built in the parish of St. Giles without Crepulgate in the suburb of
London, held of the king in free burgage as is all the city of London,
delivering to Roger de Boys knight, John de Pissale clerk, Ellis de
Byntre clerk, Robert de Asshefeld and Henry Sergeant any issues
thereof taken ; as it was lately found by inquisition, taken before
the said mayor, that at his death William de Ufford earl of Suffolk
was seised of the premises, and that Robert de Wylughby knight,
Roger de Scales and Henry de Ferrariis of Groby were his next heirs,
being all of the age of 25 years and upwards ; and after upon petition
1382. Mevrhrane 7 — conl.
of the said Roger de Bojs and the others, shewing that long before
his death the earl b}- charter gave the premises, by name of a messuage
called ' Bascourt ' etc., to them and to Adam de Hautbo^-s, Reynold
de Eccles and John de Birlyngham citizen of London now deceased,
their heirs and assigns, and that they remained in possession until
unlawfully i)ut out by the mayor by virtue of the inquisition aforesaid,
the king by writ ordered the sheriffs of London to give notice to the
said heirs to be in chancery at a set day past in order to shew cause
wherefore the king ought not to remove his hand therefrom; at which
day they came not, wherefore it was determined that his hand should
be removed, and the issues delivered to the petitioners.
June 5. To Simon de Messyngham mayor of the city of Lincoln, and to
Westminster. Simon Semans ' patener,' Thomas Hauke and William de Halton
bailiffs, John Wykford, Robert de Ledes, Robert de Messyngham,
Thomas de Thornham, John de Derby, Robert Edlyngton, William
Oyllyer and John Barbour who dwells on the west side of the great
city bridge. Strict order to be in person in chancery on Monday after
Midsummer next to answer touching the matters hereinafter mentioned,
and others which shall then be laid against them ; as lately by view
of the late king's letters patent the king was informed that the dean
and chapter of St. Mary Lincoln and all their predecessors time out
of mind had, and that they ought to have stalls and selds everywhere
within the ' Clos ' for sale of merchandise whatsoever as may be agreed
between the merchants and the clerk of the fabric of the said church,
and he commanded the mayor and bailiffs by writ patent to suffer them
so to do, not hindering merchants or others who will come thither for
the purpose ; but he has learned that the mayor and the others named,
assembling great number of evildoers, and taking upon them royal
power like the insurgents in the late devilish insurrection, have by
their own authority made a proclamation in divers places of the city
that no merchant or other should hold fair or market within the ' Clos *
nor sell goods there under pain of forfeiture thereof, and by force of
arms have hindered the dean and chapter from having stalls and
selds there, and merchants coming thither as they used to do from
fixing pales and selds, setting up stalls for their merchandise and
having their easements, compelling some merchants who did set up stalls
to withdraw, grieving them and others who would sell goods there
by undue and vexatious summons&s and extortion of money, and
laying upon the dean and chapter threats and fear of death for certain
of the said merchants if they should attempt aught contrary to the
said proclamation, whereby the dean and chapter have lost the profit
thereof to the value of lOOZ., and committing other grievous wrongs
in contempt of the king's command. By C.
May G. To Gilbert de Culwen escheator in Cumberland. Order in presence
Westminster, of .fohn deXevylle and Elizabeth his wife daughter and heir of William
Latymer, or of their attorneys, to assign and deliver dower, if not yet
assigned, to Elizabeth who was wife of the said William, and the
issues thereof since 9 October last, on which date the king ordered
Nicholas RcN'mes late escheator to assign her dower, having com-
manded the prior of Gisburne to take of her an oath etc. ; as the
late escheator died before that was done.
5 RICHARD 11. 03
3^332. Membrane 6 — cont.
May 26. To Gilbert de Culwen oschcator in Cumberland and Westmorland.
Westminster. Order to give Christopher son and heir of Christopher de Moriceby
seisin of a moiety of the town of Distyngton, a moiety of the manor
of Culgayth, a third ])art of two thirds the manor of Moriceby co.
Cumberland, and the manor of Askeby Wynandrewath co. Westmor-
land ; as the king has learned by divers inquisitions, taken by the
escheator, that at her death Isabel who was wife of Christopher the
father held the premises in Cumberland in dower and the said manor
of Askeby for life of the heritage of Christopher the son, that the said
moieties are held in chief by knight service, the said manor and third
part of others than the king ; and on 26 May 2 Richard II the king
took the homage and fealty of Christopher the son, and commanded
livery to be given him of his father's lands.
To William de Neville keeper of the king's forest beyond Trent,
or to his rej^resentative in Ingelwode forest. Order to deliver to
bail until the next coming of justices in eyre for pleas of the forest in
Cumberland Benedict ' Cristofreservant of Moriceby ' imprisoned in
Karlell prison for a trespass of vert and venison in the said forest, if
replevisable according to the assize of the forest.
May 8. The like to the said William or his said representative in favour of
Westminster. Roger de Layburne.
May 6. The like to the said William or his said representative in favour of
Westminster. William Colt vicar of Adyngham.
May 28. To the king's bailiffs of Kyngeston upon Thames for the time being.
Westminster. Order of the fee farm of the town to pay to Thomas de Kendale one
of the king's messengers 10/. a year for life and the arrears since 20 April
8 Richard II, according to the king's letters patent of that date.
Et erat patens.
May 2. To the sheriff of York. Order to give Robert Conestable knight
Westminster, seisin of two tofts, a croft and four bovates of land in Bubwyth held by
John son and heir of John Cardoill of Bubwyth outlawed for felony ; as
the king has learned by inquisition, taken by the sheriff, that the premises
have been in his hand a year and a day, that John the son held them
by knight service of the said Robert, and that James Pykeryng late
escheator had the year and a day, and Robert Passelewe now escheator
the waste thereof.
April 28. To John Polymoude of Suthampton. Order, for particular causes
Westminster, moving the king and council, to arrest and keep under honourable
arrest until further order any ships of Portugal in that port. By C.
May 16. To John de Newenton escheator in Kent. Order to deliver Soutlifreth
Westminster, park by Tonebrygge, 8 acres of land by Newefreth within the precinct
thereof excepted, to the archbishop of Canterbury to hold in ward
until the lawful age of the heir, as he and his predecessors used to
have such wardships, and the issues thereof with the exception aforesaid ;
as the king has learned by inquisition, taken by the escheator, that
Edmund de Mortuo Marl earl of March and Ulster at his death held
1382. MeiJibrane 6 — cont.
the same by the courtesy of England in right of Philippa his wife,
that with the exception aforesaid it is held of the archbishop, and
that Roger the earl's son is his next heir and within age.
May 2G. To William Skipw\-th the younger, escheat or in Lincolnshire.
Westminster. Order to remove the king's hand and meddle no further with eight
me^suage^s, 24 A acres of land, 8s. of rent and a rent of one cock and
two hens in Staunford, and the advowson of a chantry at the altar of
8t. Nicholas in the church of St. Clement Staunford, delivering to
Eleanor late the wife of John Kn3'^vet knight and to Robert their son
any issues ^hereof taken ; as the king has learned by inquisition,
taken by the cscheator, that at his death the said John held the premises
as jointly enfeoffed with the said Eleanor and Robert by gift of John
Spicer of Staunford and Alice his wife to them and the heirs of the said
John by fine levied in the late king's court, and that the same are held
of others than the king.
To the same. Order to remove the king's hand and meddle no
further with two messuages, six cottages and 26 acres of land beyond
Staunford bridge, delivering up any issues thereof taken ; as the
king has learned {as above) that John Knyvet knight held the premises
of the abbot of Peterborough by the service of 3s. yearly payable at
Michaelmas and by coming twice a year to the abbot's court, and
that the custom of the abbot's manor there is that after her husband's
death the wife shall have a moiety of tenements of that tenure, and
the youngest son the other moiety, wherefore Eleanor who was the
said John's wife shall have one moiety, and Henry their j'oungest
son the other.
June 5. To Roger Saberton warden of the Flete prison. Order to set free
Westminster. Roger de SpofTord, Richard de Wodmanse, John Stofer and Thomas
Chaundeler of Beverley lately committed to his custody by the
chancellor until further order by reason of undue dealings contrary
to the peace and the king's commands ; as John Bygod and Ralph
Paynel knights have mainperned in chancery under a pain of 400/.
to have them before the king and council in chancery or elsewhere
from day to day, and that they shall stand to right and be obedient
to the king's commands. By C.
May 22. To Roger de Saperton warden of the Flete prison. Order to cause
Westminster. Walter Elys of Dovorre there imprisoned to come before the king in
chancery on Saturdaj'^ after Corpus Christi next to answer touching
matters that shall then be laid before him. By K.
June 10. To the warden and convent of friars minors of the city of London.
Westminster. Strict order, upon their allegiance and under pain of forfeiture,
henceforward to receive or suffer to abide or wait in their house more
than two days no alien brethren coming or sent from what realm or
lordship soever at the connnand of any superior or visitor of the order
or of others whatsoever, save those whom at their peril they shall
.see to be useful and needful to their house and for whom they
themselves will answer, and if there be any such brethren there, to
cease every excuse and take heed that they be removed without
delay ; as the king has learned of a truth that great number of alien
1382. Membrane 6 — cont.
brotlircn of that order not of his allegiance but of alien tongue and
no honest condition have often heretofore been received and maintained
at the command of superiors of the order who have little or no lovo
for the king and the honour of the realm, and are daily received and
maintained to the burden of the house and ruin of the king's liegea
therein who live only by alms, and to the peril of the realm, seeing
that the secrets thereof are often laid bare by such aliens to the king's
enemies. By C.
June 8. To Henry Motoun escheator in Herefordshire. Order to give Roger
Westminster, le Frenssh, son and heir of Roger le Frenssh, seisin of his father's
lands ; as he proved his age before Hugh de Bysley late escheator,
and the king has taken his fealty and respited his homage until
Michaelmas next.
Membrane 5.
June 14. To the lords or tenants for the time being of the castle and town
Westminster, of Orford which were of William de Ufford earl of Suffolk. Writ
de intendendo in favour of Michael de la Pole and his heirs, and order to
pay them 201. a year of rent from 15 February, on which day the earl
died as is found by divers inquisitions ; as among other lands etc.
the king has given the said Michael and his heirs that rent, which the
earl was bound to pay for the said castle and town, in exchange for
220 marks of rent deducted from the 400 marks of rent to be taken
of the ancient custom in the port of Kyngeston upon Hull which the
late king gave to William de la Pole his father deceased and the said
Michael and to their heirs.
Et erat patens.
June 12. To John Knode clerk. Order to deliver to William de Hopton
AVestminster. chaplain all the fruits and preventions of Biriton church co. Salop,
suffering him to dispose of the same ; as lately a plea was pending
in chancery between the said chaplain and William de Drayton chaplain
to shew the defendant's pretended title in that church, and willing to
provide for the safety of the fruits thereof lest they should be spent
or wasted by one of the parties, the king committed the administration
thereof to the said John as an indifferent person, so that he shoiild be
bound to answer for them to him to whom they lawfully pertain ;
and by advice of the justices and others of the council the king after
dismissed the said plea from that court, and Thomas Bakton doctor
of laws dean of St. Mary le Bow London has at the king's command
certified in chancery that upon search of the registers of the court of
Canterbury it is found that the president of that court granted to
William de Hopton the benefit of protection and restitution of
Biriton church, whereby he restored him to the estate and possession
thereof as at the time of the provocation, with the fruits etc. whatso-
Membrane 4.
March 18. To Baldwin Frevylle knight, Richard Dodenale mayor of Co ventre
Westminster, and Richard Luff. Order to give brother John de Netherbury of the
Cartluisian order, appointed prior of the house of that order to be
founded in ' Shorteleyf eld ' within the liberty of Co ventre, and the monks
there, livery of 14 acres of land in the said field which the king had
Wt. 32813 OR 5
1382. Membrane 4 — cont.
b\' feoffment of the said Baldwin, extending from a footpath towards
London on the ea^st to a brook called Shirbourne and from the highway
to Warrewyk on the south to ' Busshele milne,' according to the
king's letters patent giving the same for a dwelling to the said prior
and monks and to their successors, the statute of mortmain notwith-
standing. By p.s. [2127.]
Et erat patens.
May 6. To William Britford, under searcher in the port of London. Order
Westminster, to deliver to John Westfeld his mone}- with damages and costs sustained
by default of the said William ; as having heard that the under searcher
arrested and unlawfully detained the said John's money, averring
that he would pass over sea without the king's licence taking 24/.,
the king lately caused the said William and John to come before him
in chancery, and finding by examination that the arrest was unlawful,
decreed that the said William should be amerced at 405., and restitution
made with damages and costs.
May 12. To the warden of the Flete prison. Order to set free William Britford
Westminster, (as above), whom for a misprision the king lately committed to
his custody until further order.
May L3. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Writ of .fj/^xr-
Westminster. sedeas in respect of their demand made upt)n William Moigne knight
and Marjf his wife, formerly wife of John Pecche citizen of London,
and upon William Pecche John's son and heir, to answer or account
for the issues and profits of all the said Mary's dower since the date
of the said heir's liverj\ and order to discharge them and all escheators
and sheriffs ; as the king took the homage and fealty of the said
William son of Jolin, and on .3 August 4 Richard II commanded livery
to be given him of lands which his father held in chief as of Dovorre
castle, and all other the lands of his father, and the issues thereof
to him granted of the king's gift, saving the said Mary's dower ;
and now William Moigne and Mary have petitioned the king for
discharge of themselves and William Pecche in regard to the profits
aforesaid, shewing that the said .John at his death held no lands in
chief as aforesaid nor by knight service whereof Mary ought to have
dower, and that after livery to him William Pecche straightway
assigned to her certain lands etc. in the city of London not held as
aforesaid for her dower of all the lands whereof she was dowable,
as appears by indentures between them made and enrolled among
the common pleas in the busting of London, which the king has
caused to come before him in chancery. By p.s. [2206.]
May 18, Order to the sheriff of Stafford to cause a verderer in Kynefare
Westminster, forest to be elected instead of John de Perton knight, who is in-
sufficiently qualified.
May 16. Order to the sheriff of Norham])ton to cause a verderer in Sauce
Westminster, forest to be elected instead of Thomas de Preston, who is sick and
May 10. Order to the sheriff of Somerset to cause a verderer in Ex more
Westminster, forest to be elected instead of John Radyngton, whom the king has
removed, having learned by credible witness that he is sick and aged.
Metribrane 4 — cont.
Order to the said sheriff to cause a verdcrcr in that forest to be
elected instead of John Otery, who is dead.
May 15. Order to the sheriff of York to cause a coroner to be elected instead
Westminster, of William de Estfeld, as the king has learned by credible witness that
he is insufficiently qualified.
Like order concerning John Holthorp.
Like order concei;fiing Richard Gretheved.
May 7. To Robert Tresilyan and his fellows, justices appointed to hold
Westininstor. pleas before the king. Order by writ of 7iisi jyrius to command an
inquisition which remains to be taken between the king and Elizabeth
who was wife of Edward le Despenser, whether she was dowered by
assignment of Thomas le Desjjenser of a third part of a hall and one
carucate of land in Shelyngthorp and of a wood pertaining to the manor
of Esenden or no, which hall, land and wood he held for life by feoff-
ment of her husband as she says, to be taken before one of the justices
according to the statutes. By C.
May 6. To the sheriff of York. Order to give the chapter of St. Peter York
Westminster, seisin of two messuages, 3^- bovates of land and 8 acres of meadow in
Bubwyth held by John son and heir of John Cardoill outlawed for
felony ; as the king has learned by inquisition, taken by the sheriff",
that the premises have been in his hand a year and a day, that they
are held of the chapter by knight service rendering 10s. a year, and
that James de Pykeryng late escheator had the year and a day, and
Robert Passelewe now escheator the waste thereof.
May 26. To John king of Castille and Leon duke of Lancastre, or to his
Westminster, representative in the duchy. Order to depute trusty lieges of the duchy
as best they may to make inquisition where corn is forestalled and
accumulated in excess for sale, to command all who withhold the same
to sell without delay at a reasonable price, and in case they shall take
no heed so to do, in their default to offer it for sale in aid of the people
to any who need and will buy it for prompt payment at a reasonable
price, having regard to the former purchase thereof and the costs
incurred by the former buyers, so that the money thereof arising
be paid to the owner, and order to command proclamation to be made
of the premises ; as by unusually frequent complaint it has come to
the king's ears that certain men of Lancashire, especially of the
wajDentake of Derby and neighbourhood, in disregard of the common
weal have by covin and confederacy forestalled the greater part of
the wheat, barley and oats of those parts, privily putting it in ships,
houses, granaries etc., purposing to take it, if they might, to Wales
and other foreign places, and though they may not draw it out of
the country according to their wicked intent, are of malice withholding
it, selling to no man but for excessive gain, whereby the people of
those parts are like to be ruined, especially as the bulk of such corn
is in their hands insomuch that corn may hardly be found in any
markets there.
To the same. Order to cause proclamation to be made forbidding
any man of whatsoever estate or condition, by colour of pretended
ownership in the sea, which men have not by reason of their lands
1382. Membrane 4 — cont.
upon the shore, or for other invalid cause to hinder any lieges from
casting and laying their nets and fishing in the sea, but ordering them
at their peril under ]iain of forfeiture to suffer men freely to fish as they
used and ought lawfully to do, and order to chastise according to their
deserts any found dealing to the contrary after the proclamation ;
as by complaint of the people it has come to the king's ears that, though
poor fishermen used heretofore to lay their nets and fish in the sea,
and may lawfully so do to gain their living and for sustenance of the
country and the ])arts adjacent, men of the duchy who have lands
upon the shore, purposing to extort their own profit and striving to
hinder the public weal, upon the pretence aforesaid are now newly
hindering tliem from laying nets and fishing, though lawful it was,
save for payment of fines and ransoms, to the prejudice of the king
and impoverishment of the people ; and the king observes that no man
by colour of his land u])on the shore or for anj^ other cause maj' claim
property in the sea, but that any man may fish therein at will.
June 10. To Robert de Assheton constable of Dovorre castle and warden of
Westminster, the Cinque Ports, or to his lieutenant. Order to set free Francis de
Lestavayn merchant of Genoa [Janua] wherever found within the
liberty of those ports from the custody' wherein he is kept, and to
safe keep until further order a barge of Genoa and all goods therein
taken, telling him who claims the said Francis as his prisoner to sue
with the council against him and Golestanus Pynellus merchant of
Genoa ; as on behalf of the said Francis petition is made for his
deliverance, in consideration that he and all the Genoese are of the
king's friendship, shewing that he was lately taken at sea in the said
barge by men of the said ports and held to ransom ; and the said
Golestanus has witnessed that he is of Genoa, and has mainperned
to content the captor for his ransom in case it shall hereafter be found
that he is of the king's enemies.
Membrane 3.
June 15. To the keepers of the passage in the port of Great Jernemuth,
Westminster. Lestoft, Dovorre or Sandewich. Passport for Master William
Lalyngton, sailing over sea with one servant and two horses ]irice
40.S. each, provided he take nought to the prejudice of the king or
June 8. To Edmund Giffard escheator in Berkshire. Order in presence of
Westminster, the heirs and parceners to make a partition into three parts of the
manor and advowson of Yatyngdon and divers other manors and
lands held at his death by Edmund de la Beche clerk, and to give
John Duyn seisin of his jnirparty ; as the king has learned by inquisition,
taken by .John Froillc the late kings escheator, that the said Edmund
held that manor and advowson for life in chief by knight service, and
those other lands of others than the king, with reversion to the right
heirs of Nicholas de la Beche, and that Andrew son and heir of Joan
Sakevylle ilaughter and one of the heirs of John de la Beche elder
brother of the said Nicholas, Ednumd Dauvers son and heir of Alice
Dauvers another daughter and heir, the said John Duyn son of Margery
daughter of Isabel fitz Klys the third daughter and heir of John de la
Jieche are cousins and next heirs of Nicholas, the others then being
of full age and John Duyn within age ; and John Duyn has now proved
5 RICHARD 11. 60
1382. Membrane 3 — cont.
his age before the escheator, and the king has taken his homage and
fealty. Proviso that ovory heir and parcener shall have to his purparty
a share of the said manor which is held in chief, and shall be the king's
tenant. By p.s. [2255.]
To John Gaweyn escheator in Wiltcsir. Like order, mutatis mutandis,
concerning the manors of Beaumys and Hakeneston, held of others
than the king, as the king has learned b}'^ inquisition taken by John
de Evesham the late king's escheator ; as John Duyn has proved his
age before Edmund Gififard. • By p.s. (the same writ).
To Edmund Gififard escheator in Oxfordshire. Order to give John
Duyn seisin of the manor of Waterpirye and a messuage in Thomeleye ;
as the king has learned by inquisition, taken by Oliver de Harnham
the late king's escheator, that Margaret who was wife of Robert fitz
Elys at her death held no lands in that county in chief in her demesne
as of fee, but held the premises for life of the heritage of the said John,
being son of Margery daughter of William brother of the said Robert,
that the same were held of others than the king, and that the said
John, Avlio was within age at the date of the inquisition, is cousin
and heir of the said Robert ; and he has now proved his age before
the escheator, and the king has taken his homage and fealty as one
of the heirs of Nicholas de la Beche for his purparty of the manor of
Yatyngdon. By p.s. (the same writ).
To Thomas Peyvre escheator in Bukinghamshire. Like order,
mutatis mutandis, concerning the manors of Wormenhale and Ocle, which
the said Margaret held of others than the king, being jointly enfeoffed
with her husband to them and her husband's heirs ; as John Duyn
has proved his age before Edmund Giffard. By p.s. (the same writ).
June 19. To John Gawayn escheator in the county of Suthampton. Order
Westminster, to give John son of John son of Lawrence de Pagham, being cousin
and heir of the said Lawrence, seisin of his said grandfather's lands ;
as he has proved his age before Robert de Loxle escheator in Sussex,
and the king has taken his homage and fealty. By p.s. [2269.]
June 15. To Ellis Rejmer bailiff of the liberty of the hundred of Middelton
Westminster. CO. Kent. Order, if William Symmes of Horsham in the said county,
who purposes to lade nineteen sarplers of wool in a ship at Sidyngborn
in that hundred and to take them by fresh waters and arms of the
sea to the staple of Sandewich, shall find security to take them thither
and nowhere else, to make with him indentures containing such security
and the quantity of the wool, to take of him and the masters and seamen
of the ship an oath that they will take them thither and nowhere else
and there unlade them before putting to sea, and to suffer him so
to do, sending the part of the indentures remaining with him by a
trusty man to the mayor of the said staple ; as it is contained in the
ordinance concerning staples of wool etc. that, if any man has wool,
hides, woolfells or lead between places where staples are and the sea,
and will lade them for the staples by fresh waters or arms of the sea,
he shall make indentures with the bailiffs of towns where the same
are laded witnessing the quantity thereof, the bailiffs shall take of the
seamen an oath and security as aforesaid, and shall send one part of
the said indentures to the mayor of the staple at the cost of the owners
of such goods.
1382. Menvttranc 3 — cont.
May {). To John de Newenton escheator in Kent. Order to give Arnald
Westmiiibter. Savage, son and heir of Arnald Savage knight {viilitis) tenant in
cliief of the hite king, .■seisin of his father's hinds ; a.s he ])roved his
age before John Jirode of Sniethe late escheator, and the king has
taken his homage and fealty. By p.s. [2202.]
Membrane 2.
June 12. To the collectors or farmers for the time being of the subsidy upon
Westminster, cloth in the city of London. Order of the issues of the subsidy to pay
33/. 'IX'ld. a \-ear to Queen Anne or to her attorney, according to the
king's letters patent, by advice and consent of the lords, great men
and others of the council assigning to her (among other things) that
yearly sum by the hands of the collectors or farmers until provision
be made her for life of lands to the same value.
Et erat patens.
June 16. To Robert Passelewe escheator in Yorkshire. Order to paj' to
Westminster. Robert Torbok 20/. a year and arrears ; as latelj* upon his petition,
shewing that Edward le Despenser lord of Glomorgan and Morganou
by writing indented granted the petitioner, then his esquire, for good
service a pension of 20/. a year of the manor of Kymberworth co.
York, which at the date of the petition was in the king's hand by
reason of the nonage of Edward's heir, and upon the finding of an
inquisition, taken by John Bygod late escheator, that the said Edward
held that manor in fee, and long before his death gave it for life to
Lionel Dautry knight with reversion to himself and his heirs, that
Lionel died in 2 Richard II and by his death the king took the manor
into his hand, that long before his death the said Edward before giving
the manor to the said Lionel charged the same with 20/. a year to the
petitioner for life, and that it is worth 23/. 6s. 8(/. a year, and is held
of the duke of Lancastre by service of one pair of gilt spurs, the kuig
ordered the sheriff to give notice to Elizabeth, who was the said
Edward's wife and by the king's commission holds the manor in ward
until the lawful age of his heir, to be in chancery in the octaves of
Trinity 4 Richard II to shew cause wherefore tlie petitioner ought
not to have for life that 20/. and the arrears ; and thereu])on many
days in su(!cession were given to the parties, and the cause being
continued to the octaves of Trinity last, when neither the said
iClizabeth by her attorneys, the king's Serjeants nor Lawrence Dru
his attorney suing for the king could say aught to the purpose wherefore
that ought not to be done, by advice of the justices and others
learned in the law being then in the chancery it was determined that
the same should be delivered to the petitioner with the arrears.
June 20. To the sheriffs of London. Order to give notice to J. bishop of
Westminster. Lincoln, and to Thomas de Horncastre of Lincoln at whose instance
sentence was passed, to be in chancery on Friday after the quinzaine
of Midsummer next to shew cause wherefore John Harwode of Lincoln
of the bishop's diocese ought not to beset free pending his appeal, and
l)y mainprise of Robert Lincoln ' bowyere,' Nicholas Wormere, Thomas
de Lincoln ' dyer ' and John Olyver ' cordwaner ' to set him free,
although at the request of the said bishop, signifying that he was
excommunicated for contumacy and would not be justified by
ecclesiastical censure, the king latelj- commanded the sheriffs to
1382. Membrane 2 — cont.
justify tlio saiil ,rohii Harwode by his body until he should content
holy church for his contempt ; as he has appealed against that sentence
to the i)a])al see and for the protection of the court of Canterbury.
June 19. To Robert Tresilyan the chief justice. Order by writ of nisi privs
Westminster, to comtnand an inquisition which remains to be taken between the
king and Henry Bill^'ng and others concerning a messuage and 10 acres
of land in Weston eo. Bukingham to be taken before him or one of the
justices of assize.
May 22. To Roger de Sapirton warden of the Flete prison. Order to cause
Westminster. Walter liilys of Dovorre there imprisoned to come before the king
in chancery on Saturday ai'ter Corpus Christi next, and the cause
wherefore he was taken. By K.
June 18. To the collectors of customs in the port of Suthampton. Order to
Westminster, sufifer the masters, merchants and seamen of Portugal in that port,
who by the king's licence are shortly to sail to Portugal, to lade in
ships twelve tuns of wine purveyed for their sustenance, and without
payment of custom or subsidy to pass therewith to their own parts,
any previous command to the contrary notwithstanding. By C.
June 6. Order to the sheriff of Roteland to cause a coroner to be elected
Westminster, instead of Robert de Whytewelle, who is sick and aged.
June 16. Order to the sheriff of York to cause a coroner to be elected instead
Westminster, of Walter de Rudstane, who is too much occupied with divers business
there to exercise the office.
June 18. To the abbot of Hayles for the time being. Order of the fee farm
Westminster, which he and the convent are bound to render at the exchequer to
pay to William Bayford 100^. a year and the arrears since Easter last ;
as for good service th late king granted him lOO.s. a year at
the exchequer for life or until the king should take other order for
his estate, and at his petition, for that he has presented those
letters patent in chancery to be cancelled, the king has granted him
for good service 100s. a year to be taken of the said farm.
Et erat patens.
June 20. To the parson and mayor of Devj'ses for the time being. Order to
Westminster, oversee from time to time the repair and maintenance of the walls,
towers and buildings of Devyses castle and the enclosure of the park :
as by advice of the council it is the king's will that a rent of assarts
in the forest of Chepenham, Peuesham and Melkesham extended at
18^. lis. Ohd. {sic), the prioress of Ambresbiry being collector of
10/. 4:3. 11 ^d. and the sheriff of Wiltesir of 11. 16s., shall from Easter
last during the life of John Lovell keeper of the castle be laid out
by the sheriff upon such repair by his advice and appointment and by
oversight of the parson and mayor, as used to be done in the late king's
time when Roger Beauchamp was keeper ; and the king has ordered
the sheriff so to do. By p.s. [2270.]
Et erat patens.
June 20. To the sheriff of Wiltesir for the time being. Order to lay out as
Westminster, aforesaid the rent {above mentioned). The king has commanded the
1382. Membrane 2 — cont.
parson and mayor of Devyses {as above), and the prioress of Ambresbirj'
for the time being to deliver to the sheriff for that purpose the
10/. 4c«t. \\U. whereof she is collector. By p.s. [2270.]
Et crat jKitcns.
Membran£ \.
June 17. To all mayors and bailifTs of cities, boroughs and towns in
Westminster. Worcestershire, Cloucestershirc, Warwickshire, Staffordshire and
Herefordshire for the time being. Order to desist henceforward
from distraining and troubling the men and tenants of the manor of
Feckonham which is of the ancient demesne of the crown, suffering
them to be quit of toll upon their goods and property, and releasing
any distress made ; as by the custom of England men and tenants
of the ancient demesne are and ought to be quit of such toll throughout
the realm, but the mayors etc. are unlawfully distraining the said
men and tenants for payment thereof, as the king has learned by
their complaint.
Et erat patens.
June 18. To Jolui de Kentwode knight, Thomas Sayville serjeant at arms
Westminster, and Stephen Derneford of Plymmouth. Order, upon petition of
Vincent Estiephen and Stephen Mathey subjects of the king of Portugal
and merchants of Lusshebon, if assured that agreement was made
between them and certain trespassers that the trespassers should pay
them 200/., A\hereof 50/. is now paid, and that Richard Michelestowe
of Fowe, William Olley, Ral]:)h Perot, John Savage and .John de Landel
of Suthwelle are bound to them in the remaining 150/. to be jiaid at
Ph'mmouth, to cause those so bound to come before the council, if
they keep not the terms of their bond, to answer wherefore they shall
not pay the same with damages and costs ; as at the petitioners' suit,
complaining that William Welle, Ralph Puret the king's lieges and
other trespassers named lately by force of arms took a barge of theirs
at sea off the coast of England laded with goods and merchandise of
theirs of no small value, the king appointed John de Kentwode and
the others to cause those tres]iassers to come before them and command
them to make restitution, contenting the petitioners for their
damages ; and now the petitioners have shewn the king that by
mediation of John de Kentwode and the others agreement is made
and bonds are given as aforesaid, and the petitioners fear thai those
so bound are like to take no heed to keep the terms of their bond
unless compelled so to do.
Et erat patens.
June 8. To the collectors of customs in the port of Cicestre. Order to view
Westminster, letters of cocket in the hands of Adam Holywode, Peter Palmer,
Richard Colyn and other merchants of Ireland and, if thereby assured
that they ]m\\<\ in Ireland custom and subsidy for divers goods and
merchandise laded in ships in the ports of Dublin and Droghda to bo
taken to Flanders, to take the said letters and cause other letters to
be made containing the quantity of such goods salved, suffering the
merchants to lade those again in other ships and without a second pay-
ment to take them over to Flanders ; as on the merchants' behalf it is
shewn the king that for lack of good ruling and by negligence of the
masters the first ships were lost on the voyage near Plj-mmouth, and
great part of the merchandise was also lost.
6 lUCHARl) II. 73
1382. Membrane 1 — cont.
To the bailiffs of Dcrtemoul h. Order to take of Adam Holywode,
Peter Pahner, Richard Colyii and certain other nu^rchant.s of Ireland
security to answer to the owners or masters of the shi})s wherein th(;y
hided divers merchandise in the ports of Dubhn and Droghda for
freight of the same, if hereafter it shall bo adjudged that they arc
bound to pay aught thereof, and to dearrcst such as is salved, suffering
them to lade it again in other ships and take it over to Flanders ; as
the said ships were lost (as above), and the said bailiffs have arrested
such as was salved at the suit of the said masters for freight.
June 13. To the collectors of the great and petty custom in the port of Great
Westminster. Jernemuth. Order to view letters of cocket in the hands of William
Heworth and other merchants, native and ahen, and if assured that
they paid in the port of Lenne customs and subsidies upon wool,
woolfells and other goods and merchandise there laded in a certain
ship, Peter Craan master, to suffer them to lade the same again in
other ships and without a second payment to take them to Calais ;
as on their behalf it is shewn the king that on the voyage the said ship
was so driven by the king's enemies at sea that for fear of their lives
the seamen touched at Crowemere eo. Norffolk and put the goods ashore
to save them, and that the collectors are unlawfully demanding of
them other customs and subsidies for the same, although they were
paid as aforesaid.
June 20. To Richard Middelton late alderman of Beverley, Henry Newerk
Westminster, and Thomas White late chamberlains, Richard Bostan, Richard
Caldewelle, John Broune, Roger Spofford ' hosiare,' Thomas Preston
skinner, Geoffrey Bridoun ' cordewaner.' John Lekyngfeld 'barker,'
Thomas Chaundeler, John Williamson ' bocher,' W^illiam Bery ' skynner,
Richard Langstra ' bocher.' Richard de Wcdemanse ' bocher ' and
John White ' tylere. ' Order to leave all else, and ceasing every excuse
to be in person in chancery on Thursday after St. Peter's Chains
to ansAver touching the matters hereinafter mentioned and others
then to be laid before them ; as the king is informed that John Rigton
'bocher,' Walter Walthef and great number of other lieges of the town
were bj^ duress compelled for fear of their lives to pay them great
suras, which they yet withhold in contempt of the king.
Et erat patens.
June 19. To the receiver of the king's castle of Walyngford and his honours
Westminster, of Walyngford and St. Wallery for the time being. Order to pay to
Hugh de Segrave the king's knight 401. a year for hfe and lOZ. a year
for his lieutenant so long as he shall hold the offices of constable of
the said castle and steward of those honours, and the arrears since
12 April last, on which date the king appointed him constable and
steward for life, taking 401. a year for his fees and wages, and lOZ. a
year which he must pay his lieutenant ruling in his absence, both by
the hands of the receiver.
Et erat patens.
May 12. To the sheriffs of London. Order to set free John Segyn of
Westminster. Hadestoke of Essex from Newegate prison ; as on 1 December 4
Richard II before William de Walleworth mayor of the staple of
Westminster deputed to receive recognisances therein he made a
1382. Memhraiie 1 — conl.
recognisance for 48/. payable on St. Philip and St. James day then
following to John dc llagenhill citizen and fishmonger of London,
and has not yet ])aid it ; and the king ordered the sheriffs to take
and im])rison him until he should pay it. causing his lands and chattels
to be extendetl and appraised and seized into the king's hand in order
to be delivered to John de Ragenhill until thereof contented, and
they returnexl that they took John Segyn and committed him to
Newegate prison ; and John de Ragenhill appearing in person in
cliancerv confessed that he is contented of the said sum, his damages
and co.sts.
June 6. To the chancellor of Ireland. Order, upon petition of Richard
Westminster, bishop of Cloyne (Chumcensis) shewing that at his own great cost he
came to England to inform the king concerning the peril of ruin to
Ireland and the remedy to be applied, not to trouble him nor suffer him
to be troubled this time for coming to England or for his absence from
Ireland, granting and making him all such \\rits under the seal used
in Ireland as may be needful.
June 30.
July \.
July 2.
Membrane 42(/.
To William lord do Bardolf, Robert lord de Wylughby, John lord
de la Warre, John lord de Welles, Philip de Darcy, Raljih de Crumb-
welle, William de Wylughby, John de Toutheby, William Fraunk,
William de Belesby, Anketil Malory, Walter Petwardj-n, William
Marmyon, Philip Spencer, Robert Roos, John Cressy, Robert de
Leek knights, Simon Sj^meon, John Pouger, John Bussj-, William
Spayne, Thomas de la Launde and Richard de Welby of Kirketon.
Order upon sight of these presents to cease every excuse and cause
proclamation to be made in all parts of Lincolnshire that all tenants
free and neif shall without gainsaying, murmuring or resistance perform
the works, customs and services due to their lords, as thej^ used to do
before the disturbance now arisen in divers counties, on the king's
behalf forbidding them upon their allegiance and under pain of
forfeiture to withdraw the same in these troublous times, to delay them
on any pretence, or to claim other privileges or liberties than they
formerl}'^ had ; and order to arrest and imprison any found rebellious
after the proclamation until the king shall take order for their puiiLsh-
ment. By K.
The like to the following, mutatis mutandis :
The constables of Westhamme, Esthamme, Lej'ton, Bellerica
and Illeford in favour of the abbot of Stratford.
John Brewes knight, Robert Caly and the i
sheriff of Norffolk.
Thomas Aylmer, John Quynyld and the [ In favour of Margaret
sheriff of Essex. f countess of Norffolk.
Robert de Gedyngton, William Gunnyld and
the sheriff of Suffolk.
Edward Seint Johan, P'dward Dalyngrugge and the sheriff of
Sussex, in favour of the earl of Annidell.
William Moigne, Robert de Stokes, John Hemyngford, John
Wanton, John Herlyngton, Robert Waryn and the sheriff of
Huntingdon, in favour of the abbot of Ramesey.
July 4.
July 7.
July 9.
July 15.
St. Albans.
Oct. 5.
Membrane A2d — conl
William de Thorj), Williani Moiguo, Robert Stokes, Robert
Louetoft, John Harwcdon, John Harlyngton and the sheriff
of Hunliiigdon, in favour of the a})l)()1 of Thorncy.
William la Zouchc of Karyngworlh, John la Warre, William
de Thorj), .John Tyndalo, John Harwedon and the sheriff of
Hugh la Zouche, William de Wyndesore, John de Burgh, William
Cheyne, John Brunne and Roger de Harleston in Cambridge-
shire, in favour of the prior of Bernewelle. By K.
William de Bardolf of Wirmcgeye, Walter atte Lee, John Straunge,
John Holkham, Nicholas de Massyngham, Thomas de Welle,
John Riokewode, John Quenyld and the sheriffs of Norffolk,
Suffolk and Hertfordshire, in favour of the abbot of Rameseye.
John Lodewyke, John Westwycombe, John Kentynge, Richard
Ferrers, Walter Craunford, Robert Giffard, Thomas Eydoun
and William Eccleshale, in favour of the abbot of St. Albans.
Richard Otewy, John Cryspyng, John Selby, Roger Pogge,
Thomas Parker, William Grout and the sheriff of Norffolk,
in favour of the prior of Wymondham. By K.
John de la Mare, Ralph de Norton knights, Nicholas Bonham,
Nicholas Benyngton, John Lye, James Berner knight, Robert
Loxlee, William Weston, John Bursebrigge, William Savance
sheriff of Kent, John de Newenton and Thomas Shardelowe,
in favour of the prioress and convent of Derteford, in Kent,
Wiltesir and Surrey.
Stephen Romylo the king's esquire is sent to the abbot and convent
of Bardenay, to take for life such maintenance of that house as Robert
Beverich deceased had at the late king's request. By K.
To the sheriff of Berkshire. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Reynold Sheffeld, William Stynt of Bastelden, Henry Persones
of Bastelden, John Percy of Purle and John W^arde of Purle, all of
Berkshire, in favour of Adam Whelere of Bastelden and Walter
Croppethorne of Purle at suit of Roger Zepeswj^ch and WilUam Kendale,
administrators of John Rothewell, deceased intestate, for render
of 40/.
To the mayor and bailiffs of Kyngeston upon Hull. Writ of
supersedeas until the next parliament, notwithstanding any previous
command to them addressed to proceed therein, in regard to a plea
pending before them in the king's court of that town, according to
the liberties granted them by former kings, between Gerard de Ousflete
and Katherine who was wife of W^illiam de la Pole knight and Michael
de la Pole concerning a messuage in the town, upon petition of the
defendants, shewing that in the late insurrection their charters and
muniments concerning the same were burnt bj^ the insurgents, and
that if they had those ready it would be to their advantage in that
plea ; as it is the king's will to make provision by advice of the lords
and great men of the realm in the next parliament for a remedy in
all such cases. By K. and C.
June 22. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to seize all goods and chattels of
Westminster. Thomas de Wotton of Kent, and safe keep them until 30/. be thereof
Aug. 30.
Aug. 5.
Aug. 20.
76 calh:ndar of close rolls.
1381. Mevvbrane 42d — conl.
levied and delivered in the king's name to Richard Grene, certifyine:
in chancery his deaUng in the matter ; as the said Thomas received of
the said Richard, as he has witnessed by word of moutli, 30/. for wages
to sail on the kings .service over sea, and may not nor ought so to
sail by reason of certain offences against the king.
Aug. 20. To the chancellor and proctors of Oxford university. Inliibition
Sheen. against punishing Richard Honesworth monk of Glastonbury abbey,
Heiiry Corbr3'gge and Thomas Barton scholars of the university by
censure or otherwise upon pretence that they have attempted and
prosecuted many things wliich may tend to breach of the peace and
of the privileges and statutes of the university or upon any other,
until the next parliament, when it is the king's will that the chancellor
and proctors be present in person to shew any complaint they have
against the said monk and scholars, if they shall think fit, when the
abbot of Glastonbury shall appear for that and other causes ; as the
king has learned that because they sued process against brother Thomas
Coffjai monk of the said abbey according to liis deserts and published
it in the university, although that action could not tend as aforesaid,
on the said pretence un\\'illingly and unlawfully" the chancellor and
proctors are purposing to punish the said monk and scholars. By C.
Aug. 7. To William Walleworth ma3^or of London. Order to set free Thomas
Reading. Wombe of London ' taverner,' if he shall find mainpernors to have
him before the maj^or and his fellows the justices of gaol delivery at
the next day for delivery of Newgate gaol after Michaelmas or elsewhere
to stand to right toucliing whatsoever shall be laid against him ;
as it is shewn the king that at the procurement of certain his enemies
he is indicted for certain evildoings lateh'' committed by certain lieges
of the commons of the realm in the city of London during the late
disturbance, and is imprisoned in Newgate gaol although imiocent ;
and the king is informed that at the time he was dwelling with Dame
Giffard {domina de Gijfard). By K.
RejTiold de Cobeham late parson of Coulinge and William de Halden,
feoffees in fee simple with Sir Thomas de Ludelowe knight and Jolm de
Idelegh deceased, by deed of Sir Jolin de Cobeham lord of Cobeham
dated Monday after St. Luke 40 Edward III, of the manor of Cobeham
and lands, marshes, rents etc. in Cobeham, Schorne, Coklestane,
Lodesdon, Mepham, Nutstede, Northflete, Clive, Hegham, Strode,
Frendesbury, Bicrlyng, Eastmallinge and Leybourne, Upcherche,
Renham and Iwade, Halghesto and St. Mary in Hoo, Clerhegge wood
in Little Pekham by Tonebregge, and the reversions after the death
of Agnes who was wife of Roger de Northwode knight of the manor of
Stanpete in the Isle of Schepeye and 5 marks of j^early rent of the manor
of Bengebery in Thornham, to the said Sir John. Quitclaim of the
manor of Cobeham and the residue of the premises in liis seisin being ;
as by another deed of Monday after St. Luke 41 Edward III, reciting
the deed of feoflment, both being enrolled upon the dorse of the Close
Roll in December 4 Richard II, he confirmed the estate of the feoffees
in all the premises, and accepted the same of them as tenant at will
only, renouncing any other estate therein, and by divers deeds the
feoffees have granted for ever to the master and chaplains of Cobham
chantry and to their successors a messuage, 18 acres of laxid and 4 acres
2381. Membrane 42d — conl.
of marsh called Potemannes, marshes called Bolohame and Swanpole
in Schorne, 12 acres of land late of Robert le Ram, 32 acres of marsh
called ' Botelershope ' and ' Morlakemede,' 120 acres of marsh called
Pykeworth in Clive, 10 acres 2^ deywercs of land in Coulinge, 30^
acres 3 deywercs of land in Frendesbury, a third part of 200 acres of
marsh called ' Chattemerssh ' and the reversion of two thirds thereof
in Upechirch, Renham and Iwade, 4 acres of meadow in Berlinges
called ' Dykedemede,' l acre of land and 12 acres of wood called
' Readwode ' in Ludesdon, 100 acres of wood called ' Clerhegge ' in
Little Pekham and certain other parcels of the premises, the said
Sir John continuing his possession of the residue. Dated Cobeham,
8 February 4 Richard II. Witnesses : William de 8eptwaunz sheriff
of Kent, Thomas Fog', John Brokhalle, Thomas de Cobham knights,
Ralph de Cobham, John de Frenyngham, James de Pekham, John
Colpeper of Farlegh, Walter Colpepere.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by the said William at Canterbury
13 August this year, before the abbot of St. Augustine Canterbury
by virtue of a dedimus potestatem which is on the chancery file for
this year.
Membrane 41i.
May 26. To David Cradok justice of Suthwales. Order to stay until
Westminster. Michaelmas next any process against William Roger, Henry CryppjTi,
WiUiam ap Henry ap Phelipp, Rees ap Jevan Vaghan, Richard Howell,
John Laurence and John Thomas of Kermerdyn by reason of any
indictments or accusations.
The like in favour of Guy de Bryene and Lewelyn ap Rees.
Vacated, because in the fourth year.
July 3.
June 22.
Walt ham.
Aug. 1.
To Robert de Assheton constable of Dovorre castle and warden of
the Cinque Ports, or to his lieutenant there. Order on sight etc. to
cause proclamation to be made, forbidding any man of whatsoever
estate or condition under paizi of forfeiture, well known merchants,
their attorneys and servants excepted, to pass to foreign parts in any
of those ports save Dovorre only without special command of the
king. By K.
[Feeder a. 1
To the abbot and convent of Leycestre. Order and request to take
and cancel their letters patent granting at the late king's request to
Robert Sadeler maintenance for life in that abbey, and to admit Hem-y
Chandeler the king's serjeant and Joan his sister to that house, granting
them for life the same maintenance, making them letters patent
thereof under the seal of the house, and writing again by the bearer
what they will do ; as with the king's assent the said Robert has
granted them his estate therein. By p.s. [1835.]
Lambert Fermer the king's serjeant and Isabel his wife are sent
to the abbot and convent of St. Augustine by Bristol, to have for life
such maintenance thereof as Robert Barbour deceased had at the
late king's request. By p.s. [1861.]
Edmund de Chymbeham and John de Preston to Robert de
Beleknappe knight, his heirs and assigns. Quitclaim of the manor
July 2.
July 5.
Membrane 4:ld — cont.
of Kpigessnode and all lands etc. in Kynge.ssnode, Asshettesforde,
Rok>nigo, Bylsyngton. Xewechurche, Seyvynton and Wyvelesberghe.
Dated London, Thursday the octaves of Corpus Christ! 4 Richard IL
Edmund de Chymbeham and John de Preston to Robert de
Belekjia])pe luiight. his heirs and assigrLs. Quitclaim of the manor
of Holynton and all lands etc. in Holynton, Bixle and Wyltj-ng co.
Sussex. Dated {as the last).
Memorandum of acknowledgment of the foregoing WTitings in the
chancery at London, 22 June this year.
John Belecher, son and heir of Thomas Belecher sometime burgess
of Bristol, to John Bourne the younger, son of John Bourne 'sadeTer'
of Bristol, his heirs and assigns. Confirmation of a charter of
feoffment, dated Bristol 23 February 50 Edward III, b}^ virtue whereof
Jolvn Bourne the younger has since possessed all the lands, rents etc. of
John Belecher in the county of the town of Bristol, and the reversion
of a shop on Bristol quay, held for life by John Lye tailor by demise
of the said Thomas, at the north corner of a tenement held for a
term of years by John Bourde, and quitclaim of the premises. Dated
21 September 1 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment {as the last).
Declaration of Sir Ralph Carminow in regard to a gift of the manor
of Rathwelle co. Cornwall, which Sir Thomas Fichet and Richaude
his vnfe made to the duke of Laneastre, averring that the same was
given to Richaude by William Hewyssh her former husband, and
Robert Tresilian and Emma his wife said that she had no livery of
seisin thereof nor of any parcel thereof and no attornment of any
tenant thereof, wherefore bv command of the duke of Laneastre Sir
Robert agreed to stand the duke's award, to wit that if by testimony
of Sir Ralph and John Seke, whom Sir Thomas named as witnesses of
such livery. Sir Thomas should lose his right, to wit if Sir Robert and
his wife would testify that Richaude had no such livery, Sir Thomas
should make no claim to the said manor, and if such witness should
be given against him Sir Robert should make no claim ; and Sir Ralph
being examined before the duke said that Richaude had no such
livery nor any other in her name, and no tenant attorned to her.
Dated London, the octaves of St. George 4 Richard II. French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment in the chancery at Chelmersford
3 July this year, before Hugh de Segrave steward of the king's
household and keeper of his great seal.
Robert Colham of London ' armurer ' to Thomas de Newenham
clerk. Recogjiisance for 40^., to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in the city of London.
To the keepers of the passage in the port of Dovorre. Order under
pain of forfeiture to suffer no man of whatsoever estate or condition
for any cause or upoii any pretence to pass to foreign parts until
further order without the king's special command under the great or
the privy seal, and to make proclamation of the })remises ; as the
king has learned that great number of liis rebellious lieges, having
committed many crimes in this insurrection, are purposing not to be
Aug. 22.
Membrane 4\d — cont.
justified by the law, but to pass over sea, in order to do the king and
realm what hurt they may. By K.
The like to the keepers of the passage in the port of Sandewich and
in nineteen other ports.
[Fcedera. Rolls of Parliament, iii. p. 394.]
To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by
mainprise of John de Stratton lord of Landras of Bedfordshire and
Richard Craddok of Cheshire, in favour of Philip Pykworth, knight,
at suit of Geoffrey Kedwelly averring threats.
Membrane 40d.
July 16. To the gixardian of the spirituality of the archbishopric of
St. Albans. Canterbury during the vacancy of the see. Summons to a parliament
at Westminster on Monday after the Exaltation of Holy Cross next,
with the clause premunientes. By K,
The like to A. archbishop of York, W. bishop of London, seventeen
other bishops, and the guardian of the spirituality of the bishopric
of Durham.
[Rep. on Dignity of a Peer, iv. p. 088.]
To the abbot of St. Augustine Canterbury. Summons to the said
The like to the abbot of St. Albans, 22 other abbots and the prior
of Coventre.
To John king of Castille and Leon duke of Lancastre. Summons
to the said parliament.
The like to Thomas de Holand earl of Kent and nine other earls,
James de Audeley of Helegh and 46 others, of whom Henrj^ Lescrope
only is stvled chivaler.
[Ibid. p. 689.]
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause two knights of the shire
girt with the sword, two citizens of every city and two burgesses of
every borough to be elected and come to the said parliament. It
is the king's will that the sheriff be not elected, nor any other sheriff
nor any man but of the condition specified.
The like to singular the sheriffs throughout England, and to John
king of Castille and Leon duke of Lancastre for the duchy of
[Ibid. p. 690.]
To the sheriff of Bristol. Like writ for election of two burgesses
of the county.
The like to the sheriffs of London for election of four citizens.
To Robert Tresilian chief justice. Summons to the said parliament
The like to Henry Asty and six others, Robert de Blesyngton cliief
baron of the exchequer being one, and another styled clerk.
[Ibid. 23. 69L]
Aug. 24.
Membrane 4f)d — cont.
To Robert de Assheton constable of Dovorre castle and warden of
the Cinque Ports. Writ for election of two barons of every port.
To Da\nd Haunemere the king's serjcant.
the said parliament.
The like to John Holt and two others.
Order to be present at
To the sheriff of Surrej'. Order on sight etc. to cause John Hermere
of Havering atte Boure and Nicholas Gromond, imprisoned in Guldeford
gaol in his custody, to come to the Tower of London, and to deliver
them until further order to the custody of the constable or his lieuten-
ant, with the cause of taking them. The king has commanded the
constable to receive them etc.
By K. and C.
Membrane 39d.
Aug. 17. To Jolm de Kentewode the king's steward of Cornwall. Order to
Sheen. take Roger Ju3i receiv'er of the issues and profits of the king's lordship
of CornA\all, so as to have him before the council in chancery on Monday
after the Beheading of St. John Baptist next to content the king
according to an order of the council for divers sums received in that
office for wliich he has not yet made ans\Aer ; and order to arrest all
his goods and chattels within the lordship and safe keep them mitil
further order. . By K. and C.
Aug. 17. To the sheriff of Hertford. Order, upon petition of the abbot of
Slieen. St. Albans, to take of his tenants of Watford and Rvkmersworth what-
soever, who \\ithdrew themselves for fear of being imprisoned at the
procurement and untrue averment of certain their enemies that they
were guilty of the late insuiTection in divers counties, and were not
indicted for the same, security or a mainprise for which he will answer
at his peril that the\^ shall stand to right in the king's court touching
matters that shall be laid against them when and wheresoever the king
will, and to answer to the king for their goods and chattels if they
shall be convicted, and then to suffer those not indicted to return to
their own and there dwell and make their advantage until the king
or others will bring a cause against them, making inquisition meanwliile
concerning the said goods and chattels, their description and ownersliip,
causing them to be appraised, and certifying in chancery all his action
in the matter ; as the said j^etition shews that great number of the
said tenants have withdrawn themselves from their houses and holdings,
not daring to dwell there, although not guilty. By K. and C,
July 3.
To the sheriff of Kent. Order without delay or excuse to cause
jiroclamation to Ixi made, forbidding an}- man under pain of forfeiture
to make or procure unlawful assemblies or levies contrary to the peace
to the disturbance of the ])eo])le, and that any who peradventure
move the king's lieges secretly or openly to make or support the same
shall be takeii and dealt with as rebels and traitors ; as certain lieges
of Essex and Kent, who lately rose in rebellion, willing craftily to
Membrane 39c? — cont.
draw other lieges to them, are resorting to divers counties to stir up
the lieges to make like assemblies etc. By K.
The like to singular the sheriffs throughout England.
[Fcedera. Bolls of Parliament, iii. p. 394, with erroneous reference
to m. 36.]
July 18. To William de Ufford earl of Suffolk and his fellows, appointed to
St. Albans, chastise and punish certain rebels in Korffolk and Suffolk who lately
rose in insurrection. Order not to proceed to the delivery of any
indicted before them for the insurrection, unless assured that they may
be convicted and punished according to their deserts, but to take
order for their safe custody in prison until further order. By K.
Aug. 22.
To the guardian of the spirituality of the archbishopric of
Canterbury during the vacancy of the see. Writ proroguing the
parliament summoned at Westminster on Monday after the Exaltation
of Holy Cross ; and summons to a parliament there on the morrow
of All Souls next, Avith the clause premunientes. By K. and C.
The like to A. archbishop of York, W. bishop of London, seventeen
other bishops and the guardian of the spirituality of the bishopric of
[Rep. on Dignity of a Peer iv. p. 691.]
To the abbot of St. Augustine Canterbury. Like prorogation and
The like to the abbot of St. Albans, 23 other abbots and the prior
of Co ventre.
[Ibid. p. 692.]
To John king of Castille and Leon duke of Lancastre. Like
prorogation and summons.
The like to Thomas de Holand earl of Kent, nine other earls, James
de Audeley of Helegh and 46 others, of whom Hemy Lescrope only
is styled chivaler.
To the sheriff of Kent. Notice of prorogation, and order for election
of knights of the shire, citizens and burgesses to come to the parliament
so prorogued.
The like to singular the sheriffs tliroughout England, and to John
king of Castille and Leon duke of Lancaster or to his chancellor in
that duchy.
The like to the sheriff' of Bristol for election of two burgesses, and
to the sheriffs of London for election of four citizens.
[Ibid. p. 693.]
To Robert de Assheton constable of Dovorre castle and warden of
the Cinque Ports or to his lieutenant. Like notice, and order for
election of two barons of every port.
Wt. 32813. CB 6
1381. Membrane 38(7.
July 2l>. To the prior and convent of St. Peter Gippewich.* Nomination of
Henley. William de Shrouesbury to receive the pension wherein by reason of
the prior's new creation they are bound to one of the king's clerks
until they shall make him proN-ision of a benefice. By p.s. [1846.]
Jul}' 18. To the abbot and convent of Pershore. Request to admit to their
St. .Albans, house brother Jolm de Burghull of the order of friars preachers, whom
the king is sending, and to administer to him such maintenance as Walter
Heyne deceased had at the late king's command. By p.s. [1851.]
Aug. 18. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a regard of the forest of
Sheen. Galtres to be made before Midsummer next, so that the same be made
according to the capilula following.
Aug. 18. To Alan de Buxhull constable of the Tower of London and to his
Sheen. lieutenant. Order to receive Thomas son of Thomas Gyssyng, whom
the king is sending, and to keep him in safe custody in the Tower prison
until further order. Bv K.
July 16.
St. Albans.
To William Waleworth mayor of the city of London. Order not to
proceed to the deliver}' of any of the king's tenants of Kenyngton
CO. Surrey and the neighbouring parts who are indicted for the recent
insurrection, but to keep them in prison until further order without
mainprise or other deliverance. By K.
To the sheriff of Surrey. Order to cease every excuse, and not to
set free the king's tenants {above mentioned) by mainprise or otherwise,
taking again and imprisoning until further order any who have been
set free. By K.
To the sheriff of Oxford and Berkshire. Order at his peril to take
again all those who were indicted for the recent insurrection and have
been set free by mainprise, and to keep them in prison, and others
whatsoever so indicted who shall be bj' him taken or to him delivered,
without mainprise or other deliverance until delivered according to the
king's commission for chastisement of such rebels. By K.
The like to the sheriff of Surrey and Sussex.
July 28. To William Walleworth mayor of the city of London. Writ of
Henley. supersedeas at request of Richard Abberbury, and order to take of
John Hard}' and Richard Kemmes, appealed for felonies by a prover
in Neugate gaol it is said, a mainprise that they shall be before the
justices for gaol delivery at the next day for delivery of the said gaol
after Michaelmas next, to stand to right toucliing that appeal. By K.
Aug. 19. To William de Ufford earl of Suffolk and his fellows, appointed to
Sheen. chastise certain rebels in the late insurrection in Norflolk. Writ of
supersedeas in favour of William Pirt, indicted for treasons and felonies,
and order to send into chancery the tenor of that indictment ; as
the king would be certified thereof.
* In the warrant Yepeswiz.
1381. Membrane 3Sd — co7it.
Aug. 23. To the bailiffs of the town of Canterbury. Writ of supersedeas
Eltliain. until the next parliament, upon petition of John Spicer citizen of
Canterbury, in respect of a plea ])ending before them in the king's
court of the town between the said John and Robert Gygour of Canter-
bury upon an assize of fresh force, or the further execution of judgment
thereupon, if assured by inquisition or otherwise that the petitioner's
charters and muniments concerning tenements there, whereby if he
had them ready he should reap advantage and aid in that plea, are
by the late insurgents burnt, eloigned and destroyed, any command
to proceed to them formerly or hereafter addressed notwithstanding ;
as he has prayed the king's aid lest for lack of charters etc. he should
sustain prejudice, and it is the king's will by advice of the lords and
great men in the next parliament to provide a remedy in all such
cases. By K. and C.
Aug. 30. To the sheriff of Essex. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Leeds. Alexander Goldyngham knight, William Gildrich, John Stistede,
John Brelegh and William Giles of Essex, in favour of Thomas Hardyng
of Manytre indicted for felonies committed in Essex. By K.
Membrane S7d.
Sir John de Neville, lieutenant of Aquitaine, and John de Mitfford
lieutenant of Richard Routier constable of Bourdeaux. Indenture
of payments made to men at arms, archers, crossbowmen and seamen
appointed to go to the rescue of Mouretaigne (Mortaigne, Moretaigne)
upon Gironde.
19 September [13J78 to M. Archembaut de Greily captal de Buch
for sixty men at arms for one month at 15 francs a month each,
900 francs. French.
( A list follows of payments made on that date to Monsieur de
Duras and many more for contingents varying in number
from forty to three, including Monot de Plassan, Johan de
Balfade, Andrew Handay {elsewhere Handax) for forty men,
and Gaston maistre de la halynger de Bourdeaux ; also of
payments made at other dates in September and October for
transport and other services in connection with the above,
the siege of the tower of Seint Mambert in Meudouc, a mission
to Fronsac to treat for surrender, and the garrison of Aquitaine ;
master gunners receiving 12 francs a month, crossbowmen
8 francs and 6 francs, seamen 6 francs a month and 3rf. a day.
(A further list of payments made in September, October and
November, some to single men attended by an archer or a
pillard mounted, some to companies, including Clynton and
the sire de la Barde, for service with the lieutenant, and in the
garrisons of Aquitaigne, Broioun, Landes, Pyuguillaume,
Liborne, Moretaigne, Entre deux Mers, Curton &c. ; the archer
or pillard receiving 5 francs a month, but in one instance archers
are paid 7| francs a month. [In several cases ' un mois ' is
printed in Fcedera ' vij mois.']
(A further list of rewards paid to certain gentlemen and captains,
including the sire de Mont Ferant in Pereguorc.
(A further list of payments made in September and December
for miners at the seige of St. Mambert, gunpowder, engine^
1331. Membrane Sid — cont.
and carpenters, stores and \ictuals for that place and Moritaigne,
and seamen conveying them. [For a doubler read adouber.]
(A further list of paj'nients made in November and December
for a mission to the king of Aragon and the count of Foux,
and to other messengers.
Membrane s&d
(A further list for the garrisons of Burgh and Libourne.
(A further list of payments for contingents serving with the
king of Navaire, pa5Tiient of one party commencing on their
arrival at ' Seint Johan de P. des poris.'
(A further list of payments for the garrison of the Landes, and
to John de Wodhalle and John de Norberi of a sum to be paid
at the gate of Fronssac castle before the lieutenant could have
livery thereof.) French.
Memorandxirn of acknowledgment by John de Nevile and John de
Mittford in chancer}', 18 August this year, in the church of the
Carmelites in the suburb of London.
[Feeder a.]
John Waryn of Badewe to Ralph Straule clerk and John Wyot,
their heirs and assigns. Quitclaim with warranty of all the lands etc.
in Reyleye, Hokkele and Wikford sometime held by Peter Burre of
Reyleye and Joan his wife or by Christina their daughter, which
John Waryn claims as liis heritage after Christina's death. Witnesses :
William Berlond, John fitz Syiwoud, John Chaunseux knights, John
Pritelewelle, John Pritelewelle the younger. Dated Reyleye,
Michaelmas daj' 5 Richard IL
Memorandum of acknowledgment in the chancery at Westminster,
17 October.
Membrane zm.
Memorandum that on Wednesdaj' the eve of Corpus Christi
4 Richard II in a chamber in the Tower of London in presence of
certain lords, knights and others of the king's household Simon late
archbishop of Canterbury surrendered to the king his great seal, and
on the Friday following at his wardrobe in the city of London the
king delivered it to Richard earl of Arundel to keep for a set time,
who caused the purse containing it to be opened and letters patent,
charters and writs to be sealed, and the seal remained in the earl's
keeping until the Sundaj' following, on w hich day at the said wardrobe
he delivered the seal again to the king in the purse sealed with his seal ;
and on that day the king appointed Hugh Segrave, then steward of
his household, keeper of the said seal, delivering it to him until the
king might more conveniently provide a chancellor, and he kept it,
causing charters etc. to be sealed, until Saturday the feast of St.
Lawrence following, when in a chamber in Rodyng abbey in presence
of certain prelates, lords and others, he surrendered it to the king in
the purse sealed up with his signet.
Memorandum that on the said Saturday after noon in the council
chamber within the abbey, in presence of John king of Castille and
Iveon duke of Lancastre and of certain bishops, earls, barons and
others, the king appointed William bishop of London chancellor,
taking of him there in their presence an oath for faitliful performance
1381 . Membrane '35d — cont.
of the office, and delivered to him the seal said, sealed up as aforesaid ;
and on the Sunday following in the chapter house of the abbey about
the first hour the bishop caused the purse to be opened, and charters
etc. sealed as the manner is.
[Fcedera ; printed twice over, each time with erroneous reference to
the roll of 4 Richard II.]
Sept. 12. To the sheriff of Kent. Order on sight etc. to cause proclamation
Westminster, to be made that all commissioners lately appointed at complaint of
divers lieges concerning trespasses and grievances brought upon
them by divers evildoers in the late insurrection, as by carrying off
their goods and chattels and cattle and otherwise, to take information
and make inquisition of the names of those who did so, and those to
whose hands such cattle and goods came and in whose hands they
were, and by distress, imprisonment and otherwise to compel all
occupying or withholding the same to make restitution thereof if
they exist, or of the price or true value, and those who pulled down
manors, houses etc. of the complainants to make amends, shall under
pain of forfeiture stay every process made by virtue of that commission
against any of the people and the execution thereof, setting free all
imprisoned for that cause, otherwise the sheriff shall set them free,
and that all who will complain of such trespasses and grievances
repair to the king's court, and the king shall provide a new and fitting
remedy ; as he is informed of a surety that by colour of that commission
the commissioners are unlawfully oppressing the people beyond measure
by extortions and other intolerable grievances. By C.
The like to six other sheriffs of eleven counties.
Sept. 20. To the sheriff of Norffolk. Writ of supersedeas in favour of Thomas
Westminster, de Moriee knight, William de Swathynge and Oliver de Mendham,
and order to set them free if imprisoned, bringing this and a former
writ before the justices at Westminster at the octaves of Michaelmas
next ; as the king many times ordered the sheriff to replevy Thomas
son of Philip Gerveys, whom the said Thomas, William and Oliver
took a.nd held captive, unless taken by special order of the king or
the chief justice, or for manslaughter, the forest or other charge for
which according to the custom of England he was not replevisable,
or else to signify the cause wherefore he would not or might not execute
that command ; and the sheriff signified that the said prisoner was
by them taken out of the county to places unknown, so that the sheriff
might not have view of his body nor execute that writ, and by virtue
of that return the king ordered him to take the said Thomas de Moriee,
William and Oliver and imprison them until he might replevy' the
said prisoner as aforesaid, giving notice to the justices in the said
octaves how he executed that writ ; but Thomas de Moriee, appearing
in person in chancery, has claimed the said prisoner as his neif , avowing
his imprisonment as lawful because of his rebellion and has nevertheless
promised and mainperned under a pain of 400^. to set him free, suffering
him to be at large until it shall be adjudged according to law whether
the prisoner is of free condition or his neif, if sufficient persons will
mainpem that the prisoner shall stand to right thereupon in the king's
court, not eloigning himself, and if adjudged his neif, or if he shall
1381. Membrane 'ibd — cord.
not prosecute a process for reple\nn, shall render himself to be justiced
by the claimant.
Note that this \\Tit was granted by advice of Robert Bealknap
the king's justice.
John Wecche to John Leycestre citizen of London and John
Pyrewelle. Gift of all his goods and chattels within the realm,
moveable and immovable, quick and dead. Witnesses : Adam de
Bury citizen of London, John Walcote, Geoffrey Walderne, Blase
de Bury, John Tyttesbury likewise citizens. Dated Thursday the feast
of Corpus Christi at the end of 4 Richard IL
Mctnorandum of acknowledgment at London. 28 July this year,
before John de Waltham clerk, by \'irtue of a dedimus potestatetn which
is on the chancery file for the year.
William Daundclyn to Sir Robert de Swyllyngton, his heirs and
assigns. Quitclaim with warranty of a third part of the manor and
advowson of Thurleston co. Leycestre heretofore assigned in dower
to Dame Alice sometime the wife of Sir William Chaumpayngne,
and of the lands, rents etc. in Thurleston, Wj-ggeston, Normanton,
Stoke and Craft co. Leycestre, likewise her dower, which Sir Robert
has by lease of Robert de Lyngey. Dated Berkhamstede castle,
8 October 5 Richard IL French.
Merrvorandum of acknowledgment in the chancery at Berkhamstede,
8 October.
Membrane 34rf.
Sept. 6. To Robert Tresilian and his fellows, justices appointed to hold
Sheen. pleas before the Icing. Writ of supersedeas, in favour of Richard Tisho
parson of Napton at suit of the king and of William Southam and
others of Warwickshire, for impleading them in the court christian
for' breaking doors, gates, wickets and glass windows of his church,
laying violent hands upon liim, and exhuming and carrying away
the body of Joan de Radele there buried ; as thej' scheming to interrupt
his suit, averring in chancer}'' that he haled them to a plea without
the realm in a matter pertaining to the king's jurisdiction, procured
a Avrit of premunire ; and in the parliament last holden at Norhampton
it was declared by the justices and others of the council learned in the
law that the cause was purely spiritual pertaining to the ecclesiastical
Sept. 14. To the sheriff of Norhampton. Order by mainprise of Robert
Westminster. Busshey of London, Peter atte Hetthe of London, William Glasier of
Norhampton and Nicholas Doune of Hertfordshire to set free Nicholas
Englissh, imprisoned in Norhampton prison at suit of the king and
John Hoxhen' of Norhampton ' glasiere ' for leaving the said John's
service before the term agreed.
Sept. 18. To the sheriff of Essex. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. William Leyghton, John Halstede and Jolui Kedyiigton chaplains of
Essex and Robert Wyseman ' sk3'mier ' of the city of London, in favour
of Jolui Parissheprist of Langedoun at suit of William Gobyoun of
Le^uduu averring tlu-eats.
1381. Membrane 34(/ — conf.
Sept. 16. To the sheriff of Norifolk. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprist; of
Westminster. Wilham Snetesham of Norffolk, William de Cleye ' sherman,' John
Hore ' homer ' and John Aleyn ' sherman ' of the city of London,
in favour of William Peresson, John Tarselle and Edmund Glovere
of Cleye at suit of Richard Holdich for trespass.
The like to the same sheriff in favour of John Tarselle of Cleye
by the same mainprise.
Sept. 20. To the sheriff of Somerset. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. William Thornton, William Siresham, Richard Fount, Robert Warnar,
John de Clopton and Alan Poole of Middlesex, in favour of Walter
Umfrey clerk put in exigents for rape of Edith wife of David Pal at
Cheu, and for taking his goods and chattels.
Sept. 26. Brother John Burghull is sent to the abbot and convent of Bewley,
Westminster, to have for life such maintenance in that house as John Doly* deceased
had at the late king's command. By p.s. [1916.]
Sept. 26. To all bailiffs of Beverley of the archbishop of York and of others,
Westminster, and to other officers and ministers there. Writ of supersedeas, under
pain of forfeiture, in respect of any process against burgesses of the
town by colour of the bonds hereinafter mentioned or of other contracts
made since Whitsuntide last, until by assent and advice of the parlia-
ment next to be holden it shall be adjudged what shall be done in the
matter, and order to release any distress made upon their persons or
property ; as it is newly come to the king's ears that certain evildoers
of the town, conspiiing to oppress the most sufficient burgesses, made
insurrection contrary to the peace and, that others might be partakers
in their crimes, stirred up the middling and less sufficient men of the
commonalty against the better sort, and taking upon them the king's
power compelled the most sufficient burgesses, some by harsh threats,
others by imprisonment and other unheard of means, to give bonds
in great sums to particular persons that they should abide the award
or judgment of those persons, wherefore humble petition is made on
their behalf, and especially on behalf of Adam Coppandale, Thomas
de Beverle, Thomas Gervas, Stephen Cappandale, William Dodehille,
John Gervas ' merchand,' Paul de Butteby, John Ake ' merchand,'
Thomas Manby, Walter Walthewe, John Gervas ' goldsmyth,' John
de Carleton the younger, William Tiler, William Holym, Peter Catte-
wyke, John Swan, Adam Tondu, Seman CartewTyght, Thomas Catour,
John de Pykeryng ' flesshewer,' John Rygton, John de Herwome,
Richard Tirwhyt, William Lesset and William Cooke burgesses, that
the king Avill save them harmless, shelving that they fear those sums are
like to be demanded of them by process of mercantile law and upon
other pretences while the malice of the said evildoers and of the middling
men their adherents endures, and they are like to incur unbearable
loss, to their ruin. By pet of C.
Et erat patens.
Oct. 12. Walter Fitz Wauter of Wodeham knight to Aubrey de Veer knight.
Westminster. Recognisance for 1,000 marks, to be levied etc. in Essex.
* In the warrant Doulyng.
1381. Membrane 24d — cord.
The said Walter to the said Aubrey. Recognisance for 100 marks,
to be levied etc. in Essex.
Aubrey de Veer knight to Walter Fitz Wauter of Wodeham knight.
Recognisance for 300 marks, to be levied etc. in Essex.
Membrane 33rf.
Sept. 6. John Philipot knight to Robert KnoUes knight. Recognisance for
Sheen. 2,000^, to be le\ied etc. in the city of London.
Cancelled on payment.
Sept. 7. Richard de Sutton master of the hospital of St. Bartholomew
Sheen. We&tsm}i;hfeld to John de Scarle and Robert de Farv^lgton clerks.
Recogni.sance for 110/., to be levied etc. of his lands and chattels and
ecclesiastical goods in Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
Sept. 12. To the sheriff of Leycester. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. Simon de Leycestre. Hugh le Spuriour, Thomas Poonde and William
Barbour of London, in favour of Thomas de Bulkyngton chaplain
at suit of William Danet of Levcestre and Juliana his wife for trespass.
Jan. 14. To W. [archbishop] of Canterbury elect and confirmed. Request
A\e8tmin8ter. and order to summon a convocation at the earliest possible date in
the church of St. Paul London or elsewhere, and to move them to
grant the king a subsidy for defence of the realm against the king's
enemies of Fiance and their adherents. By K. and C.
The like to A. archbishop of York, to summon a convocation in the
church of St. Peter York.
[F(£dera. Rep. on Dignity of a Peer, iv. p. 694.]
William Daundelyn to Sir Robert Grethed parson of Ek5'nton
and Sir John Djti parson of Wydmerpole, their heii's and assigns.
Quitclaim with warranty of the manor of Thurleston co. Leycester
called the Newhalle Avith the advowson of Thurleston church, and
all lands, rents etc. in Thurleston, Wygueston, Normanton, Stoke and
Crafte sometime of Sir William Chaumpayn, or of Sir Jolm Sulney in
right of Dame Margaret his wife. Witnesses : Robert de Langham.
Simon de Scherford, Adam Turville of Thurleston, William Cooke of
Yoelle, John Muriel of Normanton. Dated Wygueston, 4 October
5 Richard II. French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment in the chancery at Berkhanipstcde,
8 October.
Oct. 4. Ralph Lovoll knight, William Plumstede, Thomas Alman of Eston
WestminBter. clerk and William Robyns of Swafham of Xorffolk to Thomas de
Morle knight. Recognisance for 400/., to be levied etc. of their lands
and chattels in Norffolk.
Memorandum of defeasance, upon condition that Thomas son of
Philip Gerveys, whom Thomas de Morle knight claims as his neif and
is holding imprisoned, after being set free shall stand to right and
shall sue with what speed he lawfully may in the king's court until it
be debated and determined whether he be the neif of Thomas de
1381. Membrane 33d! — conl.
Morley or no, and if adjudged liis neif shall render himself to the
justice of Thomas de Morley according to law without eloignment
or feigned delay.
John de Halle sometime burgess of Great Jernemuth now dwelling in
London to Peter Benet, Bartholomew Sprotholf and John de Framyng-
ham the elder burgesses of the said town and executors of John de Ocle
sometime burgess thereof. General release of all actions for account,
debt, trespass or contract against the testator, and of all personal
actions against the said executors in regard to the administration of
his goods. Dated Wednesday after Michaelmas 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of ackno^^'ledgment in the chancery at Westminster,
17 October.
Oct. 18. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas until
Westminster, the next parliament in respect of a plea pending before them in the
king's court of the city between Simon Levelyf plaintiff and Robert
CruUe clerk, John atte Harpe and John Hunte clerk tenants concerning
a tenement in ' Lymestrete ' London, any command to them pre\iously
addressed to proceed therein not\^Tithstanding ; as the said tenants
have shcAATi the king that their charters and muniments concerning
the premises were burned by the insurgents in the late disturbance,
and it is the king's will by advice of the lords and great men in the
said parliament to provide a remedy in all such cases. By C.
Memorandum that on 24 October this year the king's writ to him
addressed was publicly delivered in chancery to Walter Levenaunt clerk,
forbidding him under pain of forfeiture to depart to any foreign parts
^\ithout special licence, to sue aught there b^' himself or others which
may tend to contempt of the king or to the prejudice of the people
and realm or of the laws, or to send any thither for the purpose.
John Wake, son and heir of Hugh Wake knight (militis), to Dame
Margery de Wolverton. Quitclaim with warranty of the manor of
Wolverton co. Bukingham. Dated Wednesday after the Translation
of St. Dunstan 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 25 October.
Membrane S2d.
Oct. 20. Thomas Pope of Seinthede to Simon de Burgh of Cambridgeshire.
Westminster. Recognisance for 100^., to be levied etc. in Huntingdonshire.
Oct. 15. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Writ of supersedeas
Westminster, until the quinzaine of Easter next in respect of their demand upon
Elizabeth Avho was wife of Jolm Morteyn knight to answer or account
for the issues of the manors of Merston and Tyllesworth co. Bedford,
and order to discharge her and the sheriff and escheator so long as
a plea between the king and her concerning the said manors is pending
without debate. By C.
Hemy Gerard, cousin and heir of John Uphays of HuntjTigdon,
to Fulk de Horwode citizen of London, his heirs and assigns. Quitclaim
of all the lands m Whethampstede co. Hertford which the said John
had by feoffment of the said Fulk. Dated Whethampstede, 20 October
6 Richard II.
1381. Membrane 32d — cont.
Henry Gerard {as above) and executor of John Uphay.^ to Fulk de
Horewode citizen of London. Receipt and acquittance for 400Z.,
for which the said Fulk mortgaged to the said John all liis lands etc.
in Whethanipstede e.xcept two crofts called ' Chilettes croftes.' Dated
London. 24 September .5 Richard IL
Memorandum of acknowledgment of the foregoing wTitings,
24 October.
Oct. 14. To John king of Castille and Leon duke of Lancastre, or to his
Westminetpr. representative in the duchy. Order upon sight etc. to cause
proclamation to be made forbidding an}' man under pain of forfeiture
thereof or of the value thereof to take or cause any kind of corn to be
taken out of the realm A\'ithout the king's special licence. By C.
Oct. 30. Gerard I\Iart3Ti j^eoman of the king's chapel is sent to the abbess
Westminster, and convent of Lacok, to take for life such maintenance of that house
as Margery atte Milne in her life time had at the late king's
command. By p.s. [1939.]
Oct. 31. To the sheriff of Bukingham. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise
Westminster, of John Carbonell ' goldesmyth,' Henry Markeby, Williani Stukele
and John Halle of London, in favour of Master John Evote clerk,
ordered to find mainpernors upon an information that he purposed to
pass to foreign parts in order to prosecute many things to the prejudice
and hurt of the king and many of the people and of the laws.
William March of Soterlee to Robert de Ufford, John de Burgh,
William de WvTigefeld knights, William Phelip and William W>-nter,
their heirs and assigns. Charter of feoffment of the manors of South
Cove, Thoriton, Glemham, Chebenhale and Burgh by Grundesburgh,
and of other lands in Suffolk which he had jointly with others by
feoffment of Edmund de Ufl'ord ' le Cosyn ' knight father of the said
Robert. Witnesses : Sir John de Argentem, Sir John de Ulveston,
Sir John de Wyngefeld, Sir Richard Cosyn kiiight, Richard Dautres,
Walter Douke, Augustine dil Clif, Robert son of Gilbert, John
Mukleboy. Dated South Cove, Monday after St. Peter's Chains
5 Richard II.
William March of Sotherlee to Robert de Ufford etc. {as above).
Charter of feoffment of the manors of Horsford, Great Hauboys,
Crowemere and Bui"gh St. I\Iargaret in Flegge with, the advo\\sons of
abbev's, priories and churches thereto belonging and all lands in Norffolk
w hich he had {as in the last) ; also of the tenement in Hauboys called
Meyys which he lately purchased of John Mey. Witnesses : Stephen
de Halys, Thomas Gyssyngge, Jolui Mauteby, Oliver de Calthorp
knights, Robert Wayte, John White, James Wylkenissone, John
Berkjngge, Thomas de Pykeryngge. Dated Horsford, Wednesday
the eve of St. Peter's Chaiiis 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment of the foregoing charters,
16 November.
Ricliard Newsom chaplain and Jolm Auncell of Poynton to John
de Heh\elk' knight, Robert de Haldenby and John de Wempton,
their heirs and executors. Gift of a yearly rent of 40/. to be taken
1381. Membrane 32rf — cont.
of all the lands in Norhamptonshire which the grantors have by
feoflfment of Nicholas Grene ; and they have given I2d. in lieu of an
attornment. Witnesses : Thomas Edeshale, John Parmouter, John
de Monte Acuto of Norhamptonshire, Walter Hotoft and Thomas
de Overton of Roteland. Dated Exton, Thursday after 8t.
Bartholomew 1 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by John Auncell, 16 November
this year.
Roger Ryot citizen and goldsmith of London, heir of Joan Ryot
daughter and heir of John Ryot of Neubury, to William atte Wode of
Neubury and Joan his wife, the heirs and assigns of the said William.
Quitclaim with warranty of all lands, rents, reversions etc. in Neubury,
Spenamlond, Wodespene and Spene, Sha\\ e, Thacham and Grenham by
them held for the said Joan's life Avith reversion to the grantor after
her death and the death of Edith who was wife of John Ryot.
Witnesses : Sir Richard Abburbury, Sir Nicholas Twyford, Sir Thomas
de la Mare luiights, Wiliiam Venour, Thomas Cheirey, Richard Bruns,
William Bruns, John Barre, Richard Fode, Reynold Shefeld, John
Estbury, Reynold Chaump, John Baillif, Adam Taverner, Stephen
Boteler, William Ladle. Dated Neubury, 4 November 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 16 November.
Richard Scoteneye to Richard de Ponynges knight. Defeasance of
a recognisance in chancery in 200/. , upon condition that the said knight
shall pay 100?. at Easter, Mdsummer and Michaelmas next and at
Christmas folloAving by even portions. Dated London, the feast of
St. Andrew 5 Richard II.
Richard Scoteneye to Richard de Ponynges knight. Receipt and
acquittance, in his own name and in name of Isabel his wife, for 40
marks for Easter and Michaelmas terms last in respect *of a yearly
rent of 40 marks due to Richard Scotene3'e and Isabel for their lives
by grant of the said knight. Dated {as the last).
Memorandum of acknowledgment of the foregoing writings, 31
November (sic).
Oct. 21. John Dome chaplain and Thomas Dome to John Eburton of
Westminster. Caumpeden. Recognisance for 40/., to be levied etc. in Gloucestershire.
Jolin Hamely knight to John Hadlee citizen of London and Margery
his wife, Robert EUerker and John Romesey clerk. Quitclaim of a
moiety of the manor and advowson of Hyntelesham co. Suffolk. Dated
Cranebourne, Tuesday before St. Peter's Chains 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment at Cranebourne the same day
before the prior of Cranebourne, by virtue of a dedimus potestatem
which is on the file for this year.
Thomas parson of Seint Ewa to John Hadlee citizen of London
and Margery his wife, Robert Ellerker and John Romesey clerk.
(Like) quitclaim. Dated Welles, Monday after St. Peter's Chains
5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment at Welles on Monday after St.
LaAvrence before the mayor of Welles and Robert Sambourne clerk,
by virtue of a dedimus potestatem which is on the file for this year.
1381. Membrane 'i\d — coni.
Oct. 26. Geoffrey Cobbe of Wympole and Walter son of Hugh de Orewelle
Westminster, to John de Raven.ser clerk of the hanaper of chancery. Recognisance
for 40/., to be levied etc. in Cambridgeshire.
Oct. 29. William Tyler esquire to John Mangle citizen and mercer of London.
Westminster. Recognisance for 20/., to be levied etc. in Lincolnshire.
Nov. 3. William de Burstall canon of Lincoln, John de Middelton clerk and
Westminster. John de Chertescv to John dean of St. Pauls London and the chapter.
Recognisance for 1,000/., to be le\ied etc. in Bedfordshire.
Cancelled on -payment, acknowledged by the dean and Richard de
Puryton caiwn.
Stephen de Hoghton of Chesterton to Peter Tebaud and the heirs
of his body by Alice daughter of the grantor and Florence liis \y\ie,
with remainder to the right heirs of the said Peter. Grant \nth
warranty of the reversion of a messuage, 60 acres of land, 10 acres of
meadow and 35. 4(/. of rent in Chesterton co. Cantebrigge, now held
for life by the said Alice with rever.-^ion to the grantor and hi.s heirs.
Witnesses : John Philipot, William Walworth, Nicholas Brembre
knights, Hugh la Souche knight, Roger Harleston, William Bateman,
John Sibile. Dated London, 23 October 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment in the chancer}' at Westminster,
4 November.
Nov. 2. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order by ad\-ice of the council,
Westminster, willing to make pro\'T[sion for the peace in the city especially during
this parliament, as they love the king and his honour and desire the
safety of the realm and city, to take order for keeping the peace in the
. city and suburbs, and to cause proclamation to be made that no stranger
or privy person, save those deputed to keep the peace, shall go armed
therein after the}' shall come to their lodgings, and none but a knight
shall wear liis sword under pain of forfeiting his armour and of
imprisonment at the king's will, except peers of the realm for their
persons and the knights and esquires of their household and retinue,
who shall wear arms and armour as they will ; and order friendly
and honourably to entreat all strangers resorting to the city, so that
no cause of disturbance shall arise. By K. and C.
Margery who was wife of Sir John de Verdomi of Draycote to Sir
Robert de Swyllyngton, his heirs and assigns. Quitclaim with
warrant}' of a moiety of the manor of Ibstoke co. Leycestre
formerly of the said John, and all his lands there. Dated 20 November
5 Richard II. French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 20 November.
John Wak}Tley, son and heir of Roger Wak}Tley, to Richard
Waldcgiavc. knight, his heirs and assigns. Charter with warranty
of all lands, rents etc. of his said father in Han}'ngton co. Norhampton
which came to the said John by inheritance. Witnesses : William
lord le Suche, William Suche the younger, Henry Grene, Thomas
1381. Membrane 3Irf — cont.
Grene knights, John Wydevile, Ralph Parlys. Dated Hanynton,
Saturday the feast of St. Edmund the Archbishop 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of ackno^\■ledp;^lent, 20 November.
Nov. 26. Thomas Myners of Staffordshire to Thomas de March3niton knight
Westminster, and John Hynkele. Recognisance for 200/., to be levied etc. in
Thomas de Redenesse knight to Henry Lcscrope knight. Recognis-
ance for 100 marks, to be levied etc. in Yorkshire.
Elizabeth relict of William Gramery knight to Edmund Gramery
and his servants. Release of her suit for manslaughter of her husband.
Witnesses : John de Burgh knight, Nicholas Car we, John Woderove,
William Gascoyne, Geoffrey Lassyngcroft. Dated Friday the eve of
St. Andrew 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 30 November.
Membrane 30r?.
The king and Baldwin Radyngton his esquire. Lease for life of
the subsidy in Surrey and Sussex upon cloth for sale granted to the
late king by the lords and commons of the realm to have release of the
forfeiture of alnage thereupon laid of old time, to wit 4rf. the cloth of
assize Avithout grain, 6rf. the cloth of assize skarlet, and 5d. the cloth
of assize half grain, the half thereof upon every lialf cloth, and upon
every cloth exceeding the half or the whole cloth by three ells or more
in proportion, and lease of the office of alnager to be exercised by him
and his deputies, rendering to the king 9/. 6s. 8(Z. a year ; covenants
for discharge of the farm in case the subsidy or part thereof shall cease ;
that the lessee shall be quit of impeachment touching the collection
thereof, saving his action to any who will complain of extortion or
excess ; that he shall render no account, but only answer for his
farm ; that he shall have licence to lease the same in gross or in parcel ;
that he shall have a third of the forfeitures of cloths exposed for sale
before being sealed with the seal appointed for th« purpose according
to the statute ; that if he shall have occasion to sue in a matter
concerning his farm, the king Avill be a party in aid thereof ; that
commissions shall be made to men nominated by the lessee to make
inquisition in the said counties in what towns and places cloths are
made, and every maker shall be forbidden under pain of forfeiture
to suffer cloth to pass out of his keeping until sealed as aforesaid ;
that from Michaelmas next the seals shall be new made, and the other
seals shall be given up and put in the treasury' to avoid damage to the
lessee, saving to the king the forfeitures aforesaid except the third part,
and saving forfeitures contained in the statute made in a parliament
holden at Westminster on the morrow of St. Edmund the Martyr
47 Edward III concerning cloths exposed for sale which are not of the
length and breadth therein contained, for all which forfeitures the
lessee shall answer at the exchequer. Dated Shene manor, 15 August.
French. By p.s. [1877.]
Vacated, because given up for that on 9 June 16 Richard II the king
granted the said Baldwin 100 marks a year for life of the issues and
profits of the petty custom in the city of London, wherefore this indenture
is cancelled.
1382. Membrane 30rf — cont.
The like lease in Yorkshire, Northumberland, Cumberland and
Westmorland to Thomas Forester of Drybek and John Pat home for
* ten years rendering 60 marks a year, the forfeitures in the said statute
being reserved to the king : mainpernors, Thomas de Clyfford knight,
William Thirkeld knight and William de Souleby of Westmorland and
John de Berden, John de Rouclyf and Robert de Rysshton of
Yorkshire. Dated Westminster, 10 February'. French.
Thomas West, cousin and heir of Roger Spyne3% to John Sondes
knight and his heirs. Quitclaim with warranty of the said Roger's
lands in the county of Suthampton. Witnesses : Walter Haywode,
Hugh Craan, William Irj^ssh, Aiidrew Lucas, Ralph Marker. Dated
Andevere, Thursday after St. Martin 5 Richard II.
Thomas West {as above) to John Sondes knight. Bond in lOOi.
payable at Easter next. Dated [as the last).
Memorandum of acknowledgment of the foregoing writings,
21 November.
Nov. 30. John Strecche knight to Walter de Clopton and John de Fitelton.
Westminster. Recognisance for 100^., to be levied etc. in Somerset.
Cancelled on 'payment.
Richard de Ponynges knight to Richard Scoteneye. Recognisance
for 200/., to be levied etc. in Sussex.
Edmund Gramory and William de Ryther to Elizabeth who was
Avife of William Gramory knight. Recognisance for 60/., to be levied
etc. in Yorkshire.
Membrane 29c?.
Richard de Welby of Kyrketon to John de Haghe, Thomas de
Holand of Swvnesheved the younger, Thomas (de) Claymond, Richard
de Welby of Multon, Ralph^son of William de Cobefdyk (Cobuldyk)
of Frampton, John Sj'ryk and Ralph Carter of Kyrkton, their heirs
and as-igns. Charter with warrant}- of all hi.s lands, rents, reversions
etc. in Kyrketon in Holand. Witnesses : John de INIeres of Kj^keton,
Thomas Batesson, Lambard atte Brigge and Thomas Andrewsone
of the same. Dated Kyrketon in Holond, Friday after Martinmas
5 Richard II.
Richard de Welby of Kirketon to John de Haghe etc. {as in the
last). Grant with warranty of the reversion of two messuages, 60
acres of land, a windmill and 40s. of rent in Pyncebek held by Thomas
de Welby of Pyncebek and Eleanor his wife for the said Eleanor's
life. Dated Friday {as above).
Memorandmn of acknowledgment of the foregoing charter and
writing, 21 November.
Nov. 26. John Lovel knight to the king. Recognisance for 200/., to be levied
Westminster, etc. in Norhamptonshire.
Memorandvm of defeasance, upon condition that the said John
during his life pay the king a yearly farm of 85/. as keeper of the
castle, tovm and park of Devyses, the forests of Melkeshani, Chippenham
1381. Memhrane 2^d — cont.
and Peusliam, and tlie manor of Roudc co. Wiltesir, which office the
king by indentures has granted liim for life, and fulfil all other
conditions therein contained.
Richard de Ponynges knight to Richard Scoteneye and Isabel his
wiie. Gift for their lives of a yearly rent of 40 marks to be taken
of his manors of Ponynges, Hangelton and Craule co. Sussex ; and he
has paid 40.s. in name of seisin. Witnesses : Sir Guy de Briene,
Sir Robert Fitzj^ayii, Sir William de Luc}' knights, Roger Maneforde,
John Glanvyle, John de Walyngton, William the baker (pistor). Dated
Hakford Fitzpayn co. Dorset, Thursday after the Annunciation
4 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 30 November this year.
Theobald Warde, son of Simon Warde, to Edward Dalyngrugge
and Elizabeth his wife. Quitclaim of the manor of Braunston co.
Rotilland whereof they are seised in right of Elizabeth. Dated London,
Saturday the feast of St. Andrew 5 Richard II. French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 31 November.
Dec. 3. Nicholas Brembre knight to Thomas abbot of Thornton co. Lincoln
Westminster, and his successors. Recognisance for 535Z. 65. Sd. payable at the
abbey by instalments, to be levied etc. in the city of London.
Cancelled on payment.
Ralph de Acton to Thomas Beaupyne. Recognisance for 40Z., to
be levied etc. in Somerset.
Dec. 6. Robert de Muskham clerk and Thomas Sewale of Mapiltrestede
Westminster, to William de Melchebourne and Master Hugh de Felton clerks.
Recognisance for 501., to be levied etc. in Essex.
Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by the said Hugh.
Dec. 6. Thomas Sewale of Mapiltrestede to Robert de Muskham clerk.
Westminster. Recognisance for 101., to be levied etc. in Essex.
Dec. 5. William Pecche knight to Ralph de Ferrariis knight. Recognisance
Westminster, for ISl. Qs. 8d., to be levied etc. in Kent.
Cancelled on payment, acknowledged before the abbot of Leycestre by
virtue of a dedimus potestatem which is on the file for the tenth year.
Nov. 20. To the sheriff of Warrewyk. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. John Barbour of Warrewyk, John Bukmor, William Gregge and
John Pakeman of Warmckshire, in favour of Hugh vicar of Bishops-
hichyngton, appealed by John Beneyt of Whelton the king's prover
in Warrewyk gaol for alleged felonies by them committed together ;
as the king has learned by credible witness that he is of good fame.
John Bacoun clerk to John de Popham esquire, his heirs and assigns.
Charter with warranty of the manor of Denham co. Suffolk with
lands, rents, courts, wards etc. Witnesses : Sir John la Zouche
1381. Membrane 29d — cotU.
knipht, William Berard. John Penros. Robert Hethe, Thomas atte
Oko clerk, Thomas Bok\-ngham, William Berford. Dated Drnham,
Saturday after St. Nicholas 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 12 December.
Vacated, because given up and the enrolment cancelled with absent
of the parties, and becau.se otherwise below. This writing remains on
the file for this year.
Nov. 27. To tlie sheriff of Lincoln. Writ of supersedeas in respect of the
Weetminster. election of a coroner instead of William Leverik ; as the king has
learned by credible witness that he is sufficiently qualified.
Membrane 28d.
Nov. 8. To the sheriff of York. Order before WTiitsuntide next to cause a
Westminster, regard to be made of the forest of Pj'kerjTiglithe, so that the same
be made according to the capitula following.
William de Barton of Ridale to Richard Broune of Nafferton chaplain,
his heirs and assigns. Gift of a yearly rent of 10/. issuing from all
the grantor's lands in Midilton in Salforthshyre co. Lancaster. Dated
1 December 5 Richard II.
William de Barton of Ridale to Richard Broune of Nafferton chaplain.
Gift with warranty of half an acre of land in IMidelton in Salforthshyre,
lying in ' Haufeld ' by the rectory, and of the advowson of the church.
Witnesses : Robert de Farington clerk, Adam de Barton of Hingand-
chatre, Matthe\\ de Suthwrth, Simon de Morleve, John de Wandesforth
of Nafiferton. Dated 1 December 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment of the foregoing writings,
7 December.
Indenture of defeasance of a recogiiisance in 73/. 6s. 8c/. made in
chancery by Sir William Pecclie, son and heir of John Pecche, to Sir
Ralph de Ferrers knight, upon condition that Sir William shall pay
10 marks at London at Christmas next, 10 marks at Midsummer
following, and so from j'ear to year until the full sum be paid. Dated
London, 7 December o Richard II. French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by the said William, 10 December.
John prior of the house of the mother of God of the Carthusian
order near London and the convent, with the assent of the chapter,
to the king. Gift of the next presentation to Shipden church bj-
the sea co. NorfTolk, saving to them and their successors the right of
appropriating that church at the second vacanc}-. Dated their chapter
house, 5 December 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 16 December.
Membrane 21d.
Richard Knyvet to John de HerljTigton, his heirs and assigns.
Indenture of gift in fee with warranty of all his lands, rents, \illeins etc.
in Abboteslee and Hcrdewyk, rendering for three years one rose at
Midsummer and afterwards 40 marks a year ; covenants that the
1381. Membrane 21d — cont.
grantor may enter the premises as in his former estate if the rent be in
aiTear, and that if during these three years tlie said John be impeaclied
or thrust out of the same or parcel thereof by the grantor, Joan his
Avife or any other, he shall hold them in fee discharged of all lent etc. to
the grantor or liis heirs. Dated London, 26 November 5 Richard II.
Memorandum oi aclcnowledgment by the said Richard, 28 November.
William de Melchebourne clerk to Robert de Muskham clerk, John
de Burton clerk, Robert de Folkyngham parson of Tillebury, Thomas
Sewale the elder and Sara his wife and Thomas Sewale the younger,
their heirs and assigns. Charter with warranty of a manor or place
(placeom) called Byghamhalle, with meadows, rents, escheats etc.
in Gestyngthorp, Great Mapultrestede and Little Mapultrestede.
Witnesses : Walter Gildeford, Thomas Warde, William Hunte, John
Joye, Henry Impenhulle, William Daundevile. Dated London,
15 November 5 Richard II.
William de Melchebourne clerk to John Holbeke parson of Sturmere
and John Forester vicar of Great Mapultrestede. Letter of attorney,
appointing them to deliver to Robert de Muskham {and others, as
above) seisin of the manor or place called Byghamhalle etc. {as above).
Dated London, 17 November 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acloiowledgment of the foregoing wtI tings,
6 December.
Dec. 7. Ralph Acton and Thomas Wyke of Somerset to Walter Clopton.
V\'estminster. Recognisance for 141., to be levied etc. in Somerset.
Cancelled on payment.
Richard de Weston chaplain to Thomas Colvyle of Lincoln ' bowyer.'
General release of all actions real and personal in the court christian
or elsewhere. Dated London, Thursday before the Conception
of the Virgin 5 Richard II.
Memorandiim of acknowledgment, 7 December.
Memorandum that on the feast of St. Andrew, 30 November
5 Richard II, at Westminster in the ' Redechaumbre ' mthin the privy
palace, W. [archbishop] of Canterbury elect and confirmed late chancellor
delivered to the Idng his great seal in a purse sealed up with his own
seal ; and on Sunday following at his manor of Kenyngton after
dinner the king caused the purse to be opened, and in presence of the
said [archbishop] elect and Sir John de Waltham keeper of the rolls
of chancery caused a commission to be made and sealed, whereby
he appointed John de Holand Ms brother, John de Montagu steward
of his household and Simon de Burle his chamberlain in his name to
receive Arme the future queen and bring her to his presence ; and on
the Monday about the first hour in his principal chamber there the
king caused divers charters, commissions etc. to be sealed in his presence,
the keeper of the rolls. Sir Richard de Ravenser and other clerks of
the chancery being there b}^ his order ; and on Wednesdaj' following
about noon in his said chamber at Westminster in presence of John
duke of Lancastre and other great men he delivered the seal to Richard
Lescrope in the said purse sealed with his signet, and having made
Wt. 32813, CB 7
1381. Memhrane 21d — cont.
oath to the king as the manner is. the next day, namely on Thursday,
Ricliard Lescrope ojiencd the jnirse in the court (placea) of chancery
in tlie great liall of Westminster, and caused divers charters etc. to
be sealed in i)resence of the clerks of chancery.
Nicholas Prille to Reynold Hulton clerk. Bond in 20/. payable
at London on the feast of the Purification next. Dated Friday the
feast of St. Nicholas 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 11 December.
John Bacun of Broom clerk to John de Popham esquire, his heirs
and assigns. Charter with warranty of the manors of Denham co.
Suffolk, with messuages, lands, rents, wards, marriages etc. sometime
of John de Denham in Denham, Eye, Ridelyngfeld, S^'lham, Horham
and Hoxne, purchased by John de Fordham clerk, the said John
Bacun and others of John Harleston clerk, John le Eyr clerk and
others. Witnesses : Sir John la Zouche knight, William Berard,
John Penros, Robert Hethe, Thomas atte Oke clerk, Thomas
Bokyngham, William Berford. Dated Denham, Saturday after
St. Nicholas 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 14 December.
Hugh de Spaigne and Thomas his son to Robert de ^luskham clerk,
John de Burton clerk, John Lyseux and Richard de Batheleye, their
heirs and assigns. Quitclaim with warranty of all lands in Great
Gelham, Castle Hengham, Hengham Sibille, Stambourne and
Toppesfeld sometime of Da\id de Spaigne, Michael de Spaigne, Henry
de Spaigne, Cicel}^ de Spaigne or any other ancestors of the said Hugh
and Thomas. Dated London, 12 i)ecember 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 13 December.
Dec. 23. Thomas Maundevylle kiiight, son of Thomas Maundevylle knight,
Westminster, to Thomas de Coggeshale. Recognisance for 200 marks, to be levied
etc. in Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
Membrane 26d.
Nov. 28. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by maiiiprise of
Westminster. William Hunte of Norhamptonshire, William Felton of London,
Henry Beaumystre of London and Stephen Brune of London, in
favour of Robert Symond chaplain and William Bridford of London
' brewere,' ordered to find mainpernors upon an information that they
purposed to pass to foreign parts there to prosecute many things to
the prejudice of the king and many of the people.
Nov. 3. To the guardians of the peace in Holand co. Lincoln and one of
Westminster, them. Writ of supersedeas in favour of John Belle and John de Swyn
both of St. Botolph at suit of John Haddeley of St. Hotoljih averring
threats ; and order by mainprise of John de Rocheford. Thomas
Neuton of St. Botolph, Thomas Craycroft and Richard Muriell of
Lincolnshire to set the defendants free if taken.
5 RICHAllD ir. 99
1381. Membrane 2()d—cont.
Dec. 16. To William de Skipwyth and Roger de Fulthorp, appointed with
Westminster, others justices of oyer and terminer to make inquisition concerning
tlie names of evildoers who with John Tubbe clerk and others committed
divers trespasses against the prior of St. Mary Huntyngdon. Writ of
supersedeas until the Purification next.
Dec. 19. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster,^ Stephen Halle and Jolm Wedoun of Hertfordshire, in favour of John
Gray and AUce his wife at suit of Roger Dalby for debt.
Dec. 11, To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Order to account
Westminster, with the prior of Durham, appointed by Thomas late bishop of Durham
collector in the liberty of the bishopric and in Northumberland of the
subsidy last granted by the clergy of the province of York, concerning
that which falls upon the clergy of the said liberty and, if assured
by oath of the prior or his attorney, by inquisition or otherwise, that he
has not yet levied aught of that falling on the clergy of Northumberland,
to stay their demand for an account of the same, discharaing the said
prior ; as in consideration of the losses suffered by the clergy of
Northumberland by invasion of the Scots, on 14 May last by advice
of the council the king gave them respite of the said subsidy until
Michaelmas last ; and now the prior has shewn the king that the
treasurer and the barons are distraining him for the whole of the
subsidy aforesaid, although he has not yet received aught thereof
in Northumberland, but has suffered the clergy to have respite according
to the king's command, and is ready to account for that falling on
the clergy of the bishopric. Proviso that true answer shall be made
for the whole subsidy in the said county.
Dec. 7. To the sheriff of Berkshire. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. William Deyly of Norhamptonshire, John Lyndesey of London,
Thomas Canwelle of London and Roger Burs lee of London, in favour
of Simon Lokynton ordered to find surety that he shall do or procure
no hurt or harm to John Mussenden.
Dec. 10. To the sheriff of Middlesex. Order to give notice to H. bishop of
Westminster. Norwich to be in chancery in the quinzaine of St. Hilary next to shew
cause wherefore Simon Asshele ' skynner ' and Beatrice his wife of
the diocese of Norwich, imprisoned in the abbot of Westminster's
prison at the bishop's denunciation as excommunicate for contumacy
and not willing to be justified by ecclesiastical censure, should not be
set free to prosecute their appeal, and in the mean time, by mainprise
of John Weston ' harbour,' William Plommer, Walter Sampson
' taillour ' and John Gerlyng ' taillour ' of Westminster, all of
Middlesex, to set free the prisoners ; as they have appealed against
that sentence to the see of Rome and for protection of the court of
Feb. 1. Henry Fylyngle canon of the cathedral church of Landaff and
Westminster. Richard Walker vicar of Newelond to John atte Yate, John de Walesby
and John Dymmok. Recognisance for 2,001., to be levied etc. in
Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by John de Walesby.
1382. Membrane 26d — cont.
Thomas de Legli to James de Lacy and his executors. Confirmation
of an estate of the said James for life and three years longer in the
manor of Estleghe co. Kent ; and grant that after that term the
executors shall hold the said manor twenty years ^\^thout impeachment
of waste. Dated London, 1 February oO Edward IIL French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 4 February this j'ear.
1381. Membrane 25rf.
Nov. 27. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Writ of
Westminster, supersedeas in respect of their demand upon William Agas of Tettebury
and Thomas SomerhuUe constables of Tettebury for \00s. wherein
they were condemned before the king for the escape of Thomas de
Corsham by them taken and in their custody for felony, and order
to discharge them, the former sheriffs of Gloucester and others
whatsoever, cancelling that sum upon the e.streats ; as the escape
was assigned to John Peeke keej)er of the rolls before the king for the
carriage of the rolls and memoranda from Gloucester to West-
minster, and the money was levied by the then sheriff and delivered
to the said keeper, notwithstanding which by negligence of the writer
it is sent to the exchequer among the estreats, as John de Cavendissh
late chief justice certified in chancery at the king's command, and
the treasurer and the barons are purposing to charge the constables
therewith a second time.
Dec. 3. To the sheriff of Leycester. Writ of supersedeas, b}' mainprise of
Westminster. William de Dunstaple parson of Bedfeld of Leycesterehire, Roger
Mareschall of Lancashire, William Aran and William de Westhorp
of Not3'nghamshire, in favour of Hugh Westhorp chaplain, ordered
to find mainpernors upon an information that he purposed to pass to
foreign parts in order to prosecute many things lo the prejudice of
the king and many of the people.
The like to the sheriffs of London.
Dec. 24. Thomas Maydeston to Geoffrey Mart3fn. Recognisance for 100-?.,
Westminster, to be levied etc. in London.
Cancelled on payment.
Jan. 13. To Robert Bracy warden of the marshalsea. Order by mainprise
Westminster, of William Goryng, Richard Style, Walter Watford, Tl'.nmas Style,
John Cavendissh and Henry Chaumbrigg of Ix)ndon to set free Walter
Elys of Dovorre imprisoned in the marshalsea prison by reason of
a cause against him in chancery for maintenance, counsel and aid
to John Croticheman chaplain who, contrary to the statutes etc.,
obtained of cardinal Pilius last in England a pro\asion of Ruklond
church long ago appropriated to the ])rior and convent of the new
work of St. Martin Dovorre, founded by former kings, and for
mainperning that the said Joiin should not depart or send over sea
^^^ ^ to prosecute or attempt aught concerning the business, after which
"^ ~ "*">.*,, mainprise he did so depart in contempt of the king : whereupon the
^<f. 01 '^ "^ ""^f" ,; .^-"^ prisoner averred that he was ready .forthwith to answer by word of
mouth without counsel, and by his answer acknowledged that he sued
J^ith the cardinal b}' intermediaries, that the provision was obtained
I r» , • '•. I -. • ' t
.^"> O J«^ '^
*» .
5 RICHARD II. • 101
1382. Membrane 25(1 — cont.
at his suit, and that before the late chancellor he averred that the said
John should not pass to foreign parts as aforesaid.
Memorandum of a mainpiise under a pain of 100 marks, made
14 January 5 Richard 11 in the chancery at Westminster by Nicholas
Prage, John Kenebc-lle, Richard Plaistowe and Richard Rede for
Richard Hyde vicar of New VVyndcsore, who undertook under the
same pain not to depart to the court of Rome or send any thither
while a certain debate and strife should be pendijig before the
chancellor between the dtan and college of the king's free chapel of
Wyndesore and the vicar, and to prosi^cute or attempt nought which
may tend to impair the privileges or statutes of the chapel.
Jan. 8. Robert Kyngeman yeoman of the king's pantry is sent to the abbot
Westminster, and convent of St. Augustine Bristol, to have* such maintenance
of that liouse as Robert Barbour deceased had at the late king's
command. B}' p.s. [2014.]
Jan. 21. William de Coggeshale knight to Tliomas de Coggeshale son of
Westminster. John de Coggeshale. Recognisance for 200 marks, to be levied etc.
in Essex.
Cancelled on 'payment.
Joan Buddynho of Wyliton to Thomas Adynggrave of the same,
his heirs and assigns. Charter with warranty of ail the said Joan's
lands, rents etc. in Wyliton, Coupol, Kerd3aigton, Beston, Escotes
and Ronhale co. Bedft'ord, and the reversion of those in Coupol held
for life by Roger Mlleward. Witnesses : John Freynsch, William
Freynsch, John Buddenho, William Tele, WilUam Bernard. Dated
Holm, Friday after St. Scolastica 25 Edward III.
Joan Budenho of Wylyton to Thomas Adyngrave, his heirs and
assigns. Quitclaim with warranty of all lands, rents etc. in Wylyton,
Beeston, Coupol, Kerdyngton and Cotes by him held of her gift.
Witnesses : John Gludel, Jolm Malyns, William Freynsch, Simon
Wyde wesson, John Hattele. Dated Southyevele, 4 May
36 Edward III.
Memorandum of acknowledgment of the foregoing charter and
writmg at Wardon on Wednesday after St. Hilary tliis year before
the abbot of Wardon, by virtue of a dedimus potestatem which is on
the file for this year.
Robert Marny knight to Katherine who was wife of WiUiam de la
Pole knight and Sir Edmund de la Pole son of the said William.
General release of all personal actions for covenant, debt, account,
trespass etc. Dated London, 23 November 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment in the chancery at Westminster,
29 January.
Robert de Braybrok bishop of London, Reynold de Braybrok his
brother, William de Burstall, Michael de Ravendale, Henry
Medd burne, Robert de Corby and John de Lincoln clerks to the prior
* The warrant adds, for life.
13S2, Membrane 25d — cojU.
and convent of Bisshemade and their successors. Charter of the
manor of Cadbury co. Bedfoi-d, which the grantors had by feoffment
of William le Latymer lord of Danby knight. Dated London,
24 January 5 Richard IL
Memorandum of acknowledgment by the grantors, the said Reynold
and Robert de Corby excepted, 29 January.
Thomas Cooke clerk to William de Wykeham bishop of Winchester,
Master John de Bukyngham clerk, JohJn de Campeden clerk, Robert
Perlee clerk, William dc Worfton, and William Ryngebourne, their
heirs and assigns. Quitclaim of the manor and advowson of Heyford
Waryn, the reversion ^\•hereof after the death of Alice who was wife
of Thomas de Sancto ]\lauro knight by fine levied in the king's court
Robert de Insula of Rougemont knight granted to the said bishop and
the others with the said Thomas and Anth Michael Skyllyng now
deceased, and to their heirs. Dated 28 January 5 Richard II.
Thomas Cooke clerk to William de Wykeham bishop of Winchester,
Master John de Bukyngham clerk, John de Campeden clerk, Robert
Perlee clerk, William de Walle^orth citizen of London, William de
Worfton, William Ryngebounie and Robert de Cherlton and to their
heirs. Quitclaim of the manor of Menestoke, whicli by fine le\-ied
in the king's court William de Wyndesore knight and Alice his wife
granted to the said bishop and the others with, the said Thomas and
with Michael Skyllyng noA\- deceased, and to the heirs of the said
Thomas. Dated (as the last).
Memx)randum of acknowledgment of the foregoing writings,
30 Januar}'.
1381. Membrane 2^d.
William Berard escheator in Suffolk to John at Felde and to Nicholas
Twyford knight, attorney of Thonaas Heldrege and of Alice liis wife
and Agnes le Wolf sisters and heirs of John de Kjaigefold with John
at Felde son of Isabel at Felde the third sister, being of full age. Liver}'
of their purparties of the manor of Ixnyng at Ixnyng 21 November
6 Richard II : to John at Felde a third part of a house by the manor
gate on the south side, namelj' the end by the highwa}-, and to Nicholas
two thirds ; to the said Jolui the third part of a grange, a garner and
a dovecot, and to Nicholas two thirds, to John the third part of a garden
by the high way, and to Nicholas two thirds ; to John seven bondage
tenements and a half {sic), namely those sometime of John Broke,
of ' Margaretesdame,' Jolm Lauurence, John ToUe, Jolm Hodi, Henry
Serjant, John Melere, and John Salman and a third part of that some-
time of Henry Lacre, and to Nicholas those sometime of Christiana
Lauurence, Alan Wesle, John Wryth, Edmund Oberd, William Reynald,
Martin Warram, Henry Edous, Alert, Mildred Bok, Alice Tuk, William
Jon, Geoffrey Sleke, William Balli.sgap, Adam Caluisdet, Robert Amery
and ' Futuris,' and two thirds that of Henry Lacre ; to John three
f otta;.:es and a third, namely those sometime of Anot Brian, Margery
Warram and William Hewwen and a third part of that sometime
of Alan Owgon. and to Nicholas six and two thirds, namely that some-
time of John Mau, those of John Buk .aid Adam Bath, those sometime
of Schakestaff, William Palter and Lynhous, and two thirds of that
1381. Membrane 24d — cont.
sometime of Ougen ; there are there 300 aeres of arable land, whereof
to John {quantities specified) in ' Bracdenfcld ' from ' Fordamwey ' to
' Redherwey,' in ' Estfeld ' upon ' Watlenfurlong,' in ' Arnoufeld *
upon ' Fordamwey ' and below ' Fordamwey ' abutting on land of
William Cocsale, in ' Holberfeld ' upon the ' Hyde,' in ' Burwelfeld '
in Hyllynworth end, in ' Wyndmelynfeld ' abutting on ' Swafamwey,'
in ' Westfeld ' between Cantebrig way and 'Southyl,' in Little
'Southfold' abutting on 'Dittonwey,' and in Great ' Southfeld,' and to
Nicholas {double the quantities, but) in ' Burwelfeld ' ho lacks H acre
which is allowed him in ' Wyndmelynfeld ' ; to John a piece of meadow
in ' Schulysmedu ' abutting towards John Parker, and to Nicholas
two pieces ; to John the third part of a windmill, and to Nicholas
two thirds ; to John 335. for the tliird part of the rent of assize, and
to Nicholas 665.
William Berard escheator in Norffolk to the said John atte Felde
and Nicholas. Like livery of their purparties of the manor of
Nortbarsham co. Norffolk at Nortbarsham 22 November : to Nicholas
attorney etc. two thirds of the manor and two thirds of the garden and
hall, of tA\'o granges, the arable land in Nortbarsham field containing
123 acres, and 34 acres of land for two thirds of the bondage of the
manor, and to John one third ; to Nicholas two pieces of meadow
between that of John de Plays knight, and to John one piece.
Cicely Turburville lady of Hacchebeauchamp to Hugh Quecche,
his heirs and assigns. Quitclaim of all the lands etc. called Cliipstede
CO. Surrey ; and grant of the reversion of a water mill in Kersalton
held for life by Laurencia late the wife of Peter atte Wode. Witnesses :
John Olyver, Thomas Kynardesle, Thomas de Barewe, John Kyriel,
William Cherlewode, John Gerard, John Lauer. Dated Chipstede,
3 August 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 9 January.
Cicely Turburvyle lady of Hacchebeauchamp and William Lye
clerk to Hugh Quecche. Gift and quitclaim of all lands, rents etc. in
Chipstede, Merstham, Notfelde, Kershalton, Ewelle and elsewhere in
Surrey now in his tenure, which the said Cicely demised to Peter atte
Wode, Laurencia his wife and Peter his son for their lives and one year
longer, the said Peter the father and Peter the son being lately dead,
Laurencia having demised her estate therein to the said Hugh her son,
and the said Cicely by fine levied in the king's court having given the
said William the reversion of the premises. Dated Chipstede,
26 November 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of ackiaowledgment by the said Cicely, 9 January.
Jan. 9. To R. bishop of London. Nomination of John de Stone the king's
Westminster, subalmoner to receive the pension wherein by reason of his new creation
the bishop is bound to one of the king's clerks until provided by him
with a benefice. By p.s.
Katherine who was wife of Sir William de la Pole knight and Edmund
de la Pole knight his son to Sir Robert Marny knight. General release
of all personal actions etc. for covenant, debt, account, trespass etc.
Dated London, 23 November 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by the said Edmund, 29 January.
1382. Membrane 24<i — cont.
Jan. 29. John Spynej' of Wykes of Essex to John Ederik' usher of the king's
Westminster, receipt. Recognisance for 20i., to be levied etc. in Essex.
Richard do Holme and Robert Tyrwhyt to John Roche knight.
Bond in 20/.. payable at the New Temple London at Easter next.
Dated London, Wednesday before the Pui'ifieation 5 Richard IL
Mcmorotuluin of acknowledgment, 1 February.
John Broun esquire of Devon to Walter Ludenay citizen and draper
of London. General release of all actions real and jjersonal. Dated
London, 8 February 5 Richard IL
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 10 February.
Membrane 23rf.
To Roger de Fulthorp, appointed with John king of Castille and
Dec. 8.
Westminster. Leon duke of Lancastre and others guardian of the peace and justice
of oyer and terminer within the liberty of Beverley of the archbishop
of York. Writ of supersedeas until the king's coming to those parts,
and order not to execute that commission or suffer it to be executed
save in the king's presence. By C. in pari.
Dec. 9. To the chancellor of Oxford university, his vicegerent and their
Westminster, fellows, guardians of the peace and justices of oyer and terminer in
the town and suburbs of Oxford. Writ of supersedeas omniiio ; as
upon petition presented before the council in parliament for revocation
of a commission to the mayor and bailiffs of Lincoln, it was agreed
that this and all like commissions in cities and boroughs throughout
the realm shall be revoked. By pet. of pari.
The like to the following :
Roger de Fulthorp and his fellows in the liberty of Rypon and
Beverle}' of the archbishop of York.
John Holt and his fellows in the town and suburbs of Cantebrigge.
The chancellor of Cantebrigge university and his fellows in the
town and suburbs of Cantebrigge.
Robei't Tresilyan and his fellows in the city of Hereford.
John Holt and his fellows in the town and suburbs of Great
William de Skipwyth and liis fellows in the town of Coventre.
Roger de Fulthorp and his fellows in the city of York.
Michael de la Pole and his fellows in the town of Kyngeston
upon Hull.
Stephen de Hales and his fellows in the city of Norwich.
To William de Skipwyth, William de Burgh, Robert de Sutton and
their fellows, guardians of the peace and justices of oyer and terminer
in the city and suburbs of Lincoln. Like writ, upon the petition
aforesaid. By pet. of pari.
Dec. 11. To J. bishop of Durham Nomination of Thomas de Beaumont
Westminster, to receive the pension wherein the bishop by reason of liis new creation
is bound to one of the king's clerks until etc. By p.s. [2001,]
Dec. 13. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause proclamation to be made
Westminster, that all men desiring the benefit of the king's grace and pardon, except
1381. Membrane 2'id — cont.
certain persons named in the king's court, the men of the city of
Canterbury, the towns of Cantebrigge, Briggewatcr, St. Edmunds,
Beverley and Scardeburgli, shall before Whitsuntide next repair
or send to the said comt to sue for charters of pardon for payment
only of the fee for the great seal ; as at the special request of Anno
his future queen in this parliament the king has granted grace and
pardon in general to singular Ms subjects in all parts of the realm
willing to sue for the same, with the exceptions aforesaid ; and further
order to cause proclamation to be made that all men of whatsoever
estate or condition feeling aggrieved and willing to complain of bonds,
releases and quitclaims which they were compelled to make for fear
and under duress in the late insurrection, or of the burning and
destruction of their charters, rentals etc. affecting their liberties,
fees and tenures, whereof manifold public complaint was made in the
said parliament, shall repair or send to the said parliament, being
prorogued to the eve of the Conversion of St. Paul next, by advice and
ordinance of the prelates, lords and commons to sue for remedy if they
shall think fit, not expecting to obtain remedy when the parliament
is ended.
The like to singular the sheriffs tliroughout England.
[Feeder a. Rolls of Parliament, iii. p. 393.]
Dec. 10. To the sheriff of Surrey. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. John Large of Eltham, Walter Kenton of London, Thomas Pole of
London and Thomas Jolyf of Leddred, in favour of William Smerehele
the younger and John Carter of Leddred at suit of William Croiser
for trespass.
Robert Perlee clerk to Master John de Bukyngham clerk, John de
Campeden clerk, William de Walleworth citizen of London, Stephen
Haym of Winchester, William de Worfton, William Ryngebourne
and Robert de Cherlton and to their heirs. Quitclaim of the manor
of Keyngham, three messuages, three carucates of land, 20 acres of
meadow and 405. of rent in Keyngham co. Oxford, the manor of
Compton Murdak co. Warrewyk, the manor of Drayton called EUes-
feldes and three messuages, three carucates of land, 40 acres of meadow
and 205. of rent in Drayton and Sutton co. Berkes, all which were
lately given by William de Wyndesore Icnight to the said Master John
and the others and to Robert Perlee, and a fine thereof to them was
by the said William de Wyndesore and Alice his wife levied in the
king's court. Dated 28 January 5 Richard II.
Robert Perlee clerk to William de Wykeham bishop of Winchester,
Master John de Bukyngham clerk, John de Campeden clerk, William
de Walleworth citizen of London, William de Worfton, William
Ryngebourne and Robert de Cherlton and to their heirs. Quitclaim
of the manor of Great Wyttenham co. Berkes sometime of John Plecy
knight, and of a moiety of the manor of Combe Byset co. Wiltesir,
which by fine levied in the king's court Philip la Vache knight and
Elizabeth liis wife granted to the said bishop and the others and to
Robert Perlee, and all the said Philip and Elizabeth had therein for
life of the said Elizabeth. Dated {as the last).
1382. Membrane 26d — cont.
Robert Perlee clerk to William de Wvkeham bishop of Winchester,
Master John de Bukynphain clerk, John de Campeden clerk. William
de Worfton, William R\Tigebourne and Robert Cherlton and to their
heirs. Quitclaim of the manor of Great Wyttenham, the reversion
whereof after the death of Elizabeth wife of Philip la Vache knight
by fine le\ned in the king's court was lately granted by Hugh de Segrave
kiiight to the said bishop and the others and to Robert Perlee. Dated
{as before).
Memorandum, of acknowledgment of the foregoing wTitings,
30 January.
John de Popham to William Playce of Xeuton. Bond in 80^
pajable at London on Michaelmas day next. Dated 3 February
5 Richard IL
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 3 February.
Feb. 3. William Paumes of Naburne to W^illiam Elmham knight. Recog-
Westmineter. nisance for 100^, to be levied etc. in Yorkshire.
The said William Paumes to Ajidrew de Wauton. Recognisance
for lOOZ., to be levied etc. in Yorkshire.
William Shrympelmershe of London ' wodemongere ' to Geoffrey
Martyn. Recognisance for 10/., to be levied etc. in the city of London.
Cancelled on payment.
Membrane 22d.
Feb. 25. To the sheriff of Northumberland. W>it de expensis for 41/. 125.
Westminster, in favour of Aymer Dastelle and Ralph de Euer, knights of the shire
coming divers times to the parliament summoned at Westminster on
the morrow of All Souls last, namely 45. each for 104 days.
The following have like writs :
Cumberland. Gilbert de Culwen and Jolui de Denton 41/. 125.
for 104 days.
Westmorland. William de Threlkeld and Hugh de Salkeld 40/.
for 100 days.
Yorkshire. Robert Neville and John Bigot 38/. 85. for 96 days.
Notvnghamshire. Simon de Leek and Thomas de Rempston
35/. 4s. for 88 days.
Derbyshire. Robert de Twyford and Thomas de Marchyngton
35/. 45. for 88 days.
Lincolnshire. Robert de Leek and John de Toutheby 35/. 45.
for 88 days.
Leycestershire. William Flamville and Thomas Walsshe 33/. 125.
for 84 days.
Warwickshire. John de Burmyngeham and John de Peyto
33/. 12.s\ for 84 days.
Roteland. Thomas de Burton and John Wittelbury 33/. 125.
for 84 days.
Norliamptonshire. Giles Seint Johan and Nicholas Lyllj-ng 32/.
for 80 days.
Bedfordshire. John Traiily and Edward Botiller 32/. for 80
n RTCHART) II. 107
j[3g2. Mtmhrane 22d — cont.
Bukinghamshire. John de Aillesbury and John Cheyne 32^. for
80 days.
Cambridgeshire. William de Pappeworth and Simon de Burgh
32^. for 80 days.
Huutingdonsliire. William Moyne and John Waweton 32/. for
80 days.
Essex. John de Sutton and Thomas de Maundevylle 30/. 85.
for 76 days.
Hertfordsliire. Walter atte Lee and Thomas Morwelle 30/. 8s.
for 76 days.
Middlesex. John de Shordyche and Thomas de Charleton 28/. I65.
for 72 daj'S.
Kent. Thomas de Fogge and John de Frenyngham 30/. 8s. for
76 days.
Surrey. Robert Loxle and John Hadresham 30/. 8s. for 76
Sussex. Edmund fitz Her herd and Edward Dalyngrugge 30/. 85.
for 76 days.
Norffolk. Stephen de Hales and Thomas Gerberge 33/. 12s. for
84 days.
Sufi'olk. Richard de Waldegrave and William de Wyngfeld
33/. 12s. for 84 days.
The county of Suthampton. Thomas *Mortynge (sic) and
John Sandes 32/. for 80 days.
Wiltesir. John Daunteseye and John de Roches 32/. for 80
Berkshire. Thomas de la Mare and Jolin Sifrewast 32/. for 80
Oxfordshire. Jolin Herle and Thomas Blount 32/. for 80 days.
^ Staffordshire. Adam ds Peshale and John Basset 35/. 4s. for
88 days.
Salop. Brian de Cornewaille and Robert de Kendale 35/. 4s.
for 88 days.
Gloucestershire. John Thorp and Peter Veel 35/. 4s. for 88 days.
Worcestershire. Henry de Arderne and John de Sapy 35/. 4s.
for 88 days.
Herefordshire. Walter Deveros 17/. 12s. for 88 days.
Somerset. Peter de Courtenay and Maurice Withe 33/. 12s. for
84 days.
Dorset. Stephen Derby and John Mautravers 33/. 12s. for 84
Devon. William Bonevylle and James Chuddelegh 41/. 12s.
for 104 days.
Cornwall. Richard Sergeaux and John Kentwode 41/. 12s. for
104 days.
The county of Bristol. Ellis Spelly and John Stoke.
[Prynne, Parliamentary Writs, iv. p. 349.]
Feb. 25. To John king of Castille and Leon duke of Lancaster, or to his
Westminster, representative in the duchy. Like Avrit for 38/. 8s. in favour of William
de Athirton and Robert de Urcewyk knights of the duchy for 96
[Ibid. p. 352.]
* Wortyng in the Return of Members of Parliament.
1382. Manhrane 22d — coni.
Feb. 25. To the maj'or and bailiffs of Kyngeston upon Hull. Like wTit for
Westminster. 19/. 4s. in favour of Walter de Dymbleton and Simon de Grvniesby
burgesses at the said parliament, namely 25. a day each for 88 days {sic).
The following have like wTits :
Norhampton. John Fox and Nicholas Baud burgesses 16/. for
80 days.
Wycomi)e. Thomas Rauel and Walter Frere burgesses 16/. for
80 days.
Roucestre. Thomas Godet and John Southgate citizens 15/. 45.
for 76 days.
Cicestre. John Sengleton and John Sherere citizens 15/. 45. for
76 days.
Great Jernemuth. Bartholomew Xogan and William Oxney
burgesses 16/. I65. for 84 days.
Oxford. Edmund Kenj'an and Walter Bon burgesses 16/. for
80 days.
Hereford. Richard Asshe and William Jouet citizens 19/. 45.
for 88 days {sic).
Leomynstre. Richard Lorimer and John Wilkyns burgesses
19/. 45. for 88 days {sic).
Welles. Nicholas Cristesham and Henry Benedisshe burgesses
16/. I65. for 84 days.
BruggeA\ater. John Loof and John Henton burgesses 16/. I65.
for 84 days.
Bath. Richard Castelle and Thomas Joce citizens 16/. I65. for
84 days.
Shaftbury. Walter Hanlegh and Tiiomas Cammel burgesses
20/. I65. for 104 days.
Membrane 21d.
Gilbert Talbott lord of Goderich castle and Irchenfeld to Sir Robert
Tresiiiau knight. Lease for seven years of the manor and hundred
of Bampton co. Oxford with courts, " lawedaies,' escheats, rents, ser-
vices, etc., saving fees, advowsons, \\'ards and marriages, by the ser\nce
of 100 marks a year, power being reserved after the lessee's death to
enter and hold the manor if in time of his executors the rent be in
arrear : covenant that the lessee shall make no waste therein, and
shall sustain the houses ; that the lessor shall warrant him agauist
rent charges, statutes merchant etc., and shall make no demise, dis-
turbance or charge, and for his peaceable tenure, with an oath upon his
knighthood to keep these covenants ; for defeasance of a recognisance in
1 ,000/. made in chancery by the lessor, upon condition that the lessee and
his executors shall hold the premises as aforesaid, the lessor keeping
these covenants ; that the lessor shall not come to dwell at the manor
while the lessee or his wife shall be there, but in their absence it shall be
lawful so to do for a day and a night at his own cost ; for acquittance
of 50 marks for the first two quarters which the lessee has paid ; and
that the lessee shall be recouped and allowance made for payment
of any charge beginning before this date. Dated Westminster,
24 February 5 Richard II. French.
Mevwrandmn of acknowledgment by the parties, 26 February.
Feb. 23. Oliver Martyn the king's serjeant, one of the yeomen of the great
WeBtminstor. wardrobe, is seat to the prior and convent of Dovorre, to take for life
1382. Membrane 2ld — cont.
such maintenance in that house as William de la Garderobe deceased
had at the late king's command. By p.s. [2091.]
Feb. 28. John Pacche of Halstede and Thomas Taillour of Branketre to Robert
Westminster, de Muskham clerk. Recognisance for 20/., to be levied etc. in Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
Feb. 1. To the sheriffs of London. Order by mainprise of Henry Finyngley
Westminster, clerk of Herefordshire, John Walesby clerk of Lincolnshire, John
Dymmok and John Yate of Gloucestershire to dcarrest Richard Balkere
vicar of Neulond, arrested at suit of William Bloxham parson of
of Bykenor Englissh to liave the peace of him.
Feb. 7. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster, Thomas Pynchebek of Lincolnshire, John de Gaddesby, John Ernesby
and William Herle of Leycestershire, in favour of John Filk' chaplain,
ordered to find mainpernors that he should do or procure no hurt or
harm to Hugh de Westhorpe.
Feb. 8. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise
Westminster, of William WiUecotes, Robert de Warrewyk, William Childe and
Robert Thorny s of War^\ickshire, in favour of John Frankeleyn at
suit of Ralph Wacche of Chorlebury averring threats.
Feb. 16. To the sheriffs of London. Order by mainprise of Edmund
Westminster. Kircewelle and Roger de Felton of Northumberland, "Thomas
Trewennak and John Arderne of Kent to set free Thomas Stapelton
' corsour,' imprisoned at suit of Richard atte Seler for trespass.
Feb. 14. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause proclamation to be made
Westminster, in the city and suburbs of Canterbury' and elsewhere in his bailiwick
that all men of that city who will obtain the benefit of the king's grace
and pardon, except those hereinafter excepted, shall repair or send to
the king's court before Whitsuntide, if the}' think fit, to sue for- charters,
paying only the fee for the great seal ; as at the special request of
Queen Aime the king in parliament took order to grant certain general
pardons to singular his subjects of whatsoever parts of the realm
willing to sue for the same, except certain persons named in the king's
court and the men of Canterbury, Cantebrigge, Briggewatre, St.
Edmunds, Beverle and Scardeburgh, and ordered the sheriff to make
proclamation that all willing to take the benefit thereof, with those
exceptions, should come or send as aforesaid ; and now the king in
this parliament has granted such general pardons to the men of
Canterbury, that exception notwithstanding.
[Feeder a.]
March 8. WiUiam Lovet of Liscoumbe to William Belmaker of Totyngdon.
Westminster. Recognisance for 20/., to be levied etc. in Bukinghamshire.
Richard Carneur of Cornwall to John de Ravenser clerk of the
king's hanaper. Recognisance for 26s. 8d., to be levied etc. in
Cancelled on payment.
1382. Membrane 20d.
Jolm de Roma of Monkesfreton to Guy de Rouclj-f clerk and to his
heirs. Release of the warranty in a writing, dated London 10 February
5 Richard II, whereby William de Elniham knight, Elizabeth his wife
and the said Guy gave to the said John, his heirs and assigns, the manor
of Cattebeeston by Ledes and all lands in Cattebeeston and elsewhere
to the said manor pertaining. Dated London, 11 February
5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 18 February.
John Elys of NyTveton to John Prestecote, his heirs and assigns.
Grant of a yearly rent of 6 marks to be le\ied of grantor's lands in
Nyweton Abbot and Woieburgh ; and the grantor has paid him Qd.
in name of seisin, in presence of Thomas Tille, William Burleston,
Thomas Nuttecombe and Jolui Colbroke, Witnesses : John Hulle,
John Wadham, Thomas Tille, Robert Hulle, Robert Frenshe, William
Burleston, Thomas Nuttecombe. Dated Friday the feast of St.
Valentine 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 21 Feb^uar3^
John Fordham bishop of Durham, Francis Vyncheguerre and Piers
Brunei merchants of Lukes to Robert Rykedoun of Essex, John
Serjeant and Robert Lyndeseye citizen of London. Bond in
1,333Z. 65. 8rf. by reason of a prest. payable at London in the church
of St. Peter Cornhulle the tenth day after Michaelmas next, binding
the whole company of the said merchants in England, Flaundres and
J Florence. Dated 4 February 5 Richard II. French.
Memorandnm of aclcnowledgment, 21 February.
John Fordam bishop of Durham, Francis \Vncheguerre and Piers
Brunei merchants of Lukes of the one part, and Robert Rykedoun,
John Serjeant of Essex and Robert Lyndeseye of the other part.
Indenture of defeasance of the foregoing bond, upon condition that
660/. 135. 4rf. be paid at the time and ]ilace a])pointed ; reciting that
the bond was for payment by Sir John Haukwode to the attorneys
or fellows of the said Francis and Piers at the city of Florence or Lukes,
at Boloignc la Gi'asse or Pyse of 4,444 J ducats or new florins of Florence
within six weeks after sight of letters of exchange, and if such payment
be not made the bond shall be void. Dated 4 February 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by the said Robert, John Serjeant
and Robert, 21 February.
Feb. 1. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Writ of
Westminster, supersedeas in favour of John de Clifton knight in respect of distress
for his homage ; as he has done homage and fealty to the king for
lands in Walterton co. Sussex. By p.s. [2046.]
Feb. 15. To the sheriff of NorfTolk. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. William Hornyng of Norwich, John Drake of Norwich, Simon Baret
and Geoffrey Somerton of NorfTolk, in favdur of John Tovy ' shipherd '
at suit of the king and Richard llneyc knight for leaving the said
knight's service before the term agreed ; and order to set the defendant
free if taken.
1382. Membrane 20d — cont.
Feb. 20. To the sheriff of Warrewyk. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. Robert de Burgh of Leycestershire, Roger de Licchefeld, John de
Kirkeby the younger of Worcestershire, John Derhurst of Gloucester-
shire, Jolui Rous the j^ounger and John atte Wede of Warwickshire, in
favour of John Astelyn clerk at suit of William Dounfrelle for rape of
Emma his wife etc. at Ragele.
Vacated and nothing done, because given up with the seal unbroken
(in cera) : therefore cancelled.
Isabel late the daughter of Walter de Huntyngfeld of Kent to John
Gower of Kent. General release of all actions real and personal.
Dated 2 March 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 9 March.
March 10. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. John Kyrkeby the jounger of Worcestershire, Robert Munstede of
Surrey, John Haselton and John Bislee of Gloucestershire, in favour
of Thomas Bisele of Gloucestre at suit of Matthew Passelewe citizen
of London for debt.
Membrane \m.
Lawrence de Frothelay to Sir Robert de Swyllyngton and his heirs.
Quitclaim of all the lands etc. which the said Robert has in Thurleston,
Normanton, Wyggeston, Stoke and Craft co. Leycestre. Dated
28 January 5 Richard II. French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 4 February.
LauTsnce de Froddeley to Robert de Langham, his heirs and assigns.
Quitclaim of the manors of Normanton and Penkeston co. Derby and
the advowson of Penkeston church. Dated 29 January 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 4 February.
John Napton of Napton co. Warrewyk to Thomas Evesham citizen
of London, his heirs and assigns. Quitclaim with warranty of all
lands, rents, services, neifs etc. which the said Thomas has at this date
in Napton, acquired by John Evesham of Robert Napton. Dated
7 February 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 7 February.
John Bygod knight to William Chauncy knight and Joan his wife
and to the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of
Thomas Chauncy. Charter indented, \\itli licence of the king, of the
manor of Skirpenbek, which the said John had by feoffment of the
said Thomas. Witnesses : Ralph de Hastynges, John Constable,
William de Ergum knights, John de Bukton of Seteryngton, Robert
Bonlote. Dated Skirpenbek, Monday after St. Wilfrid 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 14 February.
William Rykhill and Gilbert de Meldebourne to John Maykjoi and
John Somerwell, their heirs and assigns. Charter of the manor of
Eslyngham co. Kent with the advowson of the free chapel and all
lands etc. which the grantors have in Frendesbury, St. Werburg,
St. Mary in Hoo, Stoke, Shorne, Clyve and Chalke, lately purchased
1382. Membrane lOrf — cont.
by them jointly with John Baude and John Ive clerks from William
Stowe and Thomas Santon citizens of London, the said clerks having
made a quitclaim of the premises to the grantors and to the heirs of
William Rykliill. Witnesses : Robert Freman, John Mortymer,
Richard Chiers, Ralph Boydyn. Dated 13 February 5 Richard IL
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 21 February.
John Maj'kyn and John Somerwelle to William Rykhill and Roese
his wife, the heirs and assigns of the said William. Charter \\ith
warranty of the manor of Eslyngham with the advowson of the free
chapel and all lands in Frendesbury, St. Werburg, St. Mary in Hoo,
Stoke, Shorne, Clyve and Chalke, lately purchased by the grantors
jointly with the said William and with Gilbert de Meldebourne.
Witnesses (as the last). Dated 18 February 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, by John Maykyn 20 February,
and by John Somerwelle 21 February.
Jan. 26. To the sheriff of Derby. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. Nicholas de Stafford knight, Nicholas Montgomeri knight, Thomas
Tochet clerk and Richard Tochet of Derbyshire, in favour of Thomas
son of Godfrey Foljambe and John Smyth of Stavleye, put in exigents
for not appearing before William la Zouche of Haryngworth and his
fellows, justices appointed to hear and determine alleged trespasses
by the defendants and others committed against the abbot of la Dale.
Feb. 25. Gilbert Talbot lord of Irchenfeld to Robert Tresilian knight.
Westminster. Recognisance for 1,000/., to be levied etc. in Herefordshire.
Thomas Bucher of Harberwe to Bernard Brocas knight. Recognis-
ance for 300/., to be levied etc. in Norhamptonshire.
Feb. 6. To the sheriff of Surrey. Order by mainprise of John Drayton,
Westminster. Nicholas Couele of O.xfordshire, John Fullere of London and John
Frome of Surrey to set free John Peyntour parson of Sutton, imprisoned
in Guldeford gaol at suit of Thomas Croundale clerk in default of
finding mainpernors that he should do the complainant no hurt or
Feb. 8. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. Nicholas Fauconer of Berkshire, Thomas de Rengton, Richard Boteller
and William Neville of Lincolnshire, in favour of William Harecourt
at suit of Peter de Melgar averring threats.
Feb. 28. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster, Thomas Hore, Simon Morle, John de Cotynton and John de Dalton
of London, in favour of Robert Aleyn of London knight, otherwise
called Robert Aleyn of London ' fysshemonger.' and Maud his wife at
suit of Robert Lenn for debt ; as on 23 February last the king took the
gaid Robert Aleyn under hi.s protection for one year, who is abiding in
Portugal on the king's service in the company of John Fernand'.
Membrane \Hd.
Robert de Swillyngton knight to Sir John de Barowe parson of Byrkyn,
Sir Robert Grethede parson of Ekyngton, Sir Stephen de Eckeleshill vicar
1382. Membrane \9>d — cont.
of Bradeford, Thomas Elys, John Woderove and Richard Bulter, their
heirs and assigns. Charter with warranty of the manor of Cotheworth
and all other his lands, reversions etc. in Cotheworth, Derfeld, Ederes-
thorp, Neusome by Burghwaleys, Elmesale, Kyrkeby, Hyndelay,
Wrangebroke, Thorp Audelyn and Thwong. Dated 16 May 4
Richard II.
Robert de Swilljmgton knight to Thomas Bosevylle of Erdesiey,
John de Amyas the younger and John de Snytalle of Wakefelde.
Letter of attorney, appointing them to deliver to John de Barowe
{and others, as in the last) seisin of the manor of Cotheworth etc. {as
above). Dated 15 May 4 Richard II. French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment of the foregoing charter and
writing, 4 February this year.
Feb. 4. Thomas son of Ralph Wykes of Newemarket to Edward Boteler
Westminster, knight. Recognisance for 30?., to be levied etc. in Cambridgeshire.
Feb. 11. John Staple the king's serjeant at arms to Peter Herford of Waltham
Westminster. Holy Cross. Recognisance for 20?., to be levied etc. in Norffolk.
John Horewode, son and heir of John Horewode late citizen of
London, to John Scorfeyn of London ' fourbour,' William Cressewyk
and John Berneyre, their heirs and assigns. Quitclaim with warranty
of all lands etc. in Fyncheslee and Hendon co. Middlesex sometime of
his said father. Dated London, 1 December 4 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 12 February this year.
Robert de Swyllyngton knight to John de Barowe parson of Birkyn,
Robert Grethede parson of Ekynton, Stephen de Ekelshill vicar of
Bradford, Thomas Elys, John Woudroufe and Richard Bulter, their
heirs and assigns. Quitclaim with warranty of the manor of Couthe-
wourth CO. York and all lands in Couthewourth, Derfeld, Ederesthorp,
Neusom by Bourghwaleis, Elmsale, Kirkebj^ Hyndelai, Wrangbroke,
Thorp Audelyn and Thwong which they have by his gift. Dated
Westminster, 10 February 5 Richard II. French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 13 February.
Feb. 14. Henry de Fynyngle and Richard vicar of Newelond to John de
Westminster. Walesby. Recognisance for 16?., to be levied etc. in Herefordshire.
Cancelled on payment.
William Vavasour, son of William Vavasour late lord of Hesilwode,
to John Crescy knight, Geoffrey vicar of Southkirk in Cokeryngton,
Thomas Biset of Castelford, John de Yerburgh of Cokeryngton and
John Elmede citizen of London, their heirs and assigns. Charter with
warranty of the manors of Heselwode co. York and Cokfeld in the
bishopric of Durham, the reversion of the manors of Athyngham
CO. York and Cokeryngton co. Lmcoln held for life by Elizabeth his
mother, of the manor of Wodehalle by Wethirby held of him for life
by Henry Vavasour his brother, and of the manor of Stubs Waldynge
and all his lands in Siglynghale held for life by James Vavasour.
Witnesses : Robert de Suylyngton knight, James Vavasour, Thomas de
Scargille, Richard de Edlyngton, Thomas de Hauton,^John de Eljmson,
Wt. 32813. CB 8
1382. Membrane \M — corU.
Tliomas Grajnieson of Lynton, Roger Saunderson of Cokfeld.
Wednesday after St. Katherine 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 15 February.
Feb. 15. John de Roma of Monkesfreton to Guy de Rouclj'f clerk. Recog-
Westminster. nisance for 90 marks, to be le\aed etc. in Yorkshire.
Feb. 21. To the sheriff of Surrey. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. Robert de Lockesley of Surrey, Edmund de Clay of Not^Tighamshire,
William de Louth of London ' goldsmith ' and Peter atte Hethe of
London ' armurer,' in favour of Thomas Waleys the j^ounger and
John Hadresham the elder, ordered to find mainjiemors upon an
information that they purposed to pass to foreign parts in order to
prosecute many things to the prejudice of the king and many of the
people contrary to the law.
Adam Edmond and Isabel his \v\ie of the one part and John de
Henxsteworth and Maud liis vnie of the other part. Indenture,
reciting a charter indented (text in full), dated Estreed 6 February
5 Richard II, whereby Jolui Hay and Henry Bevere clerks gave to the
said John and Maud for their lives, at a rent of 265. 8rf. to the said
John Ha}'^ and Henry, the heirs or assigns of Jolin Hay, a messuage,
one carucate of land, 3| acres 1 rood of meadow, 15 acres of wood,
135. of rent and the homage and service of tenants free and neif in
Estreed and Westreed co. Hertford sometime of the said Adam and
Isabel, as fully as the said John and Maud had the premises by
feoffment of Peter de Lacy clerk, and the said John Hay and Henry
by gift of the said Jolui and Maud by fine levied in the king's court,
and covenants that the said John and Maud should have likewise
without impeachment of waste one hall, three chambers, one kitchen
and all other the tiled houses unroofed by divers rebels in the
insurrection of July last, and a thatched house called ' couhous,' not
being bound to repair the same, with proviso that it should not be
lawful for them to pull dowTi or carry away the same or any part
thereof, which charter was witnessed b_y John Chircheman, Walter
Sibile, John Kirketon, Hugh Curteys citizens of London, Robert
Basset, Robert fitz Geffrey, John Kinge ; reciting also a writuig
(text in full) dated 14 February 5 Richard II, with the same witnesses,
whereby the said John Hay and Henry gave to the said Adam and
Isabel, their heirs and assigns, the yearly rent of 265. 8f/. aforesaid during
the lives of the said John and Maud, and the reversion of the premises ;
and witnessing that the said John and Maud have attorned tenants
to the said Adam and Isabel with proviso (as above) concerning the
buildings aforesaid. Witnesses (as to the above recited cfiarter). Dated
20 February 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by John de Henxsteworth,
13 March.
March 19. William More of Grafham to John de Burton parson of Graf ham.
Westminster. Recognisance for 721. payable by instalments to begin at Midsummer
1383, to be levied etc, in Huntingdonshire.
Membrane lid — cont.
Feb. 20. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order by mainprise of
Westminster. John Donat, Francis Vynchegere, Anthony Thomas, Alabrandus
Gascoigne, IJhincus Fone and Angelus Cristofre to set free James de
Belle a Lumbard imprisoned in Neugate gaol ; as the king ordered
them to have the prisoner in chancery on Monday last, and the cause
of his imprisonment, that the king might deal as should seem good
for his deliverance, and the sheriffs certified that on Michaelmas eve
last he was delivered to them by Walter Doget and William Knyghtcote
late sheriffs to be kept in custody by order of William Walleworth late
mayor for particular causes she\vn in the mayor's court whereof they
are not certainly informed.
March 12. To the sheriff of Surrey. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. William Arle of Surre}^ and Richard Tournour of Westminster
' carpenter,' in favour of William Pope of Kyngeston upon Thames
at suit of John de Chellesham for trespass.
Memorandum of a mainprise under a pain of 1001. made in the
chancery at Westminster on 28 February 5 Richard II by Simon
de Quixlay, Thomas Gra, Robert Ampleford, William de Seleby,
William Agland, William Pountfreyt, Richard de Santon, John de
Thornton, John Emlay, John Benetson, Edmund Glover, Thomas
Doughty and Richard Bosevile citizens of York, every man for himself,
promising that no hurt or harm in body or goods shall happen by
them or by their procurement to John de Gisburgh, Roger de Moreton,
William Tekille, William Appelby, Richard del See, John Eston, John
Bret, Adam Wellom, John de Bolton the elder, William Leuessam,
William de Wytton, William Belle, Richard de Soureby, Robert de
Scorburgh or any other the king's liege subject, that so far as in them
lies they will maintain peace in the city and elsewhere in the realm,
not making unlawful assemblies or alliances or doing aught else whereby
the peace may be broken or the people disturbed, but will behave
peaceably to singular the persons of the said realm and city in future.
Also of a like mainprise made the same day by John de Gisburgh
and the others {above named with him) in regard to Simon de Quixlay
and the others {named with him).
March 24. To the sheriff of Hereford {sic). Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. John Walsyngham ' armurer,' Walter Kynton ' coteler,' Simon Philip
' corier,' and John White ' corier ' of the city of London, in favour of
Hugh Myte, William West of Bay ford and John Cartere of Brokendon
at suit of John fitz Symond knight for debt.
March 1. Master Thomas Spert canon of Wells and John Neuton of Staple-
Westminster, brigge to the king. Recognisance for 1001., to be levied etc. in Somerset
and Dorset.
Memorandum of defeasance, upon condition that before Midsummer
next the said John and Isabel his wife by fine levied in the king's
court with clause of warranty shall release to the king one carucate of
land enclosed in Wyndesore park, which the late king purchased of
Thomas de Kilby father of the said Isabel whose heir she is.
Vacated, because the condition is fulfilled, as is witnessed by Robert
Belknap chief justice of the Bench,
1382. Membrane Ibrf — cord.
Feb. 12. To Rejnold Grey of Ruthjni and his fellows, justices of the peace
Westminster, iii Bedfordshire. Writ of supersedeas in favour of Hugh Cook of Luton
and Richard Lcneye at suit of John Coket, Richard atte Grene and
Henry Albrighte to have the ]>eace of the said Hugh, Jolm his son,
Richard Loneye and Thomas Bulle his servants ; and order by main-
prise of John del Banc of Lancashire, John Clopton, John Bristowe
' haburdasshere ' and Jolm Norton ' .--myth ' of the city of London
to set free the said Jolm son of Hugh and Thomas, imprisoned in
Bedford prison.
Feb. 7. To the sheriff of Surrey. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. Robert Norton, John Donfe, Ral]ili Bouelhith and Pliilip Lalbourne
of Surre}', in favour of William Bouelliith at suit of John WokkjTXge
averring threats.
Feb. 17. To John king of Castille and Leon duke of Lancastre, or to his
Westminster, representative in the duchy. Order to cause proclamation to be
made that singular the king's lieges willing to buy any kind of com
within the duchy, except wheat, and carry it to Wales, and not to
other foreign parts, in order there to buy other ^^ctuals and bring
them \\'itlun the duchy for sustenance of the lieges there, may so do
notA\ithstanding the king's late command to make proclamation
forbidding any man of whatsoever estate or condition to take com
out of the realm without special licence under pain of forfeiture thereof.
Feb. 24. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise
Westminster, of John Sapy knight, John Welyfeld, Thomas Cater^^lgham and
William Yate of Worcestersliire, in favour of Richard Bredoun at suit
of Thomas Berkeley of Berkeley for debt.
Feb. 28. To the sheriff of Salop. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of William
Westminster. Gaunille of Salop, John atte Yate, John Colsulle of Warwickshire
and Henry Assheburne of Derbyshire, in favour of John Gamel clerk
and Henry Gamel at suit of the king for certain contempts and
March 4. Master Richard de Gryinesby parson of Thornton in Lonesdale
Westminster, to John de Burton and Robert de Garton clerks. Recognisance for
1005., to be levied etc. of liis lands and chattels and ecclesiastical
goods in Yorksliire.
March 6. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. Nicholas Potyn, Hugh Sprot, Richard Wydden ' stokfisshemonger '
and William Eton ' spicer ' citizens of London, in favour of Richard
Sjirot of London ' spicer ' at suit of William Hokerygge for debt.
The like to the said sheriffs in favour of Richard Sprot of London
* tavemer ' by the same mainprise.
To the same. Like writ, mutatis mutandis, by mainprise of William
Seyntcler of Kent, William Clenche, William Perpont ' taillour ' and
John Vyncent ' taillour ' of the parish of St. Clement Danes without
New Temple bar Ixmdon, in favour of Nicholas Faryndon of Milton
at suit of Thomas Hedouii and Gunnora his wife, executors of William
Porter, for render of 100*.
6 RICHARD 11. 117
1382. Meinbra7ie Hid- cant.
John Hay and Henry Bevere clerks to John de Henxsteworth and
Matid his wife for their lives. Charter indented of a messuage, one
carucate of land, 3| acres 1 rood of meadow, 15 acres of wood and 135.
of rent with the homage and service of tenants free and neif in Estreed
and Westreed co. Hertford late of Adam Edmond and Isabel his wife,
as fully as the said John and Maud had the premises by feoffment
of Peter de Lacy clerk, and the said John Hay and Henry by gift
of the said John and Maud by fine levied in the king's court, rendering
yearly 265. Sd. to the said John Hay and Henry, the heirs or assigns
of John Hay ; and covenant that the said John and Maud shall have
for their lives without impeachment of waste one hall, three chambers,
one kitchen and all other tiled houses unroofed by divers rebels in
the insurrection of July last, and a thatched house called ' couhous,'
not being bound to repair the same, with proviso that it shall not
be lawful for them to pull down or carry away the same or any part
thereof, and that after their death the premises shall revert to the said
John Hay and Henry and to the heirs and assigns of John Hay.
Witnesses : John Chircheman, Walter Si bile, John Kirketon, Hugh
Curteys citizens of London, Robert Basset, Robert fitz Geffrey, John
Kinge. Dated Estreed, 6 February 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 13 March.
March 12. To the sheriff of Hertford. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. William Kymberlee, Hugh Myse, Richard Ware and Thomas Bibbes-
worth of Hertfordshire, in favour of Richard Brooke of Hulle and
Thomas Tropneel at suit of Thomas Prestcote for trespass.
Feb. 27. To the sheriff of Leycester. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. Walter de Dy melton, Simon de Grymesby of Yorkshire, Robert de
Garton clerk and William de Oudeby of Leycestershire, in favour of
William Wilde clerk at suit of Walter Blount knight for trespass.
Feb. 27. To the sheriff of Leycester. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise
Westminster, of Walter de Dymelton, Simon de Grymesby of Yorkshire, Robert
de Garton clerk and William de Outeby of Leycestershire, in favour
of Thomas Smyth of Lyndeford, Thomas Hare and Richard Swythel
at suit of Walter Blount knight for trespass ; and order to set free
any of the defendants if taken.
March 6. To the sheriff of Wiltesir. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. Thomas Ileston, Thomas de Loxelee of Surrey, Richard Fode and
Nicholas Wallewyn of Wiltesir, in favour of Ralph Taillour of
Suthampton at suit of John de Wicheford for debt.
Sir Richard Chaumbreleyn to Richard Reynes, son of Sir Thomas
de Reynes. Indenture of quitclaim of the manors of Merston co.
Bedeford and Horton co. Norhampton, with condition for defeasance
in case the manor of Tillesworth or any parcel thereof be recovered
against Sir Richard, liis heirs or assigns or any tenant having his
estate therein, by Elizabeth who was wife of John Morteyn knight,
the said Richard son of Thomas, Jolin Reynes or any of their heirs
male, or by John Morteyn of Dunnesby or any the heirs male of his
body. Dated 13 March 5 Richard II. French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by the parties, 13 March.
1382. Membrane \bd — corii.
Edmund Breton, son of Edmund Breton and of Ermetrude his wife,
to Ralph Chircheman, Margaret his w'lie and John Chireheman eitizen
of London then- son, the heirs and assigns of the t-aid John. Quitclaim
with warranty of the manor of Sperham by Xeketon and IGs. 2d. of
rent in Shyngham, Bodeneye, Holmhale, Neketon, Fransham, Dunham,
CJutland ancl Cleye b3' Goderston co. Norffolk, which the said Ralph,
Margaret and Jolm have by feoffment of Eliza l:)eth Breton, daughter
and heir of Thomas Breton brother of the said Edmund the son.
Witnesses : Sir William Walwortli knight, Simon de Mordon, Edmund
Olyver, Walter Sibile, John Kirketon, William Bys, Richard Grace,
John Burwell. Dated London, 15 I\Iarch 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 18 March.
March 8. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by mainpri.'^e of
Westminster. Roger Walden clerk of Hertfordshire. John Esket of Ivondon and
Thomas Stokes of Xorhamptonshire, in favour of Richard Brodok,
arrested and imprisoned in name of John Brodok at the instance of
William Salesbury clerk and Thomas Spr^^lgyfeld, by colour of divers
writs issued against the said Jolm at their suit averring tlireats ;
and order to set the prisoner free.
March 6. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. Richard Kerver of Cornwall, Robert Rissheton, Simon Morleye and
Peter Bermj-ngeham of Yorkshire, in favour of William Gold\nig of
York ' mercer ' at suit of Benedict de Cornwaille for debt.
March 6. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. William Se^Titclerof Kent, William Clenche, Williajn Perpont ' taillour '
and Jolui Vyncent ' taillour ' of the parish of St. Clement Danes
without New Temple bar London, in favour of Nicholas de Milton,
put in exigents without his knowledge at suit of Thomas de Hedoun
and Gunnora liis wife, executrix of William Porter, for render of
41. 6s. 8d.
March 6. To the sheriff of Kent. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of John
Westminster. Lyverpolle of London, Geoffrey de Hille and William Frendesbury
of Surrey, in favour of Roger Randolf of Estpekham at suit of James
Pekham of Wrotham for debt.
March 15. To the sheriff of Norffolk. Order by mainprise of Nicholas
Westminster. W^ychyngham, James de Byllyngford, Jolm Derby of Norffolk and
John Neuport of Essex to set free Simon Derby, imprisoned in Norwich
prison at suit of the king and William Amies of Boton for leaving
the said William's service at Boton before the term agreed.
John Hay and Henry Bevere clerks to Adam Edmond and Isabel
his wife, tlieir heirs and assigns. Gift of a yearU- rent of 26s. Sd.
payable by John de Henxsteworth and Maud his wife during their
lives, by virtue of a charter indented whereby the said John Hay and
Henry gave the said John and Maud for their lives at that rent a
messuage, one carucate of land, 3 J acres 1 rood of meadow, 15 acres
of wood and 135. of rent with the homage and servnce of tenants free
and neif in Estreed and Westreed co. Hertford, late of the said Adam
1382. Membrane 14cZ — curd.
and Isabel, as fully as the said John and Maud liad the same by feoff-
ment of Peter de Lacy clerk, and as the said John Hay and Henry
had by their feoffment by fine levied in the king's court ; and gift of
the reversion of the premises after the death of the said John and
Maud. Witnesses : John Chircheman, Walter Sibile, John Kirketon,
Hugh Curteys citizens of London, Robert Basset, Robert fitz Geffrey,
Jolui Kinge. Dated 14 February 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 13 March.
Feb. 28. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. John West ' goldsmyth,' John Frensh ' lorymer,' John Walyngford
' goldsmyth ' and John Bole of London, in favour of John But at
suit of John Hende citizen and draper of London for debt.
March 12. To the sheriff of Le,ycester. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. William Spenser of Leycestre ' wolmonger ' and Roger Bernard of
London, in favour of Thomas Croft of Kjiyghton at suit of Henry
Flory of Stokton for trespass ; and order to set the defendant free
if taken.
March 6. To the sheriff of Cantebrigge. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise
Westminster, of John Haliday citizen and skinner of London, Simon Asshulle,
John Carbroke and Jolin Duke of Westminster, in favour of John
Curteys of Cantebrigge, John Burton and John Wragby of Pontefract
' heremyte ' at suit of William Tole vicar of Herleston for an account :
and order to set free any of the defendants if taken.
March 10. To the prior and convent of St. Bartholomew by Smythfeld London.
Westminster. Nomination of John Hadham clerk of the king's chapel to the pension
wherein by reason of the prior's new creation they are bound to one
of the king's clerks, until by them provided etc. By p.s.
March 6. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. Baldwin Goderych of London ' felmongere ' and Henry Keteryng of
London ' skynner,' in favour of John Ikelyngham ' felmongere ' at
suit of John Piel, William Halden and John Forneux, executors of
Adam Fraunceys citizen and mercer of London, for render of 24:1.
March 21. To the sheriff of Essex. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. William Stowe, William Westram, Richard Broune and John Lyes,
all of ' Clerkenwellestrete,' in favour of Richard atte Wode at suit
of Geoffrey Michel for trespass ; and order to set the defendant free
if taken.
Richard de Wandesford to John Deschalers, cousin and heir of
Sir Thomas Deschalers knight, and Thomas Cauel, their heirs and
assigns. Gift of the wardship of the lands of the said Thomas, granted
by the late king to Sir John de Nevylle knight, whose estate the said
Richard has. Dated London, 24 March 5 Richard II. French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 24 March.
March 12. To the sheriff of Hertford. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. William Kymberlee, Hugh Myse, Richard Ware and Thomas Bibbes-
worth of Hertfordshire, in favour of John Wodok the younger and
John Taylour of Murdon at suit of Robert Cophale for trespass.
1382. Mtvvbraiie 14a — co7it.
John de Reynes knight to Richard Chaniberleyn knight, his heirs
and assigns. Quitclaim with warranty of the manor of Tyllesworth
CO. Bedcford. Witnesses : Sir Gerard de Braybroke. Sir John
Aylesbury, Sir Julm Tyryngham knights, John Curtays, Jolm Olneye.
Dated 8 April 5 Richard" II.
Menwrandum of acknowledgment, 13 April.
William Pecche knight, son and heir of Jolin Pecche sometime
citizen of London, to John Hadlee and William Neuport citizens of
London, their heirs and assigns. Charter uith warranty of the manor
of Lullyngston co. Kent with lands, wards, marriages, advowsons etc.,
which came to him by inheritance after his said fathers death.
Witnesses : James Pecham, John Chapmansford, Stephen Edolf,
Roger Dyngley, Robert Dobsone, John Blert, Walter de W^y. Dated
Lulh^ngston, 13 September 4 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 30 March this year.
John Hadlee and William Neuport citizens of London to William
Pecche knight and Joan his wife and to the heirs of their bodies,
with remainder to the said knight, liis heirs and assigns. Charter
of the manor of Lullyngston {as above). W^itnesses {as the last). Dated
Lullyngston, 14 September 4 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment b}^ Jolin Hadlee, 30 March this
March 3. To the sheriffs of London. Order, bj'^ counsel and assent of the
Westminster, prelates, nobles and lords sitting in the last parliament at Westmin-
ster, on sight etc. at their peril to cause proclamation to be made of the
statute of Winchester concerning pursuit of felons, inquisitions of
felonies, responsibilitj'^ of the county, closing of town gates and night
watches, enlargement of liighways, assize and view of arms, present-
ments to be made by the constables, and holding of fairs and markets
in churchyards {French text at length) ; and to cause the same to be
kept. By K. and C. in pari.
The like, mutatis mutandis, to singular the sheriffs throughout
The like, mutatis mutandis, to Jolui king of Castille and Leon duke
of Lancaster, for the duchy.
{Foedera. See Statutes of the Realm, i. pp. 96-98 ; where the editor
made an imperfect collation of this text.]
March 30. To the sheriff of Norffolk. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. Reynold Paye, William Norwyche, William Canipioun and John
Houton, all of London, in favour of Hugh Spitlyng of Great Jeruemuth
at suit of William de Kerdeston knight for debt.
Richard son of Thomas de Reynes knight to Richard Chamberleyn
knight, his heirs and assigns. Quitclaim with warranty of the manor
of Tillesworth co. Bedeford. Witnesses : Sir Gerard de Braybrok,
Sir John Aylesbury, Sir John Tiryngham knights, John Curteys,
John Ohieye. Dated 8 April 5 Richard 11.
Memornndum of acknowledgment, 13 April.
1382. Membrane i'dd — cord.
Richard Ryal of Hadlegh chaplain to William de Merston, his
heirs and assigns. Quitclaim with warranty of the messuage and
lands in the town and pai'ish of Hadlegh held by Clarice le Wallere
in her life time. Witnesses : Thomas Sampson, John Bukstede,
Peter Mascal, Andrew Spicer, William Maunser, Richard de Battesford,
William Betoun. Dated Hadlegh, 9 January 42 Edward III.
Memorandum of aclaiowledgment, 10 April tliis year.
April 12. To the sheriff of Suthampton. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise
Westminster, of John Butterwyk, Thomas atte Wode of Middlesex, Nicholas Wistowe
and John Quadring of Yorkshire, in favour of Alice who was wife of
Andrew de Gildeford the late king's serjeant at arms deceased intestate,
and is his administratrix, at suit of Katherine Ive and Isabel her sister,
daughters of Jolin Ive of Andevere, for render of 80 marks.
March 24. To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Summons to a parliament at
Westminster. Westminster on the morrow of St. Jolin ante Portam Latinam next,
with the clause premunientes ; reciting the grant made by the last
parliament of a subsidy upon wool, hides and woolfells for prosecution
of the war, the king's intent to pass the sea Avith a sufficient company
for the purpose, and the need to make a chevance for that purpose,
and provision for ruling the country in his absence and for payment
of his creditors. By K. and C.
The like to A. archbishop of York, W. bishop of London and
sixteen other bishops.
The like to J. bishop of Bath and Wells, with the clause premunientes
mentioning the prior and chapter of Bath, the dean and chapter of
Wells etc.
The like to R. bishop of Coventre and Lichefeld, with like mention
of the prior and chapter of Coventre and the dean and chapter of
[Report on Dignity of a Peer, iv. p. 694.]
To the abbot of St. Augustine Canterbury. Summons to the said
The like to the abbot of St. Albans, 22 other abbots and the prior
of Coventre.
[Ibid. p. 695.]
To John king of Castille and Leon duke of Lancaster. Summons to
the said parliament.
The like to Thomas earl of Bukingham and eight other earls, James
de Audeley of Helegh and 43 others, of whom Henry Lescrope only is
styled chivaler.
[Ibid. p. 696.]
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause two knights girt with the
sword, two citizens of every city and two burgesses of every borough
to be elected and come to the said parliament. It is the king's will
that the sheriff be not elected, nor any other sheriff, nor any other
save of the condition specified. By K. and C.
1382. Membrmve \2d — cont.
The like to the sheriflFs throughout England, and to John king of
Castille and Leon duke of Lancaster or his chancellor in the duchy.
[Ibid. p. 697.]
To the sheriff of Bristol. Like writ for election of two burgesses
of the county. By K. and C.
The like to the sheriffs of London for election of four citizens.
To Robert de Assheton constable of Dovorre castle and warden of
the Cinque Ports. Like \\Tit for election of tA\o barons of every
port;. By K. and C.
March 25. To Roger de la Chaumbre escheator in Norhaniptonshire. Writ of
Westminster, supersedeas until the quinzaine of Easter next, upon petition of Eleanor
who was wife of John Knj-vet knight, in regard to lev3-ing the issues
of certain lands which she held jointly ^vith her husband, the charters
etc. concerning which tenure were not yet shewn to the king's court.
April 13. Jolin Milward of Sabricheworth to William de Rokesburgh.
Sawbridge- Recognisance for 16^, to be levied etc. of his lands and chattels in-
worth. Hertfordsliire.
Memorandum of defeasance, upon condition that the said John pay
405. at Christmas next, and 405. at Christmas in each of the three
following years.
Memorandum that this recognisance was received by the chancellor.
April 5. To Jolm king of Castille and Leon duke of Lancaster, Alexander
Westminster, archbishop of York and their fellows, justices of the peace and of
oyer and terminer in Yorkshire. Writ of supersedeas until the next
parliament in respect of any process against Adam Coppendale, Thomas
Beverley, John Gerveys and William Dudliille of Beverley or any
others of that town. By K.
Thomas de Reynes knight to Richard Chamberleyn knight, his
heirs and assigns. Quitclaim with warranty of the manor of Tilles-
worth CO. Bedeford. Witnesses : Sir Gerard de Braybrok, Sir John
Aylesbury, Sir John Tiryngham knights, John Curteys, John Olneye.
Dated 8 April 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 13 April.
April 10. To the sheriff of Essex. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of John
Westminster, de Rolles, Thomas Brice of London and Janies de Billyngford of
Norffolk, in favour of William parson of Qucnden at suit of John
Longe ' brewere ' and Thomas Morys ' taillour ' for debt.
Nicholas Sug' of Haddeley to Richard Loueman of Haddeley.
General release of all actions real and personal. Dated Haddeley,
7 April 5 Richard II.
Mevwrandum of acknowledgment, 10 April.
Richard Loueman to Nicholas Sug' {as above). Like release. Dated
(05 the l/ist).
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 10 April.
2332, Membrane lid — cont.
April 10. To the sheriff of Esse.\. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of Richard
Westminster. Grene of Halsted, Thomas Edmond of Eston, John Houghson of
Brent wode and Roger Wayt of Brent wodc of Essex, in favour of
William Gyboun chaplain at suit of Nicholas Wyrham parson
of Kellewedon for debt.
April 15. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. John Dymmok, John Bifelde, John de Louthe and John Hurst
' taillours ' of the city of London, in favour of John Amondesham
tailor of London at suit of John Walsshc citizen and goldsmith of
London for debt.
April 18. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. John Lavour ' masoun,' Richard Fereclogh, Thomas Watton ' drover '
and Hugh Sherford ' masoun ' of the city of London, in favour of
John Sou and Simon Home both of Daventre at suit of Walter
Chartesey of Exesse and Margery liis wife for debt.
Roger de Wolferston to Clement Spice and Alice his wife, the heirs
and assigns of the said Clement. Quitclaim of the manor of Willynghal
called Spayneshalle in Essex. Dated 28 April 5 Richard II,
Memorandum of acknowledgment 28 April.
April 28. Ralph Bikirstath of Neuwerk to Henry de Codyngton parson of
Westminster. Botelesford. Recognisance for 6 marks, to be levied etc. in
Cancelled on payment.
April 22. The mayor and commonalty of la Rye to the king. Recognisance
Westminster, for 100/., to be levied etc. in Sussex.
Memorandum of defeasance, upon condition that within three
years, failing reasonable hindrance, the mayor and commonalty shall
enclose the town where needful with a wall of stone and lime.
Note that this recognisance was taken by Edward Dal3rngrigge
knight by a dedimus potestatem.
April 30. Richard de Burton of London ' taillour ' to John Gerveys of London
Westminster. ' taillour ' and Thomas Bevyr of London ' draper.' Recognisance for
100 marks, to be levied etc. in London.
Cancelled on payment.
May 28. To the sheriff of Norhampton. Order by mainprise of John Coke,
Westminster. William Spencer, Richard Curteys and Thomas Baldewyn of
Norhamptonshire to set free Thomas Brayn of Colyngtrough,
imprisoned in Norhampton prison at suit of the king and Richard
Raweljais of Norhampton for leaving the said Richard's service at
Norhampton before the term agreed.
Ma}'^ 12. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Writ of
Westminster, supersedeas until the quinzaine of Trinity next in respect of their
demand made against John Carnelle late escheator in Norhamptonshire
to answer for the issues of certain lands held jointly by John Knyvet
knight deceased and Eleanor his wife, upon the said Eleanor's petition,
sheAving that the same are yet in the king's hand for that the charters
etc. concerning their joint tenure were not yet produced.
1382. MEMBRA]^ E IQd.
Edmund Breton, son of Edmund Breton and of Ermetrude his wife,
to Ralph Chircheman, Margaret his wife, John Chircheman citizen
of London their son, and the heirs and assigns of the said John. Quit-
claim with warrant}' of the manor of S^ierham by Neketon, I65. 2d.
of rent in Sh3^^gham, Bodeneye, Holmhale, Neketon, Fransham,
Dunham, Gutland and Cleye by Godereston co. Norffolk, and all
lands etc. there which the said Ralph, Margaret and John had by
feoffment of Elizabeth Breton, daughter and heir of Thomas Breton
brother of Edmund the son. Witnesses : Sir John de Clilton knight,
Sir Richard de Vilnej-e knight, Ricliard de Holdyche, Geoffrey de
Fransham, John Garleke, Thomas de Tetishale, John Sperke, Robert
Bosoun, Geoffrey Joj'e, Peter DowTie. Dated Sperham by Neketon.
Tuesday the feast of the Annunciation 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 19 April.
Dec. 1. To W. [archbishop] of Canterbury elect and confirmed. Nomination
Westmineter. of Thomas Wj'nchecombe clerk of the king's chapel to the pension
wherein b}'^ reason of his new creation the archbishop is bound to
one of the king's clerks, until etc. By p.s. [187L]
March 29. William Ligeard is sent to the abbot and convent of Thomeye,
Westminster, to take such maintenance of that house as William Hardyng deceased
had at the king's command. By p.s. [2155.]
March 27. Hugh Lyngeyn is sent to the prior and convent of Dunstaple, to
Westminster, take such maintenance of that house as William Hardyng etc. {as in
the last). By p.s. [2146.]
April 22. To the sheriff of Norffolk. Order by mainprise of Thomas More
Westminster, clerk and Richard Tymworth of Suffolk and Geoffre^y Somerton and
John Beston of Norffolk to set free Robert de Tymworth clerk,
imprisoned upon an information that he purposed to pass to foreign
parts in order to prosecute many things to the prejudice of the king
and many of the people.
William Wakeleyn patron of the church of Crowiton co. Northampton
to Peter ate Hethe citizen and armourer of London, his heirs and
assigns. Charter with warranty of one acre of land in a place called
Costowe next the tow-n of Crowiton and the advowson of the said church.
Witnesses : Richard Hetheryngton, Roger Clerc, William Stapulton,
John Creton, Robert Fordham. Dated Crowiton, 12 November
5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 25 April.
Robert Buzoun of Poynton in Kesteven to Ralph de Hastynges
knight, his heirs and assigns. Confirmation of his purchase of the
manor of Neuton Rocheford and lands in Thurkylby in Holdernesse ;
and quitclaim with warranty of the premises. Witnesses : Robert
Conestable, John Bygod, John Seyntquintyn and William Percehay
knights, Robert Boulot, Robert Lorymer, William Spenser, Robert
de Thorp. Dated Slengesby, 15 January 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment at Folkyngham on Wednesday
the feast of St. Gregory the Pope before Jolui Holt, by virtue of a
dedimus potestalem which is on the file for this year.
Membrane lOd — cont.
Henry de Frowyk, son and heir of Thomas de Frowyk of South -
mymmes co. Middlesex, to William de Middelton the elder of Wyllesdon,
his heirs and assigns. Surrender and quitclaim, for a sum of money
by him paid, of a tenement in the parishes of Wyllesdon and Hendon
with houses thereupon built, lands, meadows, rents etc. which the
said Thomas in his lifetime had in mortgage by feoffment of the said
William ; and covenant that the charter, indentures etc. concerning
the same shall be null and void. Witnesses : John Bryan, William
Page, William Barnevylle, Richard Eston, Thomas Raulyn, Richard
atte Wode, Ralph Roberd, John Cofrer, Thomas Usk. Dated Wylles-
don, 12 September 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment in the chancery at Westminster,
28 April.
Isabel daughter of Simon de Burdene of Dullyngham to Robert
Hykedy parson of Burgh, Robert Cartere chaplain and John Caunpe
of Dullyngham the elder, their heirs and assigns. Quitclaim with
warranty of all the lands etc. in Burgh, Dullyngham and Stenchesworth
sometime of John le Baas chaplain, except a piece of land called
' Skotthedeacre ' by the croft of Simon de Burdene. Dated Dullyng-
ham, Monday after St. Matthew 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment at Bernewelle on Thursday before
the Annunciation before Ralph prior of Bernewelle, by virtue of a
dedimus potestatem which is on the file for this year.
John Payn to John Petteworth of Wytham and Maud his wife.
Quitclaim of all the lands, rents etc. in Wytham and Falkebourne
CO. Essex called Mareschalle. Dated Wytham, 27 April 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment in the chancery at Westminster,
29 April.
John Harold clerk to the abbot and convent of Neubo. Quitclaim
of a yearly rent of 20 marks granted to him for life by Roger late abbot ;
and general release of all actions real and personal. Dated 28 April
5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 30 April.
May 17. To the steward of the honour of Reylegh. Writ of supersedeas in
Westminster, respect of distraining Reynold Malyns for his homage for lands within
the honour ; as he has done homage to the king. By p.s. [2220.]
April 18. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas in favour of John
Westminster. Sou and Simon Home of Daventre {as above, p. 123).
May 8. Henry Trend vicar of Leskerid and Walter Gimmaleke chaplain
Westminster, to Richard Shawe and Thomas Uppeton clerks. Recognisance for
46 marks, to be levied etc. in Cornwall.
Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by the said Richard.
John de Toutheby knight to Gregory Milly and Henry de Eston of
St. Botolph, the heirs and assigns of the said Gregory. Charter with
warranty of all his lands, rents etc. in Alford and Welle co. Lincoln,
except the manor of Toutheby and all his lands in the hamlet of
1382. Membrane 9rf — cont.
Toutheby ; also of the reversion of all lands in Alford and Welle
held of the said Jolui for life by Robert de Alford. Witnesses : John
de Haghe, Thomas Claymond, John Siryk, Thomas Sergaunt of Alford,
Jolin Palle of the same, Henry son of Robert de Langeton, William
Elward of Welle. Dated Alford, 14 March 5 Richard XL
John de Toutheby knight to Gregory Milly of St. Botolph and
Henry de Eston of the same, the heirs and assigns of the said Gregory.
Quitclaim with warranty of all his messuages, cottages, tofts or
curtilages with their appurtenances in the town of St. Botolph in
' Millylane,' and a house athwart at the entrance of the lane, as well
those which James Barbour of St. Botolph and Alice his wife hold
of them as those which the said Gregory and Henry hold by fine in
the king's court levied by the said John and Eleanor his wife. Dated
the town of St. Botolph, Sunday after St. Hilary 5 Richard II.
John de Toutheby knight to Gregory Milly of St. Botolph, his
heirs and assigns. Quitclaim with warranty of a j'^earlj' rent of 4^.
w liich he used to take of the said Gregory for a messuage in ' Millylane '
in the town of St. Botolph wherein the said Gregory dwells. Dated
the towTi of St. Botolph, Thursday after St. Peter's Chair 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment of the foregoing charter and
writhigs, 12 Ma}-.
Gregory Milly and Henry de Eston, both of St. Botolph, to Sir
John de Toutheby knight, his heirs and assigns. Indenture witnessing
the grant of all lands, reversions, rents etc. in Alford and Welle co.
Lincoln which they have by his gift, and the reversion of lands etc.
there held for life b}^ Robert de Alford, under condition for defeasance
thereof, in case the said Gregory and Henry, the heirs and assigns of
the said Gregor)^ shall not peaceably hold messuages, cottages, tofts
or curtilages in ' Millylane ' and a house athwart at the entrance of
the lane which they have in demesne and in reversion by gift
of the said John and Eleanor his wife by fine etc., or in case they
be thrust out by judgment or otherwise by lawful title beginning
before this date, or be impleaded by the said Jolui or Eleanor or by
their heirs, or distrained or impleaded for a rent of 4s. late of the said
John issuing from the said Gregory's capital messuage in the said
lane. Witnesses : Jolm de Haghe, Robert de Alford, Thoma'^
Glaymond (sic), John son of Saier de Rochefort the younger, John
Siryk, Thomas Serjaunt of Alford, Eudo Cou]iere of the same, William
Elward of WVlle, Henry son of Robert de Langeton. Dated Alford,
29 March 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknow ledgment by the said Gregory and John de
Toutheby, 12 May.
Memorandum that, although the king by letters patent of 4 May
5 Richard II pardoned Thomas Ralegh of Farneburgh co. Warrewyk for
all tresj)asses and misprisions committed before 14 December last for
which fines or ransoms are due to the king, reser\ing the king's debts,
recognisances and bonds for security of the peace given to the king or
his forefathers, and reserving fines concerning lands, the said Thomas
has taken upon him to content the king for any escapes of felons when
he was sheriff of Warwickshire and Leycestershire, and to answer for
any debts due to the king, that pardon notwitiistanding.
1382. Membrane 9d — cont.
Richard Southloy, Henry Dounham, Reynold Shefeld, Gregory
Southley and John Arbhister, executors of Edmund Stonore, to Robert
Seynt Albone. Release, for a certain sum to them paid, of all his
lands in Luton co. Bedford, to them delivered in execution of a statute
of the staple wliereby he was bound in 100?. to the said Edmund.
Dated Luton, 12 May 5 Richard II. French.
Memorandum of aclaiowledgment by the said Richard, Henry and
Reynold, 14 May.
May 16. To the sheriff of Worcester. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise
Westminster, of William Undercombe, William Willecotes, John Kyrkeby the
younger, John Rous the younger, Robert atte Wode and John Mersshton
of Worcestershire, in favour of Thomas de Brugge, Richard de Brugge,
Jolui de Brugge, Jolm Blount and Richard Fother at suit of Philip
Hautclere averring threats ; and order to set free Nicholas Parfet and
Richard Pakwode, also defendants, from Worcester gaol.
May 2. William Gocelyne of Arujoigton to Michael de Ravendale clerk.
Westminster. Recognisance for 201., to be levied etc. in Cambridgeshire.
Cancelled on payment.
The said William to Thomas Thelwall clerk. Recognisance for 20
marks, to be levied etc. in Cambridgeshire.
Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by Roger Westwode clerk and
William Fasacrele executors of the said Thomas.
John Prestecote to Jolm Elys of Nyweton, his heirs and assigns.
Quitclaim of a yearly rent of 6 marks by him lately granted to John
Prestecote, to be taken of all the lands of John Elys in ' Nyweton
Abbot ' and Woleburgh. Witnesses : Thomas Waylond citizen of
London, William Burleston, William Sudbiry, Thomas Nutecombe,
John Colbroke. Dated Friday before the Invention of Holy Cross
5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 2 May.
May 5. Richard Wandesford citizen and mercer of London to William
Westminster. Appilyerd, son of Bartholomew Appilyerd. Recognisance for 40?.,
to be levied etc. in the city of London.
April 22. To the sheriff of NorfEolk. Order by mainprise of Thomas More
Westminster, clerk and Richard Tymworth of Suffolk and Geoffrey Somerton and
John Beston of Norffolk to set free Robert de Tymworth clerk,
imprisoned upon an information that he purposed to pass to foreign
parts in order to prosecute many tilings to the prejudice of the king
and many of his people.
May 8. John son of John Darcy of Park knight (militis) to William de
Westminster. Pappe worth and Robert Poyntz. Recognisance for 68?., to be levied
etc. in Lincolnshire.
John Chaumbre, son and heir of Beatrice Louel, to Simon son of
Robert de Hecham, his heirs and assigns. Quitclaim with warranty
1382. Membrane Sd — coTit.
of a manor called Mustreleshalle in Hunstanton and all lands there
lately purchased by the said Simon of the said Beatrice. Dated
7 May 5 Richard IL
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 9 May.
May 10. William Bernak knight, John GeflFroun and Henry atte Halle of
Westminster. Oundell to Baldwin de Bereford. Recognisance for 100 marks, to be
levied etc. in Norhamptonshire.
Cancelled on payment.
May 12. Warin Lucian of Brokhole co. Norhampton knight to John de
Westminster. Ravenser clerk of the hanaper of chancery. Recognisance for 44*. 8d.,
to be levied etc. in Norhamptonshire.
Cancelled on payment.
Thomas Driffeld to Robert de Mam}' knight. Receipt for a charter
indented, made by Andrew Blundi knight son of Robert Blundi some-
time citizen of London, in the same state in which the said Thomas
latel}' delivered it ; and general release of all personal actions. Dated
13 May 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 13 May.
April 23. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Writ of
Westminster, supersedeas until Michaelmas next in favour of Henry de Sancto
Johanne in respect of their demand for the issues of the manor of
Estluccombe co. Somerset, or for an account, which manor the
king lately committed to his keeping, with the issues so long as
the same should be in the king's hand, provided he should answer for
the same at the exchequer if it should be adjudged that the issues
ought to pertain to the king ; or as a plea thereupon is yet pending
without debate before the king.
Edmund Waldeyeve of Molynton to Bernard Brocas knight, William
Walleworth knight, John Bukyngham, John Campeden, John Rouceby,
Thomas Cook, Jolm Keten' clerks, William Halden, William Worfton
and Stephen Haym, their heirs and assigns. Quitclaim with warranty
of the manors of Broghton and North Newenton and all lands etc.
late of Thomas de Broghton knight in Broghton, North Newenton,
Bodicote, Hornton and Baunebury co. Oxford and Lodegarshale co.
Bukingham, and of the advowson of Broghton church. Dated 17 May
5 Richard II.
Menwrandum of acknowledgment, 17 May.
Elizabeth daughter and heir of Thomas Breton of Essex esquire
to Ralph Chircheman of Neketon, Margaret his wife and John Chirche-
man citizen of London, and to the said Jolm's heirs. Cliarter with
warranty of Adam de Thweyt, Alan Bunne of Neketon, Geoffrey Bray
and Sara Bray daughter of John Bra}' of Frawsham [sic) her neifs and
all that goes with them, their lands etc., all other her villeins pertaining
to the manor of Sparham by Neketon and all lands in Sparham formerly
held of the said manor in villenage by Rol)ert Elyot. Witnesses :
Sir John Clifton knight. Sir Richard de Ilneye kiiiglit, Richard de
Holdiche, GeofTrey de Franshatn, William de Wyverston, John Garleke,
Walter Garleke, Thomas de Tetishale, John Sparke, Robert Bosoun,
1382. Membrane ^d — cont.
Geoffrey Joyc, Peter Downe. Dated Sparham by Neketon, Monday
the feast of St. Dunstan 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 19 May.
May 21. To the sheriffs of London. Order by mainprise of Adam Kirkeham
Westminster. * taillour,' Robert Ayhioth ' peutrer,' William Swayneslond ' peutrer '
and John atte Watre ' peutrer ' of the city of London to set free Robert
Offynton of London ' peuderer,' imprisoned in Neugate prison at
suit of John Asshole of London ' wodmonger ' averring threats.
April 23. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Writ of
Westminster, supersedeas until Michaelmas next in favour of John Botoner of
Coventre the elder and Richard Luffe of Coventre merchant in respect
of the demand against them for the issues of the manor of Whitteleye,
the keeping whereof with the issues thereof so long as it shall remain
in his hand the king has committed to them by a mainprise, so that
they shall answer at the exchequer for the issues and profits if it
shall be adjudged that the same ought to pertain to the king ; as
a plea thereupon is yet pending without debate in chancery.
Indenture of accord between Sir Ralph de Cromwelle and Sir Robert
de Swillyngton, upon a claim made by Sir Ralph against Sir Robert
and Margaret his wife in regard to the lands, hundreds, fees,
advowsons etc. of Sir Roger Sellers after the death of Thomasia
daughter and one of the heirs of Sir Roger, to wit that Sir Robert
and Margaret should hold and enjoy to them and the heirs of Margaret's
body all such as Sir Roger at his death held in demesne or in reversion,
as well those now in the king's hand and the reversion of those assigned
in dower to Dame Mary wife of Sir Roger by his endowment as others
whereof he died seised or ever had possession in fee simple in his life
time ; that Sir Ralph shall make a quitclaim thereof, to be enrolled
in chancery, or a fine to be levied in the king's court at the will and cost
of Sir Robert ; that Sir Robert shall assure to Sir Ralph and his heirs
lands to the value of 21Z. a year, and the reversion of 10 marks of rent
in Thursyngton which the said Mary holds as parcel of her said dower,
and shall then pay the said Ralph 20Z., and shall give diligence that
he and the said Margaret by fine to be levied at his own cost shall
make a demise of the manors of Bonney and Cruche and of the hundred
of Framlond, taking again an estate thereof to them and the heirs of
their bodies with remainder to the heirs of Margaret's body, remainder
to Sir Ralph and his heirs, but in case Dame Margaret will not consent
thereto Sir Ralph and Sir Robert agree that nevertheless all the other
covenants shall be performed. Dated Westminster, 12 May
5 Richard II. French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by the parties, 14 May.
William Swanlond to John Hadlee citizen of London, Margery his
wife, Robert Ellerker and John Romeseye clerks, the heirs and assigns
of John Hadlee. Quitclaim of a moiety of the manor and of the
advowson of Hyntelesham co. Suffolk. Witnesses : John Prestecote,
John Wadham, John Hulle, Robert HuUe, William Burleston. Dated
London, 10 May 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 15 May.
Wt. 32813. OR 9
1382. Membrane Id — cord.
William do LA-ndesele co. Essex and Robert Anto^ii of Great Munden
CO. Hertford to Robert de Swill^nigton, William de Elmham kiiights,
John de Heylesdon, Joan his wife, John Chercheman and Bartholomew
Marche citizens of London and to the heirs and assigns of John
de Heylesdon. Charter with warranty of the manor of Draj-ton with
the members etc., the advowsons of Drayton and Taverham thereto
belonging, and a wood called Drajiionlonde in Norffolk, all which
with other manors the grantors had by feoffment of William de la
Pole kjiight the younger, and after by feoffment of John de la Pole
knight his son and heir. Witnesses : Robert Ufford knight, Richer
Wich^nigham, Robert de Berneye, Jolui White, Thomas Bardolf,
Martin Taverham, John atte Ridde of Catton, John Brisjnigham,
John atte Heerne. Dated Dra_\i:on, Monday the feast of St. Tiburcius
and St. Valerianus 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 17 May.
May 17. Thomas Lampet of Essex to William Humberston clerk. Recognis-
Westrninster. ance for 200/., to be levied etc. in Essex.
Cancelled on 'payment.
William Humberston clerk and Thomas Lampet of Essex. Indenture
of defeasance of the foregoing recognisance, u]Don condition that the
said Thomas pay in the church of St. Paul London 100 marks at
Christmas next and 100 marks at Midsummer following, or within
a month after those feasts. Dated London, 17 May 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by the parties, 17 Ma}'.
May 17. William Humberston clerk to Thomas Lami:)et of Essex. Recognis-
Westminster. ance for 200/., to be levied etc. in Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
Thomas Lampet of Essex and William Humberston clerk. Indenture
of defeasance of the foregoing recognisance, upon condition that the
said William shall by deed of feoffment receive of Robert Par3's citizen
of London and John Chippestede of the same seisin of lands, rents etc.
in Fyfehed co. Essex to him and liis heirs, and shall after by charter
give the same with warranty to the said Thomas and Idonea his wife,
the heirs and assigns of the said Thomas, and shall before Wliitsuntide
next deliver seisin thereof. Dated 17 May 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by the parties, 17 May.
May 22. John Cole of Bruggewater to the prior of Henton. Recognisance for
Westminster. 180/., to be levied etc. in Somerset.
Memorandum that on 10 Maj^ 5 Richard II Richard Waldegrave
knight ap])eared in chancery and certified before the chancellor that
on 8 Maj' last he came with his household to the house of Thomas
Taillour ' hostiler ' dwelling at the ' Swerd of the Hoope ' in Fletestrete,
and there lodged with his household, horses and goods, and that the
same day two ' trussyngcofres ' with divers jewels to the value of
40 marks and his seal in one of them were there stolen, craving that
tlie theft be enrolled, lest hereafter lie be troubled by reason of the
said seal by any deed after made and therewith sealed ; and it is
1382. Membrane Id — cont.
enrolled accordingly, William Wynkefeld knight being present and
witnessing that this was so.
Memorandum of enrolment by order of the chancellor.
May 20. Robert Solas to Geoffrey Martyn. Recognisance for 50/., to be
Westminster, levied etc. in Surrey.
John son of William Barber of Eppeworth co. Lincoln to Simon
de Burgh esquire, liis heirs and assigns. Quitclaim with warranty
of the manor of Wympol and all lands etc. in Barenton, Malketon,
Orewelle, Eversdon, Aruyngton and Crauden co. Cantebrigge some-
time of Warin de Bassyngborne knight. Witnesses : Sir John de
Burgh, Sir John Deyngayne knights, James de Grauncestre, Roger
Harleston, William Castelacre *knight. Dated Wympol, 4 May
5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 22 May.
Thomas de Wicham, son and heir of Thomas de Wicham of Swale-
clyve CO. Oxford, to William de Wykeham bishop of Winchester,
Master John de Bukyngham, John de Campeden, Robert Perlee
clerks, William de Worfton, William Ryngebourne and Robert de
Cherlton, their heirs and assigns. Quitclaim with warranty of 30s.
of rent in Swaleclyve, and all services of the rector of Swaleclyve and
Ms successors, Avhich rent the rector is bound to pay for four virgates
of land there held in right of his church. Dated 16 February
5 Richard II.
Thomas de Wicham, son sometime of Thomas de Wycham of Swale-
clyve CO. Oxford, to William de Wykeham bishop of Winchester
{and others as in the last). Gift with warranty of a rent of 305. by
the hands of the rector of Swaleclyve and his successors for four virgates
of land there which the rector in right of his church holds of the said
Thomas. Dated 1 February 5 Richard II.
Thomas de Wycham (as the last) to William de Wykeham bishop
of Winchester (and others, as above). Grant and quitclaim with
warranty of in one acre of land in Swaleclyve, 30s. of rent and the
advowson of the church, with all services of the rector c nd his
successors, who is bound to pay the said rent for four virgates of land
there which he holds in right of his church. Dated 16 February
5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment of the foregoing writings, 22 May.
John Dovy citizen and ' mercer ' of London to Stephen Haym
citizen and merchant of Winchester. General release of all actions
real and personal. Dated London, Whitsun eve 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 24 May.
May 24. William de Chorlegh the elder to Thomas de Thelwall clerk.
Westminster. Recognisance for 100s., to be levied etc. in Lancashire.
* Milif et aliig : apparently an error for multis et aliis.
1382. Membrane Qd—conl.
Richard prior of Wj-nghale to Jolin de Scarle parson of St. Mary
Southkellesej'c. Receipt and acquittance for 40s. for a j'early pension
of 13s. 4f/. due to the said priory for three j^ears, namely from St. Peter's
Chains 3 Richard II to St. Peter's Chains next. Dated London, the
eve of the Ascension 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 15 May.
To Gilbert de Cuhven escheator in Cumberland. Imperfect writ,
reciting an order of 9 October last, addressed to Nicholas Reymes
late escheator, to assign dower to Elizabeth who was wife of William
Latj-mer, of whom the king commanded the prior of Gj^sbume to
take an oath etc.
Vacated, because otherwise below.
May 28. William Chaude of Edyweston to Robert de Muskham clerk.
Westminster. Recognisance for 18^., to be levied etc. in Roteland.
MeTTwrandum of defeasance, upon condition that the said William
pay 3^. at London at Midsummer next, 3^. at St. Peter's Chains
folloA\'ing, and 31. at Michaelmas following.
May 16. To Jolm king of Castille and Leon duke of Lancastre, or to his
Westminster, chancellor in the duch3^ Order to cause proclamation to be made
forbidding any man, under pain of forfeiture thereof or of the value
thereof, to take any kind of coi'n to any foreign parts without special
licence of the king, although lately the king commanded proclamation
to be made that singular his liege subjects willing so to do might
buy com within the duchy, wheat excepted, and bring it to Wales in
order there to buy other victuals and bring them again \\1tliin the
duchy for sustenance of his lieges there, his former command to the
contrary not^^•ithstanding ; as the king has sufficient information
that the lieges dwelling witliin the duchy are much damaged bj^ buj-ing
of com and carrjung thereof out of the duchy. By C.
June 5. To the sheriff of Bukingham. W^rit of supersedeas, by mainprise
Westminster, of Thomas Sutton, Simon Godriche, Thomas Baldw3Ti, jolm Munde
and Thomas Walter of London, in favour of Hugh de Sutton at suit of
Thomas de Ailesburj' averring threats.
John Wildebrugge, cousin and heir of Henry CosjTi, to Thomas
Cos3-n, his heirs and assigns. Charter with warranty of the manor
and advowson of Great Sutton co. Essex in the hundred of Rocheford.
Witnesses : John Fitzsimonde, John Chaunceux, William Berland
knights, John Prilehvelle the elder, William Pakelisham, Thomas
Broun, John Frend, Thomas Turtele, Jolui Ferour. Dated Great
Sutton, 28 October 3 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 11 June.
June 8. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. Thomas Hoton, John de la Launde, Robert Cracroft and Robert
Welbv of Lincolnshire, in favour of Walter Friday of Multon chaplain,
ordered to find mainpernors upon an information that lie purposed
to pass to foreign parts in order to prosecute many things to the
prejudice of the king and many of the people, and send the same over
to England for execution ; and order to set the defendant free if taken.
1382. Membrane nd.
May 22. To the sheriff of Northumberland. Writ de expensis for 121. I6s.
VVostminstor. in favour of David Holgrave and Robert de CHffort knights of the
sliire at the parUament summoned at Westminster on the morrow
of St. John ante Portam Latinam last, namely 45. a day each for 32
The following have like writs :
Cumberland. Richard de Salkeld and John Dalmore 12/. I65.
for 32 days.
Westmorland. John de Preston and John de Crakanthorp 12/.
for 28 days (sic).
Yorkshire. William Percehay luiight and Robert Neville of
Home by knight 10/. for 25 days.
Cornwall. Warin Arcedekene knight and Richard Sergeaux
knight 12/. I65. for 32 days.
Notynghamshire. Sampson de Strelleye knight and Thomas de
Rempston knight 8/. I65. for 22 days.
Derbyshire. Thomas de Marchington knight and Philip de Okore
knight 8/. 16s. for 22 days.
Lincolnshire. John de Thoutheby and William Airmyn 8/. I65.
for 22 days.
Leycestershire. William Flamville knight and Thomas Walssh
knight 8/. 16s. for 22 days.
Warwickshire. John de Peyto and William Spernore 8/. for
20 days.
Roteland. John Daneys and William Morewode 8/. for 20
Norhamptonshire. Nicholas Lillyng knight and Giles Seint
Johan knight 8/. for 20 days.
Bedfordshire. Thomas Peyver and William Tyryngton 8/. for
20 days.
Bukinghamshire. Thomas Sakevllle knight and John Tyrjnigham
8/. for 20 days.
Cambridgeshire. William de Pappeworth and Simon de Burgh
8/. for 20 days.
Huntingdonshire. William Moigne knight and Robert Seville
of Walton 8/. for 20 days.
Essex. William Berland knight and Alexander Goldyngham
knight 11. 4:8. for 18 days.
Hertfordsliire. Robert Turk knight and John Thornbury knight
7/. 45. for 18 days.
Middlesex. John Saunford and William Bamevylle 6/. 8s. for
16 days.
Kent. Thomas Colpeper knight and Thomas de Cobham knight
71. 4s. for 18 days.
Surrey. Robert de Loxley and John Hadresham 11. 4s. for 18
Sussex. Edmund fitz Herberd knight and Edward Dalyngrugge
knight 11. 4s. for 18 days.
Norffolk. Stephen de Hales knight and Thomas Gerberge knight
8/. I65. for 22 days.
Suffolk. Richard Waldegrave knight and William Wjoigfeld
knight 8/. 16s. for 22 days.
The county of Suthampton. Thomas Wortyng knight and John
Sondes knight 8/. for 20 days.
1382. Mcvibrane 5d — cord.
Wiltesir. John Dauntesej'e knight and John de Roches knight
8^ for 20 days.
Berkshire. Thomas de la Mare knight and Roger Curson
knight 11. 4s. for 18 days.
O.xfordshire. John Herle knight 725. for 18 da3's.
Staffordshire. Thomas Thomunhore knight and Thomas de
Stafford knight 8^ \Gs. for 22 days.
Salop. Brian de Cornewail kiiight and Robert de Kendalo
8^. 165. for 22 days.
Gloucestershire. John de Thorp knight and Peter de Veel knight
SI. 165. for 22 days.
Worcestershire. Richard Fyton knight and John Sapy knight
SI. 165. for 22 days.
Herefordshire. Walter Deveros knight and Peter de la Mare
knight 81. 165. for 22 days.
Somerset. Peter Courtenay knight and Thomas Hungerford
knight 8^. I65. for 22 days.
Dorset. Stephen Derby knight and John Mautravcrs 8^ I65.
for 22 days.
Devon William Boneville knight and James de Chuddelegh
knight 12Z. I65. for 32 days.
The county of Bristol. Thomas Beaupyne and Jolxn Vielle.
[Prynne, Parliamentary Writs, iv. p. 357.]
May 22. To John king of Castille and Leon duke of Lancastre, or to his
Westminster, representative in the duchy. Like writ for 10/. in favour of Roger
de Pilkyngton knight and Robert de Clifton, knights of the duchy,
for 25 days.
[Ibid. p. 360.]
May 22. To the mayor and bailiffs of Lincoln. Like writ for il. Ss. in favour
Westminster, of Robert de Sutton and Robert de Ledes citizens, namely 25. each
for 22 days.
The following have like ^vrits :
Cicestre. John Sherere and Richard Boys citizens 72s. for 18
Oxford. Edmund Kenj^an and Walter Bon burgesses 72s. for
18 days.
Worcester. Roger Lichefeld and Richard de Gascojaie citizens,
4Z. 85. for 22 days.
Shaftebury. Walter de Hanlegh and Thomas Cammel burgesses
41. 85. for 22 days.
Exeter. Adam Skut and Thomas Raymund citizens 61. Ss. for
32 days.
Jcrncmuth. Bartholomew Nogan and William Oxeneye burgesses
4Z. 8s. for 22 days.
Warin de Lisle knight to John de Plays knight and William Smethe
clerk, the heirs and assigns of the said Jolui. Charter with warranty
of the manor of Fretewelle co. Oxford. Witnesses : Nicholas Somer-
ton, John Somcrton, Richard Gerard, John Notbem, John Moundevile.
Dated Frctwelle, 4 January 5 Richard XL
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 17 May.
1382. Membrane 4(Z — cunl.
Warin de Lisle knight to John de Plays knight and William Smethe
clerk, the heirs and assigns of the said John, ('harter indented with
warranty of the manor and advowson of Mundeford (Munford) co.
Norflfolk in exchange for the manor of Fretewelle co. Oxford which
they have given to the said Warin, his heirs and assigns ; and covenant
that the said John and William, the heirs and assigns of the said John,
may enter again the manor of Fretewelle in case the said Warin's
heirs in fee tail, the heirs of any his ancestors, any grantor or the
heirs of any grantor shall hereafter recover the manor and advowson
of Mundeford or any part thereof, namely the whole thereof if the
whole be recovered, and if a part be recovered a part to the value
of the same. Witnesses : Richard Holdiche, Osbert de Mundeford,
John de Tyd, John de Bodeneye, John Crane wys. Dated Mundeford,
5 February 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by the said Warin and John, 17 May.
John Southbury of Esthauneye to Sir John Hauneye clerk, John
Marchal of Ardyngton clerk and John Crooke of the Grove, their
heirs and assigns. Quitclaim with warranty of the manor in Esthauneye
called Southbury, and of 171 acres of land, 39 acres of meadow and
pasture for seven kine in Esthauneye. Witnesses : Jolm Seymour,
John Sexteyn, Edmund Southbury, John Herbard, Adam Soutere,
John Godefray. Dated Esthauneye, 18 November 50 Edward III.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 20 May this year.
The king and the prior and convent of Holy Trinity Hundeslowe.
Lease to the king for life of the houses and closes at Hatton Grande
lately made by the late Idng, rendering 505. a year b}^ the hands of
his bailiffs of Kyngeston on Thames. Dated Westminster, 19 May
5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by the prior, 31 May.
April 24. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Writ of
Westminster, supersedeas in favour of Walter Podebat and William Ernald in respect
of any process against them by colour of the king's letters patent of
20 March 4 Richard II, appointing them by oversight of Nicholas
Adam to sell and fall a hundred beeches within Berkhampstede park
and in the wood Avithout the park, and to deliver the money to John
de Blake then clerk of the Idng's works in certain his castles and
manors etc., and order to release any distress made ; as John del
Hay keeper of the said park, in whom the Idng trusts, has witnessed
that they have made no such sale, and they have given up those letters
patent to be cancelled. By C.
June 6. Michael de la Pole knight to Queen Anne. Recognisance for 1,000
Westminster, marks, to be levied etc. in Yorksliire.
Cancelled on payment.
Note that Richard Abburhury received the queen's acknowledgment
of payment by a writ on the file for the seventh year.
June 12. Richard Charles to Robert de Muskham clerk. Recognisance for
Westminster, 6 marks, to be levied etc. in Kent.
Memorandum of defeasance, upon condition that the said Richard
pay 40s. in the quinzaine of St. Jolin Baptist next.
Cancelled on payment.
1382. Membrane 4rf — cotit.
June 8. To the sherifTs of London. Order by mainprise of John de Thorp
Westminster, of Repoun, Thomas Daleman of Disford of Yorkshire, Richard Spicer
and Jolui de Wrauby of London to set free John Hulkoc clerk,
imprisoned in Neugate gaol upon an information that he purposed
to pass to foreign parts in order to prosecute many tilings to the
prejudice of the king and many of the people.
To the sheriff of Oxford. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Richard Aired master of the house of St. Thomas of Acun London,
Jolm Grove of London ' armurer,' and Henry Neweman of London
' taillour,' in favour of John Wardeyn parson of Mureslej'e, ordered
to find mainpernors upon an information that he purposed to pass
to foreign parts in order to prosecute etc. and send the same to
England for execution.
The like to the sheriff of Bukingham.
June 15. William Page of Kyngesbury to Robert de Muskham clerk.
Westminster. Recognisance for 6 marks, to be levied etc. in Middlesex.
Cancelled on payment.
Thomas de Manby alderman of Beverley, Seman CarteisTight and
William Ythone chamberlains thereof to Paul de Butteby merchant,
Thomas Youle and Robert de Cotyngham of Beverley. Release of
all actions in respect of a bond in 200/. given by Thomas Youle and
Robert for the said Paul. Dated Westminster, Saturday after St.
Marcius 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 18 June.
Indenture witnessing that William Ythoun and Seman CartwTvght,
chamberlains of the commonalty of Beverley, have delivered to Richard
de Midilton, Richard de Bostan, Robert Biu'chan, Thomas Wliite,
Thomas Preston and William de Bery 100 marks granted by the
commonalty to the king with consent of the archbishop of York and
his council, and that the said Richard and the others have mainperned
to pay the same to the king ; also that the chamberlains have delivered
to them 23 marks 3s. 4fZ. for their expenses to parliament on business
of the commonalty. Dated Beverley, 2 October 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by Richard de Midilton and
William de Bery, 19 June.
Roger de Scales lord of Newselle to John de Clej'e parson of
Rewenhalle co. Essex, Jolm Marlere parson of Ilsyngton co. NorfTolk
and John de Cleye the younger parson of a mcdiety of Rvsk_>nigton
CO. Lincoln, their heirs and assigns. Charter with warranty of the
manor and advowson of Wridlyngton co. Suffolk. Witnesses : Sir
John de Sliardolowe knight, Ralph do Walsham of Myndenhale,
Thomas dc Jirigge of Frekenham, Robert Chapman the elder, R<}bert
Chapman the younger, John Hogekyn, Robert Sabeloot of
Wridlyngton. Dated Wridlyngton, Tuesday before St. Barnabas
5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 13 June.
Memorandum that on the morrow of the Ascension this year William
son of Ellis Dokes\\orth and of Cicely his wife, apjxjaring in person
1382. Membrane 'Sd — conl.
in chancery, produced a deed whereby he averred that Lawrence
vicar of Offelegh gave to the said ElHs and Cicely for their lives, with
remainder to the said William and to the heirs of his body, a messuage,
three tofts, 174 acres of land, 4 acres of meadow, 8 acres of wood,
8 mai'ks Qd. of rent and a rent of 3/6. of cumin in Kings Walden, Abbots
Walden and Kympton, by name of all the lands etc. which he the said
Lawrence had there, averring that the said Ellis aliened the premises
to John Bryen and Walter Pulter, who after aliened the same to
John Wylkyn, who was convicted of felony and treason wherefore
they are seized into the Idng's hand, claiming restitution according
to the feoffment aforesaid, for that those alienations were to his
disherison, and craving enrolment of his claim.
Memorandum that, at his request, the chancellor ordered the same
to be enrolled.
June 18. Henry de Frowyk of London to Hugh de Gaudeby clerk. Recognis-
Weatminster. ance for 40/., to be levied etc. in the city of London.
June 19. Hugh de Segrave knight to William de Coggeshale knight, John
Westminster. Haukewode the elder, Robert Rikedoun, John Serjeant and Robert
Lyndeseye citizen of London. Recognisance for 400/., to be levied etc.
in Berkshire.
June 20. Adam Chaungeour citizen and grocer of London and Thomas
Westminster. Marchaunt chaplain to Jolin de Neville of Raby. Recognisance for
500 marks, to be levied etc. in the city of London.
Cancelled on payment.
June 9. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. William Boxford citizen of London, John Gournay ihe younger and
John Drake of Norffolk, in favour of Adam Davenport clerk, John
Amys and William Kirkeby at suit of Pamell de Waltham averring
William de Hilton knight lord of Hilton of the bishopric of Durham
to Thomas del Strother of Glendals of Northumberland, his heirs and
assigns. Charter with warranty of the grantor's purparty of a
messuage in the city of London called the ' Coppidhalle,' John Haddelee
being mayor, Jolin Haylesdoun and William Baret then sheriffs.
Witnesses : William de Walleworth, Robert Resby, Henry Herbyry,
Richard Wendesford, William Venour citizens of London, John de
Lincolne clerk. Dated 1 April 3 Richard II.
William de Hilton knight to Robert de Swynbourne and Thomas
his son knights and William de Assheby clerk, their heirs and assigns.
Quitclaim with warranty of a moiety of a tenement called the
' Coppidehalle ' in the parish of St. John Wal broke in Douegate ward
London, and a moiety of five shops thereto annexed ; and release of
all personal actions by reason thereof. Dated London, 10 May
3 Richard II.
Memorandum of a knowledgment of the foregoing charter and
writing on Monday the morrow of Trinity 3 Richard II before
Roger de Fulthorp, by virtue of a dedimus potestatem which is on the
file for this year.
1382. MEMBRANE 2d.
June 12. To the sheriff of Middlesex. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise
Westminster, of Walter Griffyth of Gloucestershire, Thomas Wyke, Jolm Hume of
Somerset and Adam de Laghefeld of Westmorland, in favour of
John ' Julyanservant Haxton ' of Bristol at suit of William Garnet
clerk averring threats.
June 20. Peter de Veel knight to Warin de Insula knight. Recognisance for
Westminster. 50 marks, to be levied etc. in Gloucestershire.
May 26. To the collectors of customs and subsidies in the port of London.
Westminster. Strict order A\ithout delay to cause proclamation to be made of certain
agreements or ordinances {French text follows) made by assent of the
lords, great men and commons of the realm in the last parliament,
commanding the same to be executed ; namely that foreign merchants
of A\hatsoever country of the king's friendsliip be \\elcome to come,
traffic and dwell within the realm and elsewhere in the king's power,
and they are hereby taken under his pi'otection with their goods etc.,
and that they be friendly entreated and suffered to come and go
without let ; that mitil Michaelmas next year passage of wool, liides
and woolfells be open to all merchants and others, native and foreign,
willing to paj' do\\'n the customs etc. due at Caleys, so that they may
sliip and cocket the same, and take them \\hcre they choose save to
France, with covenant that all who will pay the said customs etc.
beforehand between this and the quinzaine of St. Martin next for
wool etc. which they will take over between 1 September next and
Michaelmas aforesaid be forgiven half a mark upon every sack of wool,
half a mark upon every 240 woolfells, and upon liides in proportion,
but those who pay not before the said quinzaine shall pay the whole
without remission, the king promismg, and it being agreed by all ihe
estates of parliament, that there shall be no repeal of this grant to
the detriment of those who shall so pay beforehand, and the king
covenanting that the money arising from the subsidy upon wool,
hides and woolfells granted at the last [previous] parliament shall
be wholly applied to the defence of the realm, and to guarding and
ruling his towns and fortresses over sea according to the advice of the
lords of the realm and the wise men of the council. By K. and C
Et erat patens.
The like to the collectors in the port of Newcastle upon Tyne and
eleven other ports.
[Foedera. See also Statutes of the Realm, ii. p.23: 5 Ric. II, Stat. 2,
cc. 1, 2.]
Thomas de Oldyngton, Andrew de Burnham, John Kent, WiUiam
de Pontfreyt clerks and Walter de Cliipenham to William de Coggeshale
knight, Jolm Hawkewode the elder, Robert Rykedoun. John Sergeant
and Robert Lyndeseye citizen of London, their heirs and assigns.
Charter of the manor of Gosfeld and all lands etc. in Gosfeld, Hengham
and Wethersfeld co. Essex sometime of William de Lyston and late
of Richard Lyouns citizen of London. Witnesses : Thomas
Maundeville, Thomas Tuwe, John Dore\\ ard, Roger Keterich, John Bray.
Dated Gosfeld, Thursday the feast of the Ascension o Richard II.
Jlfemoraw/Mm of acknowledgment 3 .luiio before the abbot of Redyng,
by virtue of a dedimxis polestatem which is on the chancery file for this
1382. Membrane Id — cont.
May 19. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Order not to
Westminster, suffer John de Crophulle knight hereafter to be troubled by reason
of his homage for the manor of Neubold Verdoun co. Leycester, except
the knights' fees and advowsons thereto pertaining and 80 acres of
wood, one stewpond and 4Z. of rent therein ; as upon the finding of
an inquisition, taken by George del Castell' then escheator, that the
said John held that manor without exception in chief by knight service
as parcel of the barony of Theobald Verdoun, that [by] the late king's
licence he gave the same with the exceptions aforesaid to Thomas
de Crophulle his son, Sibyl wife of the said Thomas and the heirs
male of their bodies with remainder to himself and his heirs, and
that Sibyl died in the life time of her husband, and the said Thomas
died after without issue male between them begotten, wherefore
by form of the gift the premises ought to revert to the said John,
on 7 March last for a fine by him paid in the hanaper the king respited
the said John's homage until Midsummer, and commanded livery of
the premises to be given him ; and the king has taken his homage
for the premises. By p.s. [2223.]
( 140 )
1382. MEMBRANE 33.
June 2G. To archbishops etc. and all ecclesiastical persons holding dignity
Westminster, or office whatsoever, notaries public and others to whom etc. Strict
order to attempt nought which may tend to the prejudice of the king,
or to impair the effect of his presentation of Robert Gilberd his clerk
to the church of Mongomery, being void and in his gift, and without
difficulty or obstacle to revoke an\^ undue attempt made, otherwise
the king will proceed against them so that their punishment shall
be a terror to others ; as although at his presentation the said clerk
was admitted, instituted and inducted, certain men scheming to
impugn the king's right are striving in contempt of him to make
appeals, citations, instruments, processes and notices thereof to
the prejudice of the crown, the rights whereof the king is bound by
oath to keep unimi^aired.
Et erat patens.
June 26. To the keeper, bailiff, receiver or farmer of the manor of Clifton
Westminster, upon Themede co. Worcester for the time being. Order of the issues
of the manor, in the king's hand by death of Edmund late earl of
March and Ulster, so long as it shall be in his hand, to pay to Roger
Hugges 5 marks a year and the arrears since IG IVIarch last, on which
^ date the king confirmed letters patent of the earl granting the said
Roger that yearly rent for life.
Et erat patens.
July 14. To the chancellor and proctors of the university of Oxford. Strict
Westminster, order, under pain of forfeiting all the liberties and pri\ileges of the
university, to revoke every process against brother Jienry Croumpe
a monk, being regent in theology in that university, and all con-
sequences thereof, and to admit and restore liim to scholastic acts,
the usual lecture and his former estate ; and order to the chancellor
and proctors, their commissaries or deputies and successors, the
masters whatsoever regent and non-regent and other the presidents,
• officers, ministers and scholars of the university ujion their allegiance
not to trouble the said Henry or brother Peter Stokes a Carmelite, or
suffer them to be troubled by reason of absence from the university,
or brother Stephen Patrj^ngton a Carmelite or any other person
religious or secular by reason of word or deed concerning the doctrine
of Master John Wyclyf, Master Nicholas Hereford or Master Philip
Rep]iyngdon, the rejirobation or condemnation of their heresies and
errors, or the reproof or correction of those who favour them, but
rather to procure and with all diligence to cherish those things which
belong to peace and unity in the university, especially between religious
and secular persons ; as upon complaint of the said Henry, shewing
that while he was in the city of London assisting with the archbishoj) ot
Canterbury and other masters in theology in condemnation of divers
erroneous and hcredcal conclusions, the chancellor and proctors at
the suggestion of hia advcrisaries, who pretended that the peace was
6 RICHARD II.— Part I. 141
1382. Memhrane 33— con«.
broken at his last lecture in the schools, summoned him before them,
and for that lie appeared not, as he was not able, pronounced him
contumacious and convicted of disturbing the peace, suspending
him from scholastic acts and lecture, the Idng gave them a day now
past to be before the council at Westminster, whereupon examination
was had, and it was by the council decreed that the process against
the said Henry be null and void, and that he be admitted etc. as
aforesaid. By C
Et erat patens.
July 2. To Gilbert de Culwen escheator in Northumberland. Order to
Westminster, remove the king's hand and meddle no further with the lands of the
prior of Brynkburne in Hereford upon Blithe, deUvering up any
issues thereof taken ; as lately the king commanded the treasurer
and the barons of the exchequer to search the rolls and memoranda
of the exchequer and certify in chancery what they should find
concerning the premises, taken into the late king's hand by William
de Ergum his escheator by virtue of an inquisition taken of his office
it is said ; and they certified that the said escheator took the same
for that he found by inquisition that the ancestors of the lord of
Hereford upon Blithe gave them to the prior and his successors to
maintain a chantry, and that the chantry is withdrawn ; and the king
reckons that cause insufficient.
July 8. To Thomas de Bradefeld escheator in Cambridgeshire. Order to
Westminster, remove the king's hand and meddle no further with four fifths of two
messuages and of 16 acres 3 roods of land in Haddenham, delivering
up any issues thereof taken ; as the king has learned by inquisition,
taken by John de Olneye the late king's escheator, that at his death
Robert Busteler knight held the said messuages and 46 acres 3 roods of
land there by knight service of Simon late bishop of Ely, that Walter
de Lynton, John Merseye, Thomas Payn and Henry Hulyoun then
of full age, and John Hanchach then within age, being his cousins
and heirs, entered the premises, that the said Walter, John Merseye,
Thomas Payn and Henry made a feoffment of the said four fifths to
Robert Parys and his heirs, that at the death of Robert Busteler and
long before by his demise John Wroth occupied 30 acres of land of the
premises for a term of two years, that the said four heirs after made
a release of that land to him and his heirs, that the late bishop seized
not the premises in his time, and was after translated to Canterbury,
whereby the temporalities of the bishopric came to the king's hand,
and that the wardship and marriage of John Hanchach pertained to
the late king ; and that inquisition being \dewed and read in chancery,
and the matter therein examined and declared before the justices, the
king's Serjeants and others of the council learned in the law, it
seemed to them that the taking of the said four fifths into the late
king's hand is not sufficient, and by their advice it was determined to
remove the king's hand.
July 1. To Thomas de Morton escheator in the Isle of Wight. Order to
Westminster, remove the king's hand and meddle no further with the manors of
Shentelyng, Bunchurche, Holewey and Stenbury which were of
Thomas del Isle deceased, delivering up any issues thereof taken ;
1382. Membrane 33 — cont.
as latelj' the king ordered the escheat or to certify in chancery the
manner and cause of his taking the same into the king's hand, and he
returned that John del Isle knight deceased, being seised of the three
first manors, which are held by knight service of the king as of the
lordship of Caresbroke castle, gave them to the said Thomas his uncle
for life with reversion to himself and his heirs, that the said John had
a son and heir named John del Isle, that upon the death of John the
father, being a tenant by knight service of the late king, divers lands
and the body of the said heir came to the late king's hand and are
yet in the king's hand, that the said Thomas made a feoffment of the
manors of Shentelyng and Holewey to Nicholas Spenser, John Taddehale
and William Cordray, but of what estate the escheator knows not, and
that he took those manors into the king's hand for that the said Thomas
is dead, and the reversion thereof pertains to the said heir, also that the
manor of Stenbury is held by knight service as aforesaid, that at his
death the said Thomas was thereof seised, and therefore it is taken into
the king's hand ; whereupon the said feoffees, appearing in person in
chancery, said that the said John the father, ha\nng an estate in fee
simple in the manors of ShenteljTig and Holew'e3% by two wTitings
granted them for life to the said Thomas, and by another writing
made a quitclaim thereof to him in his possession being, and that he
made a charter thereof to them, their heirs and assigns, cra\nng livery
thereof and of the issues thereof taken, and further alleged that upon
the deatli of William Haynowe, who at his death held the manor of
Stenbury by knight service as aforesaid, Ingelram de Coucy late
earl of Bedford, tenant of the said castle and lordship by grant of
the late king, took the manor into his hands and the body of Guy
son and heir of the deceased by reason of the heir's nonage, and granted
the wardship thereof to Christina Berland and her assigns, and that
she granted her estate therein to the said Thomas, and they said
likewise that upon the death of the said John the father the manor of
Bunchurche was among other lands taken into the late king's hand,
for that the deceased held it of the late king as aforesaid, the heir
being within age, that the late king granted the wardship thereof
to Richard Stury knight, that he granted his estate therein
to Edmund Barnabe, and the said Edmund to the said Thomas,
wherefore the said feoffees, whom the said Thomas appointed his
executors, crave livery of the manors of Stenbury and Bunchurche
until the lawful age of the said heirs ; and upon view of the charters
etc., the matter being examined and declared before the justices etc.
{as in the last).
June 26. To all receivers, occupiers, farmers and tenants of the castle and
Westminster, manor of Rysyng co. Norffolk and of all members thereof. Writ
de intendendo in favour of John duke of Brittany and Joan his \\\ie
the king's sister in respect of the farms, jirofits etc. belonging to that
castle and manor, a purparty in the ' thoiboth ' of Lenne, and all
other the members of the same, and the arrears thereof from 14
September 2 Richard II, on which date by particular treaty between
them for the castle of Brest, which the duke gave and delivered to him
with writs of Britannj% seicheries {seccheriis) and all otlier lordships
and profits thereto belonging, by advice of the great council the king
by letters patent gave the duke and Joan (among other things) the
6 RICHARD II.— Part I.
1382. Membrane 32 — cont.
said castle and manor, his purparty in the said ' tholboth ' and tho
members aforesaid.
Et erat patens.
To all receivers etc. {as above) of the manor of Sevenhampton co.
Wiltesir, the hundred of Heworth and other the members thereof.
Like order, mutatis mutandis.
Et erat patens.
The like to the receivers etc. of the manors of Soureby and Penreth
CO. Cumberland and their members,
Et erat patens.
To the collectors of customs in the port of St. Botolph. Order
to pay the said duke and Joan 37/. 165. 8rf. a year of the issues of the
customs upon wool, hides and woolfells in that port, and the arrears
since 5 April 1 Richard II, namely 8 marks a year "during the life of
Edmund Noon, 505. a year during the life of John Gateneys, and
the 30/. remaining as specified in the king's letters patent.
Et erat patens.
July 11. To the keeper, bailiff, reeve or farmer of the lordship and manor
Westminster, of Brymesfeld for the time being. Order to pay to Matthew
SAvetenham yeoman of the king's chamber, so long as he shall be
keeper of Brymesfeld park co. Gloucester, the wages and fees to that
office pertaining, and the arrears since 7 February last, on which
day the king granted him for life, so long as it should remain in
the king's hand, the keeping of that park which, among other
lands of Edmund de Mortuo Mari late earl of March, was in
the king's hand by reason of the nonage of the earl's heir, provided
none other should have an estate therein by grant of the earl confirmed
by the late king or by the king.
Et erat patens.
July 1. To John Reede escheator in Norflfolk and Suffolk. Order to deliver
Westminster, in dower to Isabel who was wife of William de Ufford earl of Suffolk
the advowsons of the priory of Snape extended at 20/. a year, of
the nuns' priory of Redelyngfeld at 26/. 135. 4rf., and of the churches
of Thorndon extended at 20/. and Melles at 20 marks a year, which
the king has assigned to her with assent as well of Richard de
Abburbury, John Bacoun clerk and Hugh de Cotyngham clerk
attorneys of Queen Anne, to whom the king has granted two thirds
of the advowsons held by the said William at his death to him and
the heirs male of his body by grant of the late king to Robert de
Ufford earl of Suffolk his father, and in the king's hand for that he
died without issue male, as of Thomas More and William de Horbury
clerks attorneys of the said Isabel, having commanded the abbot of
Leyston to take of her an oath that she shall not marry without the
king's licence.
July 1. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Order to com-
Westminster. mand livery to be given to Thomas Tuchet chaplain of a certain part
of a capital messuage in Hekyngton co. Lincoln held at her death by
1382. Membrane 32— co??/.
Alice Turvj'lle, daughter of Robert de Rybj', by knight service of
John son and heir of Henry de Bello Monte then a minor in the late
king's wardship, staying their demand against the said Thomas to
answer for the issues thereof, and discharging him and the escheators
and others whatsoever ; as that part was taken into the late king's
hand by reason of the nonage of Robert son and heir of the said Alice,
and intruding therein without suing the same out of the king's hand
and without livery of the king's court, Robert son of Alice after made
a feoffment to the said Thomas and his heirs, and Thomas
entered, and the same is in the king's hand by reason of that trespass
and for other causes ; and for a fine by him paid the king has pardoned
those trespasses, granting that the said Thomas and his heirs
may hav'e the same again. Pro%iso that answer be made at the
exchequer by those lawfully chargeable for the issues of the said part
from the time it was taken into the late king's hand.
June 26. To the keeper, bailiff, receiver or farmer of the manor and lordship
Westminster, of Wyggemore for the time being. Order so long as the same shall
be in the king's hand to paj^ Richard Botirell lOrf. a day, and the
arrears since 18 February last, on which day the king confirmed
letters patent of Edmund late earl of March and Ulster, gi\'ing to
the said Richard his esquire for life the offices of constable of
Wyggemore castle, parker of the park there and head keeper of the
chace, to be exercised by him and his deputies, taking lOrf. a day and
all other fees and profits due and accustomed.
Et erat patens.
July 4. To the forester of Melkesham forest for the time being. Order to
Westminster, deliver to John Roche knight ' housebote ' and ' heybote ' of that
forest so long as he shall have the keeping of the manor of Woderowe
CO. Wiltesir, which the king has committed to him by a mainprise
for seven years from Michaelmas last for a set yearly rent, so that
he repair the houses and enclosures of the manor at his owti cost.
Et erat patens.
July 8. To the sheriff of Warrewyk for the time being. Order to pay to
Westminster. John atte Wode I2d. a day and the arrears since 1 February
1 Richard II, on which date the king confirmed letters patent of the
late king, granting the said John for life I2d. a day as Edmund de
Hoggeshagh formerly had.
Et erat patens.
June 22, To John Rede escheator in NorfTolk and Suffolk. Order to give
Westminster. John son of Thomas de Roos of Hamelak and Mary his ^ife, daughter
and heir of Joan daughter of John de Orby knight, seisin of the said
Joan's lands ; as Mary has ])roved her age before Gilbert Culwen
escheator in Northumberlantl, and the king has commanded the
abbot of St. Mary York to take her husband's fealty.
To the same. Like order concerning lands held in dower or for
life by Margaret who was wife of John de Orb}- knight grandfather
of the said Mary whose heir she is.
The like to the following :
Robert Passelewe escheator in Yorksliire
Mewhrane 31 — cont.
William de Skypwyth the younger escheator in Lincolnshire.
Thomas Bradefeld escheator in Cambridgeshire.
Nicholas Fitz Richard escheator in Essex.
To William de Sallowe escheator in Derbyshire. Like order con-
cerning the manor of Dronfeld ; as the king has learned by inquisition,
taken by the escheator, that John de Orby knight, being thereof seised,
long before his death granted the same for life to Robert de Wyclyf
likewise deceased, and that after the said Robert's death the late
king seized it into his hand by reason of the said Mary's nonage.
June 27. To the bailiffs of Colcestre. Order at their peril on sight etc. to
Westminster, cause the balinger of the town to be repaired and made ready to sail
with other sliips for safe guard of the sea to the northward, as they
shall be instructed by Hugh Fastolf whom the king has appointed
with John Philippot for the purpose ; and order to deliver the barge
so made ready to the said Hugh or his deputy.
Like order to the bailiffs of Gippewich, to repair and make ready
a crayer called the ' Nicholas.'
July 14. To John Rede escheator in Norffolk and Suffolk. Order in presence
Westminster, of Robert de Wilughby knight, Roger de Scales knight and Henry de
Ferrers knight, cousins and heirs of William de Ufford earl of Suffolk,
to assign to Isabel who was the earl's wife dower of the knights' fees
and advowsons of her husband, the king having commanded the abbot
of Leyston to take of her an oath etc.
July 3. To John Radeston escheator in Somerset. Order to give Robert
Westminster. Latymer, son and heir of Robert Latymer knight, seisin of his father's
lands ; as he has proved his age before the escheator, and the king
has taken his homage and fealty. By p.s. [2290.]
To Robert de Loxle escheator in Surrey. Like order ; as the said
Robert son of Robert has proved his age before John Radeston.
By p.s. (the same writ).
To John Radeston escheator in Dorset. Order to give the said
Robert the son seisin of a moiety of the manor and advowson of
Childocford ; as it is found by inquisition, taken before Thomas de la
Bere by the late king's commission, that Katherine who was wife of
Robert Latymer knight at her death held the premises of others than
the said king, and that Robert their son, then within age, is her next
heir ; and now he has proved his age before the escheator, and the
king has taken his homage and fealty.
Memorandum, that, whereas it was found* by inquisition {as in the
last), the said Robert the son craves livery of a moiety of the manor
and advowson of Childocford, hoping that other right thereto vests
in him than was thereby found, and protesting his purpose, if here-
after he be assured that he has other right or title therein, to be free
to claim the premises by the best title he may, this livery notwith-
standing ; and with the assen of the court his protest is allowed
in chancery.
Wt. 32813.
CB 10
Membrane 30.
July 15. To all sheriffs, mayors, bailiflfs etc. to whom etc. Order to suffer
Westminster. Thomas now bishop of Ely, the monks of St. Etheldreda and all
men of their lordships to enjoy all the liberties granted to their church
and to William late [bishop] elect by charters of former kings, confirmed
by the king, as they ought to do, and they and their predecessors
used to do since the date of those charters ; as among other liberties
it is granted that the said church and men shall in all the king's land
be quit of toll in selling and bujdng, of passage, geld, danegeld and
all forfeiture of shires and hundreds, which liberties they have
heretofore enjoj'ed.
Et erat patens.
July L To the mayor and bailiffs of Norhampton. Order, under a pain of
Westminster. 1001. , bj^ mainprise of John de Shrouesbury of Norhampton the
younger, John Godehyve and William Napton both of Norhampton
to set free William Betele, whom the mayor and bailiffs lately com-
mitted to the prison there, for that by force of arms he resisted the
execution of a judgment rendered in an assize of fresh force before
them in the court of Norhampton according to the custom of the
town ; and if he be imprisoned for any other cause, order to certify
it in chancery on the morrow of the Translation of St. Thomas the
MartjT next ; as the said John and the others have mainperned
in chancery under a pain of 100/. that he shall content the king for
his ransom, if guilty, and shall stand to right and answer any party
who will complain against him,
July 8. To John Newenton escheator in Kent. Order to remove the king's
Westminster, hand and meddle no further with the manors of Ightham and
EjTiesford, delivering to Thomas son of William la Zouche of
Haryngworth knight any issues thereof taken ; as the king has learned
by inquisition, taken by the escheator, that by gift of John bishop of
Lincoln and others the said William at his death held those manors
for life with remainder to the said Thomas for life, and that the same
are held of others than the king.
To Nicholas fitz Richard escheator in Hertfordshire. Like order,
mutatis mutandis, concerning a messuage in Whethamstede called
' Yongesplace ' and divers lands in Retbourne.
To John Rede escheator in Suffolk.
concerning the manor of Alvenlegh.
Like order, mutatis mutandis.
To John Gawayn escheator in the countj' of Suthampton. Like
order concerning the manor of K3ngesworthey, held of the king as
of the honour of Peverel bj^ the service of one i)air of gilt spurs or
6rf. a year ; • as the king has taken the fealty of the said Thomas.
To Thomas Peyvre escheator in Bedfordshire. Like order con-
cerning the manor of Weston Inges, held in chief by the ser\nce of one
pair of gilt spurs or Qd. a year, which by fine levied in the late king's
court with liis licence the said bishop gave for life to the said William
and Elizabeth his wife (likowisc deceased) with remainder to the said
Thomas ; as the king has taken the fealty of the said Thomas.
6 RICHARD II.— Part I. 147
1382. Membrane 30 — coni.
July 14. To Nicholas Fitz Richard escheator in Hertfordshire. Order in
Westminster, presence of John Coltman of Surrey, to whom the king lately com-
mitted the wardship of two thirds of the lands of Hamelin de Mathara,
to assign dower to Cicely who was the said Hamelin's wife ; as for a
fine by her paid the king has given her licence to marry whom she
The like to Robert de Loxle escheator in Surrey.
July 18. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Order, because
Westminster, of the deamess of cloth, furring and lining, to allow John de
Ravenser the king's clerk keeper of the hanaper of chancery
in his account 11. lOs. which he paid to Simon late archbishop of
Canterbury and chancellor for the summer livery of the clerks of
chancery for 4 Richard II, \0l. for their winter livery, and 1095. 8i.
for their summer livery for last year which he paid to Richard Lescrope
late chancellor, over and above what the chancellor used to take.
July 18. To Robert Swynfen escheator in Salop and Staffordshire and the
Westminster, march of Wales adjacent. Order to give John de Cherleton, son and
heir of John de Cherleton knight, seisin of his father's lands ; as
he has proved his age before the escheator, and the king has taken
his homage and commanded Richard earl of Arundell to take his
fealty. By p.s. [2310.]
To John Norhampton mayor of the city of London and escheator
therein. Like order ; as the said John has proved his age before
Robert de Swynfen. By p.s. (the same writ).
July 20. To the collectors of customs and subsidies in the port of Suthampton.
Westminster. Order, upon petition of Vaskus Vyncent and Gounesiliaus alien
merchants of Portugal, to view letters of cocket which they have and,
if assured that in the port of Sandewich they paid the customs and
subsidies due upon 26| cloths without grain by them bought within
the realm and there put in four bales, to suffer them to lade the same
in a ship or ships in the port of Suthampton and without a second
payment to take them to Portugal ; as their petition shews that,
having paid the customs etc. to the collectors at Sandewich, they
brought the said bales by land to Suthampton to be laded and taken
to Portugal.
July 3. Order to the sheriff of Cumberland to cause a coroner to be elected
Westminster, instead of Thomas de Blenkhowe, who is insufficiently qualified.
July 5. To the treasurer and the chamberlains. Order of the king's money
Westminster, to cause the wax about the body of King Edward I buried in the
church of St. Peter Westminster to be renewed.
Bull of Pope Urban, addressed to Wenceslaus king of Rome and
Boemia, reciting that leagues and alliances made by the said king and
the emperor Charles his father lately came to the pope's ears, whereof
some were wiLh kings and others who then were or became after
schismatics or heretics, pronouncing all such to be unlawful and void
1382. Membrane 2^—cont.
even if confirmed bj' oath or papal sanction before the lapse of the
parties, absohing the said king and all others concerned from keeping
the same, and warning him to observe this decree. Dated St. Peter's
Rome, xij kal. Mali 5 Urban [VI].
{Feeder a. '^
Like bull ad futuram rei memoriam, not particularlj^ addressed,
with warning of the \\Tath of God, and of St. Peter and St. Paul to
an}' man contravening this decree. Dated {as above) iii kal. Apr His 4
Urban [VI].
Memorandum that these two bulls were enrolled bj' order of
Aug. 19. To John Gawe3Ti escheator in Wiltesir. Order to remove the king's
Westminster, hand and meddle no further with a messuage, two carucates and one
virgate of land in Kyngeston Deverell, delivering to Anastasia late
the wife of Nicholas Berenger any issues thereof taken ; as the king
has learned b}' inquisition, taken by the escheator, that at his death
the said Nicholas held the premises jointly with her by gift of John
Welde parson of Kyngeston Deverell and William Wymonde chaplain
of the chantry of Mere to them and the heirs of the said Nicholas.
Aug. 19. To John Gaweyn escheator in the counties of Suthampton and
Westminster. Wiltesir. Order to take of the said Anastasia an oath etc., and in
presence of the next friends of her husband's heirs to assign her dower
of his lands.
Aug. 12. To J. bishop of Hereford, Thomas earl of Bukingham, Nicholas
Westminster. Daudele, Gilbert Talbot, John Chandos, Jolm Burle, Jolm Bromw5-che,
John Clanblowe (sic), John Crophulle, Walter Deveros, Richard Burle,
John E3nesford, Peter de la Mare, Robert Whitenej^ K\niard de la
Bere, Richard Nasshe, Philip Holcote, John Walwyn, John Croft
and Philip de la Mote, lately appointed guardians of the jjcace in
Herefordshire. Order to the said John Burle to meddle no further
in that office, as the king has removed him ; and to the other guardians
aforesaid to busy themselves in the execution of their commission,
not awaiting the said John's presence. By K.
July 18. To Henry Moton escheator in Gloucestershire. Order to remove
Westminster, the king's hand and meddle no further with the manors of Chirneton
and Elbrugge, delivering to Maud late the wife of Robert de la Mare
knight any issues thereof taken ; as the king has learned by incpiisition.
taken by the escheator, that at his death the .said Robert held those
manors as jointly enfeoffed with her of others than the king.
To Edmund GifTard escheator in Oxfordshire. Like order con-
cerning the manor and advowson of Mersshbaldyngton, the manor of
Heyford ad Ponlem and the advowson of a mediety of that church ;
as the king has learned [as above) that by gift of Walter de Chiltenham
and Richard do Alcrynton clerks the said Robert at his death lield
the jiremises (as above), the said manor and advowson and a moiety
of the said manor of Heyford of the king as of the honour of Walyngford,
6 RICHARD II.-Part I. 149
1382. Membrane 2S~cont.
the other moiety and the moiety of tlio advowson of others than
the king ; and he has commanded John Gauweyn eschcator in
Wiltesir to take the said Maud's fealty.
To John Gauweyn escheator in Wiltesir. Order to take the fealty
of Maud late the wife of Robert de la Mare knight, and order {as
above) concerning the manor of JStepellavyngton ; as the king has
learned {as before) that the said Robert at his death held the same as
jointly enfeoffed with her by gift of Walter de Chiltenham and Richard
Alcrynton clerks made with the king's licence to them and the heirs
of Robert, and that it is held in chief, except a parcel of pasture
thereof called I^iabbewelle which is held of the abbot of Malmesbury.
To Nicholas fitz Richard escheator in Hertfordshire. Order (as
in the first writ) concerning the manor of OfEelegh, held jointly by
gift of Richard Plescy clerk and John Morton to the said Robert and
Maud, their heirs and assigns.
July 24. To the bailiffs of Milton co. Essex. Order, if Robert de Muskham
Westminster, clerk, who purposes there to lade two sarplers of wool and 200 woolfells
in a ship or boat and bring them by the river Thames to the staple
of Westminster, shall find security that he shall bring them thither
and nowhere else, to make indentures with liim concerning such
security and the quantity of wool and fells, to take of him and of the
master and seamen an oath that they shall bring them thither and
nowhere else, and shall unlade them before they put to sea, and then
to suffer him so to do, sending the part of those indentures remaining
with them by a trusty man to William de Walleworth mayor of the
said staple, according to the ordinance concerning staples of wool
within the realm, wherein it is contained that any having wool, lead
etc. in the country between places where staples are and the sea, and
willing to lade them to the staples by fresh waters or arms of the
sea, shall make indentures as aforesaid with the bailiffs of towns where
they put them in ships, and that such bailiffs irhall take an oath and
security of them [and] the seamen, and at the owners' cost shall send
one part of such indentures to the mayor of the staple
July 24. Order to the sheriff of Roteland to cause a coroner to be elected
Westminster, instead of Robert de Whitewelle, who is sick and aged, wherefore
the king has removed him.
July 24. To the king's butler for the time being, or his representative in
Westminster, the port of Bristol. Order henceforth every year to deliver to John
de Beauchamp the king's esquire one tun of the king's wines there,
according to the king's letters patent granting him for good service
one tun of wine a year for life of the king's right prise in that port.
Et erat patens.
Sept. 24. To Edmund Giffard escheator in Oxfordshire. Order to remove the
Westminster, king's hand and meddle no further with the manor of Midlyngton,
2 acres of land therein excepted, and the manor of Bircestre, delivering
to Alina late the wife of Roger Lestrange of Knokyn knight any
issues thereof taken ; as the king has learned by inquisition, taken
by the escheator, that at his death the said Roger held the premises
1382. Membrane 28 — cent.
as jointly enfeoffed with her by gift of Richard de Longenore and
Thomas Wyke made with the king's licence, and that the manor of
Midlyngton with that exception is held in chief by knight service,
the manor of Bircestre of the king by knight service as of the honour
of Walyngford ; and for 20s. paid in the hanaper the king has respited
until the quinzaine of Easter next the homage of Alina for the manor
of Midlyngton and lands in Salop, and has commanded David
Haunemere to take her fealty.
To Robert Swynfen escheator in Salop and StafTordshire and the
march of Wales adjacent. Like order concerning the manor of
Ellesmere in the said march, with the hamlets of Culmere and
Hampton co. Salop, whereof Roger and Alina were jointly enfeoflfed
by gift of Richard Longenore and others, the manors of Straungenesse
and KjTiton co. Salop whereof they were enfeoflFed by gift of Roger
Lestrange father of the said Roger made with the king's licence, all
held in chief bj' knight service, and the castle and lordship of Knokj-n
in the said march and the manor of Shenstone co. Stafford held of others
than the king, whereof they were likewise enfeoffed by gift of the said
Richard and others.
To William de Skipwyth the younger, escheator in Lincolnshire.
Like order concerning the manor of Halton, held of the king as of
the honour of Cestre, whereof Roger and Aline were jointly enfeoffed
by gift of Philip ap Howell and others.
To Thomas Bradefeld escheator in Cambridgeshire. Like order
concerning the manor of Middelton held of others than the king,
whereof etc. {as the last).
To Thomas Peyvre escheator in Bukinghamshire. Like order
concerning two water mills in Dene ham held of others than the king,
whereof Roger and AJina were jointly enfeoffed by gift of Philip ap
Howell and Roger de KnokjTi.
To John de Newenton escheator in Middlesex. Like order con-
cerning the manor of Colham held of the king as of the honour of
WalATigford castle by homage and suit of court at the said castle
month by month, whereof etc. {as the last).
To Robert Swynfen escheator in Salop and the march of Wales
adjacent. Order in presence of Jolui Lestrange, son and heir of Roger
Lestrange of Knokyn knight, to assign to Alina who was the said
Roger's wife dower of her husband's lands, the king having com-
manded David Haunemere to take of her an oath etc.
The like to the following :
Edmund Ciffard escheator in Oxfordshire.
John de Norhampton maj^or of the city of London and escheator
Membrane 27.
Aug. 28. To Henry de Percy earl of Northumberland, John Marmyoun,
Westminster. William de Skypwyth, Roger do Fulthorp, Thomas de Thurkylb',
John Elys, John de Rouclyf and Jolm de Sadyngton, lately upon
6 RICHAKl) II.— Part I. 161
1382. Membrane 27 — conl.
complaint of John de Berden of York appointed justices, of whom
the said WilHam or Roger should be one, to make inquisition in
Yorkshire concerning the names of evildoers who with Thomas de
Burton, John Smyth, Robert Whiteside all of Ingerthorp, Robert de
Brumpton, John de Farneham, Thomas Wynterburne and Richard
Smyth of Ingerthorp committed a trespass by breaking the com-
plainant's close at Leonardburton, burning his houses, taking and
carrying away 24 oxen, 16 kine, 400 sheep price 100/. and goods and
chattels to the value of 200L, and to hear and determine the matter.
Order to proceed with all speed to execute that commission, notwith-
standing a writ of supersedeas after addressed to them for particular
causes laid before the king and council ; as the said trespasses if com-
mitted are grievous trespasses, the complainant made a fine of 205.
with the king to have that commission, and no special cause for a
stay is inserted in the writ of supersedeas. By C.
Sept. 5. To the keeper, farmer or receiver of the hundreds of Bremesfeld
Westminster, and Bisley CO. Gloucester for the time being. Order of the issues of
the hundred of Bisley to pay to Matthew de Swettenham yeoman
of the king's chamber the wages, fees and profits of the office of bailiff
of the lordship of Bremesfeld and of the said hundreds, and the arrears
since 12 March last, on which date the king granted him during pleasure
the oflGice of bailiff of that lordship and of the said hundreds thereto
pertaining, which were of Edmund de Mortuo Mari earl of March,
and are in the king's hand by reason of the nonage of the earl's heir.
Et erat patens.
Sept. 8. To the keeper, bailiff, farmer or receiver of the manors of Stondon
Westminster, for the time being. Order to pay to William Wynselowe yeoman of
the king's chamber every year the wages and fees belonging to the office
of keeper of Stondon park co. Hertford, and the arrears since
10 February last, on which date the king granted to the said William
for life, so long as the same shall remain in the king's hand, the office
of keeper of the said park, which is in his hand among other lands of
Edmund de Mortuo Mari earl of March.
Et erat patens.
Sept. 5. To Henry Moton escheator in Gloucestershire. Order to take
Westminster, of Cicely who was wife of Nicholas de Berkeleye knight an oath etc.,
and in presence of Maud Cantelowe, sister and heir of the said Nicholas,
to assign to the said Cicely dower of her husband's lands.
Sept. 18. To the steward, farmer, receiver or keeper of the lordship of
Westminster. Wallyngford for the time being. Order to pay to Oliver Martyn for
life 665. 8d. a year and the arrears since 22 March 1 Richard II, on
which date the king confirmed letters patent of his father, granting
to the said Oliver his servant, for long and acceptable service, 66s. Sd.
a year for Hfe of the issues etc. of that lordship.
Et erat patens.
Sept. 20. To the steward, farmer, receiver or other minister who levies the
Westminster, issues, etc. of the lordship of Walyngford for the time being. Order
to pay to John Warde for life 66s. 8d. a year and the arrears since
22 March I Richard II, on which date the king confirmed letters
Membrane 27 — cont.
patent of Edward princ c of Wales, previously eonfinned by the king
while prince, granting to the said John his servant for life, for long
and acceptable se^^^ce, 665. 8d. a year of the issues of that lordsliip.
Et erat fatens.
William Snel has like letters for lOOs. a year.
Et erat patens.
Sept. 23.
To Robert Passelewe escheator in Yorkshire. Order to take of
Westminster. Peter de !Malo Lacu the sixth knight, son of Peter de Malo Lacu the
fifth and of Margaret his wife, security' for payment of his relief, and to
give him seisin of the castle and manor of Mulgreve the manors of
Doncastre, BajTiton, RosjTigton, Briddesalle and Berghe with the
knights' fees and advowsons thereto belonging and the advowson of
LokjTigton church ; as the king has learned by inquisition, taken
bj' the escheator, that the said Margaret, being jointh' enfeoffed
of the premises with her said husband to them and the heirs of their
bodies, with the king's licence made a feoffment thereof to Henrj'^ de
Percy and others for her life A^ith remainder to her husband's right
heirs, that they are held in chief by knight service, and that Peter
the sixth is their next heir and of full age ; and the king has taken
his homage and fealty. By p.s. [2395.]
Sept. 26. To the collectors of the petty custom in the port of the city of
Westminster. London. Order, upon complaint made on behalf of the merchants
of the Hanse of Almain, to take of them \2d. for every last of herring,
and security to answer to the king for whatsoever custom over and
above that sum the council in the next parliament shall adjudge that
they ought to pay, and not to compel them to pay aught further
until in parliament debate he had whether they ought to pay 15rf.
the last or no, making restitution of any further sum levied of them ;
as their complaint shews that lately in the parts of Scone thej' bought
certain lasts of herring and caused them to be brought to London
for sale, and that although they are ready to pa}- the collectors \2d.
a last as the}' used to do in past times according to the liberties and
privileges granted them by the king's forefathers, the collectors
are purposing unlawfully to levy 15c?. a last contrary to such grant.
July 23. To all owners of ships, masters and seamen, and to sheriffs, mayors,
Westminster, bailiffs, constables, keepers of seaports and maritime places throughout
the admiralty to the northward, within liberties and without. Writ
of aid in favour of John Philipot and Hugh Fastolf, whom the king
has appointed b}^ themselves and their deputies to take order for
safe guard of those ports etc. against attacks of the enemy, and to
command all things needful to be done. By C.
July 24. To Edmund GifTard escheator in Oxfordshire and Berkshire.
Westminster. Order, upon petition made on behalf of John Herle knight, appealed
by John de Whethalc for manslaughter of Richard de Whethale
his brother, to make inquisition concerning the price and value of
all goods and chattels which were of the defendant the day he was
put in exigents and after, their description and in whose hands they
were and are, to take of him security to answer at the exchequer
for the price or value, and by indenture between the escheator and
6 RICHARD II.— Part I.
1382. Membrane 26 — cont.
the defendant and liis mainpernors to deliver the same to him,
bringing the writ, the indenture, the security and tlie names of his
mainpernors before the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer
in the quinzaine of Michaelmas next ; as the said petition shews
that the said knight is put in exigents in Staffordshire to be outlawed
for that he came not before the Icing to answer the appellant, where-
fore the goods wliich were his on the aforesaid day are confiscate.
By the treasurer, being one of the keepers of the great seal.
The like to Thomas de Brugge escheator in Worcestershire.
Aug. 6. To the collectors in the port of London of the subsidy of 6d. in the
Woodstock, pound granted in the last parliament. Order to take the said subsidy
upon merchandise whatsoever of merchants of Almain now or hereafter
imported or exported, and to put the money thereof arising under
safe deposit for which they will answer, so that it be not spent nor
converted to anj^ uses until by the council debate he had whether
by virtue of charters of former kings, confirmed by the king, those
merchants ought to be quit of the subsidy or to be therewith charged,
and until further order. By K. and C.
The like to the collectors in the following ports :
Lenne. Great Jernemuth.
The town of St. Botolph. Southampton.
Kyngeston upon Hull.
Aug. 12. To all sheriffs, mayors, bailiffs etc. to whom etc. Order to suffer
Westminster, the master and brethren of the hospital of St. Leonard York, their
successors and all their men to be quit in cities and boroughs, markets
and fairs, and in passage of bridges, seaports etc. throughout England,
Ireland and Wales and all the king's lands and waters, of toll, tallage,
passage, pedage, lastage, stallage, hidage, weidage, works and aids of
castles, walls, bridges, parks, sea walls, dikes and stewponds, ship
service, building of the king's houses and all manner of works, ward of
castles, carriage and sumpter service, releasing any distress made
against them for such cause ; as among other liberties granted them
by charters of former kings, it is granted that they, their successors
and all their men shall be quit as aforesaid, nor shall their wains,
carts or horses be taken for any carriage ; and the king has confirmed
those charters with the clause licet.
Et erat patens.
Sept. 3. To the chancellor of Cantebrigge university or his vicegerent.
Westminster. Order to oversee from time to time the measures and weights com-
monly used in the town and suburbs of Cantebrigge, especially in
fair time, as used to be done by the mayor, bailiffs, aldermen and
burgesses, to burn and destroy those found false, and seal others
lawful and just, duly chastising trespassers in that behalf, so behaving
in the execution hereof that no complaint of their negligence or default
come to the king's ears, and the king have no need to provide a remedy
whereby they ought to lose these liberties ; as among other liberties
granted by his charter, the king has granted that the chancellor,
his successors and their vicegerents alone shall have the keeping of
the assize and assay and the oversight of weights and measures there
as aforesaid ; and now it has come to the king's ears that great number
of false measures and weights were heretofore commonly used there,
1382. Membrane 26 — cont.
esjiecially at time of a fair yearly held at Sterebrigge in the said
suburb, to the deception of the people flocking thither.
Et erat patens.
Sept. 8. To the keeper, bailiff, farmer or receiver of the manors of Ernewode
Westminster, and Cleburv co. Saloj) for the time being. Order to pay every j-ear
to John Horwode, one of the yeomen of the king's chamber, the
wages and fees belonging to the office of parker of Ernewode and
Clebury parks, in the king's hand among other lands of Edmund de
Mortuo Mari earl of March b}- reason of the nonage of the earl's heir,
and the arrears since 13 February (sic) ; as on 13 January last the king
granted him that office for life, so long as the said lands shall be in
the king's hand.
Sept. 12. To the sheriff of York. Order, by advice of the council, to levy
Westminster, ^^^th what speed he may all fines, forfeited issues and amercements
which, by estreats of the rolls of John king of Castille and Leon duke
of Lancastre, John de Neville of Raby, Thomas Roos of Hamelake,
Henr}' Lescrope, Robert Tresilian, William de Skipwj-th and Robert
Plesyngton justices of oyer and terminer, to be by the justices or
two of them delivered to liim, he shall be assured ought to be levied,
and forthwith to deliver by indenture to the said duke 2,000Z., if
the same shall amount to so much, or otherwise the whole sum, to be
spent according to the known purpose of the king and council. Pro\nso
that if that sum shall be exceeded the sheriff shall answer at the
exchequer for the surplus. By C.
Sept. 14. To the chancellor of Ireland, the treasurer and the barons of the
Westminster, exchequer there, and all other ministers and officers of Ireland for
the time being. Order this time not to meddle with any issues, rents
or profits of the manor of Cromlyn, which is held for life by Cornelius
de Clone knight by the king's grant, by reason of his absence from
Ireland, his coming to England and abode there, nor to suffer him
to be troubled for that cause, restoring to him or his attorneys any
levy made of that manor, ordinances or statutes whatsoever to the
contrary notwithstanding ; and order to the chancellor to cause writs
to issue under the seal used in Ireland addressed to such as need be
touching the effect of this command ; as the said Cornelius lately
came to England to lay before the king and council the state of
Ireland, and by order of the king and council shall continue to abide
there a set time. Bv C.
Sept. 25 To John de Radeston escheator in Somerset. Order to remove
Westminster, the king's hand and meddle no further with the manor and advowson
of Hunsj)ill, delivering to Isabel late the wife of William Cogan knight
any issues thereof taken ; as the king has learned by inquisition,
taken by the escheator, that the said Wilham at his death held the
premises in chief by knight service as jointly enfeoffed with her by
gift of William de Luscoto and others made with the late king's
licence to them and the heirs male of their bodies ; and for 205. by
her paid in the hanaper the king has respited the said Isabel's
homage until the quinzaine of Easter next, having taken her fealty.
6 KICHAKl) II- Part I.
July 30.
To Robert de Loxle cschcator in Surrey. Order to take the fealty
of Edward de Sancto Johaune knight, to take of him .security for
payment of his rehef at the exchequer, and to give him livery of
95 acres of land and 4 acres of meadow, parcel of the manor of Apse ;
as upon the finding of an inquisition, taken by the escheator, that
John Brokas at his death held the premises by divers services of the
heirs of Humphrey de Bohun earl of Hereford and Edward le Despenser
who are minors in the king's wardship, and divers other lands of
others than the king, and that Edward de Sancto Johanne, being
son of Joan sister of Thomas de Hevere father of Margaret mother
of the said John, is his next heir and of full age, and upon the finding
of another inquisition taken by John Brode of Smethe late escheator
in Kent, that John Brokas at his death held the manor of If eld by
Shyngledewelle of others than the king, and that the said Edward,
being son of Joan daughter of Ralph de Hevere knight father of
Thomas father of Margaret mother of John Brokas, and Elizabeth wife
of Edmund Herneys, being daughter of John son of Alice daughter of
the said Ralph, are cousins and next heirs of John Brokas and of full
age, and upon petition of Edward de Sancto Johanne, shewing that by
colour of the second inquisition, which contains not the whole truth it is
said, he is unlawfully hindered from having livery of the said land
and meadow although he is the sole heir of John Brokas, the king
lately ordered the sheriff of Surrey to give notice to the said Edmund
and Elizabeth to be in chancery on the morrow of St. James the
Apostle last in order to shew cause wherefore the king ought not to
give the petitioner livery thereof ; and the sheriff returned that he
caused John Heyne bailiff of the liberty of Kyngeston to have the
return of that writ, who answered that he gave them notice as
thereby required ; and at the day named the said Edmund and
Elizabeth came not, wherefore it was determined that livery be given
as aforesaid.
To Richard Burnell late one of the tellers at the receipt of the
exchequer. Order henceforth not to meddle in that office ; as by
letters patent of 28 July last the king granted to Walter Chippenham
that he should have the office of one of the tellers whom Hugh Segrave
now treasurer should please to remove, and the fees thereto pertaining,
without being removed by any treasurer for the time being ; and the
treasurer has removed the said Richard.
Aug. 12. To Robert de Assheton constable of Dovorre castle and warden
Westminster, of the Cinque Ports, or to his lieutenant. Order with such speed as he
may to furnish with men at arms and archers, at such costs and wages
as ought to be paid for the king's own passage, and make ready ships
or other vessels sufficient for the safe conduct of Przimislaus duke of
Teschen (Techinensis), the bannerets, knights, esquires and other
subjects of Wencelaus king of the Romans and of Bohemia who came
to England in the company of Queen Anne and are now about to
return, and therewith to bring him and all his company safe to
Calais. By C.
Aug 16. To Thomas de Holand earl of Kent, keeper of the king's forest on
Westminster, this side Trent, or to his representative in Rokyngham forest. Order,
upon petition of Master John de Shepey dean of St. Mary's Lincoln
Aug. 1.
Aug. 7.
1382. Membrane 25 — cont.
and prebendary of Nass\aigton, to make inquisition by true men of
the forest, foresters, verderers and others, touching tlie petitioner's
pretended right to two oaks a year by livery of the foresters within
the bailiwick of Clyve, sixteen faggots of underwood a week from
jVlichaehnas to St. Peter and St. Paul in a place called the ' Persones
Ruydjaig,' a piggery in a place called the ' Fermes,' and his free bull
and boar throughout the forest, what prebendaries have had the same,
from what time and by what title, and other the circumstances,
sending the inquisition into chancery ; as his petition shews that all
the prebendaries his predecessors, cardinals and aliens excepted, have
heretofore had the oaks etc. aforesaid in right of their prebend time
out of mind. By bill endorsed by C.
Et erat patens.
To the farmers or occupiers for the time being of the manor of
Worthy Mortymer co. Suthampton which was of Edmund de Mortimer
earl of March and Ulster, lord of Wyggemore, Clare and Connaght.
Order to paj^ to John Othelake the earl's servant, whom for good
service the earl by letters indented, confirmed by the king, appointed
herald at arms, naming him Marche, a rent of Ql. 13s. 4d. a j-ear for
life, according to the earl's grant and the king's confii'mation.
Et erat patens.
Aug. 20. To the receiver, farmer or bailiff of the castle and lordships of
Westminster. Walyngford for the time being. Order to paj'^ to John de Remyngton
the king's yeoman 10^ a year for life and the arrears since 11 May
1 Richard II, according to the king's letters patent of that date.
Et erat patens.
Aug. 4. To Nicholas fitz Richard escheator in Essex. Order to give Hamon
Woodstock, son and heir of Thomas Vaghan knight seisin of his father's lands ;
as he has proved his age before Robert de Sw^Tifen escheator in Salop,
and the king has taken his homage and fealty. By p.s. [2325.]
The like to John de Newenton escheator in Kent and Middlesex.
Aug. 17. To Henry Moton escheator in Gloucestershire and Herefordshire
Westminster, and in the march of Wales adjoining. Order to take of Lettice
who was wife of Gilbert Gamage an oath etc., and in presence of
\Villiam Dav}' and Robert de Muskliam clerks, to whom the king
has committed the wardship thereof, to assign her dower of her
husband's lands.
Aug. 19. To John Rede escheator in Norffolk and Suffolk. Order without
Westminster, delay to take all inquisitions, if not yet taken, which the king lately
commanded him to take concerning the lands wliich were of Edmund
de Mortuo Mari earl of March and Ulster, and to send them into
chancery, not meddling with any issues or profits arising from the
earl's manors, lands etc., and restoring aught thereof levied to those
from whom it was received. By bill of the treasurer.
The like to the following :
Nicholas Fitz Richard escheator in Essex.
John de Newenton escheator in Kent.
Robert de Loxle escheator in Surrey.
Thomas Peyvre escheator in Bukinghamshire.
John de Radeston escheator in Somerset and Dorset.
G RICHARD II.— Part I. 157
1382. Membrane 25 — cont.
To Honi'.y Moton escheator in Gloucestershire and Herefordshire
and in the nuircli of Wales adjacent. Like order, mulatifi mutandis,
as well concerning the lands of the said earl as those which Philippa
his mother, likewise deceased, held in dower or for life of his
The like to the following :
Robert de Swynfen escheator in Salop.
Thomas atte Brugge escheator in Worcestershire.
John Gaweyn escheator in the county of Suthampton and
Aug. 23. To the keeper of the wardrobe of the lung's household for the time
Westminster, being. Order to pay \2d. a day for life to Simon de Burley the king's
knight, whom the king has appointed master of his hawks and keeper
of his mews at Charryng by Westminster for life, taking \2d. a day
as wages.
Et erat patens.
Membrane 24.
Sept. 26. To John de Radeston escheator in Somerset. Order to assign
Westminster, dower to Isabel who was wife of William Cogan loiight, of whom the
king has taken an oath etc.
The like to Roger Juyl escheator in Devon.
Here, on Saturday the eve of St. Matthew, the great seal was
delivered to Robert bishop of London the chancellor, as appears in a
memorandum on the dorse of tliis roll.
Sept. 27. To Robert Swynfen escheator in Salop. Order to take of Elizabeth
Westminster, who was wife of Fulk Corbet knight an oath etc., and to assign her
Oct. 11. To Robert de Loxley escheator in Sussex. Order to give John son
Westminster, of Geoffrey de Say and of Maud his wife livery of the manor of Hammes ;
as the king has learned by inquisition, taken by the escheator, that
the same came to the late king's hands by death of William de Say
knight, and by reason of the nonage of John his son and heir, who
died a minor in the king's wardship, that Thomas de Heth sometime
parson of Retherfeld by fine levied in the late king's court gave it to
Geoffrey de Say knight, grandfather of John son of William, and to
Maud his wife and the heirs male of their bodies, that John son of
William died without issue male, wherefore the same ought by form
of the fine to remain to John son of Geoffrey, and that it is held of
others than the king.
Oct. 12. To all sheriffs, mayors, bailiffs, customers, searchers, keepers of
Westminster, ports and maritime places etc. in Norffolk and Suffolk within liberties
and without. Order, by assent and advice of the prelates, lords and
great men in this parliament, to suffer alien fishermen, who will come
with herring to any such ports and places and sell it, to take the
price in gold or silver money and pass therewith to their own parts ;
and if by virtue of any ordinance or statute, forbidding gold or silver
for any merchandise to be taken out of England, they have arrested
money in the hands of such fishermen or buyers, order to dearrest the
same and restore it to the owners, those statutes etc. notwithstanding.
Et erat patens.
1382. Membrane 24 — cont.
Oct. 16. To the lieutenant, justice or guardian of Ireland and the chancellor
Westminster, thereof for the time being and to their representatives. Order to
suffer the abbot of Cokersand co. Lancaster by his servants to buy
and purvey for his sustenance and the sustenance of his convent
300 quarters of wheat in Ireland, to lade the same in ports of Ireland,
where he shall please, at once or from time to time and, after payment
of customs and duties thereupon, to bring it into the realm, on the
king's behalf commanding as need shall be his ministers whatsoever
not to hinder them, and causing the abbot or his servants to have the
needful writs etc. ; as the abbej'^ is situate in great peril on the sea shore,
and the king has given the abbot licence so to do.
Et erat patens.
Oct. 16. To the receiver or other minister of the king's lordship of Berkham-
Westininster. stede for the time being. Order to pay every year to William groom of
the kitchen of Edward late prince of Wales 2d. a day and the arrears
since 22 March 1 Richard II, on which date the king confirmed a grant
thereof for life by him made while prince of Wales to the said
Et erat patens.
Oct. 17. To the receiver, farmer or other minister of the lordship of Cornwall
Westminster, for the time being. Order to pay to Edward Hales, esquire of Edward
late prince of Wales, lOl. a year and the arrears since 22 May
1 Richard II, on which date the king confirmed letters patent of the
prince, granting to his said esquire for long and praiseworthy service
lOZ. a 5^ear for life.
Et erat patens.
Oct. 21. To all sheriffs of the realm to whom etc. Order, upon an
Westminster, information that John Cherdesle canon is purposing contrary to the
proclamation to pass to foreign parts in order to prosecute many
things to the prejudice of the king and manj' of the people and to
the hurt of the realm, to cause him to come before them wherev^er
found, and compel him to find mainpernors that he shall not depart
thither without special licence of the king, nor prosecute or attempt
aught that may tend to contempt or prejudice of the king or hurt
of the people, or to impair the laws etc. of the realm, nor send any
there for the purpose, and if he shall refuse, order to commit him to
prison until he will so do, certifying the security in chancery when
Et erat jxitens.
Oct. 18. To Henrj' Moton escheator in Gloucestershire and the march of
Westminster. Wales adjacent. Order to assign to Edmund Toky and Joan his wife,
who was wife of Alexander Karent, dower of the said Alexander's
lands ; as by a fine with him made by the said Edmund the king
has pardoned the trespass of the said Edmund in taking her to wife,
and of the said Joan in marrying him without the king's licence.
Oct. 10. To John de Nowonton escheator in Middlesex. Order to remove
Westminster, the king's hand and mccKlle no further with lands of the i)rior and
convent of the Charterhouse London in the parish of Totenham and
Edelmeton called the ' Boundes ' and Wodelegh, delivering to the
6 RICHARD II.— Part I. 159
1382. Membrane 24 — cont.
prior any issues thereof taken ; as lately the king ordered the escheator
to certify in chancery the cause wherefore the premises were taken
into the king's hand, and he certified that he so took them upon the
finding of an inquisition, before him taken of his office, that without
the king's licence the prior and convent acquired a tenement with
50 acres of land, pasture and wood as aforesaid which was of John
Cantebrigge citizen of London, and that the premises are held in
chief ; but William de Walleworth, William de Haldene and Robert
Launde citizens of London [gave] the premises, with the houses
thereupon built, wliich they had by feoffment of John de Cantebrigge
and Master John de Burton late rector of Warefeld, to the king and
William archbishop of Canterbury late bishop of London and to
their heirs, the bishop made a quitclaim thereof to the king and his
heirs, and by letters patent of 1 April 1 Richard II the Mng gave
and assigned the same to the prior and convent and to their successors
in part of the endowment of that house.
Membrane 23.
Sept. 10. To the mayor of Lincoln. Order at his peril to revoke and annul
Westminster, letters patent under the common seal of that city, made by his own
authority, against the will of the major part of the city, to any of the
more sufficient and discreet men thereof, discharging them in future
of the offices of bailiff and mayor.
Oct. 5. To Henry Moton escheator in Gloucestershire. Order to take the
Westminster, fealty of Cicely late the wife of Nicholas de Berkeleye knight, and to
remove the king's hand and meddle no further with the manors of
, Durseleye and Colde Newenton, and a messuage and two virgates of
land in Dodynton, delivering to her any issues thereof taken ; as
the king has learned by inquisition, taken by the escheator, that
at his death the said Nicholas held those manors in chief by knight
service as jointly enfeoffed with the said Cicely by feoffment of William
de Auste and Nicholas Waneswelle made with the king's licence to
them and the heirs of the said Nicholas, and the said messuage and
land likewise by gift of John de Weston of Inste, who held the same
of the said Nicholas as of his manor of Dodynton by the service of 10s.
a year and a pair of gilt spurs.
Oct, 6. To the sheriff of Oxford and Berkshire, or the farmers or receivers
Westminster, there of the subsidy upon woollen cloths pertaining to the king Order
to pay to Adam de Colton one of the yeomen of the king's chamber
lOZ. a year and the arrears since 13 May last, on which date the king
granted him for life or until he should take other order 101. a year
of the said subsidy for good service to the king from his birth.
Et erat patens .
Oct. 11. To the chamberlain of North wales for the time being. Order to
Westminster, pay to John Sondes esquire 50Z. a year for life and the arrears since
10 December {sic) 3 Richard II, according to the king's letters patent
of 10 September that year ; as on 27 January 41 Edward III the
king's father by letters patent under the seal of the earldom of Cestre
granted during his life to the said John and to John Alayn esquire
for good service 50/. a year each, and to the value of 100 marks a
year granted them the town of Middel Wiche co. Cestre with rents,
1382. Membrane 23—cont.
issues, and profits to the lordship thereof pertaining, willing that
thej' should take the residue of their annuities in the exchequer of
Cestre ; and in consideration that the said manor among other lands
is delivered to his mother in dower, and that John Alayn is dead, on
10 September aforesaid, at the petition of John Sondes, the king
granted him for his good service 50Z. a year for life at the exchequer
of Karnarvan in recompense for the former annuity, for that he gave
up the said letters patent in chancery to be cancelled.
Et erat patens.
Oct. 10. To the sheriffs of York, Lincoln, Norhampton and Leycester for
Westminster, the time being. Order to suffer the abbot and convent of Selby to
use and enjoy the liberties and quittances granted them by charters
of former kings ; as among other liberties it is granted that they shall
have their court, with sac and soc, ' thol,' ' theam ' and ' infangenthef '
and the best customs that the church of St. Peter York has, that
view of frankpledge shall be held therein, without that that any
Serjeant of the king shall hold it or meddle therein, and that mercies
thereof arising shall be theirs and their successors' ; and the king has
confirmed those charters with the clause licet.
Et erat patens.
Oct. 17. To the keeper or farmer of Oxford castle for the time being. Order
Westminster, of the issues of the king's mills beneath the castle to pay to
Roger Chejaie lOZ. a yea,T for life and the arrears for Easter and
Michaelmas terms last ; as the late king by letters patent granted
to the said Roger his esquire 10/. a year for life of the issues of
Oxfordshire and Berkshire ; and on 6 December last the king granted
him to take that yearly sum as aforesaid.
Et erat patens.
Oct. 19. To the sheriffs of London for the time being. Order to pay to
Westminster. John de Suthcwclle the late king's clerk lOZ. a year and the arrears
since 11 March 1 Richard II, on wiiich date the king confirmed lettere
patent of the late king, granting the said John for good service \Ql.
a year of the issues or farm of London for life or until the king should
make him provision for life of \0l. a A'ear of land or rent.
Et erat patens.
Oct. 22. To the receiver of the bailiwick of the honour of Berkhamstede for
Westminster, the time being. Order to pay to Nicholas Adam 10 marks a year for
life and the arrears since 22 March 1 Richard II, on which date the
king confirmed letters patent of E. prince of Aquitaine and Wales,
granting to the said Nicholas his servant for good service the baiiiw ick
aforesaid for life with the accustomed profits and emoluments, taking
10 marks a year for keeping the same.
Et erat patens.
Oct. 23. To archbishops etc. and all persons holding ecclesiastical dignity
Westminster, or office, notaries public and others to whom etc. Prohibition of any
attempt in contempt of the king which may tend to impair the effect
of his presentation of John Ingayn chaplain to the vicarage of St. Peter
Hereford, lately void and in the king's gift ; as upon his j)resentation
the said John was instituted and inducted, and now the king is
6 RICHARD II.— Part I. 161
1382. Membrane 23 — cont.
informed that certain men, striving to impair the effect thereof and
of their malice to disturb the said John in possession of the vicarage,
have made inhibitions, citations, appeals, inductions, instruments etc.
to the prejudice of the crown.
Oct. 18. To Robert Passelewe escheator in Yorkshire. Order to take the
Westminster, fealty of Cicely daughter of William Grynel son of Hugh Grynel and
Margaret his wife, being cousin and heir of the said Margaret and
of full age, as is found by inquisition before the escheator, and to
give her livery of a piece of meadow and pasture in Esyngwode called
Westkek containing about 8 acres, saving her relief if lawfully due ;
as the said Hugh and Margaret without the late king's licence lately
acquired the premises to them and the said Margaret's heirs of William
Faderles, who held the same of the late king in chief by fealty and the
service of rendering 3s. a year at the exchequer by the hands of the
sheriff, and by reason of that trespass it was taken into the late king's
hand, as the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer have certified
in chancery ; and by a fine paid by Cicely the king has pardoned that
Membrane 22.
Sept. 30. To the receiver of Clare for the time being. Order of the issues of
Westminster, that honour to pay every year during his life to William Hunt one
of the yeomen of the king's chamber the wages and fees belonging to
the office of bailiff of the fees thereof in Norffolk, Suffolk, Essex and
Hertfordshire, and the arrears since 12 March last, from which date
the king has granted to the said William his servant for life, so long
as the same shall remain in his hand, the office of bailiff of the said
fees, which among other lands of Edmund de Mortuo Mari earl of
March came to the king's hand by reason of the nonage of the earl's
Et erat patens.
Oct. 6. To all canons of the house of St. Mary Wals3aigham. Strict order,
Westminster, under pain of forfeiture, forbidding them to attempt aught which
may tend to the prejudice of the king or Roger son and heir of Edmund
de Mortuo Mari earl of March, a minor in his wardship, or to impair the
laws and custom of the realm or the foundation of that house, or to
give obedience or intendance to the prior as if abbot of the house
during the said heir's nonage other than is provided by the foundation
thereof, until by the king and the great council deUberation be had
and order be taken upon the matter ; as it has newly come to the
king's ears that the priory thereof is of the foundation of the said
heir's ancestors, that although from the foundation thereof, which
the prior is bound by oath to preserve, it has been ruled by priors
elected by the earl's licence in accordance with the statutes, and not
otherwise or by others, scheming to overset the rule approved by the
founders the prior, fearing not the pain of perjury, has without craving
or obtaining licence of the king or earl procured letters of the pope to
be made abbot, and to rule the same under pastoral governance in
name of abbot, purposing to hold the priory as abbot contrary
to the founders' will, which would tend not only to contempt of the
king and to the prejudice of the said heir but to overset the rules and
constitution of the priory, and to impoverish the same.
Et erat patens.
Wt 32813. OB 11
Oct. 19.
Membrane 22 — coni.
To the chancellor and proctors of the university of Oxford. Order
under pain of forfeiture to suffer the prior of St. Frideswide's O.xford
to have a fair at Oxford at the feast of St. Frideswide and during a
set time after, taking his profit thereof, and all those who come thither
to sell and buy without let, as of old time used to be done, the king
willing that the cause or plaint pending between the prior and the
university shall afterwards be debated and deternuned by the king
and council, and order to be in person before the king and council at
Westminster on the morrow of All Souls, that by advice of the council
the king may deal there\nth according to law ; as the king is assured
that the j^rior and convent have ever heretofore had and ought to
have the said fair, and now by an information in parliament the king
has heard that the chancellor and proctors, scheming of malice to
deprive the j^rior of his right and taking to them the king's power,
have made proclamation that no man shall hold a fair there at his peril,
causing all tents and jiavdlions set up b}' merchants and others flocking
thither to be torn do^Mi, the cords thereof to be broken and cut, and
the fair altogether hindered by the strong hand. By C. in pari.
Oct. 21. To the treasurer and the chamberlains. Order to allow
Westminster. Master Walter de Skirlawe the king's clerk, who at the king's command
undertook the keeping of his privy seal on the eve of St. Lawrence
last, so much a day from that date until now, as used to be allowed
to the keepers of the king's privy seal and the late king's, and hence-
forward so long as he shall stand in office, until order be taken for his
continual abode in the king's household. By C
Membrane 21.
Oct. 22. To Henry Moton escheator in Gloucestershire and Herefordshire
Westminster, and the march of Wales adjacent. Order to take a simple seisin within
some manor of the bishopric of Landaff, suffering the chapter of that
church to have the keeping and disposal of the bishopric, now void
by death of Roger the last bishoji, and of the temjioralities etc. thereto
belonging, delivering to them any issues thereof taken, saving to the
king the knights' fees and advowsons and the escheats that shall fall
in during this vacancy, and the keeping of any lands acquired and
annexed to the bishopric since the letters patent of King Edward II,
who in consideration of the waste of woods etc. pertaining thereto
b}^ escheators or other keepers which might be suffered in time of
vacancies without his will and knowledge, of his devotion of St. Peter
and St. Paul in whose honour the church is founded, granted that
at every vacancy of the bishopric the chapter should have the keeping
and dis])()sal thereof, as fully as the bish()])s had, or as the king might
or ought to have during vacancies if the same were kept in his
hand, saving to the king any knights' fees held of the bishojmc, and
the advowsons of churches, so that all rents and services of such fees
arising during vacancies should remain to the chapter, and saving
escheats aforesaid, rendering to the king 93^ 9^. M., whereat the
bishopric is taxed, if the vacanc}'^ should endure one whole year, and if
for a greater or less time in proportion, with covenant that no escheator,
sheriff or other minister of the king should by reason of a vacancy
meddle in the keeping of the bishopric, the manors or property thereof,
except that at the beginning of every vacancy the escheator or other
minister of the king should in name of the king's lordship take a
6 RICHARD II.— Part T.
1382. Membrane 21 — cont.
simple seisin within some manor thereof, and forthwith depart, taking
or carrying away no fealty or acknowledgment of any tenant of the
bishopric or aught else, so that he should not abide more than one day
or leave any substitute in his room ; and the king has confirmed that
Oct. 22. To Thomas de Bello Campo earl of Warrewyk lord of Gower, or
Westminster, to his bailiff there. Order not to meddle with the keeping of the
manor of Bisshopeston in the lordship of Gower, delivering to the
chapter of Landafi any issues thereof taken, that they may answer
to the king for the vacancy of the bishopric ; as King Edward II by
letters patent, confirmed by the king, granted etc. {as above), and
on behalf of the chapter it is shewn the king that, the bishopric being
vacant by death of bishop Roger, the earl has entered the said manor,
the keeping whereof ought to pertain to the king if he had retained
the keeping of the bishopric, looking upon the keeping thereof as
pertaining to him, and suffers not the chapter to have the keeping
and disposal thereof, whereat the king is moved to anger.
Oct. 20. To John Rede escheator in Norffolk. Order to remove the king's
Westminster, hand and meddle no further with the manor of Kenynghale, delivering
to Elizabeth late the wife of William son of William de Montagu earl of
Salisbury any issues thereof taken ; as the king has learned by
inquisition, taken by the escheator, that at his death her husband
held the same as jointly enfeoffed with her by gift of the earl made
with the king's licence to them and the heirs of William his son by
her, and that it is held in chief by knight service ; and the king has
commanded Richard earl of Arundel to take her fealty.
Nov. 8. To the receiver of the lordship of Beolth for the time being. Order
Westminster, to pay to Roger Berde 5 marks a year and the arrears since 2 November
last, on which date the king confirmed letters indented of Roger de
Mortuo Mari late earl of March, granting to the said Roger Berde for
good service 5 marks a year for life to be taken of the said
lordship. [See p.s. 2510.]
Et erat patens.
Oct. 20. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Order to com-
Westminster. mand livery to be given to Robert son of William Croke daughter (sic)
of Dionysia sister of William de Thoraldby the younger, being cousin
and heir of William de Thoraldby, of a messuage and four bovates of
land in Thoraldby and a messuage and two bovates of land in
Skirpenbek ; and writ of supersedeas in respect of their demand
upon the sheriff of York to answer henceforth for the issues thereof,
ordering them to discharge the sheriff and the escheators etc. ; as
Jordan de Bretton, ancestor of William de Thoraldby the younger, lately
without the then king's licence acquired the premises in fee of Walter
Chauncy, who held the same of former kings in chief, and they were taken
into the late king's hand by reason of that trespass and of the nonage of
Robert Croke, as the treasurer and the barons have certified in
chancery ; and for a fine paid by the said Robert, who is of full age
as is found by inquisition taken before Robert Passelewe escheator in
Yorkshire, the king has pardoned that trespass, and has granted that
Robert Croke shall hold the premises to him and his heirs, saving
his homage and relief if due to the king.
1382. Membrane 21 — coni.
Oct 30. To Robert Swynfen escheator in Salop and Staffordshire. Order
Westminster, to take the fealty of Isabel late the \\ife of Thomas de Brumpton
for the manor of Longeford co. Salop, and to remove the king's hand
and meddle no further there%nth and with the manor of Chirche Eyton
CO. Stafford, delivering to her any issues thereof taken ; as the king
has learned by inquisition, taken by the escheator. that the said Thomas
at his death held both manors as jointly enfeoffed ^\^th her, the first
named, which is held in chief by knight ser^^ce, by gift of John de
Brumpton knight made witli the king's licence to them and the heirs
of their bodies, the latter, which is held of others than the king, by
like gift of the said John ; and for half a mark paid in the hanaper
the king has respited the homage of the said Isabel until the quinzaine
of Easter next.
Membrane 20.
Nov. 18. To the collectors or farmers of the petty customs in the port of
Westminster. Lennc for the time being. Order to pay to John de Wesenham
26/. 135. 4c?. a year and the arrears since 20 June 3 Richard II, an}'
command heretofore or hereafter made by word of mouth or under
any seal to the contrary notwithstanding, and not\\ithstanding that
there is no mention of liis taking the same by the hands of the farmers
in the letters patent, whereby the king granted him that j'early sum
from the aforesaid date for life bj^ the hand of the collectors. By K.
Et erat patens.
The like to the collectors or farmers of the petty customs in the
port of St. Botolph, for pa3'ment of 20/. [a year] to the said
John. By [K].
Et erat patens.
Nov. 15. To Thomas de Holand earl of Kent and justice of the forest this
Westminster, side Trent, or to his representative in Savarnake forest for the time
being. Order to suffer John de Roches the king's knight from
28 March last to have ' housbote ' and ' ha3'bote ' in the said forest
for his abode in Merlebergh castle, and by himself or when absent
by his deputy to exercise oversight of the said forest and of Merlebergh
warren for life, according to the king's letters patent of the aforesaid
date, granting to the said John for life the keeping of the said castle
and oversight of the forest and warren without taking aught else for
the same.
Et erat patens.
Oct. 28. To Roger de la Chambre escheator in Norhamptonshire. Order to
^Vestmin8te^. remove the king's hand and meddle no further with the manor and
advoMson of Stowe, the advowson of Ky.selyngbury and divers other
lands, delivering up any issues thereof taken ; as the king has learned
by inquisition, taken by the escheator, that Warin de Insula knight
at his death held no lands in that county in chief in demesne nor in
service, but held the premises of others than the king, and that
Margaret his daughter, whom Thomas de Berkeley knight has taken
to wife, is his next heir and of full age.
To Edmund Giffard escheator in Oxfordshire and Berkshire. Like
order, mutatis mutandis, concerning the manor of Noke and divers
other lands.
(•> RICHARD II.— Part I.
Membrane 20 — cont.
Nov. 20.
To Roger Juyll oscheator in Devon. Like order concerning the
manor of CJiurleton and divers other lands, held by the said Warin
by the courtesy of Engkmd in right of Margaret his wife deceased.
To John Gaweyn escheator in Wiltesir. Like order concerning
4 marks of rent in Cherleton by Hungerford and divers other lands,
held by the said Warin of others than the king.
To Guy de Brien and his fellows, justices of the peace and of oyer
and terminer in Somerset. Order not to trouble Henry Seger, Thomas
Aubrey, William Iryssh, John Hille ' taillour,' Richard Bryd, Thomas
Blake, William Gene, William Weston, Richard Wobourne, John
Irle, Thomas Walssh and Robert Horton of Yevele, indicted for
certain trespasses etc. it is said, whose names are not delivered in the
parliaments of 5 and 6 Richard II as principals, ringleaders, abettors
or procurers of the late traitorous insurrection to be excepted from
the king's grace, nor were they or any of them at London at the time
thereof to commit or procure any mischief there as they say ; as in
the parliament last holden at Westminster among other things done
and agreed at the instance of the commons of the realm, that they
may henceforth behave peaceably and remain in faith and obedience
to the king, the king of his grace with assent of the great men and
lords there sitting pardoned all his lieges of whatsoever estate or
condition for all treasons and felonies committed in the insurrection
between 1 May 4 Richard II and Midsummer following, except those
whose names were delivered as aforesaid, and except three citizens of
London, namely one specially indicted for hindering William de
Walleworth late mayor of London and certain other lieges from
shutting the city gates against the commons of Kent and Essex then
traitorously assembled so that they might not enter the city, and
from defending the same against them, the other two for being the
first and principal to counsel the said traitors to enter the city and
their leaders therein, and except all persons in like case, and all persons
of the town of Bury St. Edmunds, so that they should stand to right
in the king's court if any man will bring a cause against them, and
pardoned the commons and every person of the realm with the
exceptions aforesaid all trespasses committed before 24 October last,
except those committed by officers of the king and of other lords
and great men, by maintainers of quarrels and by Jurors, and those
which concern lands, ordering that those pardons should be of such
force as if every man had a special charter of the king.
[Fosdera. Rolls of Parliament, iii. p. 395.]
Membrane 19.
To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to admit John
Charneye to exercise the office of coroner in the city of London until
John Sleghe the king's butler shall appoint a deputy and the king
shall think fit that he be admitted ; as he was appointed by Thomas
Tyle late butler, to whom the office then pertained, and is meddling
no more therein for that Jolui Sleghe is appointed butler, who has not
yet appointed a deputy ; and for particular causes shewn before the
council it is the king's will that the office be duly executed.
Nov. 3. To all sheriffs, mayors, bailiffs etc. to whom etc. Order to suffer
Westminster. John Bacoun the king's clerk, prebendary of Driffeld in the church of
Nov. 5.
Membrane 19 — corU.
St. Peter York, his men of Driffeld and Haxeby, to use and enjoy all
liberties and quittances granted to the dean and chapter and singular
the canons of that church by charters of former kings ; as it is granted
that they and their successors and all their men shall be quit
throughout England in city and borough, markets and fairs, passage
of bridges and seaports and in all places of toll, tallage, passage, pedage,
lastage, stallage, hidage, wardage, murage, pontage, pavage, picage,
works and aids of castles, walls, bridges, parks, sea walls, dikes and
stewponds, of ship service, building of the king's houses, work and
ward of castles and all carrying and sumpter ser\nce, nor shall their
carts, wains or horses be taken for any carriage, or their woods for
the works aforesaid or for any other ; and the king has confirmed
those charters with the clause licet.
Et erat patens.
Nov. 5. To all sheriffs, maj'ors, stewards, reeves, bailiflfs etc. to whom etc.
Westminster. Order to cease from laying distresses etc. upon the men and tenants of
the manor of Brommesgrave and Kj^ngeston which is of the ancient
demesne of the crown, suffering them to enjoj' their customs as they and
their ancestors used to do time out of mind, and releasing any distress
made ; as the men and tenants aforesaid coming vd\A\ goods and
wares to divers places are unlawfully distrained to pay toll thereupon,
although they ought to be and used to be thereof quit throughout the
Et erat patens.
Nov. 1. To the chamberlain of Northwales for the time being. Order to pay
Eltham. to John de Beauchamp the king's esquire the fee of 100 marks a
year ; as Edward prince of Wales by letters patent, confirmed by
the late king and by the king, gave to Edward de Sancto Johanne
for life the keeping of Conewey castle with the said fee to be taken
by the hands of the said chamberlain ; and at the said keeper's petition,
who has given up the said letters and confirmations in chancery to
be cancelled, the king has granted the said office and fee to the said
John for life.
Et erat patens.
Oct. 30. To Robert Swynfen escheator in Salop. Order to give Roger brother
Westminster, of Fulk Corbet knight livery of the manor of Shaubury and the
issues thereof taken, but to remove the king's hand and meddle no
further with the manors of Morton Corbet, Ronton, Ambaston and
Harpecote, delivering to the said Roger any issues thereof taken ;
as the king has learned b}^ inquisition, taken by the escheator, that
the said Fulk at his death held the manor of Shaubur}', which is held
in chief by knight service, by gift of Thomas Gery vicar of Morton
and Thomas de Lee of Southbache by fine levied in the late king's
court with his licence, and likewise the other manors aforesaid, which
are held of others than the king, by gift of Jolm Poytyn chaplain and
others to him and the heirs male of his body with remainder to the
said Roger and to the heirs of his body, and that he died without
issue male ; and the king has taken the said Roger's homage and
fealty. By p.s. [2507.]
Nov. 8. To the sheriffs and the coroner in the city of London. Order, upon
Westminster, petition of Thomas Benet of Neweuton, to proceed with such speed
6 RICHARD II.- Part I.
13^2. Membrane 19 — cont.
as tliey lawfully may in an assize of morl (Vanceslor by him arraigned
in the husting of London without the king's writ according to the
custom of the city against Maud Gesors concerning three messuages
in the parishes of St. Mary Magdalene by the Old Fishmarket, St. Peter
Westchepe London and St. Giles without Crepulgate, doing justice
to the parties, the defendant's allegation notwithstanding, so that
they proceed not to rendering of judgment without advising the king ;
as the said petition shews that the plaintiff averred that Thomas de
Neunton his uncle sometime parson of St. Michael ' atte Corne '
London, whose heir he is, died seised of the premises, that the
defendant alleged that the late king by letters patent gave the same
to her, by name of Maud mother of John de Beverley then his esquire,
and to her heirs, by name of a tenement and two shops with solars
thereupon built and a garden adjacent in the parish of St. Giles
without Crepulgate, two shops with solars thereupon built in the
parish of St. Peter ' Wodestrete ' near Chepe in Crepulgate ward, and
a messuage and two shops with solars thereupon built in the parish
of St. Mary by the Old Fishmarket in Castle Baynard ward, to hold
of the king by the same services as before they came to his hands,
and that by colour of her allegation the sheriffs and coroner have
deferred to proceed in the said plea.
Membrane 18. ^
Nov. 12. To the receiver of Clare for the time being. Order of the issues
Westminster, of that lordship to pay to Dionysia Lavendere Id. at, day for life and
the arrears since 30 September last, on which date the king confirmed
letters patent of Edmund de Mortuo Mari earl of March, whereby he
gave her \d. a. day for her life of the issues aforesaid.
Et erat patens.
Oct. 18. To the collectors of customs and subsidies in the port of Plymuth.
Westminster. Writ of supersedeas, upon petition of divers masters, merchants and
seamen of ships of Portugal in that port, in respect of their demand
for customs, subsidies or other duties upon any cloth or merchandise
not bought within the realm and not there exposed for sale, not-
withstanding that any of them be transferred from one ship to another,
releasing any distress made for that cause ; as their petition shews
that by command of the chancellor of Portugal they lately came to
that port from Flanders bringing with them cloths and other wares
to be taken to Portugal, whereof some were there transferred from
ship to ship, and that the collectors are demanding customs etc.
thereupon, although none be due.
Nov. 4. To Roger Juyl escheator in Devon, and to the mayor and bailiffs of
Westminster, the town (sic) of Exeter. Order to give Robert Persoun yeoman of
the king's buttery livery of messuages and lands which were of John
Gyft, son and heir of John Gift of Exetre, to the value of 505. a year,
held of the king, and to him forfeit for that John the son was outlawed
for felony ; as the king has given the same for life to the said Robert
for good service. By p.s. [2514.]
Et erat patens.
Membrane I7.
Oct. 29. To John Gawayn escheator in Wiltesir. Order to remove the
Westminster, king's hand and meddle no further with a yearly rent of 10 marks
1382. ■ Membrone 17 — cont.
wherewith the manor of la Brodetoune is charged, delivering to the
abbess and convent of Shaft on any issues thereof taken ; as the king
has learned by inquisition, taken by the escheator, that Gilbert le
Despenser at his death held the said manor of the king as of the honour
of Walyngford for life by demise of Hugh le Despenser his brother,
and that the said Hugh ha\-ing obtained the king's licence charged
the same uith that 3'early pension during the life of Joan le Despenser
his sister, a nun of the said house.
Nov. 16. To Isabel who was wife of William de Ufford earl of Sufifolk. Order
Westminster, of the woods witliin the manors of Haughle, Thorndon and Costeseye,
which she holds in dower with reversion to the king, to command
that sufficient timber be delivered to the servants of Queen Aime
as often as need be for repair of houses, mills and other buildings
in the manors of Eye, Causton and Burgh which are in the queen's
hands ; as they are in need of great repairs.
Et erat patens.
Nov. 18. To the king's butler for the time being or his representative in the
Westminster, port of Lemie. Order of the king's wines in that port to pay to John
de Wesenham for life one tun of wine a year, and the arrears since
20 June 3 Richard II or the value thereof, any command heretofore
or hereafter given by word of mouth or under any seal to the contrary'
notwithstanding, according to the king's letters patent, granting the
said John one tun of wine a year at Christmas of the king's right prise
in that port or the value thereof at that time, at the discretion of the
butler or his representative, deducting so much wine or monej' as
shall be by the butler paid for the prise thereof. Bj' K.
The like to the said butler or his reiiresentative in the port of
St. Botolph, for payment to the said John of one tun of wine a year
at Easter or the value thereof. By K.
Et erat patens.
Oct. 26. To Thomas Morreaux constable of the Tower of London, and to his
Westminster, lieutenant. Order to receive and keep in safe custody in the Tower
until further order Jolui Home of London ' fisshmongere,' whom
John de Monte Acuto steward of the king's household shall deliver
to him. By C.
Oct. 30. To Thomas Morreaux etc. {as the last). Order to deliver again to
Westminster. John de Monte Acuto {as above) John Home of London ' fisshmongere,'
whom at the king's command he delivered to the constable for custody
in the Tower, suffering the steward to deal with him as the king and
council shall direct. By C.
Dec. 2. To Nicholas fitz Richard escheator in Hertfordshire. Order to
Westminster, remove the king's hand and meddle no further with a toft and garden,
50 acres of land, 4 acres of meadow, 8 acres of pasture and 2 acres of
wood in Little Hadham ; as it is found by inquisition, taken by
Robert Basset late escheator, that Thomas Skot of Little Hadham,
who on Thursday before St. Margaret 5 Richard II was convicted
before the justices at St. Albans of felony and treasons, in
47 Edward III purchased the premises of Thomas Deyncs, to him
and his heirs, and continued his possession until 2 Richard II, when
6 RICHARD H— Part I. 169
1382. Mernhrane 17 — cont.
lie demised the same to Bartholomew Willyam of Asshewelle and to
his heirs for ever, that the said Thomas after had the premises, taking
the profits to the day of his conviction, by what title the jurors know
not, and that the same are held of others than the king ; and after
by another inquistion it is found that on the day of his conviction
Thomas Skot was not seised of the premises, and had no estate or
possession therein save for a term of four years by demise of the said
Bartholomew, and that the said term has expired.
Membrane 16.
Oct. 12. To Thomas de Bradefeld escheator in Cambridgeshire. Order to
Westminster, give Robert de Brigham of Cantebrigge livery of all his lands, taken
into the king's hand by reason of his being put in exigents, and the
issues thereof since 24 February last, on which date the king pardoned
him for all treasons and felonies by him committed in insurrections
from 1 May 4 Richard II to All Saints following for which he was
indicted etc., and any outlawries published by reason of the same,
provided he slew not Simon archbishop of Canterbury late the
chancellor, brother Robert Hales prior of the Hospital of St. John of
Jerusalem in England then treasurer, or John de Cavendissh then
chief justice, is not a prover or one appealed, the prover or person by
him appealed being yet alive, or escaped not from prison and rendered
himself not ; as he has found in chancery security for his good
behaviour according to the statute, and it seems reasonable to the
king and to the justices and others of the council learned in the law
that his lands be restored, for that the said Robert is not outlawed,
as appears by the record and process which the king caused to come
before him in chancery, although he was indicted for certain mis-
prisions at the time of the insurrection, and was put in exigents,
whereby his goods and chattels are forfeit to the king.
To Thomas de Bradefeld [as before). Like order in favour of John
Refham of Cantebrigge, whom the king pardoned on 23 October last,
restoring of the king's gift his goods and chattels, appraised at 3^.
as he avers.
Nov. 7. To L. bishop of St. Asaph, or in his absence to his vicar general.
Westminster. Writ of supersedeas omnino, revoking the presentation of Richard
Newent chaplain to a portion of the tithes and obventions of the
five towns of Chastell, Celwr, Grogeyn, Doldrewyn and Alttvellyng
in Penthelyn, lately void and in the king's gift by reason of the vacancy
of that bishopric, and the king's request to admit and institute the
said Richard as portioner thereof.
Nov. 6. To the keeper or farmers of the stannary of Cornwall, or to the receiver
Westminster, of the issues thereof for the time being. Order to pay to Aubrey
de Veer 22^. 18s. Q^d. a year for life and the arrears since Michaelmas
5 Richard II ; as on 12 April last among other things the king by
letters patent granted him so to take that yearly sum, of 100?. a year
granted him by the Idng's father, from the date aforesaid until the
king should make him another assignation.
Et erat patens.
Oct. 17. To the sheriffs of London. Order to set free John atte Stone from
Westminster. Neugate prison ; as lately the king ordered the sheriffs to certify
1382. Membrane 16 — cont.
in chancery the cau&e of his imprisonment, and they returned that on
Michaelmas eve last, when they received the office of sheriff, the
prisoner was delivered to their custody by John Hende and John
Rote late sheriffs for 30Z. damages adjudged to Edmund Gramori
esquire in a j)lea of trespass, as contained in a record in the king's
court before the late sheriffs, and that a stranger to them unknowTi,
calling himself John Roppesle and administrator of the said Edmund,
lately came before them and alleged that Edmund was dead intestate,
and that he has letters of administration from the president of the
consistory of London and commissary general of the dean and chapter
of St. Pauls, cra\niig deliverance of the prisoner for that he has
contented the administrator, but that they have deferred to set
the prisoner free because they were not j'^et truly informed or assured
whether the said John Roppesle is the person to whom administration
is committed or no ; and he has produced the said letters of
administration in chancery, making oath that he is sole administrator,
and that the prisoner has contented him as aforesaid.
Nov. 8. To the sheriff of Lincoln for the time being, and to other the king's
Westminster, lieges and ministers whatsoever to whom etc. Notice that by advice
and determination of the justices and others of the council learned
in the law a writ against William Harecourt obtained \nthout process
of law at suit of Stephen de Benyngton brother of the Hospital of
St. John of Jerusalem in England, is revoked and that whatsoever
was done thereby is annulled ; as the said Stephen averring that he
was preceptor of Skirbek by the town of St. Botolph, and that at the
instance of John D3nigley late brother thereof the late prior and the
brethren of the Hospital demised that preceptory for life to the said
John and William at a set yearly rent and for performance of divers
charges, so that if the rent should be in arrear or those charges not
be found it should be lawful for the prior and brethren again to enter
and dispose of the same at pleasure, and that after the said John's
death, although the said William paid not those charges and alms,
and although the representative of the Hospital during the vacancy
thereof and the brethren did again enter the preceptor}^ accordingly,
and committed it to the said Stephen at the like rent etc., the said
William b}' colour of the nomination aforesaid strove to disturb him
upon his possession thereof, threatening by power to thrust him out,
the king by writ ordered the late sheriff, if by inquisition or otherwise
assured that the premises are true, to forbid the said William to make
any attempt so to do by unla\\iul violence or power, telling liim on
the king's behalf to sue in the king's court for any right he had in the
preceptory, if he should think fit ; and the said William after petitioned
the king for revocation of that writ and whatsoever was thereby done,
and for restitution of the i)receptory with the issues and profits thereof
taken by the said Stephen and his damages and costs, shewing that
by colour of the said writ he was without process of law unlawfully
put out of possession of the preceptory, wherein he has an estate for
life, and the king ordered the now sheriff to give notice to John prior
of the Hospital and to the said Stcjihen to be in chancery at a set day
past in order to shew cause wherefore that ought not to be done ;
and at the day a})pointed the parties appeared, the matter was examined
and declared before the justices and others of the council learned
13g2. Membrane 16 — cont.
in the law, and deliberation had, and the said writ was revoked as
Et erat patens.
Oct. 27. To Robert Passelewe escheator in Yorkshire. Order in presence of
Westminster, the next friends of Jolin son of John de Hastynges, a minor in the
king's wardship, being cousin and one of the heirs of William de
Cantilupe knight tenant in chief of the late king, and in presence of
William la Zouche knight of full age, being the other cousin and heir,
to assign and deliver to John Bussy and Maud his wife, who was wife
of William de Cantilupe and after of Thomas de Kydale knight tenant
of the heir of Henry de Bello Monte a minor in the king's wardship,
dower of the manor of Farneham and all other lands of William de
Cantilupe in Doketlofthous, Stavley and Bychehille, notwithstanding
that when dower was lately assigned to her no inquisition had been
taken after her said husband's death, and no suit by her made for
dower ; as for a fine paid by the said John Bussy the king has
pardoned the trespass which he committed in taking her to wife, and
the said Maud in marrying him \vithout the king's licence.
By K., and for 405. paid in the hanaper.
Oct. 15. To Robert Tresilian and his fellows, justices appointed to hold pleas
Westminster, before the king. Order by writ of nisi prius to cause an inquisition
which remains to be taken between the king and John Chaundos and
Philippa his wife, namely whether John Bohun of Medhurst died
seised of 405. of rent and of the services of William de Skirbek, Henry
Gounyldson, Robert son of John Hatclif, the prior of Syxhill, William
de Belesby, Alice daughter of Robert de Maundevylle and the abbot
of Wellehowe in Waltham, Belesby, Hatclif, Fenley and Wathe or no,
to be taken before one of the king's justices. By C.
Nov. 10. To the warden of the change of London for the time being. Order
Westminster, of the issues of the change to pay to Stephen Rummylowe Qd. a day
for his wages as keeper of the king's dies of gold and silver in the
Tower of London and the city of Canterbury, and the arrears since
the dies were delivered to him ; as on 16 November last the king by
letters patent granted him that ofS&ce during good behaviour, taking
such wages as were paid to William de Hussebourne and John Salesbury
deceased, who had that office by grant of the late king ; and the
treasurer and the barons of the exchequer have certified in chancery
that in the accounts of John de Thorp clerk, late warden of the change,
it is found that he accounted for Qd. a day wages paid to the said
William, and likewise after his death to John de Salesbury, and that
other wardens before him accounted likewise.
Et erat patens.
Oct. 30. To Robert Swynfen escheator in Salop. Order to remove the
Westminster, king's hand and meddle no further with the manors of Watelesburgh,
Heye, Bradeshulle and Hemme and the townships of Hynyton,
Haberley, Stircheley and Kjoierton, delivering to Elizabeth late
the wife of Fulk Corbet of Morton knight any issues thereof taken ;
as the king has learned by inquisition, taken by the escheator, that
1382. Metnhrane 15 — cont.
at his death the said Fulk held the same as jointly enfeoffed with her
by gift of John Roden chaplain and others, and that they are held
of others than the king.
Nov. 16. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Order, upon
Westminster, petition of Adam Ramcseie the kings esquire, to allow him 20 marks
wliich the king has pardoned him in his farm due to the king for the
manor of Somerton ; as his petition shews that after the death of
Jolxn Auncell knight he took the manor for the farm which the
deceased used to render, taking thereof 40 marks a year which aforetime
he took of the receiver of Cornwall by grant of the king's father, and
that after taking that farm he was so much impoverished by a grievous
murrain of all cattle in those parts that he owes 20 marks for the
same at the exchequer for the last two years. By K.
Nov. 3. To Thomas de Bradefeld escheator in Cambridgeshire. Order to
Westminster, remove the king's hand and meddle no further with two carucates
of land and 15^. 8rf. of rent in Caxton, delivering to Ellen late the wife
of John Brux any issues thereof taken since her husband's death ;
as the king has learned by inquisition, taken by the escheator, that
the said John, who on 13 July 4 Richard II was beheaded at Rameseye
for treason by rising in insurrection, held the premises as jointly
enfeoffed with her b}^ gift of John de Colne her father to them and
the heirs of their bodies.
Nov. 8. Order to the sherifi of Hertford to cause a coroner to be elected
Westminster, instead of Adam Puffe of Berkhampstede, who is sick and aged.
Oct. 26. Order to the sherifi of Leycester to cause a coroner to be elected
Westminster, instead of John Charnels of Snarkestoii, who is insufficiently qualified.
Nov. 8. Order to the sheriff of Cornwall to cause a coroner to be elected
Westminster, instead of Robert Daundell, who is infirm and aged.
Oct. 26. Order to the sheriff of Wiltesir to cause a verderer in the forest of
Westminster. Chuyt to be elected instead of Walter de Combe, who is dead.
Nov. 8. Order to the sheriff of York to cause verderers in the forest of
Westminster. Ingelwodc to be elected instead of Adam Parvyng knight, John
Warthewj'k knight, Jolin Stapilton, John AlajTiby, Roger Salkeld
and Andrew de Latoun, who are dead.
Nov. IL To William Sallowe escheator in Notynghamshire and Derbyshire.
Westminster. Order to give Robert de Swylyngton and Margaret his wife, daughter and
heir of Roger Belers knight, livery of two thirds of two knights' fees
in Ripple, Pentryche, Ulkerthorpe and Chillewelle held by the abbot
of Derle and extended at 6/. 13s. 4rf. a year, one knight's fee in
Hathirsegge lield by Nicholas de Langeford at 6Z. 13^. 4rf., one knight's
fee in Asshovere held by Thomas de Reresby knight and the heirs of
Ralph de Reresby at 10 marks, the fourth part of one kiiight's fee
in Asshovere held by Ralph de Wynfeld and the heirs of William de
Wynfeld at 30^., two knights' fees in Aunesley and elsewhere held by
John de Aunesley knight at 12^., the moiety of one knight's fee iu
G RICHARD II— Part I. 173
1382. Membrane 15 — cont.
Detheke, Shokthorn, Taunesley, Wakebrugge and Lee held by William
Detheke, the heirs of William de Wakebrugge and other tenants
at 41., the fourth ])art of one knight's fee in Oxcroft held by the heirs
of John Herys at 20s., all in Derbyshire, the fourth part, the moiety
of a fourth part and the fortieth part of one kiiight's fee in Boney
held by the heirs of William Turkard, of Adam de Boney, William
Fabian, William de Howeton, William Syward, John Elys, and Maud de
Plomtre and by the prior of Ullcscroft, the parson of Boney, William
Abot and William de Rodyngton at 405., the moiety of one knight's
fee in Kevvorth held by Nicholas de Wydmerpole, John de Elme,
Robert Bret, Robert Howelot, the abbot of Derley, John de Sutton,
John Ja, William de Crophill, and John de Leeke at 605., the eighth
part of one knight's fee in Bradmere held by the prior of Lenton at
13.S. 4:d., the tenth part of one knight's fee in Bradmere held by the
heirs of Ralph Frankeleyn at 12s., and the fourth part of one knight's
fee in Barton held by the heirs of Robert Costantyn at 20s. in
NotjTighamshire which, with the moiety of one knight's fee in
Kirkeby upon Wrethek held by Richard de Stokton and others at
10/., and the advowson of two thirds the priory of Kirkeby co. Leycester
held by the prior of Kirkeby and extended at 20/. a year, the king
with assent of John Rome clerk and Thomas de Glen', attorneys of
John Seintcler knight and Mary his wife late wife of the said Roger,
has assigned to the said Robert and Margaret to her purparty of the
knights' fees etc. of her father.
To George del Castelle escheator in Leycestershire. Order to
deliver to Robert de Swylyngton knight and Margaret his wife the
moiet}'^ of one knight's fee in Kirkeby upon Wrethek extended at
12s. (sic) a year, and the advowson of two thirds the priory of
Kirkeby extended at 20/., {tenants as above,) which the king has
assigned to the said Margaret among other knights' fees and
advowsons of Roger Belers knight.
To William Sallowe escheator in Derbyshire. Order to deliver in
dower to John Seintcler laiight and Mary his wife, late wife of Roger
de Belers knight, one laiight's fee in Blakwell held by William de
Chaworth and extended at 6/. 13s. 4c/. a year, the moiety of one knight's
fee in Ible held by the heirs of Thomas Bircheovere at 66s. Sd., the
fourth part of one knight's fee in Brakenthwait held by the heirs of
Richard de Wilughby at 30s., the fourth part of one knight's fee in
Lee, Whetcroft and Morwode held by William de Kenerdesley and
William de Roldeston at 20s., the eighth part of one knight's fee in
Ible held by the heirs of Ralph de Snyterton at 12s., the eighth part
of one knight's fee in Moresburgh held by William Lynacre at 125.,
and the third part of two knights' fees in Pentrych, Ulkerthorpe and
Chilwelle held by the abbot of Derley at 66s. 8c/., which, with one
knight's fee in ThrussjTigton held by the heirs of Henry de Notyngham
at 10/. and the advowson of a third part of the priory of Kirkeby in
Leycestershire held by the prior of Kirkeby and extended at 10/. a
year, the king with assent of William Pamplioun and John Okeham
clerk, attorneys of Robert de SwyljTigton knight and Margaret his
wife daughter and heir of the said Roger, has assigned to the said John
and Mary.
Membrane 15 — cotU.
To George de Castell' escheat or in Leycestershire. Order to deliver
in dover to John Seintclere knight and Mary his \\'ife one knight's
fee in Thrussyngton and tlie advowson of a third part of Kirkeby
priory (tenants and extents as above), which the king has assigned to
them among other knights' fees and advowsons of Roger Belers.
Nov. 28. To the sheriff of Norffolk. Order, upon petition of Thomas
Westminster. Phillip}), Williani de Duresme and John Slegill burgesses of Newcastle
upon Tyne, not to omit by reason of any liberty to dearrest and
deliver to them, by mainprise of the said Thomas and John, three
sliips of theirs arrested at Lenne, and the goods and wares wherewith
they are laded, gi\'ing notice in chancery in the quinzaine of St. Hilary
next how he has executed tliis order ; as at the suit of the said burgesses,
who averred before the king and council that the said shij^s touching
at Lenne are by the mayor and bailiffs unlawiullj' arrested, the king
commanded the mayor and bailiffs to dearrest and deliver the same
to them, certif3'ing in chancery any cause wherefore they ought not
so to do, or themselves to be in chancery at the quinzaine of St. Martin
last to answer concerning what should then be laid before them ; and
now the said burgesses have shewn the king that the mayor and
bailiffs have taken no heed so to do, and the said Thomas and John
have mainperned in chancerj"^ under a pain of 400Z. to give up to the
maj^or and bailiffs the said ships, good and wares or the value thereof,
in case the same are lawfully arrested.
Nov. 15. To John Organ and Walter Sibille collectors in the port of London
Westminster, of the subsidy of (Sd. in the pound. Order so long as the}' shall be
collectors truly to levy of natives and aliens the subsidj- granted to
the king by the lords and commons of the realm from 1 May last to
Michaelmas and two whole j-ears following, namely 2s. upon every
tun of wine imported, and upon a smaller vessel containing wine in
proportion, and Qd. in the pound upon all woollen cloth and other
merchandise exported and imported, wool, hides and woolfells excepted,
over and above the customs and subsidies heretofore due. By C.
Nov. 18. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Order to compel
Westminster. John Organ and Walter Sibille, collectors in the port of London, with
all speed to levy the subsidy of 6c/. in the jiound as well of merchants
of Almain as of other merchants native and alien, that the money
thereof arising may be laid out upon the safeguard of the sea, although
lately by writ the king ordered the collectors thereof to take that
subsidy of whatsoever merchants of Almain, and put the money in
safe deposit, so that it be not spent nor converted to an}' uses, until
debate should be by the council had whether by virtue of liberties
and (juittances granted by charters of former kings, confirmed by the
king, those merchants ought to be quit of that subsidy or whether
they ought to be charged therewith, and until further order ; as it is
now debated by the eoimcil and determined that the same shall be
j)aid by natives and aliens of whatsoever estate, condition or country
uj)on all merchandise imported and exported from the time of the
grant. By C
6 RICHARD II.— Part I.
1382. Membrane 14 — cont.
Nov. 16. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Order, upon
Westminster, petition of Adam Ramesoye the king's esquire, to allow him 20 marks
in his farm of the manor of Somerton {as above, p. 172). By K.
Oct. 30. To William de Skipwyth escheator in Lincolnshire. Order to give
Westminster. John son and heir of Henry de Bello Monte seisin of his father's lands,
and of lands of his heritage held in dower or for life by Eleanor
countess of Arundel deceased, sometime wife of Jolm de Bello Monte
father of the said Henry ; as he has proved his age before Robert de
Loxle escheator in Sussex, and the king has taken his homage and
fealty. By p.s. [2502.]
The like to the following :
John de Neweman escheator in Middlesex.
Edmund Giffard escheator in Oxfordshire and Berkshire.
George del Castelle escheator in Leycestershire.
Nov. 26. To Roger del Chambre escheator in Roteland. Order to remove the
Westminster, king's hand and meddle no further with the manor of Whitwelle and
Little Hameldoun and divers lands in Empyngham thereto pertaining,
delivering to Margery late the wife of Thomas de Burton knight any
issues thereof taken ; as the king has learned by inquisition, taken
by the escheator, that the said Thomas at his death held the premises
as jointly enfeoffed with her of others than the king.
Nov. 26. To Thomas Bradefeld escheator in Cambridgeshire. Order to give
Westminster. John Staumford of London ' sadeler ' livery of all his lands and the
issues and profits arising since 4 November 5 Richard II, on which
date the king pardoned him for treasons, felonies and trespasses
whatsoever by him committed in the insurrections of May 4 Richard II,
June and July following, and any outlawries published for that cause,
provided he be not one of the principals in the insurrection, in the
manslaughter of Simon archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Hales prior
of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England then treasurer,
or of John de Cavendissh chief justice, in burning the manor of Savoy
or the house of Clerkenwelle, or in the manslaughter of the prior of
Bury ; as he has found security for his good behaviour before the
sheriff and coroners as by the sheriff's certificate appears, and being
indicted before the king for certain misprisions at the time of the
insurrection is set free by virtue of that pardon, and is not outlawed,
as appears by the record and process which the king has caused to
come before him in chancery, wherefore it seems reasonable to the
king and to the justices and others of the council learned in the law
that his lands, taken into the king's hand by Ralph de Wykes late
escheator, shall be restored.
Nov. 12. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Order, upon
Westminster, petition of John Peioun the younger, to command the king's hand
to be removed from five cottages in Shaf ton and the issues thereof taken
for which answer is not yet made at the exchequer ; as it was found
by inquisition of his office, taken before John de Bekyngton the late
king's escheator in Dorset, that the said John Peioun was outlawed
at suit of John Mayheu in a plea of account, and had no goods or
chattels in that bailiwick, but had the said cottages, value 10s. a year ;
and now the said John Peioun has shewn the king that the same were
1382. Membrane 14 — cortt.
by colour of tliat inquisition taken into the late king's hand, although
he was not outlawed at suit of Jolin Mayheu or of any other ; and
after deliberation had with the justices, the king's Serjeants and
others of the council learned in the law, the king reckons the taking
thereof insufficient, being without warrant and process of law.
Nov. 24. To the sheriff of Cornwall. Order to give Edmund Bosoun seisin of a
Westminster, messuage and one acre of land in Hendre, held by John Hendre of the
parish of Warbistowe outlawed for felony ; as the king has learned by
inquisition, taken by the sheriff, that the premises have been in his
hand a year and a day, that the said John held them of the said
Edmund, and that Richard Kendale late escheator had the year and
a day and the waste thereof.
Dec. 2. To the receiver of the lordship of Gateleghe of Wygemore, in the
Westminster, king's hand by reason of the nonage of the heir of Edmund de Mortuo
Mari earl of March. Order to pay to Reynold Goldsmyth the king's
Serjeant the wages and fees of keeper of Gateleghe park every year
for life, so long as the lordship shall be in the king's hand, and the
arrears since 13 February last, on which date the king granted him
the keeping of the park with the wages and fees thereto belonging,
provided none other then had an estate for life therehi bj' grant of the
earl confirmed by the late king and by the king.
Et erat patens.
Nov. 3. To John Lovell, Robert Tresilian, Richard de Abburbery, William
\Aestminster. de Skipwj^th, John Holt and Jolm de Baldyngdon, lately appointed
justices, whereof the said Robert or William should be one, to make
inquisition by true men of Oxfordshire concerning felonies, trespasses
etc. whatsoever there committed, and to hear and determine the
same. Order for particular causes not to proceed by virtue of that
commission, save in respect of felonies etc. lately committed against
the men of Baunebury.
Nov. 29. To William Sallowe escheator in Derbyshire. Order to take of
Westminster. Beatrice who was wife of John Frecheville, son and heir of John
Frecheville of Palterton tenant in chief of the late king, an oath etc.,
and in presence of Robert de Stokeley the king's serjeant, to whom
he has committed the wardship of the lands of John the father until
the heir's lawful age, to assign her dower, John the son having died
within age in the king's wardship.
Oct. 23. To Roger Juyl escheator in Devon. Order to give William son of
Westminster. William atte Trewen', being cousin and heir of Walter atte Trewen' the
elder tenant by knight service of the heir of Hugh de Courteney earl of
Devon, livery of the lands of the said Walter his grandfather ; as he
has proved his age before the escheator, and on G July 2 Richard II
the age of Edward cousin and heir of the said earl was proved, and
the king took his homage and fealty, and commanded livery to be
given him of his grandfather's lands.
Nov. 25. To the keepers, bailiffs or farmers of the manor of Malmeshulle Lacy
Westminster, co. Hereford, in the king's hand by reason of the nonage of the hei
1382. Membrane 13 — cont.
of Edmund de Mortuo Mari earl of March. Order to pay to Walter
Bromwych 20 marks a year during the said heir's nonage, and the
arrears since 3 May last, on which date the king confirmed letters
patent of the earl, granting the said Walter for life 20 marks a year
of the issues or farm of that manor.
Et erat patens.
Nov. 6. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to dearrest Angelinus
Westminster. Cristofore a Lumbard and his goods and merchandise, suffering him
to go his way and dispose of the same, although for particular causes
the king lately ordered them to arrest the said Angelinus and all
his goods etc., and to have him in chancery on the third day past to
answer the king and other complainants touching certain matters
to be laid against him ; as John prior of the Hospital of St. John of
Jerusalem in England has mainperned to have him before the king
and council from day to day to answer Lawrence bishop of St. Asaph
and Richard de Ravenser the king's clerk, late his prosecutors.
Oct. 30 To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Order to dis-
Westminster. charge Agnes who was wife of John Cat esquire, his heirs and executors,
of 10 marks current in demand against her, as she avers, being a prest
of the late king's moneys delivered to the said John upon his wages
or reward when sailing upon an expedition over sea in the late king's
service ; as at the prayer of Thomas earl of Bukyngham the king has
pardoned the same. " By p.s. [2505.]
Dec. 3. To the receiver for the time being of the castle and land of
Westminster. Montgomery, the hundred of Chirbury and the castle and cantred of
Buelt in Suthwales, in the king's hand by death of Edmund de Mortuo
Mari earl of March and by reason of his heir's nonage. Order during
the heir's nonage to pay to John Devereux the king's knight 200 marks
a year for life, notwithstanding the premises are in the king's hand
for the aforesaid cause ; as for good and ready service to the king's
father as well in liis expedition to Spain as in the wars in Aquitaine,
the prince retained the said John with him for life, giving him for life
a yearly rent of 200 marks upon one of the prince's lordships in
England, and for that it was not determined where the said John
should take it, the prince on his death bed gave charge that it should
be assigned upon one of them, in consideration whereof, for that the
said John is retained with him for life, the king while prince appointed
by letters patent that he should take the same of the fee farms which
the said earl was bound to pay for Montgomery and Buelt until he
should have an assignation elsewhere in England or the principality ;
and after on 15 October 1 Richard II the king confirmed his first
grant, willing that he shall take these 200 marks for life, or until
provision shall be made him as aforesaid, of the fee farms which
the said Edmund, being son and heir of Roger de Mortuo Mari earl of
March, and his heirs are bound to pay for the said castle and land,
the said hundred, and the said castle and cantred.
Et erat patens.
Nov. 18. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Order, upon
Westminster, petition of Robert de Goldyngton late escheator in Essex, to summon
before them John Sommonour, Robert Piers, William Chaumberleyn,
Wt. 32813.
OR 12
1382. Membrane 13— con/.
John Da we and Robert Vyne of Manytre and, if assured by their
examination or confession, by inquisition or otherwise that their goods
and chattels have remained in their own hands, to discharge him
thereof, causing due process for the same to be made against the said
John and the others as they shall tliink fit ; as upon an information that
the said John and the others suddenly \\ithdrew themselves for par-
ticular causes for which they were indicted, the king ordered the said
escheator to seize and put in safe custody all their goods and chattels,
so that answer might be made to the king for them if the same should
be adjudged to him, certifying in chancery the description, value
and price thereof ; and although the late escheator certified that he
so did, he suffered the same to remain in the owTiers' hands, as he
avers, for that it was before him found by inquisition that they never
withdrew themselves, wherefore he has prayed to be saved harmless,
lest he be therewith charged at the exchequer.
Granted by ad\ace of Robert Bealknap chief justice of
the Bench, Robert Tresilj^an and William de Skipwyth
Nov. 15. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to admit Richard
Westminster. Wellesboume, the substitute appointed bj' John Sleghe the king's
butler to whom the office pertains, to exercise the office of coroner in
the city of London, when by the said butler required, taking of him
an oath for his good and true beha\iour so long as he shall stand in
office ; as at the king's command the said John is engaged on business
in divers parts of the realm, so that he is not free to exercise the
same. By bill of the butler.
Oct. 25. To the bailiffs, farmers or reeves of the manor of Yeftele co. Oxford
Westminster, for the time being. Order to pay to Robert Somerset 5 marks a year,
according to the king's letters patent granting him that yearly sum
for life for good service to Isabel the king's aunt deceased.
Et erat patens.
Nov. 16. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to suffer Thomas
Eltham. Murreux now constable of the Tower of London by himself and his
ministers to take the customs, duties and profits and enjoy the customs
hereinafter mentioned, as he ought to do, and as all other constables
were used to do time out of mind ; as the king is informed that until
time just past the constables, and in particular John Darcy, John
de Bello Campo, Robert de Morlee, Richard la Vache and Alan de
Buxhille took of every boat brought to the city laded with rushes
(cirpis) such quantity thereof to be laid upon the Tower wharf as
might be held between a man's arms, of every boat used tft bring
oysters, mussels and cockles one maund likewise to be there laid, of
every ship coming to the city laded with wines from Bordeaux or
elsewhere one gallon before the mast and another aft thereof, every
ship, barge, boat or other vessel unmoored by storm and wind, or
floating with broken rigging without steerage from London bridge
to Gravesende or thence to London bridge, to be taken by the constable
or his ministers and applied to his use, all swans coming beneath the
bridge seawards or from the sea towards the bridge, all horses, oxen,
kine, pigs and sheep falling from the bridge into the Thames and
every such beast sw imming to the Tower through the midst of the bridge
6 RICHARD II.— Part I.
Membrane 13 — cont.
which the constable or his ministers may take, \d. for every foot of
such beast feeding in the Tower ditch, and every wain empty or laded
which shall fall into the said ditch as forfeit and the constable's fee ;
also that the constables above named and others enjoyed these
customs, namely that no wain empty or laded ought to come
from the end of the street called ' Petite Wales ' over Tower hill or near
the ditch to ' Tourestret ' without being taken and brought within
the Tower, that no wain should pass over the bridge between the
castle ditch and the ditch of St. Katherine hospital without licence of
the constable, and if any should so do and break the bar, the wain
should be brought within the Tower and content the constable for the
trespass at his will. By K,
Nov. 28. To Nicholas fitz Richard escheator in Hertfordshire. Order to
Westminster, give John son of Thomas son of Thomas Deschalers knight, being
cousin and heir of the said Thomas, seisin of his grandfather's lands ;
as he has proved his age before the escheator, and the king has taken
his homage and fealty. By p.s. [2560.]
To John Rede escheator in Norfifolk. Like order, as the said John has
proved his age before Nicholas fitz Richard. By p.s. (the same writ).
The like to Thomas Bradefeld escheator in Cambridgeshire.
Membrane 12.
Nov. 28. To the bailiffs, aldermen, burgesses and all the commonalty of
Westminster. Cantebrigge. Writ of aid in favour of Richard Maysterman of
Cantebrigge, elected mayor, and strict order upon their allegiance
and at their peril, as they will avoid the king's wrath, to be obedient
to him in all that concerns his office and the good governance of the
the town, especially as he represents the king's person. Proviso that
by colour of this command nothing be done or attempted contrary
to the liberties and privileges granted to scholars of the university.
Et erat patens.
Nov. 11. To the sheriffs of London. Order to continue until the quinzaine of
Westminster. St. Hilary next the process in a plea pending before them without the
king's writ between Thomas Spryngfeld and Maud his wife and Margaret
Verney for taking by force of arms and carrying away goods and chattels
of the said Maud at the parish of St. Benedict by ' Pouleswarf ' London
to the value of 40/., staying any process against the defendant until
then, that the king may take counsel what ought to be done to save him
harmless ; as the king is informed that those goods and chattels were
of Henry de Burton, who in his life time was outlawed for debt, and
after that outlawry gave all his goods as well in the hands of his
debtors as without to the said Margaret, as she says, and by agreement
between the king and the said Margaret the king shall have a moiety
of the same and the said Margaret the other, when she shall recover
the said goods. By C.
Nov. 12. To Gilbert Culwen escheator in Northumberland. Order to give
Westminster. Henry son and heir of Richard de Botilston seisin of his father's lands ;
as he has proved his age before the escheator, and the king has taken
his homage and fealty. By p.s. [2537.]
1382. Membrane 12 — cont.
Nov. 8. To Stephen Edulf , Robert atte Nacre, Hugh Stanton, Jolin Pekliam
Westminster, of Hadle, Richard de Home, A3'^mer de Hegham, Thomas Chaloner,
Robert Haghe of Hierne, Edmund Staplegate, Adam Broscompe,
WiUiam atte Capele and Andrew Wodhulle, appointed by letters
patent of 2 November last with Thomas Elys of Sande%nche collectors
in Kent of the tenth and fifteenth granted by the commons in the
last parliament. Order at their peril to bus}' themselves in the levy
and collection thereof, notwithstanding that the king has discharged
the said Thomas Elys ; as he is collector of customs in the port of
Sandewich, and may not busy himself \vith both offices.
Nov. 10. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Writ of
Westminster, supersedeas, and order to discharge Thomas Elys of Sande\Wch of any
account in respect of the tenth and fifteenth (above mentioned), whereof
the king appointed him and others collectors in Kent ; as on
8 November the king discharged him from collecting the same for
that he is etc. (as the last).
Dec. 2. To the receiver of the lordship of Karlioun in Wales, in the king's
Westminster, hand by reason of the nonage of the heir of Edmund de Mortuo Mari
earl of March. Order to pay to Reynold Goldsmyth the king's
Serjeant everj' j-ear for his life, so long as the same shall be in the
king's hand, the wages and fees of keeper of Karlioun park, and the
arrears since 12 March last, on which date the king granted liim for
life the keeping of that park so long etc., provided none other should
then have an estate for life therein by grant of the earl or confirmation
of the late king or of the king.
Nov. 16. To John Rede escheator in Norffolk and Suffolk. Order to give
Westminster. Jolui Groos, brother and heir of Willian\ Groos son and heir of Hugh
Groos tenant by knight serNace of the heirs of Edward de Monte
Acuto and Lawrence de Hastynges earl of Pembroke and of the
abbey of St. Edmund Bury then void and in the late king's hand,
seisin of the lands so held ; as he has proved his age before Nicholas Fitz
Richard escheator in Essex, and on 12 September 42 Edward III was
proved the age of John de Hastynges (now deceased), son and heir
of the said Lawrence, and the late king took his homage and fealty
and commanded livery to be given Mm of his father's lands, and on
12 November 35 Edward III John de Brynkele abbot elect of
St. Edmund was confirmed, and the late king took his fealty and re-
stored to him the temporalities of the abbey, and before 50 Edward III,
without livery of the late king as the manner is, Audrey daughter
and heir of the said Edward, being of full age, entered her father's
lands, which trespass is pardoned by virtue of certain pardons in that
year granted by the late king to'^^the people of the realm, John son
and heir of John [do Hastjniges] is within age and in the king's ward-
ship, and the said abbey is void;by the death of John de Br'vnikele
late abbot ; and the king has taken the fealty of the said John
Groos, William his brother having died witliin age in the late king's
Nov. 30. To Roger de la Chaumbre escheator in Norhamptonshire. Order
Westminster, to remove the king's hand and meddle no further with two thirds of
the manor of Wikle, delivering to Alice late the wife of William
Vavasour any issues thereof taken ; as the king has learned by
6 RICHARJ) II.— Part I. 181
1382. Membrane 12 — cont.
inquisition, taken by the escheator, that the said William at his death
\\as tlioreof seised as jointly enfeoffed with her by gift of Henry
Mulsho and others by fine levied in the king's court with his licence,
and that the iireniises are held in eliief by knight service ; and for
1 mark paid in tlie hanaper the king has respited her homage and
fealty until the quinzaine of Easter next.
To the same. Order to take of the said Alice an oath etc., and to
assign her dower of her said husband's lands.
Nov. 15. To William Ech3nigham knight or Thomas Pereham and his fellows,
Westminster, collectors appointed in Sussex of the tenth and fifteenth granted by
the lords and commons in the parliament last holden at Westminster.
Order to collect and levy the same, leaving out William de Raketon
notwithstanding that he is charged with them by virtue of their
commission ; as by letters patent of 30 November 2 Richard II the
king granted him for life liberty not to be put on assizes etc., nor to be
made mayor, sheriff, collector etc. against his will, wherefore the
king has discharged him. Proviso that the collection be in no wise
Nov. 22. To Robert Tresilian chief justice. Order, upon petition of John
Westminster. Knyghtley and Elizabeth his wife, to proceed with all speed in a
plea between the said John and Elizabeth, as cousin and heir of
William de Burgh, and James de Morton conceniing a messuage,
one carucate of land, 10 acres of wood and 45. of rent in Wilbrighton,
a messuage and 40 acres of land excepted, doing justice to the parties,
notwithstanding the defendant's allegation that Archibald Duglas
was seised of the premises, which came to the hands of KJng Edward II
by his forfeiture as that king's enemy and rebel, and that the late
king by letters patent gave the same at a rent of 205. a year at the
exchequer to Edmund de Morton father of the defendant and to his
heirs, whose heir the defendant is, by name of the lands in Wilbrighton
CO. Stafford which were of the said Archibald, so that he proceed
not to rendering of judgment wdthout adAdsing the king ; as their
petition shews that John {sic, rectius Richard) Dinmowe chaplain
in 6 Edward II, by fine levied in that king's court between William
Bagot and Eleanor his wife plaintiffs and the said Richard deforciant,
granted all the premises to the plaintiffs and to the heirs of William
Bagot upon the said Eleanor begotten, with remainder to Archibald
son of the said Eleanor and to the heirs of his body, remainder to
William de Burgh and his heirs, that they have impleaded the said
James concerning the premises wdth the exception aforesaid, averring
that William Bagot died without issue by the said Eleanor, the said
Archibald wdthout issue, that William de Burgh is dead, and that
after their deaths the said James entered and does occupy the same
contrary to the form of the fine, and shews that by colour of the de-
fendant's allegation, craving the king's aid which the king granted,
the cliief justice has deferred to proceed in that plea.
Membrane il.
Nov. 21. To the bailiffs of Colchestre and Gippewich. Order at their peril
Westminster, on sight etc. to cause a barge or balinger lately made by the men of
those towns to be repaired and made ready to sail with other ships
1382. Membrane 11 — corU.
for safe guard of the sea to the northward, at the information
of Walter fitz Wauter whom the king has appointed admiral of his fleet
to the northward, delivering the said barge when made ready to the
admiral or his deputy.
The like to the following :
The mayor and bailiffs of the city of Norwich,
The mayor and bailiffs of Lenne.
The mayor and bailiffs of the city of Lincoln.
The bailiffs of the town of St. Botolph.
The mayor and bailiffs of the citj^ of York.
The mayor and bailiffs of K5Tigeston upon Hull.
The mayor and bailiffs of Newcastle upon Tyne.
Nov. 15. To John de Newenton escheator in Kent. Order to remove the
Westminster, king's hand and meddle no further with 90 acres of land and pasture
in E\Tiesford called the ' Bour,' delivering up any issues thereof taken ;
as the king has learned by inquisition, taken by John Erode late
escheator, that Nicholas Kiriel knight at his death held the premises
in ' gavilkj-nd ' of others than the king, and that William his son is
his next heir, and aged two years and upwards.
Nov. 5. To William de Thorp constable of Rok\Tigham castle, and to his
Westminster, lieutenant. Order to receive and keep in custody until further order
in the castle prison John Derby clerk, whom the constable of
Wyndesore castle or his lieutenant shall deliver to them.
Nov. 12. To the collectors of customs in the ports of Sande\nch and Dovorre
Westminster, and the keepers of the passage there. Order to suffer William de
Foxton burgess of Calais, first paying customs, subsidies and duties
thereupon, to take over a thousand sheep to Calais for his stock and
victuals, any former command to the contrary notwithstanding.
Nov. 1. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Order to suffer
Westminster. Richard earl of Arundell according to his commission to take the
goods and chattels of divers tenants of the bishopric of Ely in
Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire, Norffolk and Suffolk, convicted
with other evildoers of divers treasons etc. in the insurrection and
adjudged to die, and the issues of their lands, so that he shall answer
for the same to the king or the bishop as shall be determined, staying
until the next parliament their demand b}' exchequer summons
against the earl, the escheators and sheriffs so to answer ; as at the
petition of Thomas bishop of Ely, shewing that among other liberties
etc. granted to his predecessors by charters of former kings, it is
granted that they and their successors shall have the year and wast«
and the chattels of felons, fugitives and condemned persons and
other forfeitures whatsoever which might pertain to the king within
the Isle of Ely and other the lordships of the bishopric as well
of men and tenants of another's fee as of their own, and that the
king's justices in eyre or other justices, sheriffs, coroners or ministers
whatsoever shall not meddle therewith, nor shall any township, and
shewing that contrary to tho.se charters the goods of the said
insurgents were taken into the king's hand, upon a mainprise before
the king and council made bj^ the earl to answer for the issues of those
lands and the value of those goods, by letters patent of 7 August
6 RKJHARD II.— Part I. 183
1382. Membrane 11 — cont.
5 Richard II the king committed to him the keeping of the same and
of the issues thereof taken until it should be adjudged whether they
ought to pertain to the king or to the bishop, provided that he
should so answer as should be determined in the parliament holden
at Westminster on the morrow of All Souls 5 Richard II ; and
for that the matter was not determined in that parliament, nor has
been in the parliaments following, the king has given the bishop a
day to be at the next parliament.
To John Rede escheator in Norffolk and Suffolk. Like order.
The like to Thomas de Bradefeld escheator in Cambridgeshire and
Huntingdonshire .
Nov. 22. To John de Radeston escheator in Somerset. Order to remove the
Westminster, king's hand and meddle no further with two thirds of the manor of
Wroxhale and the hamlets of Burton and Naillesy members thereof,
delivering up any issues thereof taken ; as the king has learned by in-
quisition, taken by the escheator, that by death of Theobald de Gorges
knight, tenant in chief of the king as of the honour of Caresbroke castle
in the Isle of Wight, the said manor and members were taken and
are in the king's hand, except the third part assigned in dower to
Agnes who was wife of the deceased, for that Ralph Gorges his son and
heir, lately of full age, died before he had livery thereof, that the
premises are held by knight service of the earl of Devon, and that
Bartholomew Gorges is brother and next heir of the said Ralph, and
within age.
To the same, being escheator in Dorset. Order to deliver two
thirds of the third part [sic) of the manor of Sturmynstre Marchall,
a messuage in Brudeport and the advowsons of Sturmynstre Marchall
and of St. Mary Brudeport to the next friend of Bartholomew son of
Theobald de Gorges knight to whom the inheritance may not descend,
and the issues thereof taken, to keep to his use ; as the king has learned
by inquisition, taken by the escheator, that a fourth part of the said
manor and the advowson, held of the king in socage by the service of
one pair of spurs or Qd. a year, and the said messuage and advowson,
likewise held in socage, came to his hands by death of the said Theo-
bald and are in his hand, except the third part of the said fourth
part assigned in dower to Agnes who was wife of the deceased, for
that Ralph etc. {as in the last), and that the said Bartholomew
is of the age of thirteen years and a half.
To Roger Juyll escheator in Devon. Like order, mutatis mutandis,
concerning two thirds of the third part of the manor of Braunton,
held of the king in socage and by the service of rendering one barbed
arrow when the king shall hunt in Exmore forest for all service.
Nov. 20. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Writ of
Westminster, supersedeas, in respect of a distress upon Henry Vauner and Thomas
Godsire of London, farmers of lands in Leuesham and Grenewych
of the abbot of St. Peter Ghent in Flanders, so long as the friendship
between the king and them of Flanders shall endure and discharging
them, notwithstanding that the premises were among other lands
of aliens seized by reason of the war into the hand of the late king or
1382. Meinhraae 11 — cont.
any of his forefatliers or of the king ; as on 11 June 43 Edward III,
considering how the French broke the peace made at Calais
between liini and John late king of France and openly made war on
him, the late king with assent of his parliament holden at Westminster
thought fit to seize all priories and houses of alien religious of the
power of France in England ; and now by complaint of the said
abbot, who is of the king's friendship, it is shewn that the premises
were among other lands of aliens so taken into the late king's hand,
and that the treasurer and the barons, pretending that he is of the
power of France which he is not, are distraining the said farmers for
payment of their farm to the king's use, although he is the king's
friend and so is all Flanders, wherefore by envoys lately sent to
England by the commons of Flanders he made humble petition for
remedy. By C. in pari.
Nov. 28. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Order to dis-
Westminster. charge Walter Godmanston last sheriff of Essex and Hertfordshire of
100 marks in his account for last year ; as -with assent of the council in
the parliament last holden at Westminster the king granted that
the sheriffs for the time being should have pardon of 100 marks a
year for three years after the term for which they last had pardon
Nov. 26. To John Cary. Order under a pain of lOOi. on sight etc. to cease
Westminster, every excuse and make ready on Monday before the Purification next
to take upon him the estate and degree of a serjeant at law with others
charged b}'^ the king so to do. By K. and C.
The like to Edmund de Clay and John Hille.
Membrane lo.
Nov. 28. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Writ of
Westminster, supersedeas until the next parliament, wherein it is the king's will
that the matter be debated, in respect of their demand upon the
burgesses of Huntyngdon, the escheators or sheriffs of the county,
for the chattels there found of divers felons w'ho rose in the late
insurrection, or for the price thereof ; as among other liberties etc.
granted to the burgesses by charters of former kings, it is granted
that they shall have all chattels of felons, fugitives and outlaws there
found, as well of tenants and dwellers within the town and the liberties
thereof as of strangers and others whatsoever, so that it shall be law^'ul
to put themselves in seisin and keep the same in aid of their farm
without let of the king, his justices, escheators, sheriffs etc., and
without rendering account thereof, and the king has confirmed those
charters with the clause licet ; and learning by complaint of the
burgesses that Ralph Wykes then escheator was purposing to seize
the said insurgents' chattels, which by virtue of these charters ought
to pertain to them, pretending that the same ought to pertain to the
king, on 6 December 5 Richard II for that William Wyghtman the
king's Serjeant mainperned to answer for the same or for the price
thereof at the next parliament if they should be adjudged to the
king, the king ordered the said escheator to suffer the burgesses to
put themselves in seisin thereof ; and now the burgesses have
Eetitioned the king for reinedj', shewing that the treasurer and the
arons are distraining them for the said chattels, and debate is not
<) RICHARD II.— Part I. 185
1382. Membrane 10 — cont.
yet had in tlic .said parlianienfc or other parliaments heretofore holden
whether such cliattols ought to pertain to the king or to them, and the
said WilHani has niainperned in chancery as aforesaid. By C.
Dec. 15. To the keeper or farmer of the castle and manor of Moreshendc
Westminster, for the time being. Order to pay to Hugh Spryngefeld 3rf. a day
for life, during his good behaviour, and the arrears since 23 September
4 Richard II, on which date the king committed to him for life etc.
the keeping of the castle gate, taking 3(Z. a day for his wages.
Et erat patens.
Dec. 1. To Roger de la Chambre escheator in Norhamptonshire. Order
Westminster, to remove the king's hand and meddle no further with a piece of ground
and one virgate of land in Armeston, delivering to Eleanor late the
wife of Jokn Kjiyvet knight any issues thereof taken ; as the king has
learned by inquisition taken by John Carnelle late escheator, that
at his death John Knyvet held the premises of others than the king
as jointly enfeoffed with her and Richard their son by gift of Adam
Bacoun knight,
Dec. 3. To the collectors in Cambridgeshire of the tenth and fifteenth
Westminster, granted by the commons in the parliament last holden at Westminster.
Order to levy and collect the same without awaiting the presence of
John Tyddeshale of Cantebrigge ' spycer ' lately appointed with
them ; as by letters patent of 7 December 2 Richard II the king
granted him for life liberty not to be made collector of tenths etc.
against his will, wherefore the king has discharged him.
Dec. 11. To the collectors of customs and subsidies in the port of St. Botolph.
Westminster. Order, upon petition of certain of them, to take of divers merchants the
moiety, which before the council they have promised to pay down,
of the customs, subsidies and duties upon wool which they have there
laded in certain ships and by reason of reports newly coming from
Flanders dare not yet take over sea, as they purposed to do, which
moiety it is the king's will that the collectors shall deliver to William
Eyrmyn his clerk treasurer of Calais, according to an assignation
thereof to him made, and in order to keep the wool safe and dry, to
suffer them to unlade and put it ashore so long as they please, and
after on payment of the other moiety to lade it again and take it over
sea at their pleasure. By C.
Dec. 6. To John Gaweyn of Northjmton, escheator in the county of Suthamp-
Westminster. ton. Order to give John son and heir of William de Wanstede seisin of
his father's lands ; as he has proved his age before the escheator,
and the king has taken his homage and fealty. By p.s. [2575.]
Dec. 5. To the sheriff of Middlesex. Order not to trouble William son
Westminster, of Nicholas Walden contrary to the pardon which, at the petition of
the commons and with assent of the prelates, dukes, earls and barons
in the parliament summoned at Westminster on Monday in the
octaves of Michaelmas last, the king granted to all dwellers in the
realm for all treasons and felonies committed in the late insurrection
between 1 May 4 Richard II and Midsummer following, and any
outlawries published against them, provided that they should stand
1382. Membrane 10 — cont.
to right ill the king's court if any man would bring a cause against
them, in case the said William be not one of those excepted from the
said pardon, namely of those whose names were deUvered for exception
in the parliaments of 5 and 6 Richard II, three citizens of London
specially indicted in the last parliament, and others in the same
case with them, and all persons of the town of Bury.
Dec. 10. The like to John Rede escheator in Norffolk in favour of
Westminster. Thomas Ulf.
Membrane 9.
Dec. 8. To the collectors of the great custom in the port of London for the
Westminster, time being. Order to pay to Queen Amie, if not j'^et contented thereof,
what pertains to her of 500Z. a 3^ear from 12 June last to 5 October,
and the arrears since 5 October of 345^. 175. 6d. a year, and hence-
forward to pay her that yearl}' sum, ceasing any longer to pay her
the former sum, and sending the letters to them addressed concerning
the same to be cancelled in chancery ; as among other things assigned
to the queen in dower or for life, on 12 June last the king by letters
patent assigned to her 500^. a year of the said custom ; and for that
she released and surrendered 154:1. 2s. Qd. a year thereof for certain
lands to her given by the king which were of Isabel countess of
Bedeford with the issues thereof since the death of the countess, by
other letters patent the king has assigned to her 345^. 17s. Gd. a year
of the said custom from 5 October last, when the countess died, until
provision shall be made her for life of lands to that value.
Et erat patens.
Dec. 8. To the collectors of the pettj' custom in the port of London. Like
Westminster, order for pa3'ment to Queen Anne, if not yet contented, of what
pertains to her of 250^ a year from 12 June last to 5 October, and
from that date to pay her no more ; as for certain lands late of Isabel
countess of Bedeford, and the issues thereof since the death of the
countess, the queen has released that yearly sum, and has given up
the letters patent concerning the same to be cancelled in chancer}- ;
and by other letters patent the king has granted that she shall have
the same to 5 October, when the countess died.
The like to the collectors of the petty custom in the port of Lenne,
in regard to 112Z.
Dec. 8. To the receiver of Cornwall for the time being. Order to pay to
Westminster. Lancelot Catewy 10/. a year for life and the arrears since 18 January
3 Richard II, on which date the king confirmed letters patent of his
father, granting to the said Lancelot for life 10/. a year of the issues
and revenues of that lordship.
Et erat patens.
Dec. 10. To the receiver, keeper or farmer of the lordship of Milleneth in
Westminster. Wales for the time being. Order to pay to Alexander Langwyth
the king's servant 8 marks a year for life, so long as that lordship
shall be in the king's hand, and the arrears since 28 March last, on
which date the king granted him so long etc. the keeping of
Herethowell forest within that lordship, which is in the king's hand
among other lands of Edmund de Mortuo Mari earl of March, taking
8 marks a year in recompense for wages and fees whatsoever thereto
6 RICHARD II.— Part I.
1382. Membrane 9 — cont.
belonging, in case none other has an estate for life therein by grant
of the earl confirmed b}' the late king or by the king.
Et erat patens.
Dec. 4. To Roger Juyll escheator in Cornwall. Order to remove the king's
Westminster, hand and meddle no further with the manor of Walesbrewe, delivering
to Margaret who was wife of John Walesbrewe any issues thereof
taken ; as the king has learned by inquisition, taken by the escheator,
that long before his death the said John gave the same to Peter
Lannargh and Peter Gerveys and to their heirs, that they gave it to
the said Margaret for life, and that it is held of others than the
To the same. Order to remove the king's hand and meddle no
further with certain lands in Birienherberd, delivering up any issues
thereof taken ; as the king has learned (as above) that at his death
Jolm Walesbrewe held the premises by knight service of John Bery,
and that John his son is his next heir, and of the age of fifteen years
and upwards.
To the same. Like order concerning the manor of Tresyder, which
John Walesbrewe held of others than the king.
Membrane s.
Dec. 8. To Thomas Bradefeld escheator in Cambridgeshire. Order to
Westminster, remove the king's hand and meddle no further with a croft, five
messuages and 126 acres of land in Pappeworth Everard and Eltisle,
and with one acre of land in Pappeworth Everard and the advowson
of the church, delivering to Eleanor late the wife of John Knyvet
knight any issues thereof taken ; as the king has learned by
inquisition, taken by the escheator, that the said John at his death
held the premises of others than the king as jointly enfeoffed with
the said Eleanor, the said croft etc. by gift of Michael Bette, the said
acre and advowson by gift of Thomas Kendale clerk.
Dec. 10. To the collectors of customs and subsidies in the port of St. Botolph.
Westminster. Order to suffer any merchants, native or alien, who will, there to ship
wool, woolfells or hides and take them over to any parts they please
of the king's friendship, first pajdng the customs, subsidies and duties
thereupon due at Calais and elsewhere, any former command to the
contrary notwithstanding. By C.
The like to the collectors in the port of Kjnigeston upon Hull.
Dec. 5. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Order not to
Westminster, compel John Tyddeshale of Cantebrigge ' spycer,' lately appointed
with others a collector in Cambridgeshire of the tenth and fifteenth
granted by the commons in the parliament last hoi den at Westminster,
to levy and collect the same with the others, but to discharge and
acquit him thereof ; as on 7 December 2 Richard II the king granted
him for life liberty not to be collector of tenths etc. against his will,
and has commanded the collectors there to levy and collect the same
without awaiting the said John's presence. Proviso that answer
be fully made for the same by the other collectors.
Dec. 12.
Jan. 18.
Dec. 30.
Membrane 8 — cent.
To the collectors of custoni.s and subsidies in the port of London.
Order to receiv^e from divers merchants who have laded ^\■ool in certain
ships there, which by reason of reports newly come from Flanders
they dare not yet take over, the customs, subsidies and duties there-
upon due, if iiot yet paid, and to suffer them to unlade the same and
put it ashore so long as they please in order to keep it safe and dry,
as certain of the said merchants have declared before the council that
it is very expedient to do, and after to lade it again at their pleasure
and take it over sea without a second pa3^ment. Proviso that they
shall by colour of these presents lade again no greater quantity than
they shall unlade. By C.
The like to the collectors in the port of K}^lgeston upon Hull,
unlading of \\ ool and fells.
Jan. 16.
To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to admit Jolui
Charneye, the substitute appointed by John Sleghe the king's serjeant
his butler to whom that office pertains, to exercise the office of coroner,
and to discharge Richard Wellesbourne his former substitute, first
taking of John Charneye an oath for his good beha\'iour so long as he
shall stand in office ; as the said butler may not exercise the same in
person, being at the king's command occupied with business of the
king in divers parts of England. By bill of the butler.
To Walter fitz Wauter admiral of the fleet to the northward. Order
to take of all alien owners or masters whose sliips or vessels he
arrested within his admiralty, being of 120 tuns burden and less, an oath
that they shall have such ships in the port of Sandewich on 1 April
next at latest at the king's service as they shall be directed, and to
suffer them to pass to any parts they \nll, dearresting any ships or
vessels or greater burden ; as lately for particular causes the king
commanded the admiral to arrest all vessels of the realm and of other
parts whatsoever, being of 20 tuns burden and upwards, which were
within his admiralty or should come thither, so that he should have
them at Sandewich at a set day now past ; and as lawful was he arrested
divers vessels of aliens of the king's friendship found within the bounds
of that admiralty ; and it is the king's will bj' advice of the council
to make provision for the advantage of the owners and masters
of the same. By C.
The like to Jolin Roches admiral of the fleet to the westward.
Jan. 18. To Robert de Parys escheator in Cambridgeshire. Order to remove
Westminster, the king's hand* and meddle no further with a toft and croft in
Sw^aveseye, 8s. \Qd. of rent and a rent of two capons and \lb. of cumin
in Swaveseye, Fendrayton and Conyton, delivering to Eleanor late
the wife of John Knyvet knight any issues thereof taken ; as the king
has learned by inquisition, taken by Thomas Bradefeld late escheator,
that the said John at his death held the premises of others than the
king as jointly enfeoffed with her by gift of George de Ellesworth.
Jan. 20. To the chief butler for the time being, or to his representative in
Westminster, the ports of Plj'^mmuth, Dertmuth and Topesham. Order of the king's
wines in those ports to deliver of the king's gift to Margaret countess of
* Such is apparently the purport of the writ ; but the drafting is imperfect.
1383. Membrane 8 — cont.
Devon four tuns of \vine a year for life, and the arrears since
28 October last, on which date the king by letters patent granted
her the same.
Et erat patens.
Jan. 18. To the receiver of Berkhamsted castle for the time being. Order
Westminster, so long as he shall be receiver to pay to William de Harewelle 2d. a day
and the arrears since 22 March 1 Richard II, on which date the king
confirmed letters patent of his father, by him previously confirmed
while prince, granting to the said William his father's servant, late
groom of his wardrobe, for good service, the office of janitor of the
castle for life, taking 2d. a day for his wages.
Et erat patens.
Jan. 28. To the prior of Bromholm for the time being. Writ de intendendo
Westminster, in favour of Queen Anne, and order to pay her or her receiver 20^. a
year for her life and the arrears since 15 February last, on which date
William de Ufford earl of Suffolk died as by divers inquisitions it is
found ; as among other lands etc. to her assigned in dower and for life,
the king has assigned to the queen the castle, towTi, manor and honour of
Eye with the members, which came to his hands by the earl's death,
and in the extent thereof is contained 201. yearly, which the prior's
predecessors used to pay for a fifth part of the manor of Baketon to
John earl of Cornwall the late king's brother, and the prior to the
said earl of Suffolk, being successively tenants of the castle etc. of
Et erat patens.
Membrane 7.
Dec. 8. To William Berdewelle knight, Richard Cosyn loiight, Godfrey
Westminster. Stretton knight, John de Launey knight, John de Russhebroke knight,
.William Langham knight, John Straunge, William Hanyfeld, Henry
Rose, Robert de Rendelesham, John Motoun, John de Bures, Benedict
de Redyng and Walter Duk, lately with Roger Potter a burgess and
inhabitant of Bury St. Edmunds, by name of Roger Potter only,
appointed collectors in Suffolk of the tenth and fifteenth granted by
the lords and commons in the last parliament. Order to execute
that commission notwithstanding the said Roger's absence ; as by
reason of their behaviour and grievous default all burgesses and
inhabitants of the said town are excepted from the Idng's general
pardon granted in divers parliaments to other his lieges, wherefore
the king reckons the said Roger a person unfit to be collector, and
has discharged him.
Dec. 8. To Roger de la Chambre escheator in Norhamptonshire. Order to
Westminster, remove the king's hand and meddle no further with six messuages
and 50 acres of land in Apethorp and Neuton, delivering to Eleanor
who was wife of John Knyvet knight any issues thereof taken ; as
the king has learned by inquisition, taken by the escheator, that at
his death the said John held the premises in his demesne as of fee
according to the custom of the manor of Apethorp, which is of the
ancient demesne of the crown, namely that a man's first wife shall
have for life ail lands so held by her husband, and that she was his
first wife.
1382. Membrane 7 — cont.
Dec. 13. To the burgesses of Bruges co. Salop, farmers of the king's mills
Westminster, of Pciideleston. Order of the farm thereof to pay to Richard
Mawardyii the king's esquire 10/. a year for life and the arrears since
Michaelmas last, according to the king's letters patent of 9 November
last, granting liim that yearly sum from Michaelmas for life or until
the king should take other order for his estate.
Et erat patens.
To John Borle of Iselham, appointed by letters patent of 20 April
last receiver during pleasure of all monej's arising from the rents and
profits of the lordship of Clare, which was of Edmund earl of March
and Ulster, and of all lands thereto belonging, so that he should answer
for the same at the exchequer, taking the wages and fees accustomed.
Order by advice of the council to deliver all monej's thereof now and
henceforward received to the receiver general of the earl's lordships
and lands in England, Wales and the march of Wales.
Dec. 22. To Roger Ro.se of Burj', Edmund fitz Lucas, James de Marham,
Westminster. John Osberne, Thomas Fornham, Adam Watyrward, Thomas Ewelle,
John Toller, Thomas Goddard, Geoflfrey Wolman, Henry Wrotham,
Thomas Bern3'ngham, Richard Whyte, Thomas Lacford, Alan de
Denham, William Chevele, Thomas atte Perye, John Rery, Jolm
Calfe and John Berard, all of Bury, excepted as were all other persons
of the town from the pardons granted to other lieges in the parliaments
of 5 and 6 Richard II by reason of man}' grievous misdeeds. Strict
order under pain of forfeiture, at the praj^er of certain lords sitting
with the king, for that they have humbly submitted themselves to
his grace, and for a fine of 2,000 marks made with the council, 500 marks
thereof to be paid in the octaves of St. Hilary, 500 marks on
Midsummer day next, and the residue before Christmas following,
to take a recognisance of the other persons of the said town their
neighbours, to assess themselves and all inhabitants thereof to
payment of the said sum every man according to his estate, possessions
and means, and b}' distress and arrest of those who rebel to levy the
same for payment at the terms aforesaid, certifying all their dealings
in chancery before Midsummer ; and writ de intendendo in their favour
to the bailiffs and all the inhabitants of the town under the like pain ;
as at the instance of those lords the king has taken them to his grace,
granting that every one of them willing severally to sue for it shall
have a charter of pardon for all insurrections, treasons, seditions,
felonies, trespasses etc. by them committed before this date, for which
fines or ransoms might be taken, and for all sums of money due by
recognisances in chancer}^ and elsewhere before justices and judges, or
by bonds for good behaviour or keeping the peace and the execution
thereof, and all conditions, mainprises and undertakings toucliing
the same, with quittance under the common seal of the abbey of
Bury St. Edmunds of all actions, plaints and demands of the next
abbot and the convent for trespasses etc. heretofore committed
against the abbey or any person thereof contrary to such security for
good i>ehaviour ; and power to take such recognisance of so many
men of the town as they shall think fit in terms of the recognisance
1)V themselves made in chancery. By K. and C.
Jan. 8. To the collectors in Kent of the tenth and fifteenth last granted
Westminster, by the commons. Order not to compel .lolm de Cobliam knight and
Membrane 7 — cont.
Walter Doget, tenants of the manor of Bekesbourno which is a member
of Hastynges one of the Cinque Ports, to pay the same upon their
goods and chattels upon that manor with foreigners without the
liberty of the said ports ; as in consideration that the navy of those
ports might not be upheld without great cost, King Edward I by
letters patent, confirmed by the king, granted that all men of the
said ports, and all avowing themselves of the liberty thereof and
willing to enjoy the same, should contribute every man according to
his means to perform the king's service concerning his ships at his com-
mand ; and in consideration that disputes arose touching the general
words therein, namely every man according to his means, by counsel
of the prelates, earls, barons and commons in parliament in
1 Edward III the late king by letters patent, likewise confirmed by the
king, granted that all men of the said ports and the others aforesaid
should so contribute of all their goods and chattels without the said
liberty and within, and should be compelled so to do by the mayors and
jurats of the ports and by the constable of Dovorre castle if need
be, and that goods and chattels of the barons and others without the
liberty or within taxed for that purpose should not be taxed [towards]
tallages or other charges with goods of foreigners ; and in the
parliament holden in 15 Edward III it was debated and agreed that
the said barons and others of that liberty should be quit of all tallages
and charges granted by the commons in respect of their goods within
the liberty and without for which they were bound to contribute
and did contribute as aforesaid.
Membrane 6.
Nov. 30. To the sheriffs of London. Order to give John Dunmowe yeoman
Westminster, of the larder of the late king's household livery of a messuage in the
parish of St. Gregory by St. Pauls in the city of London, which was
of John Marreys ; as for Ms good service the late king gave liim the
same, being in his hand by reason of debts wherein John Marreys
at his death was bound to the king, and extended at 60s. a year, to
hold for life in case it should so long remain in the king's hand without
rendering aught to the king ; and after at the petition of John
Dunmowe, shewing that although for no small time he was in seisin
thereof, by colour of letters patent surreptitiously obtained, whereby
on 5 July 5 Richard II the keeping of the same was committed to
one John Marreys now living for a set yearly rent, he is unlawfully
thrust out, the king ordered the sheriffs to give John Marreys notice
to be in chancery at a set day now past to shew cause wherefore that
commission ought not to be revoked and the messuage restored to
John Dunmowe with the issues since the said date ; at which day
the parties appeared, and John Marreys alleged that he holds the
messuage of the king to farm and without the king ought not to answer,
craving the king's aid, which was granted him, and a day given them
at the quinzaine of Martinmas, telling John Dunmowe to sue for
licence to proceed in the cause ; at which day the parties appeared,
the matter was examined and declared before the justices and others
of the council learned in the law and deliberation had, and it was
determined that the commission to John Marreys should be revoked.
Nov. 15. To John Organ and Walter Sibille, lately appointed by themselves
Westminster, and their deputies in the port of London and in singular the ports and
1382. Membrane C — cord.
places on either side the Thames from thence to Gravesende and
Tilleburv and at those places to levy the subsidy of 25. upon every
tun of wine and Qd. in the pound upon woollen cloths and all other
merchandise exported and imported, wool, hides and woolfells
excepted, granted by the lords and commons in the parliament last
holden at Westminster in 5 Richard II. Order to deliver to Robert
de Assheton constable of Dovorre castle and warden of the Cinque
Ports, or to his deputy, all moneys in their hands, and from time
to time as hy him required all hereafter arising from the said subsidy',
to be by him laid out upon the safe guard of the strait between Dovorre
and Calais and of the sea in the northern parts, although in their
commission it is contained that they shall deliver the same to John
Philipot and Hugh Fastolf chief receivers of the same ; as it is by
the king and council agreed that all such moneys levied in London
and from thence to Suthampton shall be delivered to the said Robert
for the purpose aforesaid. B}' C.
The like to the following :
Stephen Holt and Richard atte Halle collectors in the port of
Cicestre and from thence along the sea coast to Wjmchelse
and Portesmouth.
Peter Reede and John atte Halle collectors in the port of Dovorre,
from thence to WjTichelse and at Wynchelse.
John Ropere and Thomas Elys collectors in the port of
Sandewich and from thence to Gravesende and Dovorre.
Afterwards, ow 18 January, a like writ was addressed to John Organ
and Walter Rauf collectors in the port of London.
To William del Bothe and John de Werk collectors in the port of
Berewic upon Tweed. Like order, mutatis mutandis, to pay the
money to Walter Fitz Wauter admiral of the fleet to the northward,
to whom it is agreed that all moneys from the mouth of the Thames
to the northward shall be delivered for the safe guard of the sea in
the northern parts. By C.
The like to the following :
William de Spaigne and William Thj^mmelby collectors in the
port of St. Botolph and from thence to Grymesby and
Thomas Drewe and John Grantham collectors in the port of
Lenne and from thence to Blakcney and Wysbeche.
Robert Waleys and Geoffrey Starlyng collectors in the port of
Gippew'ich and from thence to Tilbury.
Alexander Fastolf and John Elys collectors in the port of Great
Jernemuth and from thence to Gippewich and Blakeney.
Robert de Selb}^ and Thomas Waplyngton collectors in the port
of Kyngeston upon Hull and from thence to Grymesbj'^ and
John Bullvliam and Sampson Hardynge collectors in the port
of Newcastle upon Tyne and from thence to Berewic upon
Tweed and Scardeburgh.
Dec. 3. To Robert de Selby and Thomas Waplyngton collectors in the
Westminster, port of Kyngeston upon Hulle of the subsidy of (Sd. in the pound.
Ord(ir from llie date of the grant to levy the same so long as they
shall be collectors from natives and aliens, although lately the king
1382. Membrane G — cont.
ordered them to receive it upon all goods of merchants of Almain
imported and exported since that date, and to put the money in
safe deposit for which tlicy would answer, so that it should not bo
spent nor converted to any uses until by the council debate should
be had whether by virtue of the liberties granted to them by charters
of former kings, confirmed by the king, the said merchants ought to
bo quit, or to be therewith charged ; as now it is by the council
determined that such subsidy shall be paid upon goods of all
merchants, native and alien, of whatsoever estate, condition or
The like to the following :
William de Spaigne and William Thymelby collectors in the
port of St. Botolph.
Thomas Drewe and John Grantham collectors in the port of
Alexander Fastolf and John Elys collectors in the port of Great
Nov. 28. To Roger de la Chaumbre escheator in Norhamptonshire. Order to
Westminster, remove the Idng's hand and meddle no further with a messuage and
30 acres of land in Suthwyk, delivering to Eleanor late the wife of
John Knyvet knight and to Margery their daughter any issues thereof
taken ; as the king has learned by inquisition, taken by the escheator,
that at his death the said John held the same of others than the king,
as jointly enfeoffed with them by gift of Thomas de Morton vicar of
To the same. Like order concerning 6| acres of land in Suthwyk
which the said John held as jointly enfeoffed with the said Eleanor
by gift of Richard de Lincoln, \2\ acres by gift of John de Littelbury,
2 acres 1 rood by gift of John Bell and Elizabeth his wife, 23 acres of
land and 4 acres of meadow in Suthwyk, Wode Neuton, Fodryngeye
and Cotherstoke, and 20 acres of land in the manor of Deenthorp
by gift of William Elys and Joan his wife.
To Thomas de Bradefeld escheator in Cambridgeshire. Like order
concerning 3s. \0\d. of rent in Conyton which the said John held as
jointly enfeoffed with the said Eleanor by gift of Richard Leffeyn
and Margery his wife by fine levied in the king's court.
To Roger de la Chambre escheator in Roteland. Like order con-
cerning 17| acres of land in Kasterton and half an acre of meadow in
Ketene which the said John held as jointly enfeoffed with the said
Eleanor by gift of John Spicer of Staunford and Alice his wife by
fine levied in the late king's court.
Nov. 16. To the collectors of the great custom in the port of Kyngeston upon
Westminster. Hull. Order to suffer no merchants native or alien until further
order to take over wool, woolfells or hides to any foreign ports save
the town of Calais. By C
The Uke to the collectors in the port of St. Botolph.
Nov. 15. To the mayor of the city of London. Order to dehver to John
Westminster. Merewelle and John de EUerton Serjeants at arms James Scoteler of
Wt. 32813.
CR 13
1382. Memhrone 6 — cont.
Flanders and all his goods and chattels, under arrest in the mayor's
custody bj^ command of the council. By C.
1383. Membrane 5.
Jan. 22. To Robert Parj-s escheator in Cambridgeshire. Order to give
Westminster. John Saferaj' of Stowe Cumqu}' livery of all his lands taken into the
king's hand by Ralph W,ykes late escheator, and the issues and profits
thereof since 22 November 5 Richard II, on wliich date the king
pardoned him for treasons, felonies and trespasses committed in the
insurrections of May, June and July then last for which he was indicted,
and any outlawries published against him, restoring of the king's
gift his goods and chattels api)raised at 20Z. 2^. G^rf., although forfeit
for that cause, pro\nded he was not one of the principals in the
manslaugliter of the archbishop, the treasurer or the chief justice, in
burning the Savoye or the house of Clerkenwelle, or in the manslaughter
of the prior of Bury, so that henceforth he shall be of good behaviour,
and shall stand to right in the king's court if any will bring a cause
against liim ; and he has found before the sheriff and coroners security
for his good beha%nour, as appears by certificate of the sheriff sent
into chancery, and although indicted for certain misprisions in time
of the insurrection and put in exigents, wherefore his goods and
chattels were forfeit, it seems reasonable to the king, the justices
and others of the council learned in the law that his lands shall be
restored, for that he is not outlawed, as ajipears by the record and
process before Hugli la Souche and his fellows, justices appointed in
Cambridgeshire to chastise the insurgents, which the king has caused
to come before him in chancery.
Jan. 29. To John Wydevylle escheator in Norhamptonshire and Roteland.
Westminster. Order to take of John son of John Knyvet knight security for payment
of his relief, and to give him seisin of two assarts called Stokwelle and
the Hoo CO. Norhampton containing 30 acres, and two assarts called
' Longw-elle syke ' and ' Longhegge ' co. Norhampton, and to remove
the king's hand and meddle no further with divers other lands in
both counties, delivering to him any issues thereof taken ; as the
king has learned by inquisition, taken b}^ John Carnelle late escheator,
that John the father at his death held the first assarts of the king
to fee farm, rendering \Qs. a year, and divers lands of others than
the king, and after by another inquisition, taken by Roger de la
Chambre late escheator, that he held the other assarts of the king
by the service of 10s. a year for all services, and divers lands of others
than the king, and that John the son is his next heir and of full age ;
and the king has taken his fealty.
To William de Skipwyth the younger, escheator in Lincolnshire.
Order to remove the king's hand and meddle no further with a
messuage and four bovates of land in Southormesby, delivering to
John son of John Knyvet knight any issues thereof taken ; as the
king has learned by iiupiisition, taken by the escheator, that at his death
John tlie father held no lands in that county in chief, but held the
premises of others than the king, and that Jolin the son etc. (as
To John Bredeford esclieator in Essex. Like order concerning a
messuage, 140 acres of land, 0 acres of meadow, 2 acres of pasture,
6 RICHARD II.— Part I. 195
1383. Membrane 5 — conl.
8 acres of wood and 135. 4d. of rent in Steeple Bumstcde (ad Turrim) ;
as the king has learned b}'^ inquisition, taken by Nicholas Fitz Richard
late escheator, that John Knyvet knight held the premises of others
than the king.
Membrane 4.
Jan. 24. To John Wydvyle escheator in Norhamptonshire. Order to take
Westminster, the fealty of Eleanor late the wife of John Knyvet knight, and to
remove the king's hand and meddle no further with the manor and
advowson of Hale, a messuage and 50 acres of land and meadow in
Suthwyk and Piriho, the meadow being called Babholm, and half
a virgate of land in Fodryngeye, delivering to her any issues thereof
taken ; as upon the finding of an inquisition, taken by John Carnelle
late escheator, (hat the said John at his death held that manor and
advowson in chief by the service of 95. a year as jointly enfeoffed
with her by gift of Peter Holt made in 22 Edward III, and other the
premises as jointly enfeoffed with her of others than the king, and
that John his son is his next heir and of full age, and upon petition of
the said Eleanor, because she produced no charters or writings
witnessing those feoffments as the manner is, in consideration that
in case she were not jointly enfeoffed the king would take the issues
of the premises from John Knyvet's death until his son should obtain
livery, the king ordered the sheriff to give John the son notice to
be in chancery on the morrow of St. Hilary last to shew cause where-
fore the king's hand ought not to be removed thereform ; at wliich
day he came not, wherefore it was determined that the king's hand
should be removed, and the issues delivered to the said Eleanor.
Feb. 13. To Robert de Parys escheator in Cambridgeshire. Like order
Westminster, [omitting fealty) in regard to 20 acres of land in Conjmgton, upon the
finding of an inquisition, taken by Ralph Wyke late escheator, that
John Knyvet held the same of others than he Idng as jointly enfeoffed
with the said Eleanor.
Membrane 3.
Jan. 7. To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Summons to a parliament at
Westminster. Westminster on Monday in the third week of Lent, with the clause
premunientes ; reciting the subjugation of great part of Flanders
by Charles of France, his scheme to besiege Calais, and the king's
purpose of sailing to oppose him. By K. and C.
Vacated, because upon the dorse.
Feb. 8. To the bailiff or farmer of the manor of Staundon for the time
Westminster, being. Order to pay to John de Massyngham one bushel of wheat
a week, of London measure, and the arrears since 28 January last,
on which date the king confirmed letters patent of Lionel duke of
Clarence, granting to the said John his yeoman one bushel a week
for life of the said manor.
Et erat patens.
Feb. 7. To archbishops etc. and all ecclesiastical persons holding dignity
Westminster, or office whatsoever, notaries public and others to whom etc.
Prohibition of any attempt which may tend to contempt of the king
Membrane 3 — cont.
or to impair his right of presentation to the church of St. Mary
Feltewelle ; as that church being lately void and in liis gift, the
king presented Alan Leverton his clerk, who was instituted and
inducted ; and now he is informed that certain men striWng to impair
the effect of that presentation and to disturb the said Alan, have in
contempt of the king made inhibitions, citations, appeals, inductions
etc. to the prejudice of the crown.
Et erat -patens.
Jan. 28. To A. archbishop of York. Notification that William archbishop of
Westminster. Canterbury, the prelates and clergy of that province, have granted the
king a tenth of their benefices, and order and request, in consideration
of the grievous perils of the church and realm, to call a convocation
in the church of St. Peter York at Easter or another early date, and
to move the clergy to grant a tenth or equivalent subsidy ; reminding
the archbishop of a writ to him addressed on 24 September last with
like request and command. By K. and C.
Feb. 14. To the sheriff of Norffolk for the time being. Order of the issues
Westminster, or farm of the hundred of [Holt*] to pay to William Geddyng
the king's serjeant, one of the yeomen of his butter}-, 10 marks a year
for life and the arrears since 28 October last, according to the king's
grant to him of that date for good service.
Et erat patens.
Feb. 16. To the chamberlain of Suthwales and the auditors of accounts
Westminster, there for the time being. Order to suffer Simon de Burley the king's
knight, and his executors for two years after liis decease, to have the
castle and commote of Emel\ni Huckuth co. KermerdjTi \y\th. all
liberties, rents etc., taking all fines, amercements, ransoms and casual
profits arising of tenants dwelling therein as well before the justices
in eyre as before the steward or other the king's ministers, by himself,
his steward or representative to hear and determine all pleas of the
crown and other pleas whatsoever there pertaining to the princes of
Wales according to law and the custom of the country, to sell and give
escheats and forfeitures mthin the commote, saving the king's heritage,
and to have all advowsons there pertaining to the said princes during
that term, according to the king's grant of 2 May last.
Et erat patens.
Jan. 21. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order, upon petition of
Westminster. John Charneye whom the king lately ordered them to admit to
exercise the office of coroner in that city, to admit Henry de Shelford
to exercise the same for one month from this date or until further
order, first taking of the said Henry an oath for his good behaviour
so long as he shall stand in office ; as the said John has shewn the
king that he must needs be occupied for some time about other
Jan. 26. To Alan de Stokes keeper of the great wardrobe. Order to deliver
Westminster, to Robert bishop of London the chancellor that which belongs to
him of the fee for wax by reason of his office from 20 September
* The name of the hundred is omitted ; but see Calendar of Patent Rolls, p. 179.
6 RICHARD II.— Paut I.
Membrane 3 — cont.
last, when he began to keep the inn of chancery, so long as he
shall stand in office.
Membrane 2.
Jan. 28. To William la Zouchc of Haryngworth farmer of Calne co. Wiltesir.
Westminster. Order SO long as he shall be farmer thereof to pay to Thomas de
Morwelle 151. a year for life and the arrears since 30 May I Richard II,
on Avhich date the king confirmed letters patent of the late king,
granting to the said Thomas for good service to himself and
Queen Philippa 15Z. a year for life by the hands of William la Zouche
of Haryngworth, father of the said William, or of other the tenants
of that farm for the time being.
Et erat patens.
Jan. 30. To Robert de Assheton constable of Dovorre castle and warden of
Westminster, the Cinque Ports, or to his lieutenant. Order on sight etc. to arrest
divers persons of the king's enemies of France in a ship or barge
which was driven by a storm within the Isle of Tanet and taken by
divers the king's subjects there as he has learned, to put them under
safe custody for which he will answer, to make inquisition into whose
hands the vessel and the goods therein came and in whose hands
they are, and to take them into the king's hand and safe keep them
until it shall be by the council debated whether they ought to pertain
to the king or to his said subjects and until further order, warning all
such as would claim aught in the said persons, vessel or goods to sue
with the council if they think fit ; and writ de intendendo to all sheriffs,
mayors, bailiffs etc. whom it may concern, within liberties and without,
in favour of the constable etc. By C.
Et erat patens.
Feb. 14. To John king of Castille and Leon duke of Lancastre, or to his
Westminster, chancellor in that duchy. Order, upon petition of Daniel de Mare,
Cosmatus Dorya, Humphrey Pynellus and John de Garle merchants
of Genoa (Janua) who have their conversation in the city of London,
and because of the alliance between the king and the Genoese by
reason whereof he reckons them his friends, to give a commission to
certain discreet officers of the duchy or other trusty subjects thereof
and to John de Orwelle the king's Serjeant at arms to take information
as best and most speedily they may by inquisitions, examinations
etc. touching the full truth of the matter, and especially concerning
a great sliip of Genoa called a ' carrak,' laded with divers merchandise of
theirs and of other merchants their fellow citizens of great value, which
was by a storm driven out of its course and at last grounded upon the
sand not far from land of the abbey of St. Mary Fourneux in the duchy,
and concerning all goods and wares of Genoese merchants therein,
the price or value thereof, the names of those who carried away any
part of them and to whose hands it came, and all other the circum-
stances, and commission to arrest the said ship and all other goods
and wares of the Genoese wherever found, or the value or price thereof
and, first contenting the men of those parts for any travail or expense
about the salvage of the same, to deliver them to Julian Cybus
merchant of Genoa or to Lewis Jambone of Genoa master or owner
{patronus) of the ship, with writ of aid in favour of uch
commissioners addressed to the sheriff of Lancaster and other the
1383. Mcvvbrane 2 — cont.
ministers, officers and subjects of the dmliy. directing them
honourably to entreat the master or o\raer, merchants and seamen
of tlie ship as friends of the realm, and when the business is over to
suffer them to pass \\hither they will with the ship and goods ; as
the complaint of the petitioners shews that the said goods, whereof
great ]Dart was salved by travail of the merchants and seamen and
of others, are by men of those parts eloigned and dispersed, although
the said Lewis, the merchants and seamen escaped alive wherefore
the same might not be called wreck, and that in contempt of the
king those men have taken no heed to make restitution, although
he and the merchants are ready to content them for the salvage ;
and the petitioners and another Genoese, namely the son of the said
Lewis who is to come to the king and council on behalf of his father
and the merchants, being before the council examined and sworn,
have expressly averred that the said ship and all goods therein are
goods of theirs and of other Genoese, as thej' are ready to prove. By C.
Feb. 20. To the mayor of Lincoln, and to the bailiflfs and true men of that
Westminster, city. Order to suffer Queen Anne's men of the manor of Kirkcton in
Ljaidesej', if the same be of the ancient demesne of the cro\ni, to be
quit of toll upon their goods and property in the said city, releasing
any distress made upon them ; as according to the custom heretofore
observed and approved men of the said demesne are and ought to
be quit thereof throughout the realm.
Feb. 5. To Thomas Morreux constable of the Tower of London, and to his
Westminster, lieutenant there. Order to receive Walter Corneu from him who
shall deliver him, and to keep him in safe custody in the Tower until
further order. By C.
Feb. 6. To the same. Order to have in chancery at Westminster this instant
Westminster. Saturday Walter Conieu, who is in liis custody in the Tower at the
king's command, and tliis wiit. By C.
Nov. 26. To Jolin Wydeville escheator in Roteland. Order to take of
Westminster. Margery who was wife of Thomas de Burton knight an oath etc.,
and in presence of Jolui de Bas^aiges knight, to whom the king has
committed the wardship of her husband's lands until the lawful age
of the heir, to assign her dower thereof.
To Edmund Giffard escheator in Berkshire. Order to assign dower
to the said Margery, of whom the king has commanded Jolui Wydeville
to take an oath etc.
Feb. 24. To the receiver, farmer, bailiff or other the king's minister of
Westminster. Wal,>iigford for the time being. Order to pay to Richard de Exton 10/.
a year of the profits and revenues of his office and the arrears since
22 March 1 Kicliard II, on which date the kuig confirmed lettei^s i)atent
of Ed ward ])rince of Wales, granting for good service 10/. a year for life
as aforesaid to the said Richard his yeoman, being his avener.
Et erat patens.
Feb. 21. Order to the sheriff of Lincohi to cause a coroner to be elected
Westminster, instead of William llaxay, who is insufficiently qualified.
6 RICHARD II.— Part I.
1383. Membrane 2 — cont.
Feb. 3. Like order to the sheriff of Dorset for election of a coroner instead
Westminster, of Robert atte Boure, who is insufficiently qualified.
Feb. 6. Like order to the sheriff of Middlesex for election of a coroner
Westminster, instead of Giles Pykeman, who is insufficiently qualified.
Jan. 28. Like order to the sheriff of Lincoln for election of a coroner instead
Westminster, of Nicholas Conyng', who is insufficiently qualified.
Jan. 20. Like order to the sheriff of Derby for election of a coroner instead
Westminster, of Henry dc Shelf ord, who is dead.
Like order to the sheriff of Wiltesir for election of a coroner instead
of Robert Bont of New Sarum, who is dead.
Feb. 12. Like order to the sheriff of Cornwall for election of a coroner instead
Westminster, of Matthew Bryt of Bochym, who is infirm and aged.
Feb. 8. Like order to the same sheriff for election of a coroner instead of
Westminster. John Penkevelle, who is infirm etc.
Jan. 16. Like order to the sheriff of Roteland for election of a coroner instead
Westminster, of Robert de Whitewelle of Keten, who is sick and aged.
Jan. 17. Like order to the sheriff of Essex for election of a coroner instead
Westminster, of John de Bredeford of Bokkyng, who is engaged on divers business
of the king in that county.
Membrane i.
Feb. 26 To the keeper of the Idng's forest tliis side Trent, or to his several
Westminster, representatives in the forests between the bridges of Oxford and
Staunford, and to the sheriff of Huntingdon for the time being. Order
from 22 January 5 Richard II, the date of her coronation, to suffer
Queen Anne to use and enjoy the liberties and privileges hereinafter
mentioned, and by herself, her bailiffs and ministers to levy all fines,
ransoms, amercements and other profits of all assarts, wastes and
purprestures in the said forests and of the men and tenants of the
same, delivering estreats thereof to her bailiffs and ministers, and order
to the sheriff to notify and make proclamation of this command when
need be ; as among other castles, lands etc. to her assigned by the
king in dower and otherAvise for life, he has assigned to her the assarts
etc, aforesaid, granting that therein she shall have the return of all
the king's writs, the summonses thereof, all fines etc. of the men and
tenants of the lands so assigned and of the fees thereof, all forfeited
issues, and all that may pertain to the king for the year and a day
and waste, for forfeitures and murders in his courts whatsoever
adjudged as well before the king and in chancery as before the
treasurer and the barons of the exchequer, the justices in eyre for
common pleas and pleas of the forest, the steward and marshal of the
household and other justices and ministers whatsoever, so that by
her bailiffs and ministers she may levy the same by estreats of such
justices or of the exchequer to be to them delivered by the sheriffs ;
and that she shall have the chattels of felons and fugitives in the
said lands etc.
Et erat patens.
1383. Menibrane 1 — cont.
March 3. To the reeve, baiUff, farmer or receiver of the manor of Grand
Westminster. Pount for the time being. Order to pay to WiUiam Corby the king's
yeoman 10^ a year and the arrears since 1 Februarj' 51 Edward III,
on which date the king while prince by letters patent, confirmed by
him on 30 May 1 Richard II, granted the said Richard for good serxice
the office of constable of Lanceton castle for life, and for his wages
and fees 10^. a year upon the profits of the said manor.
Et erat patens.
March 4. To the receiver in Cornwall for the time being. Order to pay to
Westminster. William Corby 10^ a j'ear for life so long as John Sully the king's
knight shall live, and the arrears since 22 March 1 Richard II, on
which date the king confirmed letters patent of Edward prince of
Wales previously confirmed by the king wliile prince, granting
the said William for life lOZ. a yea.v of the issues of the manor of
Bradenynch co. Devon, and upon information that by reason of an
annuity of 40Z. upon the profits of the said manor taken by the said
John by grant of the said prince, confirmed by the king, he might not
so take that sum, the king granted that he should take it by the hands
of the said receiver, so that if he should overlive the said Jolin he
should then take it upon the profits of the said manor, and this grant
should be annulled.
Et erat patens.
1382. Membrane ^M.
John Walssh of London ' goldsmyth ' to John Bosham of London
' mercer ' and Felicia liis wife and to the heirs of John Bosham.
Quitclaim with ^^arrant3' of a moiety of two messuages, IG acres of
land and 10 acres of meadow in Kentisshetoun and the parishes of
St. Clement Danes without New Temple bar and St. Giles of the
Lepers without Old Temple bar London, wliich they had by gift of
the said John Walssh and Margaret his vAie by fine le\'ied in the
king's court. Witnesses : James Lyons, John Frensh, William Pecche,
Richard Cooke of St. Giles, William Fote. Dated Westminster,
Monday the eve of ^Ddsummer 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment in the chancery at Westminster,
25 June.
June 27. Peter de Veel knight to John Ravenser clerk of the hanaper of
Westminster, chancery. Recognisance for Al., to be levied etc. of his lands and
chattels in Gloucestershire.
William Wolseley archpriest of Ulcombe co. Kent to Roger Asshby
rector of St. Peter Dovere and John Parj-s of the same. Bond in
32 marks pa3'^able at Dovere at Christmas next. Dated 27 June at
the begimiing of 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 28 June.
June 28. William ' Oiitheliille ' of Grendon to John de Sutton of Fakonham
Westminster, and Joan his wife. Recognisance for 100s., to be levied etc. in
William de Burgh of Athelokston to John Marmyoun knight lord of
Tanfeld, his heirs and assigns. Quitclaim of a moiety of the manor
6 RICHARD II.— Rakt I.
1382. Membrane 33d — cont.
of Little Langton upon Swale, wliich moiety William de Burgh uncle
of the said William had by giant of John Folvylle knight and Joan
his wife by fine levied in the late king's court in 34 Edward III.
Witnesses : John de Nevylle lord of Raby, Richard Lescrope knight then
chancellor, Henry Lescrope knight, William de Skipwyth knight,
Roger de Fulthorp knight, John dc Hermesthorp rector of Bedale,
Thomas Ranyard rector of Wath, Robert de Garton clerk. Dated
Tanfeld, 1 July 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 12 July.
July 12, Jolm Roos yeoman of the lung's wardrobe for good service is sent
Westminster, to the prior and convent of Okeburne, to have such maintenance of
that house as William de la Garderobe deceased keeper of the king's
lions had. By p.s. [2301.]
July 15. John de Hexham to John de Lincoln clerk.
Westminster. 10^., to be levied etc. in Northumberland.
Recognisance for
June 30. To the abbot of St. Augustine Canterbury. Writ of supersedeas
Westminster, in favour of Thomas Seintleger, whom at the suit of Hugh Merston
of Sydyngburne, averring threats, the king lately ordered the abbot
to cause to come before liim, and to compel to find mainpernors,
and in case of refusal to commit to gaol until he would so do ; as
William Makenade and Richard Seintcler have mainperned in chancery
that he shall do the said Hugh no hurt or harm.
The like to the said abbot, mutatis mutandis, in favour of Richard
Seintcler by mainprise of Thomas Seintleger and John son of Richard
The like to the said abbot, mutatis mutandis, in favour of John
son of Richard Seintclere by mainprise of Thomas Seintleger and
Richard Seintclere.
July 12. Walter Elys of Dovorre to the archbishop of Canterbury and the
Westminster, prior of Dovorre. Recognisance for 40/., to be levied etc. in Kent.
Memorandum of defeasance, upon condition that the said Walter
cause or procure no hurt or harm, wrong or trouble to the prior or any
of the monks, their men or servants, in their persons, possessions or
July 18. Robert de Muskham clerk to Robert de KnoUes knight. Recog-
Westminster. nisance for 140/., to be levied etc. in Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
July 16. To the sheriff of Somerset. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. John Fitelton, John Fauntleroy, John Sparwe and John Lepjoif orde
of Somerset, in favour of Thomas Cotyete, Thomas Crau, Wilham
Rowe, Robert Stephen, Robert Morlegh, John Persoun, John Yadel,
William Yadel, Walter Court, Walter But, John Sely and Nicholas
Drake at suit of Peter de Courtenay knight for trespass ; and order
to set free the defendants or any of them if taken.
Membrane 32d.
Nicholas Brynkeworthe of the county of Suthampton, cousin and
heir of Thomas Waryn of Overton in the said county, to
1382. Membrane 22d — cord.
Richard Home, his heirs and assigns. Quitclaim of the manor of Henton
Aumarle ; and to the said Richard and EHzabeth his wife and the
heirs and assigns of Elizabeth of a messuage, a mill, 20 acres of land
and 6 acres of meadow in Brutford and Ahvardbury co. Wiltosir
sometime of Oliver Harnham and William Gilberd. Witnesses :
John Buttesthorne, Henrj^ le Olde, John Waryn, Nicholas Wodehulle,
Oliver Harnham, John Tomere, John Bcvjti. Dated 15 June
5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 23 June this jear.
William Brynkeworth of the county of Suthampton, cousin of
Thomas Waryn {as above), to Richard Home, his heirs and assigns,
and to the said Richard and Elizabeth Iiis wife, the heirs and assigns
of Elizabeth. Like quitclaim. Witnesses and date {as the last).
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 23 June this year.
Richard Horn of Brutford and Nicholas Brynkeworth of Bishops
Sutton CO. Suthampton. Indenture made 23 June 6 Richard II,
being the defeasance of a statute merchant in 40/. made by the said
Richard before William de Walleworth knight mayor of the staple
of Westminster, upon condition that a yearly rent of lOOs. of the
manor of Henton Aumarle by him granted to the said Nicholas for
life shall be truly paid, but if the same be one month in arrear and
the said Richard, his heirs or the tenants of that manor shall not
content the said Nicholas or liis assigns of double within three daj'^s
after, the said statute shall be put in execution, so that after the
death of Nicholas the same shall be delivered again to Richard or
his executors if the rent be full}'^ paid.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by the said Nicholas, 23 June.
John de Plays kmght to William de Beauchaump, John Marmyoun,
John de Burgh and Stei)hen de Hales (Halys) knights, Edmund Gurnay,
John de Lincoln clerk, Henry parson of Foulmere, William Smethe
parson of Knapton and Simon Baret of Hecham, their heirs and
assigns. Charter with ^\•arranty of the manor of Feltwelle co. Norffolk.
Witnesses : Richard de Holdiche, Osbcrt de Mundeford, John de
Tvd, John (de) Bodeneye, John Crane wjs. Dated Feltwelle, 18 June
5 "Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 28 June this year.
John de Plays knight and WilUam Smethe clerk to William de
Beauchaump etc. {as tJie last, omitting William Smethe). Charter with
wananty of the manor and advowson of Mundeford. Witnesses
{as the last). Dated Mundeford, 18 June 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 28 June this year.
July 2. John Bercford of Hcndon co. Middlesex, John Kent of London
Westminster. ' bocher ' and John Hale of Hendon to Robert de Musldiam parson
of Overe. Recognisance for 20/., to be levied etc. in ]\Iiddlesex.
Cancelled on payment, achwwledged by John de Burton clerk, one
of the said Robert's executors.
John CkiHerne to John Choyne knight, his heirs and assigns.
Quitclaim with warranty of all lands, rents etc. wliich he sometime
6 RICHARD II.— Part I. 203
1382. Memhrane 32d — cont.
had in Iseiihamstede Clieyne co. Bukiiigham. Witnesses : Philip
de Vache, John de la Hay knights, Tliouias Lude, Thomas de
Agmotyshaiu, Robert Boxford alderman of ' Fariidon warde ' in
the city of London, Nicholas de la Hoo, John Thorne. Dated London,
27 July 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment at London on Saturday after
at. Mattliias last before Edmund Burdenell, by virtue of a dedimus
potestatem wliich is on the chancery file for this year.
William de Norwiche, son and heir of David de Norwiche sometime
citizen and saddler of London, to Margaret wife of John Morwelle his
mother, her heirs and assigns. Quitclaim of all lands etc. in the city
of Lincoln sometime of David his father. Dated London, Thursday
the eve of St. Thomas the Apostle 4 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment in the chancery at Westminster,
8 July this year.
July 11. Pliilip la Vache knight, Richard de Abberbury knight, Robert
Westminster. Barree of Totehale, Robert Foulmer clerk and Thomas atte Broke
clerk to Thomas atte Lude, William Nafferton and Thomas Galyan.
Recognisance for 1,000 marks, to be levied etc. in Oxfordshire.
Cancelled on 'payment, acknowledged by William, de Nafferton.
Richard Whulton, late son of Thomas Whulton of the county of
Suthampton, to William de Wykeham bishop of Winchester, his
heirs and assigns. Grant and quitclaim mth warranty of all lands,
rents etc. in the parishes of Burgh Clere, Newtown and High Clere
sometime of Thomas his father. Dated 20 May 48 Edward III.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 16 July this year.
Membrane zid.
Peter Gynan clerk to John Bures citizen and draper of London,
John Loneye citizen and mercer, Robert Lepere clerk, William
Cressewyke of London and Robert Rykdoun of Wytham, their heirs
and assigns. Quitclaim of the manor of Estwarlee Semeles co. Essex,
purchased bj^ the parties of John de Fyfhyde citizen and mercer of
London by fine levied in the king's court in 5 Richard II. Dated
London, 28 June 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 28 June.
Thomas de Thelwalle clerk to Richard de Treton clerk and to his
executors. Gift of all his goods moveable and immovable. Dated
London, 30 June 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 30 June.
Hugh de Segrave knight to William de Coggeshale knight, John
Hawkewode the elder, Robert Rykedoun, John Sergeant and Robert
Ljrndeseye citizen of London, their heirs and assigns. Quitclaim
with warranty of the manor of Gosfeld and all lands, rents etc. in
Gosfeld, Hengham Sibille and Wethersfeld co. Essex sometime of
William de Lyston and late of Richard Lyouns citizen of London,
which the said William and the others had by feoffment of Thomas
de Oldyngton, Andrew de Burnham, John Kent, WiUiam de Pontfreyt
1382. Membrane 31d — cont.
clerks and Walter de Cliipenham. Dated London, Wednesday the
morrow of IVIidsummer 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 3 July.
Nicholas de Carreu and Nicholas HerjTig' to John de Burle, Simon
de Burle, Richard de Burle knights and Baldmn de Radyngton esquire,
theii" hell's and assigns. Quitclaim of the manor of Parrok by
Graveshende co. Kent. Witnesses : John de Cobeham lord of Cobeham
knight, Thomas Shardelowe, John Tewdre, Richard Pope. Dated
London, 4 July 6 Richard II. [See p.s. 2317.]
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 4 July.
Jolm Loneye citizen and mercer of London to John Bures citizen
and draper, Robert Lepere clerk, William Cressewyke of London
and Robert Rikedoun. Quitclaim of the manor of Estwarle
Semeles co. Essex. Dated Estwarle, Thursday after Midsummer
6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 4 Julj\
Nicholas Carreu the elder and Henry de Meddebourne to Richard
de Debdale, rector of Bow church London, John de Shuldham and
John Wederhale chaplains, their heirs and assigns. Charter of all
lands, rents, reversions etc. in Edelmeton, Totenham and Shordiche
CO. IMiddlesex which the said Nicholas and Henry had by feoffment
of Thomas Kyng of Totenham. cousin and heir of John Bernes late
citizen and alderman of London. Dated Shordiche, 1 July 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 4 July.
July 12. Richard de Hamerton, Thomas del Hawe and Thomas de KnoUe
Westminster, to Thomas Sayvil. Recognisance for 70 marks, to be levied etc. in
Cancelled on payment.
Philip la Vachc knight to Margerj' de Moljais. Recognisance for
100/., to be levied etc. in Oxfordsliire.
Robert Goshalm, son of Robert Goshalm of Essex, to John de Burle,
Simon de Burle, Richard de Burle knights and Baldwin de Radynton,
their heirs and assigns. Charter with warranty of all the lands, rents
etc. in the parishes of Graveshende, Milton, Northflete and Swane-scompe
CO. Kent late of Thomas de Graveshende knight, which came to the
grantor as his purpart y after his father's death. Witnesses : John
lord of Cobham, Thomas de Cobham knights, John Tudre, Richard
Pope, John Mokkynge. Dated Graveshende, 14 July 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 14 July.
June 27. To the shcrifT of York. Order on sight etc. to cause proclamation
Westminster, to be made of the grant made by the lords and commons in the
parliament last summoned at Westminster of a subsidy of 25. upon
every tun of wine imported, and of a smaller vessel containing wine in
proportion, and of Grf. in the ])ouiui over and above the customs and
subsidies heretofore due upon all manner of merchandise, woollen
cloths and other, exported and im]K>rted, wool, liides and woolfells
excepted, from 21 May last until Michaelmas and thenceforward for
6 RICHARD II.— Part I. 205
1382. Membrane 'Md — cont.
two years, so that the money be laid out wholly upon the safe guard of
the sea ; and writ of aid in favour of Hu<Th Fastolf one of the principal
receivers of the same, appointed with John Philippot and his deputies
to take order for the safe guard of the sea in the northern parts.
The like to the follo\ving :
The sheriff of Northumberland.
The sheriff of Lincoln.
The sheriff of Norflfolk and Suffolk.
The sheriff of Essex.
July 2. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. William Palmer of Yorkshire, John Oxenthwait of Westmorland,
John Samford of Somerset and John Bernelle of Devon, in favour
of John Aslakby at suit of Walter Payne averring threats.
July 8. To Henry de Percy earl of Northumberland, John Marmyoun,
Westminster. William de Skypwyth, Roger de Ful thorp, Thomas Thurkyll, John
Elys, John de Rouclif and John de Sadyngton, justices appointed
to make inquisition in Yorkshire upon complaint of John de Berden
of York that Thomas de Burton of Ingerthorp, John Smyth of
Ingerthorp, Robert Wliiteside of Ingerthorp, Robert de Brumton,
John de Farnham, Thomas Wynterburne and Richard Smyth of
Ingerthorp and other evildoers by force of arms broke his close at
Leonardburton, burnt his houses there, took and carried away 24
oxen, 16 kine and 400 sheep of liis, price lOOZ., and goods and chattels
to the value of 200^. etc., and to hear and determine that trespass.
Writ of supersedeas omnino.
Membrane 30c?.
John Gassy the younger to James de Lacy. Indenture witnessing
a covenant that the said James shall not during his life be troubled
by voucher of warranty, writ of warranty of charter or otherwise by
virtue of a charter whereby the said James and John de Bodyngton
vicar of Clyve Pipard co. Wiltesir gave with warranty to the said
John de Cassy, Richard his brother parson of Kemeseye, Richard
Harbergh parson of Wolston and Richard Trilleye chaplain, their
heirs and assigns, two messuages, 400 acres of land, 110 acres of
meadow, 20 acres of wood and 6/. of rent in Wyghtfeld and Appurleye
CO. Gloucestre, and all their lands, rents, reversions etc. in that county,
whereof, after seisin had, the said Richard, Richard and Richard
made a quitclaim to the said John Cassy and his heirs ; saving always
to the said John Cassy and to his heirs the warranty of John de
Bod3rngton and his heirs, and of the heirs of the said James after
his death. Dated the morrow of Mdsummer 6 Richard II. French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by the said John Cassy and
James, 28 June.
James de Lacy to John Cassy the younger and his heirs. Quitclaim
of two messuages etc. {as in the last), hereby discharging the premises
of the execution of every statute merchant of the staple or other
recognisance to him made in the king's court. Dated [as the last).
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 28 June.
John Chytterne clerk to Roger Cheyne, John Whyteley clerk and
William de Hoghton. Quitclaim of sixteen messuages, two shops,
Membrane ZOd — co7\i.
three mills, 949 acres of land, 53 acres of meadow, 10 acres of wood
and 11. 195. of rent in North Wodefold, Dounton, La\'erkestoke,
Mulleforde, Mounne\\orth, Rolveston, Batamtounewyly {sic) and New
Sarum co. Wiltesir, and of four messuages, one mill, two carucates
24 acres of land, 16 acres of meadow and 7 marks 55. of rent in Brokelej',
Batramsley, Pylle, Ch-owe and Netherwollop co. Suthampton. Dated
Midsummer day 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 9 Julj\
Stephen Haym and John Byturle of the one part and William
Rj'nge borne and John Blount chaplain of the other part. Indenture
made 20 May 3 Richard II, A\itnessing a gift to the said William and
John and the heirs of the said William, according to the kings licence
of 29 October last, of a moiety of the manor of Berton Sacy, rendering
lOZ. yearly to the said Stephen and John and to their heirs, power
being reserved to distrain for arrears, and after one month to enter
again and hold that moiety until fully contented. Witnesses : Hugh
Camoys, Philip Popham knights, Walter Haj'wode, Thomas Warner,
William Houghton, Robert Heryerd. Dated Berton Sacy, as above.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by the said Stephen and William,
10 July this 3'ear.
July 9.
Master John Colton [archbishop] elect of Armagh and John Corne-
Westminster. waille of London ' taillour ' to Robert de Muskham clerk. Recognisance
for lOZ., to be le\ied etc. in the city of London.
Memorandum of defeasance, upon condition that a moietj' of the
above sum be paid on Michaelmas daj' next.
Cancelled on payment.
July 9. Roger de Boj^s knight and Ellis de Byntre parson of Carleton to
Westminster. Robert de Knolles knight. Recognisance for 1,000 marks, to be
levied etc. in Norffolk and Suffolk.
Memorandum that this recognisance was taken bj'^ Richard de
Ravenser clerk.
Cancelled on payment.
Sir Robert Knolles kiiight of the one part and Roger de Boys knight
and Ellis de Bj^ntre parson of Carleton of the other part. Indenture
of defeasance of the foregoing recognisance, upon condition that
Sir Roger and Ellis, their heirs or executors, shall ])ay 500 marks at
London at Martinmas next and Whitsuntide following by even portions.
Dated Wednesday after the Translation of St. Thomas 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by the said Robert, 9 July,
received by the said Richard [de Ravenser] by order of the chancellor.
Richard Whulton, late son of Thomas WHiulton of the county of
Suthampton, to William de Wykeham bishoji of Winchester, his
heirs and assigns. Grant and quitclaim of lands in Burgh Clere etc.
(05 above, p. 203). Dated 12 July 6 Richard II.
Memorandum, of acknowledgment in the chancery at Westminster,
16 July.
June 27. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Writ of
Wostminster. supersedeas until Michaelmas next in respect of their demand upon
6 RICHARD II.— Part I. 207
1382. Membrane 20d—cont.
William Pal mere clerk to answer for the issues of a messuage, 34 acres
of land, 1 acre of meadow and 1 acre of wood in Elmedon late of John
Launay, taken into the late king's hand by Roger Keterich his
escheator in Essex, the keeping whereof and the issues the late king
committed by a mainprise to the said clerk until it should be debated
whether the premises ought to pertain to the late king or to him, so
that he should answer etc. if the same should be adjudged to the king ;
as the plea is yet pending without debate before the king.
Membrane 29d.
July 18. To the sheriff of Cantebrigge. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise
Westminster, of John Cartere of Warton of Cambridgeshire, William Nevylle of
Yorksliire and John Weston of Norflfolk, in favour of John Freman of
Fulmere at suit of Robert Stonhard for trespass.
July 5. To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order by mainprise of Thomas
Westminster. Clifford knight, William de Helton, John de Sadyngton, Thomas de
Thornburgh, William de Soulleby, John de Kirkeby and Nicholas
Scot to set free Richard Orfever, whom the king lately ordered the
sheriff to bring before him at a set day past, mth the cause wherefore
he was taken, and all indictments concerning him which were with the
sheriff ; as upon view of the indictment it seems to the king's court that
for the peace of the people of those parts the same ought to be sent
again to Cumberland and there determined, for that many people
are there indicted, and that the prisoner is replevisable. By C.
July 22. To the sheriff of Somerset. Writ of siipersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. Robert Bays clerk, William Goold, Walter Sharpe of Somerset and
Thomas Glasyere of ' Fletstret ' London, in favour of John Murye
and John Hanam of Bristol at suit of the king for certain contempts ;
and order to set the defendants free if taken, or either of them.
The like to the sheriff of Bristol.
July 24. To the abbot and convent of Selby. Order to take again letters
Westminster, patent under the common seal of their house made to Thomas Islep
concerning a maintenance for life in the abbey to him granted by
the late king for good service, and to make other letters to Thomas
Brounflet clerk of accounts of the wardrobe of the king's household,
writing again by the bearer what they will do at this request ; as
with assent of Thomas Islep the king has granted the same to the
said clerk for his good service. By p.s. [2316.]
William Selyde, son and heir of John Selyde of Andevere co.
Suthampton, to William Brampton ' stokfisshemonger ' citizen of
London, his heirs and assigns. Grant and quitclaim with warranty of
all the lands, rents, reversions etc. in Andevere, Enham Kings, Enham
Knights and Charleton which with Sir William Chestre clerk and William
Sek3mton ' stokfisshemonger ' the said William Brampton had by
feoffment of William Selyde. Witnesses : Sir William Walleworth
knight, Walter Sibile, John Chircheman, John Southam, Richard
Grate. Dated London, 20 July 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 28 July.
1382. Membrane 2M—coni.
William Wightrynge of the hundred of Manewode co. Sussex to
William do Haldene of Kent, liis heirs and assigns. Charter with
warranty of a moiety of the advowson of Eghethorne church co.
Kejit, which fell to the grantor as one of the heirs of Jolua de Boudon
knight his uncle. Dated Tuesday after St. Duustan 5 Richard II.
Witnesses : Simon Monyn, Nicholas Monyn liis son, William Loteriche,
William T^^decombe, Edmund Eghethorne, John Neel.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 31 July this year.
Aug. 7. To the sheriff of Kent. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of W^alter
Westminster, attc Were of London ' cordewaner ' and Thomas atte Chaumbre of
London ' harbour,' in favour of Robert Hardelle vicar of St. Peter
in the Isle of Tanet at suit of Thomas Hood for trespass.
Aug. 24. Jolm Treverb\Ti of Cornwall to John de Ravenser keeper of the
Westminster, hanaper. Recognisance for 185., to be levied etc. in Cornwall.
Aug. 4. To the sheriff of Oxford. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Woodstock. Edmund Brudenell, William Bocher of Baunebury, John Bernes and John
Putte of Oxfordshire, in favour of Richard Gegge of Berford, Richard
Lyndrapere of Wescote, John Lambeljni (Lambeyn) ' mercer ' and
Thomas Putte of Bloxham at suit of John Kene of Henle for trespass.
July 27. To the sheriff of Kent. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of John
Westminster. Norman of Holbourne in the suburb of London and Jolm Spryngthorp
of Lincolnshire, in favour of Adam Lunce, defendant with John Whegler
and Philip Cartere at suit of Edmund Chj-mbeham for trespass.
The like, mutatis mutandis, to the same sheriff" in favour of John
Aug. 24. Lambert Fermer the lung's serjeant is sent to the prior and convent
Westminster, of Christ Church Canterbury, to take of that priory such maintenance
as John Herlynge deceased had in his life time at the late king's
request. By p.s. [2372.]
Memorandum that on 23 September this yeax at the manse of the
friars preachers London Jolm de Radyngton prior of the Hospital
of St. John of Jerusalem in England did fealty to the king before the
council ; {form of fealty in French ;) protesting that this should not
tend to the prejudice of the Hospital in time to come.
Sept. 24. To the prior and convent of Bath. Request to take again letters
Westminster, patent under the common seal of their house granting at the late
king's command maintenance therein for life to Clement Merk, and
to admit the said Clement and John de Ely the king's serjeant,
ministering the same for life to them and to the survivor of them,
making them other letters with mention of what they shall so take
of the house, and writing again by the bearer what the.y will do at
this request ; as for his good service the king with assent of the said
Clement has gianted that maintenance for life to them and the survivor
of them. By p.s. [2400.]
Membrane 2M.
July 16. Tothesheriff of Essex. Writ of cswperserfeas, by mainprise of Geoffrey
Westminster. Cokefeld, John Hues, Jolm Tannere and John Smyth of Essex, in
6 RICTTARD II.— Part I. 209
1382. Membrane 2S(l—cont.
favour of John Seman, Roger Cooke, Roger Herde and John Burch
at suit of Thomas Hardyng for trespass.
William Wyghtrynge of the liundrcd of Mancwode co. Sussex to
William de Haldene in Kent, his heirs and assigns. Quitclaim with
warranty of a moiety of the manors of Eghethorne and Sibertcswelde
CO. Kent, which manors, the advowson of Eghethorne excepted,
William de Haldene holds for life by demise of John Boudon knight
uncle of William Wyghtrynge, one of whose heirs he is, to William
de Haldene and Emma his wife deceased, with reversion of one moiety
to William Wyghtrynge. Dated Tuesday after St. Dunstan
5 Richard II. Witnesses : Simon Monyn, Nicholas Monyn his son,
William Loteriche, William Tidecoumbe, Edmund Eghethorne, John
Memorandum of acknowledgment by William Withtrynge, 31 July
tliis year.
Roger Canon citizen and mercer of London to John Dane and
Peter Elsyngham citizens and mercers of London, their heirs and
assigns. Gift of all his goods and chattels quick and dead. Dated
London, 24 July 6 Richard II.
Roger Canon {as above) to John Daue, Peter Elsyngham and Robert
Sherwyiide citizens and mercers of London. Letter of attorney in
all causes in whatsoever court, to receive all his debts on either side
the sea, and to act in this business as if Roger himself were present.
Dated {as the last).
Memorandum of acknowledgment of the foregoing writings, 31 July.
Joan who was wife of Sir William Colville knight to William de
Thorp citizen and draper of London and to William her chamberlain
and their assigns. Gift of her goods and chattels, moveable and
immovable, quick and dead in the manor of Ernclyf near Ingelby
and within the lordship thereof or elsewhere in Yorkshire. Dated
Monday after St. Lawrence 6 Richard II. French.
Memorandiim, of acknowledgment, 14 August.
Aug. 5. To John de Neville of Raby, Henry Lescrope, Robert de Roos of
Woodstock. Ingmanthorp and the sheriff of York, appointed to make inquisition
in Yorkshire concerning the names of the principal insurgents who
committed great number of mischiefs in Scardeburgh and first
procured risings there. Writ of supersedeas omnino ; as the king
has appointed John king of Castille and Leon duke of Lancastre and
certain others to make such inquisition, and to hear and determine
the matter. By K. and C.
Sept. 14. To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Order at the earliest possible
Westminster, day to summon a convocation of the clergy of that province in the
church of St. Paul London or elsewhere, and to move them to grant
the king a subsidy, certifying in chancery the amount thereof and
the terms of payment ; as the archbishop is aware how the king's
enemies of France and their allies are gathered together, and have
many times invaded the realm by land and sea, wherefore the king
must needs pour forth great sums for defence of the church and people,
Wt. 32813. CB 14
1382. Memhrane 2Sd—cont.
the charge whereof he cannot bear without the support of all his
The like to A. archbishop of York, to summon a convocation in the
church of St. Peter York.
[Rep. on Dignity of a Peer, iv. p. 697.]
Sept. 10. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. WilHam Breucy of London and John Catelle of London ' taillour,*
in favour of brotlier Peter Danyel and brother John Depyng, ordered
to find mainixirnors upon an information that they purposed to pass
to foreign parts in order to prosecute many tilings to the prejudice
of the king and many of the people ; and order to give up any bond
taken of the defendants in name of security.
Thomas atte W3'le to John Squier citizen of London. Indenture
of lease for twenty years from Michaelmas next of all his messuages,
lands etc. in the parish of St. Sepulchre without Neugate London,
rendering j'earlj' 135. 4rf. ; and if during that term the lessor or his
heirs shall be impleaded concerning the premises, the lessee shall
pay the costs of the defence. Dated London, the eve of the Nativity
of St. Mary 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 25 September.
John KajTies (Keynes) to John Mautravers, his heirs and assigns.
Quitclaim indented of a tliird part of the manor of Gorewille co.
Dorset, which descended to John KajTies as cousin and one of the
heirs of John Wake knight by fine leN^ed in the late king's court ;
with pro\iso that he shall not be bound to warranty against strangers,
but only against himself and his heirs. Dated Dorchestre, the eve of
St. Simon and St. Jude 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 30 October.
Membrane 21d.
Aug. 9. To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Summons to a parliament at
Woodstock. Westminster in the octaves of Rlichaelmas next, with the clause
premunientes. B}^ K.
The like to A. archbishop of York, R. bishop of London, seventeen
other bishops, and to the guardian of the spiritualities of the bishopric
of St. Asaph during the vacancy of the see.
{Rep. on Dignity of a Peer, iv. p. 698.]
To the abbot of St. Augustine Canterbury. Summons to the said
The like to the abbot of Westminster, 21 other abbots, the prior
of Coventre and the prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem
in England.
To John king of Castillo and Leon duke of Lancastre. Summons
to the saitl ])arliament. By K.
The like to Thomas carl of Bukingham, eight other earls, James
de Audeley of Helegh and 44 others, Henry Lescrope only being
styled chivoler.
[Ibid., p. 699.]
6 RICHARD II.— Part I. 211
1382. Membrane 21 d — cont.
To the shcriflE of Lincoln. Order to cause two knights of the shiro
girt with the sword, two citizens of every city and two burgesses of
every borougli to be elected and come to the said parliament. It is
the king's will that the sheriff be not elected, nor any other slieriff,
nor any of other condition than that specified. By K.
The like to singular the sheriffs throughout England, and to John
king of Castille and Leon duke of Lancastre for the duchy.
To the sheriff of Bristol. Like order for election of two burgesses
of the county. By K.
The like to the sheriffs of London for election of four citizens.
[Ibid., p. 700.]
To Robert Tresilian the chief justice. Summons to the said
parliament. By K.
The like to Robert Bealknap and six others, including Robert de
Plesyngton chief baron of the exchequer and two others styled clerks.
To Robert de Assheton constable of Dovorre castle and warden of
the Cinque Ports, or to his lieutenant. Order to cause two barons of
each of the said ports to be elected and come to the said parlia-
ment. By K.
Guy de Rouclif clerk to John Gower esquire of Kent. Charter of
the manors of Feltwelle co. Norffolk and Multon co. Suffolk, which
the grantor had by feoffment of Thomas de Catherton. Witnesses :
John Tydde, John Northfolk, Thomas Noreys, John Trace, Walter
Clider, John Overton. Dated 1 August 6 Richard II. French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 28 August.
Elizabeth who was wife of John Chapman ' brasier ' late citizen of
London to Robert Warbulton mercer and Jolin Langehorne ' brasier '
citizens of London and to their assigns. Gift of all her goods moveable
and immovable in the city of London and elsewhere. Dated London,
20 August 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 28 August.
Aug. 18. To the sheriff of Kent. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of John
Westminster. Parmonter of Sutton Valence, Roger Emrdene (sic) of Stapleherst, John
Hagheljnti of Hedecrone co. Kent and William Aleyn of Suthwerk,
in favour of William Boycote at smt of Ralph Seint Leger knight
for trespass.
The like, mutatis mutandis, to the same sheriff in favour of Richard
Grangeman of Ulcombe.
Membrane 26d.
John Bures citizen and draper of London, Robert Lepere clerk,
William Cressewyk of London and Robert Rykedoun of Wytham co.
Essex to John Fyfhyde citizen and mercer of London and Idonea
his wife for their lives, with remainder to John Loneye citizen and
mercer of London, his heirs and assigns. Charter tripartite of the
1382. Menvbrane 2Qd — cont.
manor of Estwarlesemeles co. Essex, which the grantors had of John
Fj'fhyde by fine in the king's court in 5 Richard II. Witnesses :
Nicholas fitz Richard, Robert Goshalm, Richard Palmere, Walter
Southous, Geoffrey Gore. Dated Estwarlesemels, Thursday before
St. Margaret 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 24 July.
July 15. To the sheriff of Stafford. Writ of supersedeas until further order
Westminster, in favour of John Herle knight and William de Delowe chaplain,
indicted for manslaughter of Richard de Whethale and appealed by
Jolin de Whethale for manslaughter of Richard his brother ; as the
defendants have rendered them to the marshalsea prison, and are
committed to the custody of the warden thereof.
By C. ^nth assent and advice of the justices.
July 29. Master William de Lughteburgh parson of Ernele in the diocese of
Westminster. Cicestre and Thomas de Freton to John de W^altham clerk. Recog-
nisance for 210 marks, to be levied etc. in Sussex.
Defeasance thereof, upon condition that the said William and Thomas
pay 40^. at the Nativity of St. Mary next and 30/. at the Purification
Memorandum that this recognisance was taken by John de Freton
clerk by order of the keepers of the great seal.
Cancelled on payment.
John Ive and Peter Wj^sebeche clerks to William Cressewjke citizen
of London and Alice his wife for their lives, with remainder to John
Fyfhyde, William Baret, W^illiam Nafreton citizens of London, Thomas
Skelton, William Gascoigne, John Wakefelde citizen of London,
John Scorfayn ' armorer ' and John Edmond citizens of London,
their heirs and assigns. Demise indented of the tenement called
' Douedale ' in the parish of Cambers elle co. Surrey \\\i\\ lands, rents
etc. thereto belonging, wlxich the grantors, with John IMiddellon and
John Wentcbrigge deceased, purchased of Robert Litle citizen of
London and Joan liis wife by name of a messuage, 160 acres of land,
15 acres of meadow, 40 acres of pasture, 12 acres of wood and 305.
of rent in Camberwelle by fine le\aed in the late king's court in
48 Edward III. Witnesses : Adam Popelton, Richard Wear of
Camberwelle, William atte Style, Robert Jancok, Robert Howe,
Thomas Ode, William Wals.she. Dated Camberwelle, 27 July
6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 1 August.
Thomas Lovel, son of John Lovel of Dalley co. Middelsex, to Thomas
Maidenston, William Briklys, Robert Boxfo'rdc, John ^'ian and Robert
Histon during the life of Maud Trussell (Trusel), with remainder to
John Pikenham of Essex, his heirs and assigns. Charter with warranty
of the manors of Little Kanefeld, Great Eystanes and Hernestede with
the members etc. and 10/. of rent issuing from the towns of Halstede,
Middilton, Borham, I'akele.sham, Tilbury and Manewcdon co. Essex
and all other the grantor's lands etc. in the said manors and towns ;
also the manor of Ravenston co. Bukingham. Witnes.ses : John
Bedeforde. Kohort Tewkisl)eri, John Carter of Ravenston. William
Asselene, Jolin Car bone, John Morcok of Hernestede, Richard Jones,
6 RICHARD II.— Pakt I. 213
1382. Membrane 2Qd — cont.
John Terord tlie elder of Esstancs, John Chiccot, Reynold Kampe,
John Sirerd of Kanefeld. Dated 10 March 5 Richard II.
Thomas Lovel {as above) to John Pykcnham and his heirs. Con-
firmation of a grant made by William Irelond ' broudurer ' of the
reversion of the manors of Little Kanefeld, ' Eyston atte Mounte '
and Herstede in the town of Brydbroke and 10/. of rent in the towns of
Halstede, Sundebry, Borham and Tillebury co. Essex, and of the
manors of Ravenston cos. Bukingham and Norhampton {sic), which
Maud Trussell holds for her life of the said John by reason thereof,
she having attorned tenant to him ; and quitclaim of the premises.
Dated 20 October 4 Richard II.
Meniorandu?n of acknowledgment of the foregoing charter and
■writing, 14 August tliis year.
Aug. 28. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. John Costantyn, Thomas Wike, William Clenche and John Taillour
of Middlesex, in favour of John Marchal (Maschal) of Burton at suit
of Walter atte Sounde and John Croft citizen of London for debt.
Sept. 10. William Wyncelowe yeoman of the king's chamber is sent to the
Westminster, abbot and convent of Mewes, to take for life such maintenance of that
abbey as Lucy who was wife of John atte Wode knight otherwise
called Lucetta de Gaynesburgh deceased had at the late king's
command. By p.s. [2389.]
John Horewode yeoman of the king's chamber is sent to the abbot
and convent of Evesham, to take for life such maintenance of that
abbey as the said Lucy otherwise Lucetta had at the late king's
command. By p.s. [2388.]
Sept. 10. To the sheriffs of London. Order by mainprise of John Buntynge,
Westminster. John Elete, John Markeby and John Difford of London to set free
Richard de Crosseby chaplain, imprisoned in Neugate gaol upon
suspicion of counterfeiting the pope's seal, as the sheriffs lately certified ;
as the king ordered them thereupon to make inquisition, and if they
should find him guilty to keep him there in safe custody, if not guilty
to take of him a mainprise for bringing Mm before the king or elsewhere
to ansAver touching the premises, and to set liim free ; and the sheriffs
after certified that he was found not guilty, and did not set him
free because he might not find a mainprise for which they would
Membrane 25d.
July 30. To the abbot and convent of Cerne. Nomination of John Rauf
Westminster, clerk of the king's chapel to the pension wherein by reason of the
abbot's new creation they are bound to one of the king's clerks
until etc. By p.s.
July 28. To the sheriff of Hertford. Writ of stipersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. John Emund, Adam Fermer ' coteller,' John Sewale ' fisshemonger '
and Thomas Haliwelle ' skynner ' of London, in favour of Robert
fitz Geoffrey, John his son and William brother of John at suit of
Walter Leche of Ware averring threats.
1382. Membrane 25d — corU.
July 22. To the sheriff of Bedford. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. John Avenell knight, Ralph Fitz Payn and Thomas Foston of
Somerset, in favour of Richard Hulfe at suit of Joan Coluelle and
Richard Crane averring threats.
Aug. 23. Ralph Waleys of Gloucestersliire to John de Ravenser keeper of
Westminster, the hanapcr. Recognisance for 10 marks, to be levied etc. in
Defeasance thereof, upon condition that the said Ralph shall pay
5 marks in the quinzaine of ]\Iichaelnias next.
Cancelled on payment.
Aug. 20. To the sheriff of Devon. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. William Hankeford of Devon, Richard Fode of Wiltesir and Richard
Carver of Cornwall, in favour of William White, John John, Thomas
Broke and Richard Gerveys at suit of Robert abbot of Dunkes\\ille
for trespass.
John Gower esquire of Kent to Guy de Rouclif clerk and to his
heirs. Release of the warranty contained in a charter, dated 1 August
6 Richard II, whereby the said Guy gave the manor of Feltwelle
CO. Norffolk to the said John, his heirs and assigns. Dated 3 August
6 Richard II. French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 28 August.
Aug. 26. To the sheriff of Bukingliam. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise
Westminster, of Robert Boxforde, John Luttecote, Henry Hoton and Henry
Pounfrete of London, in favour of John Gierke parson of Craule at
suit of John prior of Tykeford averring threats.
William Caly of London ' mercer ' to William Curlynge citizen and
mercer of London, his heirs, executors and assigns. Gift of all his
goods and chattels ^\ithin the realm. Dated London, 29 August
6 Richard II.
Memorandum of ackno\\ledgment, 2 September.
Letter of the signet, dated at the castle of Vise 28 August, expressing
surprise that they who for a time have the keeping of the great seal
have taken upon them to present John Scarlc clerk of the chancery
to the church of Kj^ngesnewton, as if they had the power of the
chancellor, whereas none of them is charged ^\i(h (hat oflRce, and
the king has presented John Menliir chaplain vi liis household ; and
command to revoke the presentation of Jolm Scarle, charging liim to
resign, and making no presentation in future without the Idng's six>cial
command, with order to the keejxjr of the chancer}- rolls to cause tliis
letter to be enrolled, to the end that no keeper of the great seal shall
hereafter present to any church wliile there is no chancellor. French.
Memorandum that this letter was addressed to Hugh de Segrave
the treasurer, Master Walter Skyrlawe keeixn- of the i)rivy seal, John
de Waltham clerk keejjcr of the chancery rolls and Wilham de Dyghton
clerk, keepers of the great seal.
Membrane 2id.
Memorandum that on 11 July this year, at a council holden at
Westminster palace with certain prelates and great men of the realm
6 RICHARD II— Part I. 215
1382. Membrane 24d — cont.
in a chamber there called the queen's chamber, in presence of William
archbishop of Canterbury and others there sitting, willing to discharge
Richard Lescrope then chancellor of that office, the king by John de
Monte Acuto steward of the household demanded of him straightway
to deliver up the great seal ; and he there delivered the same to the
king, as his duty was, in a bag sealed up with lus seal ; and the king
took it with his own hands, and willing that the public business of
the people's suits should not be delayed for lack of sealing although
he was not then provided with a future chancellor, the king delivered
the seal to the keeping of Hugh de Segrave the treasurer, William
de Dighton then keeper of the privy seal and John de Waltham keeper
of the chancery rolls at the king's pleasure, ordering them to cause
charters, letters patents and writs to be therewith sealed in due form
for furtherance and deliverance of suitors ; and in execution of his
command at divers times and places they sealed those things that
should be sealed until after noon of Friday before St. Lawrence, about
which hour Master Walter de Skirlawe, being at Wodestoke appointed
keeper of the privy seal, was joined with them, and so they were
continually busied with keeping the seal until Saturday the eve of
St. Matthew, and at divers places and times sealed therewith ; but
on that Saturday after an ordination held in the church of St. Paul
London by Robert bishop of London, whom at Bristol the king had
advanced to be chancellor, and had taken of him an oath faithfully
to perform the office, in the absence of the treasurer, the said keepers
of the privy seal and of the rolls and the said William by virtue of
certain letters of the king's signet to them delivered, which now remain
on the chancery file among the king's writs, and the tenor whereof follows,
in the chapter house of the said church in company of many standing
around them, delivered the seal [to the said bishop] sealed up in the
said bag with their three seals or signets : and the bishop opened the
bag and drew forth the seal, causing certain letters of presentation
of the king to be sealed forthwith, and after a charter and other letters
patent and writs ; and when all things requisite were sealed, he caused
the seal to be put in the bag and sealed with his own seal, and the
bag to be taken with him to his palace, daily exercising the office of
Letter of the signet, dated Bristol castle 9 September, notifying
that the king has appointed the bishop of London chancellor, and
charging the keepers of the great seal to deliver the same to him with
the roll of their charge and all other things thereto pertaining. French.
Sept. 5. Thomas Melton is sent to the prioress and convent of Ambresbiry,
Westminster, to take for life such maintenance in that house as John Messager
deceased had at the late king's command. By p.s. [2386.]
Sept. 30. John Rose yeoman of the king's robes is sent to the abbess and
Westminster, convent of Shaftesbury, to take for life such maintenance in that
house as John Ireland deceased had. By p.s. [2407.]
Sept. 11. John Elys is sent to the abbess and convent of Shaftesbury co.
Westminster. Wiltesir (sic), to take for life such maintenance in that house as Lucy
2 re
1382. Membrane 2id — cont.
who was Anfe of John atte Wode kiiight otherwise called Lucetta de
Gaynes burgh deceased had. By p.s. [239 L]
Oct. 7. To the mayor and bailiffs of Oxford. Writ of supersedeas, by
WestminHtcr. niain})rise of Richard fitz Simond of Essex, Jolin Baunebury clerk,
John Loryuicr ' bokelsmyth ' and Walter Berkeswelle ' blade^myth '
of the city of London, in favour of Roger Alkirton clerk, ordered to
find niainix-rnors U])on an information that he purposed to jiass to
foreign parts in order to i3rosecute many tilings to the prejudice of
the king and people.
Tiie like, mutatis mutandis, to the sheriff of Hereford.
Oct. 20. John de Herle knight and WiUiam Delowe to David de Holegreve.
Westminster. Recognisance for lOOZ., to be levied etc. in Worcestersliire.
Memorandum of defeasance, upon condition that the said John
and William shall save the said David harmless against Robert Bracy
marshal of the King's Bench in respect of 100/. ^\"herein he is bound
with them to the said marshal.
John de Daventre late parson of a mediety of Brom church, feoffee
of certain lands which were of John Bacun of Brom, to John de Popham,
liis heirs and assigns. Quitclaim A\ith warranty of the manors of
Denhani and all the lands in Denham, Hoxne, Ridlyngfeld, Eye,
Silham and Horham which the said John Bacun and others jointly
purchased of John de Herleston clerk and others. Dated 20
January 5 Richard IL
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 20 October this year.
Oct. 20. William Chauncy of Skirpenbek knight to John de Hothom of
Westminster. Scorburgh knight. Recognisance for 10/., to be levied etc. in
Oct. 18. Richard Broun ' ferour ' is sent to the prior and convent of Spaldyng,
Westminster, to take for life such maintenance of that house as John de Parys
* messager ' deceased had at the late king's request. By p.s. [2461.]
Oct. 22. Richard Sergeaux of Cornwall knight, Henry Gadecombe of Devon,
Westminster. William Hoghton of the countj'^ of Suthampton and John Barry of
Somerset to Richard Ryver ' copirsmyth ' of London. Recognisance
for 60/., to be levied etc. in Cornwall.
John Oxundune citizen and draj^er of London to Sir Roger Waldcn
clerk. Acquittance for 10/. received by the hands of William Marchant
of Suthampton, in full of all moneys due. Dated London, 21 October
6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 22 October.
Oct. 24. William de Manfeld to John de Rouclyf.
Westminster, to be levied etc. in Yorkshire.
Recognisance for lOOZ.,
Oct. 22. Gerard de Braybroke the father knight, Gerard de Braybroke the
Westminster, son knight and Roynold his hrotlicr to John de Eynesford of Tullynton
knight. Recognisance for 400 marki>, to be levied etc. in Bedfordshire.
6 RICHARD 11.— Part I. 217
J^382. Membrane 24d — cont.
Oct. 18. To the collectors of customs and subsidies in the port of Plymmouth.
Westminster. Order, upon petition of divers masters, merchants and seamen of
ships of Portugal now in that port, to stay their demand for customs,
subsidies or duties upon any cloths or merchandise not bought witliin
the realm and not there exposed for sale, notwithstanding that some
of them were transferred from one ship to another, releasing any
distress made for that cause ; as their petition shews that by command
of the chancellor of Portugal they lately repaired to Plymmouth,
bringing with them from Flanders cloths and wares, certain of which
were there transferred as aforesaid to be taken to Portugal, and that
the collectors are demanding customs, subsidies and duties thereupon
though none are due.
Membrane 23d.
Sept. 13. To the abbot and convent of St. Mary York. Nomination of Thomas
Westminster, de Brounfiet to receive the pension wherein by reason of the abbot's
new creation they are bound to one of the king's clerks. By p.s.
Sept. 20. To the sheriff of Surrey. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. Richard Monstede, John Chiryngton, Richard atte Crosse of Surrey
and John Frome of Somerset, in favour of Nicholas atte Lythe at
suit of Nicholas Slyfeld for an account.
Oct. 8. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. William de Skypwyth the younger, John de Yerdeburgh, Thomas
de Ormesby and Thomas Haxey of Lincolnshire, in favour of the
abbot of Newhous at suit of Theobald de Walkyngton averring
Thomas de Legh of Essex to John Cassy, Richard Herbergh parson of
Wolston and Richard Trylleye chaplain, their heirs and assigns.
Quitclaim of two messuages, one toft, 400 acres of land, 110 acres
of meadow, 20 acres of wood and Ql. of rent in Wyghtfeld and Appurleye
CO. Gloucestre, and all other lands etc. belonging to those manors
held by James de Lacy and John de Bodyngton vicar of Clyve Pycard
{sic) by gift of the said Thomas. Dated Thursday before St. Luke
6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 19 October.
Oct. 16. John de Ripoun parson of the Stronde church and John Gardiner of
Westminster. Woxbrigge to John de Bouland clerk. Recognisance for 2001., to be
levied etc. in Middlesex,
Cancelled on payment.
Oct. 22. Thomas Ecclesale parson of Great Massyngham, Master Roger
Westminster. Croke canon of Landaff and William Ekynton clerk to John de Ravenser
keeper of the hanaper of chancery. Recognisance for 61. 8s., to be
levied etc. in Norfiolk.
Cancelled on payment.
Sir Richard de Seint Maure lord of Castle Gary and Sir John de
Worth. Indenture witnessing the confirmation of Sir Richard's
estate in demesne and in reversion to him and the heirs of his body
in lands etc. in the parish of St. Peter ' Bradestrete ' London ; also
1382. Membrane 2M—coni.
in the manors of Eton, Pulton and Rode. Dated 4 June 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by the said John, 23 October
this year.
John Gower of the one part, Thomas Blakelake parson of St. Nicholas
Feltewelle, John Sj'bile, Edmund Lak^nghethe and John Wermyngton
of the other part. Indenture of demise to the said Thomas and the
others, their heirs and assigns, of the manors of Feltewelle co. Norflfolk
and Multon co. Suffolk, rendering yearly 40/. in the abbey church of
the monks at Westminster during John Gower 's life, power being
reserved to distrain for arrears, and to enter and hold those manors
all his life and seven years longer if the rent shall be six weeks in
arrear ; and if John Gower, his executors or assigns shall so ent«r,
they shall not be bound to repair any houses thereto pertaining.
Dated 6 August 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by the said John Sybile and
Edmund, 24 October.
Oct. 25. Walter Devereux knight, Walter his son, John Devereux knight
Westminster, and John de Bureley knight to John de CrophuUe knight. Recognisance
for 400/., to be levied etc. in Herefordsliire.
Oct. 24. John de Rouchf to William de Dyghton clerk. Recognisance for
Westminster. 40/., to be levied etc. in Yorkshire.
Memorandum of defeasance, upon condition that the said John
or William de Manfeld pay 5 marks in the quinzaine of Easter next,
5 marks in the quinzaine of Michaelmas following, and so from year
to year until 40 marks be paid.
Oct. 30. John de Repynghale of Repjoighale and Thomas Alger of Kirketon
Westminster, in Holand to John de Ravenser clerk of the hanaper. Recognisance
for 7/. 15s. Sd., to be levied etc. in Lincolnshire.
Cancelled on payment.
Oct. 29. To the sheriff of Kent. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of WilUam
Westminster. Payne of Dorset, Ralph de Branktre of Suffolk, Richard Milton of
Oxfordshire, Robert Mart on of Norhamptonsliire and William
Evenwode of Yorksliire, in favour of Adam Elys, William Elys, John
Kelsham, Thomas Halle, Thomas Burbache and Thomas Compon
(sic) at suit of John RauljTi averring threats.
Membrane 22d.
Sept. 20. To the sheriff of Surrey. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. Ralph atte Croftc, John Chirynton, Nicholas atte Lythe of Surrey
and John Frome of Somerset, in favour of Richard Moiistcde at suit
of Nicholas Slyfeld for an account.
Williaiti Cressewyk of London to Nicholas Brembre knight, John
Fifhyde mercer of London, John Ive rector of St. Michael ' Wode^trete '
London, John Wakofold and Peter Wyselx^che chaplain, their heirs
and assigns. Charter with warranty of all (he lands etc. at Sudbury
in the parish of Harwc co. Middlesex wliich descended to the grantor
after the death of Robert his brother, the said Robert by name of
6 RICHARD II.— Part I. 219
1382. Membrane 22d — cont.
Robert Cressewyke of London having purchased the premises of
Robert Mauncer cutler of London, wliich were sometime of Robert
Brabasoun, son and heir of Adam Brabasoun citizen and fishmonger
of London. Dated Sudbury, 10 August 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 18 October.
Sir John de Sutton, Sir Richard de Sutton knights, Edmund Peverell
of Essex, William Cressewyke of London, William Naferton and
Richard Forester to Thomas son of John de Coggeshale of Essex
and to Margaret his wife. Gift of a yearly rent of 6 marks, to be
taken during Margaret's life of all the lands in Writelle co. Essex
wliich the grantors have by feoffment of William Baret of London
and Eleanor his wife ; and they have put the said Thomas and Margaret
in seisin by payment of 65. 8d. Dated Writelle, Friday after the
quinzaine of Michaelmas 6 Richard II. French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by the other grantors, 18 October ;
and by William Naferton, 8 November.
Edmund Peverell to John de Sutton, Richard de Sutton knights,
William Nafreton (Naffreton) , William Cressewyk and Richard Forestere,
their heirs and assigns. Quitclaim of all the lands, rents etc. as well in
Wretele as in Wodeham Ferers and Retyngdon co. Essex whereof
William Baret citizen of London and Eleanor his wife made a feoffment
to them and the said Edmund, the said William and Eleanor and
Thomas Coggeshale and Margaret his wife having by fine levied in
the king's court in the quinzaine of Michaelmas 6 Richard II made a
quitclaim to the said Edmund and his heirs of the premises in
Wretele by name of 200 acres of land, 15 acres of meadow, 30 acres
of pasture, 8 acres of wood and Ills. 6d. of rent there. Dated 18
October 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 18 October.
John de Bouland clerk to John de Rypoun parson of the Stronde
church and John Gardenere of Woxbrugge. Defeasance of a
recognisance in chancery whereby they are bound to him in 2001.,
upon condition that the said parson shall appear in person on the
morrow of All Souls next at Westminster or London in a place to be
appointed to account before auditors to be appointed by John de
Bouland for all profits etc. by him or his deputies received of the
church and rectory of Deneham all the time that he occupied the
same, and to abide the final execution of such account according to
the auditors' award. Dated London, 18 October 6 Richard II.
Mem^yrandum of acknowledgment, 18 October.
Thomas de Roos lord of Hamelak to Hugh earl of Stafford, Sir
John de Neville lord of Raby, Sir Richard de Ravenser archdeacon of
Lincoln, John de Holt, Sir William de Benjmgholme parson of
Kirkebymysperton and William de Rempston, their heirs and assigns.
Charter with warranty of the manor of Meltonroos and lands in Guxhille
CO. Lincoln, with rents of tenants, reversions etc., and the reversion of
the rent services of all tenants in Melton, Guxhille, Elseham, Wraghby
and Glaunf orthebrigge now held for life by Sir Ralph Paynell by lease
of the grantor. Dated Meltonroos, Michaelmas day 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 23 October,
1382. Men^branc 22d — coTtt.
John de Kirkeby clerk, Ellis Re.^^le^, Jordan dc Blad^Tidone and
Thomas Byfelde to Richard lord of Ponj'^nggcs knight, William Percy
knight, Master Adam W3'gemere dean of Southmallyngge, Thomas
Kenardesle, Thomas Blast, Jolm Walyngtone and Thomas Sandres
clerk, their heirs and assigns. Charter of all lands, rents etc., and
the knights' fees called Northcraye and Levelonde and the a'dvowson
of Northcraye church, which thej^ had by feoffment of Nicholas HerjTig
and Agnes his wife by fine levied in the king's court, except lands
in Northcrcye wliich were of John (de) Gattone. Witnesses : Thomas
Sakevyle, Thomas Salman knights, John Neudegate, Roger Terry,
John Blast, Peter atte Halle, John Hogge, Tydeman Swyft. Dated
Ifelde, Sundaj^ the octaves of ^Michaelmas 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 24 October.
William la Zouche lord of Tottoneis and Harj^ngworth to Sir John
la Warre knight, John Holt, William Burgh, William Tliirnvng,
John Tyndale, Henry parson of Braunston, John parson of Everdon,
Jolui Marchaunt clerk and John Pacoun the younger, their heirs and
assigns. Charter with warranty of the castle and manor of Gresseleye
CO. Not3^lgham, the manors of Ilkeston co. Derbj^ Wythcall and
Lavyngton co. Lincoln and of Aumbresbury co. Wiltschir called the
' Conynger,' lands in Newebiry co. Berksliire, and the reversion of
the manors of Midilclaydon and Eselbergh co. Bukingham, Whet-
hamstede co. Hertford, Alvyngley co. Suthfolk, Itghtam and Ej-nesford
CO. Kent and Kyngsworthy co. Suthampton held for life bj^ Thomas
la Zouche his brother, \\ith rents, wards, advowsons etc. thereto
belonging. Witnesses : Reynold Grey lord of Ruthyn, William de
Thorp, Richard de Waldegrave knights. Dated London, 21 October
6 Richard II.
Memxfrandum of acknowledgment, 24 October.
Membrane l\d.
John Lovell knight lord of Thechemershe and Holand to John de
Urmeston and the heirs of liis body, with remainder to his right heirs.
Charter indented with warranty of all the grantor's lands, rents and
reversions of tenants in dower, by the courtesy, for life or years in
Cheleworth by Crekkelade, his neifs there and all that goes with them,
rendering to the grantor and his heirs 40s. a year after the death of
Alice who was wiie of Thomas de Seymour knight ; Mith covenant
that it shall be lawful for the grantor and his heirs to enter again
and hold the premises in his first estate in case the grantee's heirs
shall implead him or Maud his wife, their heirs or assigns, concerning
the advowson of Legh church co. Lancastre in the king's courts or
the duke's, or the}' or any other by reason of their grant shall at any
vacancy of the church hinder the grantor etc. from presenting thereto.
Dated Cheleworth, the feast of Michaelmas 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 25 October.
Elizabeth Dame Luterell of Devon to John Gower esquire. Quitclaim
of the manors of Feltewelle co. Norffolk and Multon co. Suffolk. Dated
4 August G Richard II. French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 26 October.
John Sywardby knight to William Potton clerk and William
Bateman, their heirs and assigns. Quitclaim with warranty of the
1382. Membrane 2\d — cont.
manor of Harlcton co. Cantebriggc and all rents etc. of any parcel
thereof. Witnesses : Roger Scales, Richard Lescrope, William de
Thorji, William Cheyne, John de Burgh knights, Roger Herlaston,
Henry Englissh, Thomas Sewale, Thomas Torelle, Thomas Bradefeld,
John Payn, Ralph Bateman, John Bateman. Dated Sunday before
All Saints 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acloiowledgment, 27 October.
WilHam Barneville the elder of Kent to John Vighter of Acton.
Quitclaim of all lands in Middelsex which Thomas Vighter father of
John had by grant of William Wodetoune son of Bartholomew
Wodetoune ; and release of all actions real and personal, and all
demands, rents and services due for the premises. Dated Acton
in the said county [of Middelsex], 31 October 6 Richard II.
WiUiam Barneville {as above) to John Holmys and Isabel his wife.
Quitclaim of all lands in Middelsex which they have by grant of William
Wodetoune {as before) ; and like release, acknowledging that by
40/. beforehand paid all rents and services due to the said William
Barneville and A vice liis wife during his life are fully paid. Dated
{as the last).
Memorandum of acknowledgment of the foregoing writings,
31 October.
Oct. 26. Robert de Wylughby lord of Yeresby to John bishop of Lincoln.
Westminster. Recognisance for 600/., to be levied etc. in Lincolnshire.
Memorandum that this recognisance was taken by the chancellor.
Cancelled on 'payment.
WilHam de Themelby of St. Botolph to Peter Elsjmham and John
Aubry citizens and mercers of London. Receipt and acquittance
for 100/., in full of 200/. due to the said William and Alice his wife
by bond enrolled in chancery in 3 Richard II ; and general release.
Dated London, All Saints' day 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 4 November.
Nov. 4. Robert de Plesyngton knight and Richard Banke to Henry de
Westminster. Ferrariis knight lord of Groby. Recognisance for 300/., to be levied
etc. in Lancasliire.
Memorandum of defeasance, upon condition that they or one of them
pay 150/. at London at the Purification next.
Cancelled on payment.
La^v^ence de Frodesley to Thomas Hunt the younger and Elizabeth
his wife, the heirs and assigns of the said Elizabeth. Quitclaim of
the moiety of a manor called the ' Newehalle,' of a moiety of all lands
etc. in Thurleston, Normanton, Craft, Stoke and Wykyngeston, and
of the advowson of a mediety of Thurleston church co. Leycestre,
with rents, wards, liberties, reversions etc., which the said Lawxence
had by feoffment of Sir John Sulneye knight and Dame Margaret
his wife. Dated the feast of the Annunciation 5 Richard II.
Memorandiim of acknowledgment, 5 November this year.
1382. Membrane 20d.
Robert Porter of Borham to John Baude parson of St. Nicholas
Coleabbey London, William Makcnade, Willianx Rykjile and William
Brynche.slee. Attornment by payment of Id., sa\'ing always liis term
of six years from IVIichaelmas 1 Richard II in the manor of Mokelynton
by lease of Sir Nicholas Gernoun, Sir Roger Bo^'s, Reynold de Eckeles,
Roger Wolfreton, Henr3' Serjant and Thomas Wroxham at a yearly
rent of 40/., the said Reynold being dead, the said Sir Nicholas, Roger
Wolfreton, Henrj- and Thomas haWng since made a quitclaim of the
manor to Sir Roger Boj's, John Piesholle and Robert Asshfeld, their
heirs and a.ssigns, and the}' having sold the said rent to the said parson
and the others and to their heirs, and the reversion of the manor after
the term aforesaid. Dated 16 November 6 Richard II. French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 16 November.
Joan who was v\ife of Thomas Tybson of Harwode, daughter and
heir of John de Donseford of Metheley, to Sir Robert de Swyll3'ngton
knight, Robert Grethede parson of Ekynton and Richard de Stokton
parson of Burghwaleys, their heirs and assigns. Quitclaim of the
lands, rents and services which they or any of them have in Metheley,
SwilljTigton, Elmesalle and Rothewelle co. York. Dated Swillj-ng-
ton the feast of Michaelmas 6 Richard II. French.
Meinorandum of acknowledgment at Bekhaghe on Monday after
Michaelmas before Roger de Fulthorp, by virtue of a dedimtis potestatem
which is on the king's file.
Oct. 6. To the abbot and convent of Middelton in the diocese of Salisbury.
Westminster. Nomination of Thomas Haxey to the pension wherein by rea*ion of
the abbot's new creation they are bound to one of the king's clerks,
until etc. By p.s. [2418.]
Nov. 17. Roger Boys knight, John de Pieshale, Thomas More clerks and
Westminster. Robert Asshefeld to Robert Crulle, Stephen de Navesby clerks and
William Rykhulle. Recognisance for 500 marks, to be levied etc.
in Norffolk.
Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by Robert Crulle and the said
Nov. 19. WiUiam de Swanlond, son and heir of Simon de Swanlond knight,
Westminster, to John Martel of Ardelegh of Essex. Recognisance for 20 marks,
to be levied etc. in Hertfordshire.
Maud Lorde of Ramsey to Sir John Buckeworth rector of Flamstede.
General release of all actions real and j^rsonal. W^itnesses : Edmund
Tetusworth of Oxfordshire, Nicholas Adam of Hertfordsliire, John
Raven of the same. Dated London, Thursday after St. Martin
6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment in the chancery at Westminster,
19 November.
John Brewe.s knight of Su.s.sex to John de Cobeham knight lord of
Col)eham, Robert de Swillyngton knight, John Heylesdoun citizen of
London, Ralph de Forthyngton clerk and Rolx^rt Grethed clerk, their
heirs and assigns. Sale of the manor of Wysete and all other his
6 RICHARD II.— Part I.
1382. Membrane lOd — cont.
lands, reversions, rents etc. in Suffolk. Dated Wysete, 17 November
6 Richard II. Witnesses : John Argentem, Robert Charles, William
Wyngefeld, John Holveston knights, Robert Peyton, John Weylond,
Robert Ty.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 20 November.
Nov. 21. John Palmere of Braye to Roger Cursoun knight. Recognisance
Weatminster. for 40/., to be levied etc. in Berksliire.
William de Swillyngton, Robert Grethede parson of Ekyngton,
William Pamplyoun and Henry Fox chaplain. Declaration that
Sir Robert de Swillyngton, uncle of the said William, had a signet
engraved (ponsone) upon a gold ring, and the print thereof was a head
with a lay brother's hood of the order of St. Bernard, and on one side
of the head a capital R, on the other a capital S, which ring he lost
between Friday 5 September 6 Richard II and Wednesday following,
that he never made to the said William and the others any charter,
rent charge, bond, indenture, defeasance, letter patent of warranty,
release, acquittance or writing sealed with that signet, and if any
such charter or writing shall be found or produced in time to come
it shall be held false and of no avail, that to their knowledge he made
no manner of charter or writing sealed therewith bearing a charge
to any man, woman or child, and that it is their will that this declaration
be enrolled in chancery. Dated Westminster, 29 October 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 21 November.
Nov. 23. John Frome of Westsmythefeld London ' webbe ' to John de Waltham
Westminster, clerk. Recognisance for 32Z., to be levied etc. in the city of London.
Memorandum of defeasance, upon condition that John Frome pay
8^ on Midsummer day next and 8/. on Michaelmas day following.
Memorandum that this recognisance was taken by John de Burton
clerk by order of the chancellor.
Cancelled on payment.
Adam Fourneys of Mirfeld goldsmith of London to Robert de
Swillyngton knight, Thomas de Thornour and Margaret his wife,
the heirs and assigns of the said Robert. Charter with warranty of
the manor of Fersley sometime of William de Mirfied (sic) clerk.
Dated Westminster, 14 November 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 24 November.
John Shordich the elder of Middlesex to John Ware citizen of London
and Agnes his wife and to their heirs. Quitclaim of a messuage and
garden, 32 acres of land and 2 acres of meadow in Hakeneye sometime
of John Doget of Totynam. Dated St. Katherine's day 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 25 November.
Membrane l9d.
John de Neville of Wymondeswold knight to Sir Robert de
Swillyngton and Dame Margaret his wife, their heirs and assigns.
Quitclaim of the lands, rents etc. in Somerby co. Leycestre which were
of Sir Roger Bellers. Dated Westminster, 6 November 6 Richard II,
1382. Membrane lOrf — corU.
John de Neville (as above) to Sir Robert de S\vyll\Tigton, Dame
Margaret liis \nfe and William de Boghes, their heirs and assigns.
Like quitclaim. Dated {as the last). French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment of the foregoing writings,
6 November.
Reynold de Rokesle, son of William de Rokesle, to Nicholas Bonde
knight, his heirs and assigns. Quitclaim A\ith warranty of the manor
of Sentlynge with appurtenances in Craye St. Mar}^ co. Kent.
Witnesses : John Pecche, Richard Stoke, Richard Norxnch, Robert
Curtevs, William atte Welle. Dated London, 30 September
49 Edward III.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 6 November this year.
Nov. 8. Robert de Muskham clerk to Robert de KnoUes knight. Recognisance
Westminster, for 101., to be levied etc. in Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
Nov. 8. John de Wythornwyke parson of FyljTigham and Henry Cooke of
Westminster. Fyljaigham to John de R-avenser clerk, keei^er of the hanaiier of
chancery. Recognisance for 48^. IBs., to be levaed etc. in Liucolnsliire.
Cancelled on payment.
John Devereux knight and Margaret his wife to Sir John de
Beaumond knight son of the said Margaret, being son and heir of
Sir Henry de Beaumond sometime her husband. Indenture of lease
for sixty years from Michaelmas last of the manors and lordships of
Loughteburgh, Bealmanere, Huklescote and Ernesbj- with the fees
and the advowsons of Loughteburgh, Walton, Cosyngton and Ravenes-
ton and all others in Leycestresliire or elsewhere, and the manors of
Hekyngton and Stev^enton co. Lincoln and lands, rents and serN-ices
in the town of Lincoln with fees and advowsons, held by the lessors
in dower or during Margaret's life with remainder to her said son
and to his heirs, and lands etc. by them so held in Sprouston in
the march of Scotland or elsewhere in Northumberland etc. of the
said Henry's heritage, rendering yearly 580 marks in the cathedral
church of St. Paul London, and 600 marks a j'ear in case Sir John
Devereux shall die in Margaret's life time, provided that upon her
death the lessee shall be discharged of all save arrears of the said
rent, that if the same shall be ten weeks in arrear it shall be lawful
for the lessors to enter again and hold the premises in their first estate
with all goods and chattels thereupon found, and that if the lessee
sliall die in Margaret's lifetime his estate shall cease, saving to his
heirs the reversion after her death, and covenant that if her husband
die she shall confirm this lease by new indentures. Dated 8 November
6 Richard II. French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by John Devereux and John
Beaumond, 10 November.
John de Bemond knight, son and heir of Henry late lord Bcumond,
to Sir John Devereux knight and Margaret his wife. Release of ail
actions for waste to this date in all manors, lands etc. by them held
in dower or for Margaret's life of his father's heritage. Dated
10 November 6 Richard II. French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 10 November.
6 RICHARD II.— Part I. 225
1382. Membrane 19d — cont.
William Beorton to Richard Holme clerk. Bond in ] 00 marks payable
at London at the Purification next. Dated London, the feast of St.
Martin in winter G Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 12 November.
Robert Rykedoun of Essex to Richard de Sutton knight, Thomas
BataiJle, John de Cleye parson of Rewenhale, Thomas Coggeshale son
of John de Coggeshale knight [militis), John Mot parson of Alfham-
ston, Thomas Byrcheleygh of Wytham, Richard de Waltham of Little
Waltham and John Doreward of Rewenhale, their heirs and assigns.
Charter with warranty of his lands called Poweres with rents, services
etc. in Wytham, Fairstede and Falkebourne, his manor of Termynes
with appurtenances in Hatfeld Peverell, Ultyng, Terlyng, Fairstede
and Wytham, and his manor of Nicholes, with appurtenances in
Shaldeford, Wetheresfeld and Gosfeld. Witnesses : John de Sutton
knight, John de Boys, John Filliol, John Byrcheleye, John Warner.
Dated Wytham, 4 March 4 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 21 November this year.
Nov. 24. To the sheriff of Berkshire. Writ of supersedeas in favour of Robert
Westminster. Dyer of Wokyngham at suit of Richard atte Merssh of Wokyngham
averring threats ; and order by mainprise of William de Yeland,
John de Wasshyngton of Westmorland, Thomas de Maydenston of
London and William de Elyngton of Yorkshire to set the defendant
free if taken.
The king to John Caproun of Colchestre. Lease for four years
from Michaelmas last, by mainprise of William Appilton of Colchestre
and John Brokat of Tendrjrng of Essex, of the subsidy in Essex and
Hertfordshire upon cloths for sale granted to the late king by the lords
and commons etc., rendering 40 marks a year and taking a moiety
of the forfeitures of cloth exposed for sale before being sealed etc. ;
with covenants {as above, p. 93), and covenant that if the subsidy
be further leased the lessee shall have the preference for the sum
that others will give. Dated Westminster, 8 November 6 Richard II.
French. By bill of the treasurer.
The following have like leases :
Warwickshire, Leycestershire, Salop and Staffordshire. John
Ray of Coventre for two years from Michaelmas last, rendering
401. a year and taking a third part of the said forfeitures :
mainpernors, William Hopkyns of Warrewyk, John Bray of
Stretton, Adam Walssheman of Coventre and John Wroxhale
of Berkeswelle of Warwickshire, and the sheriff shall answer
for this mainprise if the mainpernors be found insufficient.
Same date. French. By bill of the treasurer.
Lincolnshire. Richard Botiller for eight years from Christmas last,
rendering 12 marks a year and taking a moiety of the said
forfeitures, saving to the king the forfeitures put in the statute
of Westminster of the morrow of St. Edmund ; mainpernors
John Clerke of Berkshire and John Slegh of the county of
Suthampton. Dated Westminster, 14 February. French.
By bill of the treasurer.
Wt. 32813. CB 15
1383. Mnnbrone IM—cont.
Norffolk and Suflfolk. John PykjTige for four j'ears from the
Purification next, rendering 40 marks a year and taking a
moiety of the said forfeitures, saving etc. {as the last) ; wnth
covenant that the lessee shall be bound to deliver wholly
without concealment to the sheriff, by indentures between them
to be made, forfeitures made bj' liim or his deputies under the
statute above mentioned so soon as they shall be made,
saving the moiety of forfeitures under the first mentioned
statute which he shall retain, and every year to deliver in the
exchequer the indentures so made, whereby the sheriff shall
be charged : mainiiernors, John Otewy and Robert Saham
of Norffolk. Dated Westminster, 21 January. French.
By bill of the treasurer.
Margaret who was wife of Sir John de Bar\Tigton knight of the one
part, and Edmund de Baryngton, Roger Mareschal, Johii Chertesej'e,
Robert Rikedoun, John Cockynge, Master Richard Morice and Master
Richard Donmowe feoffees of the manor of Gravele to perform her will
of the other part. Indenture tripartite, reciting an indenture enrolled
upon the Close Roll in July 2 Richard II, whereby she gave to John
Maidewelle clerk for life a yearly rent of 12 marks of the manors of
Chesefeld and Gravele co. Hertford, with remainder to Sir William
de Wauton the elder, Geoffrey Hundene, Ivo Sandhurst, John
Tynmuwe parson of Aunesty, John Hockele and William atte Chambre
and to their heirs, so that the said clerk should perform divine services
for her and for the souls of her said husband and others all his life if
not advanced to another benefice witliin twenty years, and that if
he should be so advanced or die Sir William and the others should find
another chaplain for the purpose during that term, and willing that
if she shall die within twenty years the other feoffees aforesaid shall
make a grant of the manor of Gravele to the said Edmund her son
(if living) and to his heirs, upon condition that, if the said rent be in
arrear and unpaid, it shall be lawful for the said other feoffees to
enter again and hold the manor, finding a priest as aforesaid, and
after the term of twenty years and the fulfilment of her will thev'^
shall again make a feoffment thereof to the said Edmund (if living)
and to his heirs for ever, and if he be dead, to her next heirs in fee
simple. Dated 20 May 5 Richard II. Fretich.
Dame Margaret who was vvife of Sir John Barnton knight to Edmund
her son. Indenture of demise for life of all the lands etc. in Gravely
called Waunden lying on the upper side of ' Seynthomas Cros,* and the
rents and services of all tenants there dwelling on the upper side of
the said cross, rendering yearly one red rose at Midsummer for all
services Witnesses : Robert Turk, Edward de lianstede knights,
Nicholas fitz Simond, Richard Brokesburne, W^alter W^arry. Dated
Gravele, Thursday after the Purification 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknov\ledgment by the said Margaret of the
foregoing indentures, 10 Nov'ember this year.
Oct. 13. To the bailiffs of the honour of Reylegh. Writ of supersedeas in
Westminster, favour of Reynold de Malyns knight in resjiect of distress for his fealty ;
as the king has taken his fealty for the manor of Theydon Mount.
6 RICHARD I L— Part I. 227
1382. Membrane nd.
Oct. 24. To the sherifY of Northuinberland. Writ de expensis for 141. IGs.
VVestmiHstor. in favour of Robert de Cliffort and William Heroun, ktxights of the
sliire at the parliament summoned at Westminster on Monday in the
octaves of Michaelmas last, namely 4s. a day each for 37 days.
The following have like \VTits :
Cumberland. Clement de Skelton knight and Thomas Bovvet
14/. 165. for 37 days.
Westmorland. James de Pekeryng knight and John de K5T:keby
14Z. 16s. for 37 days.
Yorkshire. John Seyville knight and John Seint Quintyn knight
10/. 165. for 27 days.
Lincolnsliire. Robert de Leek knight and William Spaigne 10/.
for 25 days.
Notyiighamshire. Simon de Leek knight and John de Burton
10/. for 25 days.
Derbyshire. Thomas de Wennesley and John Cursoun 10/.
for 25 days.
Warwickshire. Robert de Stafford knight and John Eyiesford
knight 10/. for 25 days.
Leycestersliire. John Neville knight and Roger Perwych 10/.
for 25 days.
Roteland. John Daneys and William Flore 9/. 4s. for 23 days.
Norhamptonshire. John Wyde villa and John Tyndale 9/. 4s.
for 23 days.
Bedfordshire. Thomas Peyvre and William Tyryngton 9/. 4s.
for 23 days.
Buldnghamshire. Thomas Sakeville knight and John Broughton
9/. 4s. for 23 days.
Cambridgeshire. George Musshet 4/. 12s. for 23 days.
Huntingdonshire. William Moigne and William Louetot 9/. 4s.
for 23 days.
Essex. Robert Swynbourne knight and Robert Marny knight
8/. 8s. for 21 days.
Hertfordshire. Robert Turk knight and John Thornbury knight
8/. 8s. for 21 days.
Middlesex. Adam Fraunceys knight and John Wroth 7/. 12s.
for 19 days.
Kent. John Colpepir of Farlegh knight and Thomas Brokhelle
8/. 8s. for 21 days.
Surrey. Thomas Salman and Robert Loxle 8/. 8s. for 21 days.
Sussex. Edmund fitz Herberd and William Waleys 8/. 8s. for
21 days.
Norffolk. Stephen de Hales and Roger de Welesham 10/. for
25 days.
Suffolk. Richard Waldegrave and William de Wyngfeld 10/.
for 25 days.
The county of Suthampton. Maurice Bruyn knight and John
Sondes knight 10/. for 25 days.
Wiltesir. John de Roches knight 5/. for 25 days.
Oxfordshire. Gilbert Wace knight and Roger Cheyne 9/. 4s.
for 23 days.
Berkshire. Robert BuUok and Thomas Faryndon 9/. 4s. for 23 days.
Staffordsliire. Richard de Pershale knight and John de I^yghtley
10/. for 25 days.
1382. Membrane lid — cont.
Salop. Peter de Careswalle kiiight and Edward de Acton 10/.
for 25 days.
Gloucestershire. Thomas fitz Nichol 1005. for 25 daj's.
Worcestershire. Alexander de Besford lOOc"?. for 25 days.
Herefordshire. Walter Deveros knight and Peter de la Mare
knight 10/. for 25 days.
Somerset. Gile^ Daubeneye knight and John de la Mare knight
lOZ. for 25 days.
Dorset. Stephen Derby knight and Jolm Mautravers 10/. for
25 days.
Devon. William Boneville knight and Alexander Merle 14/. I6s.
for 37 days.
Cornwall. Warin Arcedekene knight and Richard Sergeaux
knight 14/. 165. for 37 days.
[Prynne, Parliamentary Writs, iv. p. 361.]
Oct. 24. To John king of Castille and Leon duke of Lancaster, or to liis
Westminster, representative in the duchy. Like ^\Tit for 10/. 16s. in favour of John
Assheton and Robert Ursewyk knights of the duchy for 27 days.
[Ibid., p. 364.]
Oct. 24. To the bailiffs of Guldeford. Like writ for 41. 45. in favour of Peter
Westminster, atte Barre and Robert atte Mere burgesses, namely 25. a day each
for 21 days.
The following have like writs :
Cicestre. John atte Castelle citizen 425. for 21 days.
Oxford. Walter Dageville and William Northerne burgesses
4/. 125. for 23 days.
Nov. 3. William de Burgh, John Cooke of Leycestre the elder and Theobald
Westminster. Warde to Edward Dal;yTigregge knight. Recognisance for 1,000
marks, to be levied etc. in Leycestershire.
Cancelled on payment.
Edward Dalyngregge and William de Burgh. Indenture of
defeasance of the foregoing recognisance upon condition that the
said William, John Cooke and Theobald Warde pay 200 marks in the
church of St. Paul London at Michaelmas next, 200 marks at Easter
following, 200 maiks at St. Peter's Chains and 200 marks at Christmas
following or \vithin a month after those feasts. Dated Monday after
St. Martin 6 Richard II. French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 17 November.
Nov. 4. To the sheriff of Norhampton. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise
Westminster, of Henry Goldsmyth, Richard Deye, John Stotusbury and Robert
Berthrom of Norliamptoushiro, in favour of John Hoyr, son of John
Heyr, at suit of the king and John Balyngton of Norhampton for
leaving his service before the term agreed ; and order to set the
defendant free if taken.
Membrane iGd.
John de Urmoston to John Jjovell knight lord of Tichemershe and
Holand and Maud his wife, their heirs and assigns. Quitclaim ■with
6 RICHARD II.— Part I. 229
1382. Membrane 16d — cont.
warranty of one acre of land and the advowson of Legh church co.
Lancastre, saving any right he may have in all lands of the rector
thereof. Dated Westminster, the feast of Michaelmas 0 Richard II,
Memorandum of aclaiowledgment, 25 October.
Oct. 31. David Holgreve to John de Herle knight. Recognisance for 100/.,
Westminster, to be levied etc. in Northumberland.
Memorandum of defeasance, upon condition that the said David
shall save the said John harmless in the exchequer in respect of 60/.
and 50 marks wherein he is bound to the king for the said David.
William Lambard and Robert de Garton clerk to John de Ravenser
clerk, keeper of the hanaper of chancery. Recognisance for 40/., to
be levied etc. in Yorkshire.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert de Knolles km'ght to Roger de Boys knight and Ellis de
Byntre parson of Carleton. Receipt and acquittance for 250 marlcs
for Martinmas term, in part of 1,000 marks wherein they are bound to
him by a recognisance in chancery of 9 July 6 Richard II. Dated
30 October 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 30 October,
Nov. 7. Michael de la Pole knight and Robert de Bolton clerk to Roger de
Westminster. Boys knight, John Pyshale, Thomas More clerks and Robert de
Asshefelde. Recognisance for 4,000 marks, to be levied etc. in
Cancelled on payment.
Michael de la Pole the father knight and Robert de Bolton clerk,
of the one part and Sir Roger Boys knight, John Pyshale, Thomas
More clerks and Robert de Asshfeld of the other part. Indenture
of defeasance of the foregoing recognisance, upon condition that the
said Michael and Robert de Bolton pay 2,000 marks in the priory of
the Trinity Gippeswych co. Suffolk, to Mit 300 marks at the Purification
next, 300 marks at Midsummer, 600 marks at the Purification, and
800 marks at Midsummer following ; and covenant that the recognisance
shall be withdrawn witliin two months after payment. Dated
Westminster, 8 November 6 Richard II. French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by the said Roger, John, Thomas
and Robert de Asshfeld, 8 November.
Nov. 12. William Pajni the younger of Dorset to John Fytelton. Recognisance
Westminster, for 80/., to be levied etc. in Somerset.
Nov. 14. Robert Parvyng knight, Henry Bowet clerk and Thomas Bowet the
Westminster, elder to Hugh de Gaudeby clerk. Recognisance for 20/., to be levied
etc. in Cumberland.
Roger de Boys knight, John Pieshal clerk and Robert Asshfeld
to John Baude rector of St. Nicholas Coldeabbey London, William
Makenade, William Rykjdle and William Bryncheslee, their heirs
and assigns. Sale of a yearly rent of 40/. payable by Robert Porter
of Borham, to whom the grantors with Nicholas de Gernoun, Reynold
1382. Membrane 16d — cont.
de Eckeles, Roger de Wolfreston, Henry Serjant and Thomas Wroxham
made a lease of the manor of Mokelynton for six years from Michaelmas
1 Richard II ; and sale of the reversion of the said manor, and all
other lands, rents and reversions in Ultynge, Hattefeld Peverell and
Teerl^'ng which the grantors had bj- gift of William UfTord late earl of
Suffolk ; Reynold Eccles being dead, and Nicholas Gernoun, Roger
Wolfreston, Henry Serjant and Thomas Wroxham ha\aiig made a
quitclaim of the said manor. Dated Friday after St. Martin in winter
6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 16 November.
William de Monte Acuto earl of Salisbury to Brian de Stapelton
knight, his heirs and assigns. Quitclaim Avith warranty for his good
service, especiallj^ when the earl last had the ward of Calais, of the
manors of Baumburgh co. Lincoln and Bampton, of all other lands,
rents etc. in the counties of Karliol {sic), Westmorland and Cumberland
late of William de Karlel, and the advowson of Bampton church.
Dated London, 1 May 3 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 21 November this year.
William Hychecok to Thomas Calston and Ralph Scot, their heirs
and assigns. Charter of 4/. of yearly rent to be taken of the grantor's
lands etc. in Andevere co. Southampton, and he has paid thereof
6rf. in name of seisin. Dated Saturday before St. Clement the Pope
6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 23 November.
Membrane \5d.
Nov. 10. John de Beaumonde knight to Richard de Burelee (Bureley) knight,
Westminster. John Lauton (Lawton) and Nicholas Potyn. Recognisance for 4,000/.,
to be levied etc. in Lincolnshire.
Indenture of defeasance of the foregoing recognisance, upon
condition that Sir John de Beaumond shall not disturb Sir John
Devereux knight and Margaret his wife or their attorneys from again
entering the manors of Loughteburgh etc., according to the covenants
contained in a lease made to him b}' them, dated 8 November
6 Richard II (French text follows ; see above, p. 224), and shall truly
pay the rent thereby reserved \vithin one quarter after the ten weeks
therein mentioned. Dated 11 November 6 Richard II. French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by the said Ricliard, John Lauton
and Nicholas, 11 November.
Nov. 12. Robert Bokenham of Suffolk to Thomas Hethe Recognisance
Westminster, for 20/., to be levied etc. in Suffolk.
Oct. 18. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas in favour of Thomas
Westminster, de Eltham at suit of the king and Margi ry de Wclton for leavhig her
service at London before the term agreed ; and order by mainprise of
Nicholas do Welton of London 'sadder,' William Derby of London
' glover,' Andrew Hervy of London ' sadder ' and Jolui Holerst of
London ' tapiser ' to set the defendant free if imprisoned
6 RICHARD TI.— Part I.
Membrane I5d — cont.
Margaret who was wife of John de Haryiigton knight to Edmund
de Baryngton, Roger Mareschal, John Clierteseye, Robert Rikedoun,
John Cokkynge, Master Richard Morisse and Master Richard
Donmawe, their heirs and assigns. Charter indented with warranty
of her whole manor of Gravele co. Hertford except the lands lying
on the upper side of ' Seynt Thomascros,' and of a piece of wood
called ' Gravelchoo ' containing 26 acres, upon condition that they shall
make a feoffment thereof to her or to others whom she shall name
as shall be contained in an indenture tripartite concerning her will.
Witnesses : Robert Turk, Edward de Banstede knights, Nicholas
fitz Simound, Richard Brokesbourne, Walter Warry. Dated Gravele,
Thursday after the Purification 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 10 November this year.
Oct. 21. To L. bishop of St. Asaph. Nomination of Thomas Wjmchecombe
Westminster, to the pension wherein by reason of liis new creation the bishop is
bound to one of the king's clerks until etc. By p.s. [2453.]
Membrane lAd.
Nov. 14. To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to cause a regard to be made
Westminster, of Ingelwode forest according to the capitula following, so that the
same be made before Midsummer next.
Nov. 17. To the sheriffs of London. Order to cause proclamation to be
Westminster, made that every merchant native and aUen of whatsoever estate,
condition or country shall at his peril pay from 1 May last to this date
and henceforward to John Organ and Walter Sibille the collectors
the subsidy of 2^. upon every tun of wine imported, and upon a smaller
vessel containing wine in proportion, and 6d. in the pound over and
above the customs and subsidies heretofore due upon woollen cloths and
other merchandise exported and imported, wool, hides and woolfells
excepted, which has been granted to the king by the lords and commons
from 1 May last until Michaelmas and thenceforward for two whole
years. By C.
Nov. 6. To the abbot and convent of St. Augustine Bristol. Request to
Westminster, admit Lambert Fermer and Isabel his wife to that house, and to
minister to them for life from 1 August last such maintenance as
Robert Barber deceased had therein at the late king's command,
making them letters patent under the common seal of the house with
mention etc., and covenant that if Isabel shall overlive her husband
she shall have the same for life, and writing again by the bearer what
they will do. By p.s. [2527.]
Nov. 8. To the prior of Burstall in the diocese of York. Order, upon petition
M'^estminster. of Richard Ballard, who has a maintenance in that priory by the
late king's command, to take again the letters patent to him made,
and admit Thomas Brounflete the king's clerk, granting him
maintenance for life of their house, and making him letters under
the seal of their house, so that the farm of the priory be not diminished
to the king's hurt. By p.s. [2529.]
1382. Memhratve. \4d — coiU.
Nov. 30. Robert Eye citizen and cutler of London to John de Burton clerk.
Wostmiiwter. Recognisance for 20 marks, to be le\ied etc. in the city of London.
Cancelled 07i payineiU.
Henry Appuldresfeld farmer of Trewelegh priory co. Kent to Reynold
Neuport. Bond in 20Z. payable at the Epiphany next. Dated
1 December 6 Richard IL
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 2 December.
Nov. 25. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. William Yorke of Westminster, Nicholas Barbour of Westminster
of Middlesex and Thomas Haxay of Lincolnshire, in favour of Roger
de Fenton chaplain at suit of Robert Halyday chaplain averring
John Bedeford the elder to Robert Darwaldshawe. Quitclaim of a
moiety of the manor of Stoke Maundewile co. Bukingham. Witnesses
Edmund Brudenell, John Anlaf, Robert Gournay, Richard de Stoke,
William Ravenj^ng of Stoke Maundevile. Dated 1 September
6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 16 December.
Membrane l3d.
John Munden of London ' wyndrawer ' to Edmund Munden, son
and heir of John Munden of Shordj'che co. Middlesex (father of the
said John) and of Emma his wife, liis heirs and assigns. Quitclaim
with warranty of three messuages, 100 acres of land, 8 acres of meadow,
3 acres of wood and Gd. of rent in Shordj'che and Hakeneye wliich the
said Edmund recovered in the king's court before the justices of the
Bench against Giles Pykeman and Katherine his wife bj- writ of entry
naming John Munden the elder brother of the said Edmund. Witnesses :
John Norhampton mayor of the city of London, John Sely and Adam
Baunne sheriffs, Nicholas Brembre, Nicholas Twjford knights, John
More ' mercer,' William ]\Iore ' vvnter,' Henry Vauner, Wilham Essex.
Dated 22 November 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 22 November.
Hugh Fastolf the elder to Simon de Burle knight. Bond in 500
marks payable on Michaelmas day next. Dated Friday before St.
Andrew 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 28 November.
John de Kilvyngton, son of William de Kilvvnglon, to Roliort
Boulot, Sir Roger Slehtholme chaplain, John DunnvDg and William
de Butt^rwyk, their heirs and assigns. Quitclaim with warranty
of all lands etc. in Bulford sometime of John de Kilvyngton uiuie of
the said John, and all reversions there which ought to descend to his
said uncle or to his heirs, which lands and reversions the said Robert
and the others have by feoffment of Joan daughter and heir of liis
said uncle. Dated Rievaulx, 4 October 5 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 29 November this j'-ear.
Nov. 8. To the sheriffs of London. Order by mainprise of John Dowenam
Westminster, chaplain of Leyccstersliire, William lircdoun chaplain of Yorkshire,
6 RICHARD II.— Part I. 233
1382. Membrane I'Sd — cont.
Adam Leycestro of London ' parchcmyner ' and Henry Assheboume
clerk of Derbysliire to set free William ' atte Crosse Nicholservant
Aston,' im})risoned in Neugate gaol at suit of the king and Nicholas
Aston for leaving his service before the term agreed.
Nov. 18. To Jolm de Norhampton mayor of the city of London and escheator
Westminster, therein, lately ordered to make inquisition what goods and lands
Henry de Burton deceased had there on or after Thursday before St.
Margaret 35 Edward III, when he was outlawed in Middlesex at suit
of divers persons for debt, to extend and appraise the same, and take
them into the king's hand. Writ of supersedeas omnino, and order
to release and deliver to Margaret Verney any goods of hers or of
others so appraised and taken, certifying in chancery the price or
value thereof, that she may answer for that which may pertain to the
king by reason of such outlawry, but proceeding to make inquisition
concerning the outlaw's lands, and to take them into the king's hand,
if any there be ; as on 13 October last for that the said Margaret,
to whom after his outlawry the said Henry gave all his moveable
goods in his debtors' hands and out as she avers, promised upon oath
to sue for recovery thereof to the king's use, the king granted that
she may sue in his name, and have of his gift a moiety of all she shall
Nov. 12. To the abbot and convent of Beaulieu. Order and request to take
Westminster, again their letters patent to brother John de Burghull, to whom
the king lately granted a maintenance for life in the abbey, and to
cause William Ryvere to have the same for life, making him letters
under the common seal of their house with mention of what he shall
take, and writing again by the bearer what they will do ; as at the
said John's request the king has granted that maintenance to the
said William. By p.s. [2538.]
Dec. 6. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas in favour of Lambert
Westminster. Lumbard of London ' mercer ' at suit of John Chaundeler for trespass ;
and order by mainprise of Angelus Christofori, Bartholomew Bozan,
Lewis del Porte, Albrandus Gascoigne, Francis Christofori and Nicholas
Luke to set the defendant free if taken.
Dec. 10. To the sheriff of Leycester. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. Gailard Pece, Peter Loue, William Scathelok of London and John
Tyler of Atherston of Warwicksliire, in favour of John Kendale of
Atherston ' souter ' at suit of John Burdet against the said defendant
and William Drakelowe of Atherston for trespass.
Dec. 11. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. Hugh Middelton of Kent, John de Sutton of London ' taillour,' William
Dumbleton of London ' taillour,' Henry Haywayde of London
' goldsmyth ' and John Swetnam of Derbyshire, in favour of John
Wesnam of Shenle co. Hereford (sic) at suit of William de Aldeburgh
averring threats.
Dec. 11, To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. Andrew Cavendissh of London knight, John Yorke of London,
Warin Walgrave of Northamptonshire and Edmund Creswelle of
1382. Membrane \Zd — cord.
Northumberland, in favour of John Lombe at suit of Thomas
Kylpyn averring threats.
Membrane I2d.
Roger de Preston, son of William de Preston, and Hugh de Brereley,
son and heir of William de Brereley, to Sir Robert de S willy ngton,
Robert Grethede parson of Ekyngton, Richard de Stokton parson of
Burgh walej's, Walter de Preston chaplain, Henry Fox chaplain,
William Pamplyoun, Thomas de Thornour, Nicholas Stapulton,
Richard Fauconer, John de Cotum, John Deuesbury, Thomas Petir-
burgh, Richard Joutes, John del Lone, William Hude, John Baker
and John de Clay, their heirs and assigns. Quitclaim of the manor
of Preston near Kj^pax co. York, and of the lands etc. there sometime
of William de Preston father of the said Roger. Dated Westminster,
31 October 6 Richard II. French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 25 November.
Roger de Preston, son of William de Preston, to Robert de
Swillyngton knight, his heirs and assigns. Quitclaim with warranty
of the manor of Preston by Kypax co. York and all lands etc. there
sometime of William his father. Dated Westminster, 24 November
6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 25 November.
Nov. 30. John Farwelle to Robert de Muskham clerk. Recognisance for
Westminator. 40s., to be levied etc. in Norffolk.
Cancelled on payment.
William de Monte Acuto earl of Salisbury and lord of Man to Brian
de Stapulton knight, liis heirs and assigns. Charter with warranty
of the manor of Kessynglond co. Northfolk with knights' fees etc.
thereto pertaining. Dated London, Sunday the feast of St. Andrew
6 Richard II. Witnesses : Robert Roos knight, Richard Ravenser,
William Hurel chaplains, Thomas Strete, Roland Rake, Henry Parre.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 5 December.
Dec. 5. Henry de Apuldrefeld and Richard Charles of Kent to William
Westminster. Pakynton treasurer of the king's household, John Colley and William
Hunte. Recognisance for 40/., to be levied etc. in Kent.
Memorandum that, upon the finding of divers inquisitions that
manors and lands in divers counties came to the late king's hands
by death of William de Say knight and by reason of the nonage of
John his son and heir, and are now in the king's hand, that the said
John died within age in the king's wardsliip, and that Elizabeth
his sister is his next heir and of full age, namely sixteen years, John
de Faluesle knight, who has taken her to wife since her brother's
death, appearing in person in chancery, craved livery of the premises,
but answer was by the court made that, among other articles in the
king's prerogative, it is contained that women tenants in chief of
whatsoever age shall be sworn not to marry without the king's licence,
and if they shall so do their lands shall be taken into the king's hand
until they shall content the king at his will, wherefore the said John
and EUzabcth ought to content the king for tlu ir trespass in marrying
6 RICHARD II.— Part I. 235
1382. Metnl)rane 12d—cont.
without his licence before they should obtain livery ; but John Faluesle,
perpending that livery was denied him, and that he might not obtain
it until the matter should be debated by the great council, sued for
livery in the parliament holden at Westminster in the octaves of
Michaelmas G Richard II, and liis petition and the said Elizabeth's
was therein heard ; and after the end of the parliament, John king of
Castille and Leon duke of Lancastre, William archbishop of Canterbury,
Robert bishop of London the chancellor, William bishop of Winchester,
Thomas bishop of Ely, J. bishop of Durham, John bishop of Lincoln,
Henry bishop of Norwich, Thomas bishop of Exeter, John bishop of
Hereford, Ralph bishop of Salisbury, the abbot of Waltham Holy
Cross and other prelates, earls, lords and princes being present in
the great council with all the justices, the Serjeants at law and many
others learned in the law, the justices, Serjeants and those learned
in the law were by the said lords, prelates etc. asked whether that
article ought to be or used to be held for law, and they affirmed that
the said prerogative is not held for a statute, that the said article was
not heretofore observed, and that by marrying without the king's
licence after the death of her brother whose heir she is the said
Elizabeth committed no fault for which she ought to content the
king, or her heritage ought to remain in his hand ; wherefore by advice
and assent of the said duke, prelates etc. it is determined that livery
shall be given to the petitioners under a date preceding the feast of
Michaelmas last when John Faluesle craved livery.
William son and heir of Thomas de Thornton of Rysum to Sir Richard
de Ravenser archdeacon of Lincoln, Sir John de Waltham canon of
Hereford, Sir John de Burton rector of Grofham, John de Scalby the
younger and Nicholas de Thornton, their heirs and assigns. Charter
with warranty of the manor of Rysum in Holdernesse, 14s. of rent
issuing from a tenement in Holmeton, the services of freeholders, the
bodies of villeins and all that goes with them, the wastes etc. to that
manor belonging, the lands, rents and reversions of tenants for life
in the said manor and town. Witnesses : Robert de Muskham canon
of Hereford, Richard de Holme, Robert de Garton, John de Popilton
and Henry Maupas clerks. Dated London, the eve of St. Andrew
6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 8 December.
Memxyrandum that this acknowledgment was taken by the
Christiana Walton, daughter of Henry Walton of Bedfordshire,
to Sir John Curteys rector of Wyppesnade and John Wappenham of
Dunstaple, their heirs and assigns. Quitclaim with warranty of
the manor of Wyppesnade co. Bedford in their seisin being. Dated
12 November 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 8 December.
Membrane i\d.
Robert de Swillyngton knight to Roger son of William de Preston
and the heirs of his body, with remainder to Edmund son of John
Fitz William knight and the heirs of his body. Charter indented
with waiTanty of the manor of Hekilton which the grantor with William
Mirfeld knight and others had by feoffment of William de Fyncheden
1382. Membrane lid — cont.
knight, and the reversion of lands in Hekilton and elsewhere to the
said manor pertaining which are held in dower by Alice who was wiie
of William de Fyiicheden ; upon condition that if the grantor, his heirs
or assigns, shall be by Jolm de Brereley or the heirs of William de
Preston thrust out or impleaded concerning the manor of Preston by
Kypax, which was of William de Preston, or any part thereof, and the
same shall be recovered by title anterior to this date, or if that manor
be charged with any rent by reason of any WTiting of William de
Preston to Jolm Fitz William or Roger or to Joan wife of the said
Roger, and such writing shall b}" judgment in a court of record be
adjudged true, it shall be lawful for them to enter again and hold the
manor of Hekilton and the said reversion in the grantor's first estate,
and the same shall revert to the grantor and his heirs if the said
Edmund shall die without issue. Dated Westminster, 16 November
6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 25 November.
Nov. 1. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas omnino in favour
Weatminster. of John Cherdesle canon, imprisoned upon information that he
purposed to pass to foreign parts in order to prosecute many things
to the prejudice of the king and many of the people and to the hurt
of the realm ; and order by mainprise of Edmund Adyngrave, Thomas
Couele and John Corbrigge of Bukinghamshire and Gilbert Lirp'
' bakere ' of London to set him free.
Oct. 22. To the sheriff of York. Order at his peril, for particular causes
Westminster, laid before the king and council in this parliament, upon sight etc.
to cause proclamation to be made, forbidding any merchant or other
of whatsoever estate or condition, under pain of forfeiture thereof
and of the vessels wherein it is laded, to take corn or malt out of the
realm to any foreign parts without the king's licence and special
command, save to Gascon}', Bayoun and Calais, the towns and castles of
Brest, Chirburgh, Berewic upon Twede and other fortresses of the king
and liis lieges ; and order to arrest any found so doing after the proclama-
tion, and their sliips and the corn, malt and other goods therein as
forfeit to the king, and to keep them in safe custodj^ until further
order. By K. and C.
The like to the sheriffs of London and ^Middlesex, fifteen other
sheriffs of nineteen counties (including Bristol), the maj'or and bailiffs
of Newcastle upon Tyne and ten other cities and towns, the bailiffs of
Scardeburgh and fourteen other towns, and the maj'or and sheriffs
of London.
{Foedera. Rolls of Parliament, iii. p. 396.]
1383. Membrane iQd.
Jan. 1. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order under pain of
Westminster, forfeiture to cause proclamation to be made of the follow ing ordinances,
and to cause the same to be observed, namely one made in the
parliament holden at Westminster on the morrow of All Souls
5 Richard II, that no Englishman who will sail over sea to import
wines of Gascony, Rochelle, Oseye, Spain and of the Rhine shall or
may under pain of forfeiture thereof sell them at a liigher price than
1005. a tun for the best wine of Gascony, Oseye or Spain and a less
price for common wine of those countries according to the value thereof,
6 RICHARD II.— Part I.
1383. Membrane lOd — cont.
namely 7 marks, 6| marks or 6 marlis, 6 marks a tun for the best wine
of Roclielle, and for other such wine 5^ marks, 5 marks, 4| marks
or 4 marlcs, and pipes and other smaller vessels at the same rate, and
as for retail of new wines of Gascony, Oseye and Spain, a gallon of
the best shall not be sold for more than 6^. under pain of forfeiting
the whole vessel and wine, but for less according to the value thereof,
and a gallon of the best wine of Rochelle for 4:d. and less, and whereas
vessels or aums of Rhine wine do not contain a fixed measure, a gallon
of the best shall not be sold within the realm in gross or at retail for
more than Gd. under the same pain ; that if an Englishman shall refuse
and will not sell liis wines exposed for sale in gross at the above price, but
only at retail or otherwise at a higher price, contrary to this ordinance,
the mayors, bailiffs and other rulers of the city, borough, town or place
in whose Jurisdiction such wines shall be found shall have power
forthwith if required to give delivery thereof to the buyer, after he
shall once or twice have made a reasonable offer of the money, for
the price above mentioned, and if any mayor etc. shall refuse so to
do when required, and shall be convicted, he shall forfeit to the king
the value thereof ; but it is not the king's intent that taverners and
other sellers of wine carrying the same into the country by wain
and otherAvise may raise the price for reasonable expenses of carriage
as was heretofore appointed, and in particular it shall be raised but
one halfpenny a gallon for carriage of fifty miles, and for a less distance
or greater in proportion and no more under pain of forfeiture of such
wine ; also that although order was made in the said parliament that
after Midsummer last no sweet wines should be sold at retail in the
realm under pain of forfeiture thereof, in the parliament last holden
at Westminster order was made with assent of the prelates, dukes,
earls, barons and commons therein that the same may everywhere
be sold at retail for the price of wines of Gascony and of the Rhine
and no more under pain of forfeiture thereof, that ordinance notwith-
The like to the maj'or and bailifTs of Newcastle under Lime.
Feb. 3. The like to the justice of Cestre or his representative there, and to
Westminster, the chamberlain of Cestre.
[Foedera. Rolls of Parliament, iii. p. 394. See also, for French
text, Statutes of the Realm, ii. p. 18.]
Jan. 9. To the sheriff of Buldngham. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise
Westminster, of Andrew del Chaumbre of Northumberland and Hugh Hangford of
Cheshire, in favour of John Lynford at suit of William Crosse parson
of Shiryngton averring threats.
Jan. 20. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. William HuUe, John Fissher, Thomas Rydyng all of Westminster of
Middlesex and William Swerston of Derbyshire, in favour of John
Charnels of Bedworth co. Warrewyk at suit of Roger Martyn citizen
and skinner of London for debt.
Jan. 23. Hugh Freman of Motesfonte to John de Popilton clerk. Recognisance
Westminster, for 49^. lOs. lid., to be levied etc, in the county of Suthampton.
Robert Kyrchille of Lokerlay to the said John. Recognisance for
34/. lid., to be levied etc. as above.
Feb. 2.
1383. Membrane ]0d — cont.
Thomas Medelano and Gilbert Bouet citizens of London to Roger
Keterich. Recognisance for 400/., to be levied etc. in the city of
Agnes sometime the wife of Nicholas Heryng to Richard de Ponj'nges
knight lord of Pouyngges and Thomas de Kynardeslee, their heirs
and assigns. Quitclaim of the manors of Levelonde, Reyhamme,
Crofte, Staundon, Combesdale and Northeraye {sic), in their seisin
being, except the lands in Kent which were of John de Gatton. Dated
Wednesdaj'^ before St. Katherine 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 26 January.
To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Writ of
supersedeas in favour of the warden and canons of the king's chapel
of Wyndesore in respect of their demand for the tenth last granted
to the king by the clergy of the province of Canterbury upon their
churches and benefices, and the demand of the collectors of the tenth
and fifteenth granted by the laity in the last parliament upon their
lands, rents, goods or chattels, and order to release any sequestration
or distress made for that cause ; as the late Idng bj' charter, confirmed
by the king, granted the warden and canons and their successors
that the churches and benefices to them appropriated, their lands,
rents and goods should not be taxed, assessed or tallied whensoever
the clergy should grant the king a tenth or other quota of their
spiritualities, or the commons a tenth, fifteenth or other quota
or tax of their goods or lands, nor should aught be lexied of them
for tenths, fifteenths or other quotas or tallages, nor should they be
distrained or troubled concerning the same. ^y K.
1382. Membrane Qd.
Dec. 13. Roger Raul3^n to Thomas Haxeye clerk. Recognisance for
Westminster. 19/. 135. 4,d., to be levied etc. in Norffolk.
Cancelled on payment.
John Wederhale chaplain to Richard de Debdale rector of Bow
church London and Jolm de Shuldham chaplain, their heirs and
assigns. Quitclaim of all the lands, rents and reversions in Edelmeton,
Totenham and Shordiche co. Middlesex wliich they jointly hold,
purchased of Nicholas Carreu the elder and Henrj'^ de Medde bourne.
Dated 12 December 6 Richard II.
John Wederhale chaplain to John Norhampton citizen and draper
of London, liis heirs, executors and assigns. GJeneral release of all
actions real and personal. Dated London {as the last).
Memorandum of acknowledgment of the foregoing \mtings,
13 December.
Nov. 26. John de Acome parson of Almanbury in the diocese of York and
Westminster. Ralph de Kesteven parson of St. Botolph without ' Aldrichegate '
London to John de Ravenser keeper of the hana}>er of chancery.
Recognisance for 100 marks, to be levied etc. of their land and chattels
and ecclesiastical goods in Yorkshire.
Memorandum of defeasance, upon condition that the said parsons
shall pay 50 marks on Midsummer day next.
6 RICHARD II.— Part I. 239
1382. Membrane dd — ront.
Dec. 3. To the collectors in Cambridgeshire of the tenth and fifteenth
Westminster, granted to the king by the commons in the parliament last holden
at Westminster. Order to levy the same without awaiting the presence
of John Tydeshale of Cantebrigge ' spycer ' lately appointed with
them, discharging him thereof ; as on 7 December 2 Richard II the
king by letters ])atent granted the said John for life liberty not to
be made collector of subsidies etc. against his will, wherefore the
king has discharged him.
Vacated, because otherwise below.
Dec. 5. To the sheriff of Worcester. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise
Westminster, of Robert Sage, William Alford, John Addurwyne of Gloucestershire
and Robert Monstede of Surrey, in favour of John Upcote and Isabel
his wife at suit of Richard Brudoun ' carpenter ' for debt.
Dec. 9. John Rose yeoman of the king's chamber is sent to the abbot and
Westminster, convent of Redyng, to take of that house such maintenance as John
Sponle deceased had at the late king's request. By p.s. [2581.]
Dec. 18. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. Benedict de Gresby, John Wyche clerks of Lincolnshire, Robert
Latymer and Peter de Upton of Dorset, in favour of John Blount
at suit of Simon Storke for debt.
Dec. 20. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order, upon complaint of
Westminster. Thomas Leycestre, imprisoned in Neugate prison at suit of Thomas
Play of New Sarum for debt, shewing that there is manifest error
in the record and process and in the rendering of judgment in a cause
between the parties in the court of the said city before John Rote
late one of the sheriffs without the kings writ, if judgment be so
rendered, to cause the record and process to come before them in the
next busting and to be read and examined in presence of the parties,
and any error therein to be corrected, doing them speedy justice ;
and order to the sheriffs by mainprise of Stephen Kendale citizen and
tailor of London, Thomas Lacy of Sussex, Joce Penros of Cornwall and
Nicholas Aire of Devon to set the defendant free while the business
of that error is pending without debate.
Nicholas de Draytone of the parish of Dorchestre co. Oxford to
William de Wykeham bishop of Winchester, his heirs and assigns.
Quitclaim of the manor of Westwittenham sometime of John Loke,
the manor of Westwittenham sometime of John Louches of Garsindon
and the manor of WestAvittenham called the ' Dounecourt ' sometime
of Jolin Mautravers, of all lands etc. in Westwittenham sometime of
John Baddeby, all lands etc. there and in the hundred of Okke
sometime of Hugh de Segrave, the manor of Aston co. Berkes and all
lands etc. in Northmorton, Walyngford, Wynterbourne, Chilton and
Colrugge members thereof, the manor of Clifton sometime of John
Moygne, all lands etc. there sometime of John Louches of Garsindon,
Thomas Cooke, and Adam de Shareshulle knight, the manor of
Bridecote sometime of John Fryland, and all lands etc. in Bridecote
and Clifton co. Oxford sometime of John Fryland. Witnesses :
Richard Abberbury, Gilbert Wace knights, Richard Brouns, Nicholas
Somerton, Walter Yonge. Dated 10 May 5 Richard II.
Jan. 5.
Jan. 8.
Membrane 9d — cont.
Nicholas de Draj^one {as before) to Master Nicholas de Wj'keham
warden of ' Seinte Marie College of Wynchestre ' in Oxford and the
scholars thereof and to their successors. Quitclaim of the manors
of Westwittenham, the lands etc. (mentiojied in the last) there and in
the hunch-ed of Okke, and of the manor of Aston. Witnesses {as
the last). Dated IG October 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment of the foregoing writings at
Oxford, 24 November this year before the abbot of l3orche.stre, by
virtue of a dedimus potestatem wliich is on the file for this year.
Membrane 8d.
To the abbot and convent of Cerne. Nomination of Richard de
Ciaynes to receive the pension wherein by reason of the abbot's new
creation they are bound to one of the king's clerks, until they shall
make him provision of a benefice. By p.s. [2590 ]
Thomas Paj'^nel knight to Sir Richard de Ravenser archdeacon of
Lincoln and John de Ravenser clerk. Receipt and acquittance for
100 marks for Christmas term, in part of 200 marks wherein they
were bound by a recognisance in chancery. Dated London, 4 January
G Richard II."
Memorandum of acknowledgment in the chancer}' at Westminster
5 January.
Agnes de Wicham, daughter of Robert de Wicham knight of
Oxfordshire and sister of Thomas de Wicham, to William de Wykeham
bishop of Winchester, Master John de Buk^aigham, John de Campeden,
Robert Perlee clerks, William de Worfton, William Ryngebourne
and Robert de Cherlton, their heirs and assigns. Grant and quitclaim
with warranty of one acre of land in Swaleclyve co. Oxford and the
advowson of the church, and of 305. of .yearly rent which the rector
of Swaleclj've for the time being was bound to pay for four virgates
of land there by him held in right of the church. Dated 1 April
5 Richard II.
Agnes de Wicham {as before) to William de Wykeham etc. {as in
the la^t). Grant and quitclaim with warranty of one acre of land in
Swaleclyve and the advowson, sometime of Robert her father, and
of 305. of rent wliich the rector was bound to pay to her father in his
life time for four virgates etc. {as before). Dated {as the last).
Memorandum of acknowledgment of the foregoing writings at
Wroxston on Saturday the feast of St. Machutus this j^ear before the
prior of Wroxston, by virtue of a dedimus potestatem wliich is on the
file for this year.
To the steward and marshal of the household. Order by mainprise
of Andrew Tetesworth, William Heynowe, John Girdeler and Hugh
Molton of Middlesex to set free John Algor, imprisoned in the
marshalsea prison at suit of John Shelford and Robert Coke averring
William de Risceby to John de Risceby his son. Gift of a yearlj^
rent of lOl., to he taken at Christmas of ihe manor of Broybiry and
all the grantor's lands in Bedfordsliire. Witnesses : Giles le Jovene,
6 RICHARD II.— Part I.
1383. Membrane 8d — cont.
John Strete, William atte Castel. Dated Westeadyngdon, Thursday
the eve of St. Bartholomew 43 Edward III.
William de Risceby of Bedefordshire to John Strete of Cadyngton.
Declaration that in 44 Edward III he put his seal to a blank charter,
and left it in the said John's keeping, trusting in his good faith to make
Emma wife of the said William an estate for life of the manor of Broybiry
and nought else, which charter the said William may not know or
see whether it shall contain his will or no ; and that any charter of
the said manor hereafter found in any hand to other purpose shall be
null and void. Dated Cayno, 14 November 6 Richard II. French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment of the foregoing writings in the
chancery at Westminster, 17 January.
Jan. 21. John Salman citizen and ' salter ' of London to Bartholomew Castre
Westminster, citizen and goldsmith of London. Recognisance for 142 marks, to
be levied etc. of his lands and chattels in the city of London.
Jan. 22. John Cordray clerk to Nicholas Bray and William Hankeford.
Westminster. Recognisance for 100/., to be levied etc. in Wiltesir.
Memorandum of defeasance, upon condition that the said John shall
save the said Nicholas and William harmless in respect of a bond
for lOOZ. by them made to Nicholas Hanley undermarshal of the
marshalsea of the king's household.
Cancelled on payment.
Declaration of John de Se,yntaub3m knight, son and heir of Thomas
de Seyntaubyn knight, that a charter in fee simple of the manors of
Comberalegh, Beaudeport and Streete, all his lands in Honyton,
Hauellesheghes and Wolvyston co. Devensir, and of the manor of
Alvyston co. Somerset, with rents, advowsons etc., made to Nicholas
Kyrkham of Blakeden, John Hulle of Excestre, John Blake of Lodde-
ford, Robert Waterman of Taunton, Richard Foldhay and John
Carlyl, upon his going over sea in company of Edward de Cortenay
earl of Devensir, and enrolled in the King's Bench in the third roll
of charters and protections of Trinity term 4 Richard II, and a charter
of quitclaim of the premises in Devensir made to the said Nicholas,
John Hulle, John Blake and Richard, dated at Combe Ralegh, Monday
the Nativity of Our Lady 6 Richard II, are upon condition that, after
seisin had, the said feoffees shall thereof again enfeoff the grantor and
Joan his wife, his heirs and assigns. Dated Combe Ralegh, Monday
the feast of Our Lady 6 Richard II. French.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 22 January.
Jan. 29. William de Humberstane the younger clerk to John Wecche.
Westminster. Recognisance for 80 marks, to be levied etc. in Essex.
Memorandum of defeasance, upon condition that the said William
. pay 40 marks at London on Midsummer day next.
Cancelled on payment.
1382. MEMBRANE Id.
Dec. 8. To the sheriff of Kent. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of EUis
Westminster. Reygner, Henry Perot, John Beaufront and Bartholomew atte Ware,
in favour of Thomas Holt at suit of the king for his ransom in default
Wt. 32813. OB 16
1382. Membrane Id — cord.
of producing Geoff re j' Denys, whose mainpernor he was at suit of
Ralph Mellers of Derteford for trespass.
Dec. 18. To the sheriff of Suffolk. Writ of supersedeas, bj' mainprise of
Westminster. Thomas de Ingelby, Wilham Bristowe of London, Robert Rigges
of Hertfordshire and Henry Lymbergh of Lincolnshire, in favour of
Stephen Pilbergh, Thomas Palmer clerks, and William Palmer at
suit of John de Waltham parson of Hadelegh for trespass.
Dec. 22. Roger Rose, Edmund Fitz Lucas, James de Marham, John Osbeme,
Westminster. Thomas Fornham, Adam Waterward, Thomas de Ewelle, John Toller,
Thomas Goddard, Geoffrey Wolleman, Henry Wrotham, Thomas
Bernyngham, Richard Whyte, Thomas Lacford, Alan de Denham,
William Chevele, Thomas atte Perye, John Rery, John Calfe and
John Berard, all of Bury, for themselves and all others of the town,
to the king. Recognisance for 2,000 marks, to be levied etc. in
Memorandum that this recognisance is made upon condition that
the king shall make pardons to the above named and all others of
the town A\illing severally to crave the same for all insurrections,
treasons, felonies, trespasses, unlawful assemblies etc. for which
fines or ransoms might be taken, all sums of money due bj^ recognisance
by them or their ancestors made in chancer}' and before the justices, or
by bonds for good behaviour or keeping the peace, and the execution
thereof, and all conditions, mainprises and undertakings touching the
same to this date, and shall cause them and their neighbours of the
said town to have a release under the common seal of the abbey
of all actions, claims and demands of the next abbot of Bury St.
Edmunds and the convent for misprisions, trespasses, excesses etc.
heretofore committed.
Jan. L To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westminster. Robert Sutton of London ' brouderer,' Walter Northore of London
' brouderer,' William Norwiche the elder of London ' cordwaner '
and Robert de Brunne of London ' ostiler,' in favour of W^illiam Kene
at suit of William Chaundos ' bruer ' for an account.
John de Sejoitaubyn knight to John de Blake of Loddeforde, Richard
Foldhay and John Carlyl, their heirs and assigns. Charter with
warranty of the manor and advowson of Alvyston and all other his
lands etc. in Somerset, -with rents, reversions, wards, marriages etc.
Witnesses : James de Chuddelegh, Jolm de Poulet knights, Nicholas
de Kirkeham, Thomas de Aflfeton, John Ci\ydya. Dated Comberalegh,
Monday next the feast of St. George 5 Richard II.
John de Seyntaubyn knight, son and heir of Thomas de Seyntaubyn
knight, to Nicholas de Kirkham of Blakedoun, John Hulle of Exeter,
John Blake of Loddeforde and Richard de Foldhay, their heirs and
assigns. Charter with warrant}- of the manors of Combe Ralegh,
Beaudeport and Streete and all other his lands etc. in Honeton,
Hauellesheghes and Woolvyston co. Devon, and the advowson of
Combe Ralegh church. Witnesses : Jolm de la Pomeray, James
de Chuddelegh knights, Nicholas de la Pomeray, Thomas de Affeton,
6 RICHARD II.— Part I.
Jan. 27.
Dec. 14.
Dec. 17.
Jan. 3.
Jan. 1.
Membrane Id — cont.
John Mattesforde. Dated Combe Ralegh, Monday the Nativity of
St. Mary 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgement of the foregoing charter and
writing, 22 January this year.
John de Neuport to Eleanor sometime wife of Sir William de Burton,
her heirs and assigns. Indenture of grant of the said John's estate
in a yearly rent of 40/. to be taken of the manor of Conyngton co.
Huntingdon, with all villeins or neifs of that manor and all that
goes with them, granted to him, his heirs and assigns, by writing of
Robert de Bayous knight enrolled in the late king's exchequer with
clause of distress, and in a second yearly rent of 40?. to be thereof
taken with power to distrain, to him granted by another writing of
the said Robert written with his own hand ; subject to a proviso
that the said John or his heirs shall not hereby be bound to warranty
of the same. Dated Little Wenden, Monday after St. Margaret
2 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 23 January this year.
John Cordray clerk to John Sotherne esquire. Recognisance for
100/., to be levied etc. in Wiltesir.
Cancelled on payment.
To Thomas Morreux constable of the Tower of London, and to his
lieutenant. Order by mainprise of John Hadle, John Boseham,
John Eyston, Robert Daue, John Lone ye and Henry Stacy citizens
of London to suffer John Fresche, whom the king lately ordered the
constable to keep in safe custody until further order for his dehverance,
to go at large vvithin the Tower and to have his sport and conversation
there ; as John Hadle and the others have mainperned body for body
and under a pain of 1,000 marks that he shall not withdraw thence
vdthout the king's special licence, and shall do or procure nought
which may tend to the prejudice of the king or the peace. By C.
To Thomas Morreux etc. {as the last). Order, upon petition of John
Fresche imprisoned in the Tower for certain misprisions for which he
is indicted, by mainprise of John Philipot knight, John Boseham,
Henry Stacy and Robert Daue citizens of London to set him free ; as
the said John Philipot and the others have mainperned body for body
and under a pain of 1,000 marks that he shall not eloign himself, but
be ready to return to prison upon eight days' notice to them or one of
them in order to stand to right touching the premises.
To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
John Bygonet and Robert Langeley of Oxfordshire, Henry Morepath
and Robert Brantspit of Middlesex, in favour of Alan Longe of Oxenf ord
' spicer,' ordered to be put in exigents with Agnes who was wife of
William Corby the elder and with William Corby the younger, executors
with him of the said William the elder, at suit of John Bradefeld
citizen and grocer of London for render of 111.
To the sheriff of Suthampton. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise
of John Cleve ' fuller,' Peter Speresholt ' fuller,' John Swyft ' fuller,'
1383. Membrane 6d — cont.
Walter Wyght ' tayllour ' and John Wyght * taillour ' of London, in
favour of William Dygherc of Xe\\eport of the Isle of Wight at suit
of William Ansty of the Isle of Wight for mayhem and breach of the
Richard de Pon^Tigges lord of Ponynges knight to Agnes daughter
of Robert de Norhtwode knight, William Sharpj'nge, Richard
Westmorland clerk, John Base, Thomas Holt and William Makenhade,
and to their assigns. Indenture granting for life of the said Agnes a
yearly rent of 54 marks to be taken of the manors of Twyneme,
Hangelton and Ponyngges co. Sussex, payable in the manor of
Northcreye co. Kent, with power to distrain for arrears in those three
manors and in the manors of Rokesle, Totynton, Ekles and Westwode
CO. Kent and all lands to these last manors adjacent to whose hands
soever they shall come, and whenever they shall take a la\\'ful distress
the grantor and liis heirs shall be bound to pay to Agnes and her
executors 205. for costs, with power to distrain for the same, and if
that rent or anj^ parcel thereof shall be in arrear fifteen days after
such distress, or a distress shall be unlawfully liindered, rescued or
replevied, or the pound wherein it is impounded shall be broken by
the grantor, his heirs or assigns, or by any servant of theirs, the
grantor and liis heirs shall be bound to pay as much again, and
covenant that for greater security Agnes and her assigns may
distrain in any of the manors aforesaid equally ; but if the grantor,
his heirs or assigns, shall by reason of anj' title before this date
without collusion or default of theirs be thrust out of the manors of
Staundon and Coumbesdane of the yearly value of 12 marks, Rey-
hamme and Croft of the yearly value of 25 marks, and Levelonde
CO. Kent of the yearly value of 17 marks, they shall be discharged of
the said rent, or of so much thereof as the yearly value of any parcel
recovered against them, the arrears excepted : covenant.s that if the
grantor etc. shall yearly jmy 12 marks thereof at Northcreye to William
Calwe clerk for life or to his assigns, he shall be discharged of so much
of the said rent, and like\vi.se if of the manor of Reyhamme he shall
yearly pay 4 marks to John Walyngton for life, also that he sliall be
bound to the said Agnes in 40/., to attorn tenant to any to whom she
and the others shall make a grant of the said rent, or of any part
thereof : and he has delivered to them 40r/. in name of seisin. Dated
14 October 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 27 January.
Membrane 5d.
Richard de Ponynges knight lord of Ponynges, William Percy
knight. Master Adam Wykemere dean of Southniallyng, Thomas
Kynardesle, Thomas Blast, John Walyngton and Thomas Saundres
clerk to Agnes daughter of Robert de Northwode knight, William
Makenhade, William Sharpynge, Richard Westmorland clerk, John
Base and Thomas Holt and to their assigns. Charter indented with
warranty of the manor of Northcreye during the life of Agnes, rendering
one ro.se yearly to the grantors, and covenant that they may make
waste therein without imj)eachment. Dated Tuesday the feast of
St. Katherine 6 Richard II. Witnesses : Hieliard Northwich, Richard
Stokke, Jordan de Bladyndon, John Catel, William Kerkeby of Craye,
6 RICHARD TI— Part T 246
1383. Membrane 5d — cont.
Peter atte Halle, William Beaufoy, Richard atte Crouche, Tidyman
Memorandum of acknowledgment by Richard de Ponynges and
John Walyngton, 27 January.
Ellis Regner and Thomas Holte to Sir Nicholas Brembre of London
knight, John Chaumberleyn chaplain and Nicholas Leche, their heirs
and assigns. Sale and demise of all the rents and services in the
towns, hamlets and parishes of Derteford, Stone, Wilmynton and
Sutton CO. Kent held in dower by Margaret who was wife of Thomas
de Grandsoun knight of the heritage of Roger de Northwode, son and
heir of Sir John de Northwode knight, and those which the said Roger
had severally by the hands of divers tenants there and elsewhere in Kent
of the heritage of the said Thomas de Grandsoun to his purparty
after the death of the said Thomas, and the reversion of the same
when they shall fall in, the said Roger having granted the same to the
said Ellis and Thomas Holte and to others now deceased, their heirs
and assigns, by a writing enrolled in chancery in April 4 Richard II,
and the said Margaret and the other tenants having attorned tenants
to them. Witnesses : Thomas Shardelowe, Geoffrey Gonhale, Richard
Sonee, Edward Aleyn, Robert Hostieller. Dated Derteford,
12 December 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by Thomas Holte 29 January,
and by the said Ellis 31 January.
Eleanor sometime wife of Sir William de Burton to Nicholas de
Burton her son and Richard de Spaldewyke rector of Little Castirton,
their heirs and assigns. Indenture granting a yearly rent of 40/.,
to be taken of the manor of Conyngton co. Huntingdon, all villeins
of that manor of Robert de Baious knight and all that goes with them,
which the said Robert by writing enrolled in the late king's exchequer
granted with clause of distress to John de Neuport, his heirs and
assigns, and a second yearly rent of 40Z. to be taken of the said manor,
which by another writing made with his own hand the said Robert
granted to the said John, his heirs and assigns, with power to distrain
for arrears, the said John having granted his estate therein to the
said Eleanor, her heirs and assigns. Dated Conyngton, Wednesday
after the conversion of St. Paul 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 29 January.
Joan who was [wife] of Thomas de Felton knight, being tenant of
certain lands of her husband's, to the king and to Queen Anne.
Quitclaim of the manor of Kyrketon in Lindeseye and the members
thereof, wherewith among other things the queen is dowered. Dated
London, 30 January 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 13 February.
Thomas de Thetford and Richard Rokel clerks, executors of Thomas
de Felton knight, to the king. Release, in name of the said testator,
of all actions for debt etc. Dated London, 30 January 6 Richard II
Memorandum of acknowledgment by the said Richard, 13 February.
Memorandum that on 19 February these two writings were by John
de Waltham keeper of the rolls of chancery delivered to the treasurer to
be kept in the treasury.
1383. Membrane 5d — cotU.
Jan. 28. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of
Westiniiiater. Robert Sek^nton of Staffordshire, John Felstede of Essex, John
Col^Tigburne of Wiltesir and John Cantebrigge of Cambridgeshire,
in favour of William Flaymburgh clerk at suit of John Chylde averring
Clarice who was wife of William Fisshere of Apelderham co. Sussex,
sister of Agatha wife of John de Burlee of Estmeone, to William de
Wykeham bishop of Winchester, his heirs and assigns. Quitclaim
with warranty of a messuage, a mill, 205 acres of land, 10 acres of
meadow, 60 acres of pasture, 50 acres of wood and 405. 6(i. of rent
in Estmeone, Burlee and Drayton co. Suthampton, which the bishop
lately had by feoffment of the said John and Agatha. Dated
7 November 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment at Cicestre 13 February before
John de Bisshopeston chancellor of Cicestre cathedral, by virtue of
a dedimus potestatem which is on [the file] for this year.
Jan. 7. To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Summons to a parliament at
Westminster. Westminster on Monday in the third week of Lent next, with the
clause premunientes ; as it has come to the king's ears that Charles
his chief adversary of France, having subjugated the greater part of
Flanders wliich was of the king's friendship, is hastening to besiege
Calais, and it is the king's intent to saU in person over sea in order
to raise the siege, recover the crown of France, and succour his friends
and lieges. By K. and C.
The like to A. archbishop of York, R. bishop of London, seventeen
other bishops, and to the guardian of the spiritualities of the bishopric
of Landaff during the vacancy of the see.
[Rep. on Dignity of a Peer, iv. p. 700.]
To the abbot of St. Augustine Canterbury. Summons to the said
The hke to the abbot of St. Albans, 22 other abbots, the prior of
Coventre, and to John Radyngton prior of the Hospital of St. John of
Jerusalem in England.
[Ibid., p. 701.]
To John king of Castille and Leon duke of Lancastre. Summons to
the said parliament.
The like to Edmund earl of Cantebrigge and nine other earls, James
de Audeley of Helegh and 45 others, of whom Henry Lescrope only
is styled chivaler.
[Ibid., p. 702.]
To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause two knights of the shire
girt Avith the sword, two citizens of every city and two burgesses of
every borough to be elected and come to the said parliament. It is
the king's will that the sheriff be not' elected, nor any other sheriff,
or any man of other condition than that specified above.
The like to singular the sheriffs throughout England, and to the said
king of Castille and Leon duke of Lancastre or to his chancellor in the
6 RICHARD II.-Part I. 247
1383. Membrane Ad — cont.
To the sheriffs of London. Order to cause four citizens of that city
to be elected and come etc.
The like, mutatis mutandis, to the sheriff of Bristol for election of
two burgesses in the county of Bristol.
{Ref. on Dignity of a Peer, iv. 'p. 703.]
To Robert Tresilian the chief justice. Summons to the said
The like to Robert Bealknap and six others, including the chief
baron of the exchequer and two styled clerks.
To Robert de Assheton constable of Dovorre castle and warden of
the Cinque Ports, or to his lieutenant. Order to cause two barons of
each of the said ports to be elected and come to the said parliament.
Feb. 2. To the abbot and convent of Burton upon Trent. Request to take
Windsor, again from William Wyghteman servitor of the chancery, who has
taken a maintenance for life in that house at the grant and command
of the late king, their letters patent under the common seal of the house,
to admit the said William and Agnes his wife, and to minister to them
for their lives and to the survivor of them such maintenance as the
said William had, making them letters patent under the said seal with
mention of what they shall take, and writing again by the bearer what
they will do ; as for the said William's good servce the king has granted
that maintenance to him and the said Agnes as aforesaid. By K.
Thomas son of Thomas de Baa to John Asscheby of Blacolueslee
and the heirs of his body, with remainder to the heirs of the said
Thomas. Charter with warranty of a messuage and one carucate of
land in Blacolueslee with crofts, rents etc., also of a messuage with
two crofts called 'Rodestonplace,' and two thirds of two virgates of
land in Wodeblacolueslee called Gollofers. Dated Blacolueslee,
6 February 6 Richard II. Witnesses : William Hay, John Porter,
Wilham Spencer, William Wayte, John Gierke.
Memx)randum of acknowledgment, 7 February.
John Hervy of Bedefordshire and Thomas Charlton to Peter atte
Hethe ' armorer ' and William Cressewyk citizens of London, their
heirs and assigns. Quitclaim of ' Bokelescroft ' in ' Thistelfeld ' in
the parish of Totenham, 3 acres of land in ' Martefeld,' 1 acre in a
field called the Rid3rng, 4 acres in ' Netherhakeneyfeld,' 1 acre by the
garden of John Cheseman of Clopton, a piece of land called the ' More-
plot,' 2 acres of land and meadow in the ' Northmylnefeld ' abutting
on the ' milneponde ' of ' Cracheggesmylle,' half an acre there by the
' Milnelane ' abutting on the said ' milneponde,' a field called
' Hopperfeld ' with garden adjacent, a garden between a tenement
of John le Smyth and a tenement sometime of John Tuwe, a meadow
called ' Lytelmede ' as enclosed at the ' lok ' by the said mill, and 1|
acre of meadow in ' Netherhakeneymede ' in the parish of Hakeneye,
whereof they were enfeoffed by Thomas Midelton parson of Hakeneye
and John Schordich by consent of the said John Hervy and Thomas
1383. Membrane Zd — coni.
Charlton, the same being parcels of certain lands in Hakeneye and
Totenliam co. INIiddlesex whereof Nicholas Pole chaplain and William
Hilteslee made a feoffment to the said John Hervy, Thomas Charlton,
Thomas Midelton and John Schordich and to their heirs, by name of
all the lands, rents, reversions etc. therein which the said Nicholas
and William had jointlj' with John Sibile of London, John Esmond
and John Buk' chaplain by feoffment of John Picard, son of Henry
Picard sometime citizen of London. Dated London, 11 February
6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 11 February.
Memorandum of a mainprise under a pain of 500 marks made in
chancery at Westminster 13 February this j'ear by John Cary, John
Cobleston and John Thurle of Devon for Walter Cornu of Horwode,
and by the said Walter for himself, that he should do or procure no
bodily hurt or harm to James de Chudelegh knight or John Ackelane,
for his good behaviour towards the king and his ministers, and that
he should do, attempt or procure nought whereby the j^ace may be
Jan. 22. To the abbot and convent of Peterborough. Request to take again
Westminster, of William Aystone the late king's serjeant letters under the common
seal of their house concerning a maintenance which he has there for
life at that king's command, and to admit the said William and
Henry Chandeler his cousin, one of the yeomen of the king's chamber,
and minister the same to them and the survivor of them, making them
letters patent under the said seal with mention of what they shall
take, and writing again by the bearer what they will do ; as with
assent of the said William the king has granted that maintenance to
the said William and Henry as aforesaid. {See p.s. 2619.]
Jan. 8. To the collectors in Kent of the tenth and fifteenth last granted
Westminster, by the commons of England. Writ of supersedeas omnino, of the king's
compassion for their poverty, in favour of the prioress and sisters
of tlie house of St. James without Canterbury ; and order to release
any distress upon them made.
Jan. 12. To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Writ of
Westminster, supersedeas omnino in favour of the said prioress and sisters, and of the
said collectors ; and order to release any distress made upon either
of them.
Jan. 22. To the warden of the Flete prison or his representative there. Order
Westminster, by mainprise of John Durward, Roger Cavendysshe, John Rokelle
and John Sompter of Essex to set free Walter Savare of Kyrkeby in
the hundred of Tendryng, there imprisoned for certain rebellions
and misprisions committed against the king and the collectors in
Essex of the tenth and fifteenth last granted by the commons.
Feb. 5. To the abbot and convent of St. Augustine Bristol. Order to take
Westminster, again of Lambert Fermer the king's serjeant their letters patent
concerning a maintenance for life in that house, which he has by the
king's command, and to admit WiUiam Philbert burgess of Bristol
and Isabel his wife, and minister the same for life to them and the
6 RICHARD TI.-Part I. 249
1383. Membrane 3d — cont.
survivor of them, making them letters patent concerning it, and writing
again by the bearer what they will do ; as the said Lambert is minded
that they shall have his estate therein, and is ready to give up the
said letters. By p.s. [2636.]
Ricliard de Ponynges luiight lord of Ponynges to William Callewe
clerk. Gift for life of a yearly rent of 12 marks of the manors of
Twynhem, Ponyngges and Haungelton co. Sussex payable in the
church of Northcraye co. Kent, with power to distrain for arrears
in the said manors and the manors of Totyngton and Ekles co. Kent ;
and he has paid 4:0d. in name of seisin. Dated London, Thursday
after Michaelmas 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment, 27 January.
Richard de Ponyngges {as above), William Percy knight, Master
Adam Wykemere dean of Southmallyng, Thomas de Kynardesle,
Thomas Blast, John Walyngton and Thomas Saundres clerk to William
Calwe clerk and Thomas Byfeld. Letter of attorney, appointing
them to deliver to Agnes daughter of Robert de Northwode knight,
William Makenhade, William Sharpyng, Richard Westmorland clerk,
John Base and Thomas Holt seisin of the manor of Northcreye. Dated
Tuesday the feast of St. Katherine 6 Richard II.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by Richard de Ponyngges and
John Walyngton, 27 January.
Maurice Russel, son and heir of Sir Ralph Russel knight, of the
one part and Walter Clopton and Edith his wife of the other part.
Indenture granting with warranty to the said Walter and Edith for
their lives, and to their assigns or executors for one year longer, the
manor of Kyngeston Russel co. Dorset after the death of Alice who
was Sir Ralph's wife, who holds the same for her life, rendering yearly
after her death 20 marks. Dated Horsyngton, Monday after All
Saints day 6 Richard II. Witnesses : Sir John Strecche, John Tome.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by the said Maurice, 29 January.
Jan. 31. Hugh earl of Stafford to Michael de la Pole knight. Recognisance
Westminster, for 2,000 marks, to be levied etc. in Staffordshire.
Michael de la Pole knight to Hugh earl of Stafford. Recognisance
for 1,000?., to be levied etc. in Yorkshire.
Thomas Buy ton of the city of Hereford to Robert de Muskham
clerk. Recognisance for 6/., to be levied etc. in Herefordshire.
Memorandum of defeasance, upon condition that the said Thomas
pay a moiety of that sum at Easter next.
Hugh earl of Stafford and Sir Michael de la Pole the elder. Indenture
of covenant, made 1 February 6 Richard II, that the said Sir Michael
shall marry Sir Michael his son to Katherine the earl's daughter on
13 April next or soon after by agreement of the parties, the earl paying
the costs of the marriage ; that Sir Michael the elder shall within a
month after make a feoffment of lOOZ. of land of fee simple to them
1383. Membrane 2d — cont.
and the heirs of their bodies ; that he shall have the ward of them,
maintaining them suitably at his own cost, and the said land until they
can or may rule themselves ; that on the marriage day the earl
shall pay him for the marriage 500 marks, and 1,000 marks within
five years after, to \\it year by year 200 marks ; that in case Katherine
die witliin five years the earl shall be discharged of such payments
after her death, and the moiety